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File: 58 KB, 483x569, bchshort.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8962731 No.8962731 [Reply] [Original]

>bch shorts up 35%
uhh guys

>> No.8962756

so either someone invests in liquidating those or bcash dies

>> No.8962759

Jealous corecucks, they will be crushed

>> No.8962862

stupid to short it right now

>> No.8962907

Its literally consolidating for another pump right now

>> No.8962927

you late adopters need to just end yourself already, it's getting really cringeworthy having to listen to this level of cope.

you do realize "core cucks", us early adopters, who are now all rich and own thousands of btc, also happen to own thousands of bcash, all for free? you understand bcash was airdropped? those that didn't sell our bcash for a 25-30% gain on our bitcoin holdings aren't going to sell now, but why would be buy when we were given for free more bcash than you could possibly buy?

>> No.8962971

No billionaire investor to save it, bye bye bitchcoin

>> No.8963007

>you do realize "core cucks", us early adopters
I thought all corecucks were nocoiners like the core developers.

>> No.8963014

all I do with my bcash stack is gambling for more bitcoin. Would never risk a satoshi for a ver

>> No.8963034

Such threads like this are so funny to watch.

>> No.8963048

>own thousands of btc

>> No.8963056

It's dangerous to go alone! Take this.

>> No.8963123

nice LARP, every single early adopter is now on cash's side, for the same reasons they supported btc earlier

>> No.8963135

Thanks, I know the paper.
Question, why you post it?
Is it because you have an issue with Segwit and putting the witness at the bottom of the block, or is it that you would like to see limitless sized block which make it unpredictable to know how much space hosting the chain will take up. Being against mining centralization can't be the issue, else bcash would have not used the Sha 256 algo.

>> No.8963143

Not gonna lie, former Cashie here. This is fucking hilarious watching Bcash crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this shitcoin get the OP codes.

>> No.8963154
File: 26 KB, 473x500, 5475f07b98fe34f609a8e5f46ead6b85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone here has a secret crush on bcash

>> No.8963157


kek watch those shorts get BTFO the same as the BTC shorts last week

>> No.8963201

Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System
A purely peer-to-peer version of electronic cash sent directly from one party to another without going through a financial institution

Bitcoin was supposed to be peer to peer cash, every early adopter who support core didnt understand the whitepaper

>> No.8963229

no bitcoin was supposed to be an almost mirror version of our current situation: mastercard funded lightning nodes lending fractional reserves of their btc for sweet interest rates and censoring transactions that counter their political objectives. Also, strict KYC laws.

>> No.8963252

cringiest comment 2018

>> No.8963254
File: 53 KB, 403x448, 1523404055047.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SegWit corrupts the chain, end of argument. Bitcoin cash is the only valid Bitcoin chain around now.
I don't know what you mean about them using the 256 algorithm but nobody cares if the chain grows faster until it scales to Visa levels you pussy.
Of course they used double sha256 because it's Bitcoin and has been Bitcoin since the genesis block.

>> No.8963319

so basically you are against segwit and sha 256
means you don't want to use bitcoin or bcash. What the fuck are you doing ITT

>> No.8963332


>> No.8963346

it just increased from 650 to 840$. the time to short is not so bad.

>> No.8963379

SegWit solves the malleability issue, where bcash tx can still be attacked. Really, cashies are the barrel of the bottom
Ascis. You don't seem to like them and would rather see everybody mine with a cpu again

>> No.8963395
File: 102 KB, 746x500, 1522064423919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shorters face when they get squeezed

>> No.8963456
File: 24 KB, 800x399, bitcoin-forks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SegWit solves transaction malleability (a small, non issue) by corrupting the chain (big actual issue).

>> No.8963464

>SegWit solves the malleability issue, where bcash tx can still be attacked. Really, cashies are the barrel of the bottom
>>>8963332 (You)
>Ascis. You don't seem to like them and would rather see everybody mine with a cpu again
Why the fuck should I wand a weaker network????

>SegWit solves the malleability issue, where bcash tx can still be attacked. Really, cashies are the barrel of the bottom
Fucking genius:

>> No.8963482

>I'm an early adopter with thousands of BTC
>doesn't understand the difference between an airdrop and a fork
Sure you are.

>> No.8963556

If you are worried about it not being a p2p cash solution, you obviously want the validation process to be as decentralized as possible, which would require that Bob would be able to run a competitive miner, which with asics isn't going to happen.
The chain isn't corrupted, running a full nod makes it still possible to check the signatures, your picture is obvious FUD to bait new faggots into buying your free bcash

>> No.8963632

core cucks on suicidé watch

>> No.8963667
File: 18 KB, 225x300, s-l300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The chain is corrupted. No longer do Segwit transactions need to have their full input script history validated. The chain of cryptographic signatures of the coin ends as soon as a Segwit transaction is made. In the case that every transaction became a descendent of Segwit then the entire previous chain could be pruned. And you'd be left with no chain before that point. Bye bye blockchain, bye bye genesis block, bye bye censorship combat hello Bitcoin Cash.

>> No.8963668

you faggot shills should try new shill techniques, Alinsky doesn't really work with people knowing Alinsky. Maybe wait for summer when the new faggot storm comes, for now you just provide archived proves that bcashies are just shills

>> No.8963673

Fun fact: the word decentralization doesnt appear in the white paper. Bitcoin is a trustless system, the node distribution doesnt affect it.

>> No.8963698

But not necessary AKA. Blockstream taking the crypto security out of Bitcoin.

>> No.8963725

okay, you are a brainlet who derived his whole knowledge from either a provided script, or youtube shills. I can go watch the bitcoin blockchain with SegWit enabled live just now. btw, you fucked up your shill with the
>no more Genesis block
Go back to shill school

>> No.8963749

blockstream doesn't control bitcoin. Miners do, and the competition among bitcoin miner is higher than the competition inside the small bcash mining cartel.

Alinsky one-o-one, always accuse your opponent doing what you do

>> No.8963782


>> No.8963809

Pools are composed from thousands of small miners who have economical incentives to keep bitcoin secure. Corecucks think that bitcoin is broken but still call Bitcoin Cash names for "stealing" the brand.

>> No.8963829
File: 79 KB, 1280x720, bcash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8963858

going all out it seems. So we can agree that both are totally crap. Lets pack our bags guy, sell all and go all in on doge coin. When summer comes you should definitely have better arguments, else bcash will not survive 2018, let alone be around for a halving event

>> No.8963887

Can you prove that bitcoin is broken?

>> No.8963890

yikes, you's a dumb nigger lmao, haha

>> No.8963945

imho bitcoin is not broken.
It is still the most secure blockchain having survived literally every attack that was conducted, including a fork with a billion dollar marketing campaign behind it. And as written above, the only thing I do with my bcash is gambling for more bitcoin. I have no incentive helping ver, jihan and santander