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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8961485 No.8961485 [Reply] [Original]

- Biggest case for real-world crypto adoption in history
- Price tanks 40%

>> No.8961506

brazzers nad other places used to take BTC
wraith is stealth addresses
Verge is all smoke and mirrors. Pretty much everything they claim to be "the first" at is false.

>> No.8961511

fuck off to your subreddit

>> No.8961517

They said you could buy with crypto if you want I went on porn hub for research purposes only and it has 2 lines dedicated to it without even explaining it's a big nothing.

>> No.8961524

>Biggest case for real-world crypto adoption in history
WHAT? literally what? are you some kind of retard?
fuck off newfag, no one cares that you were dumb and & bought into this shite. go buy some XRP

>> No.8961546


This is actually factually accurate, even if you do not like it.

>> No.8961551

>you can already buy porn with btc

>biggest shit coin on the market right now

Ok bro

>> No.8961576

I'm in awe that I'm down over 30k since yesterday
literally the biggest partnership ever in crypto
this market is retarded

>> No.8961589

don't you get that they only got accepted because they paid 70mil?

i mean its a good thing that crypto gets exposure but the verge community is so fucking delusional it hurts

>> No.8961603

you guys gathered up 70mil to do something Bitcoin already did. I understand you're new but jesus christ.

>> No.8961607

Not on porhub, only verge for subscriptions, which total half a billion a year. This is just the beggining for verge. And its a real use case scanrio to pay monthly porn sub with verge to avoid it showing up on bank statements

>> No.8961618

porn sites have taken bitcoin before. there's a reason people sell the news.

>> No.8961634

Dont coins pay don’t listed on exchanges all the time? What the fuck is the difference? It’s for exposure retard

>> No.8961638

no it's fucking not.
it doesn't even work.
there are projects out there that are literally being used right now under the hood with huge global companies you haven't heard of.
that's real-world adoption.
currency-oriented crypto projects won't be adopted en masse for at least the next 20 years. and you can fucking screencap that.

>> No.8961645

No its fuckin isn't. no one made a big deal about btc being accepted about a Tesla! who the fuck will care about this? only bag holders. with tesla you can get something for real a real product.
STFU newfag

>> No.8961649

Nobody’s gonna buy eth or btc, send it to another exchange, buy xvg, and send it to Pornhub to avoid a $10 hit on their bank acct which is already fucking anonymous retard. You realize when you buy porn it doesn’t say PORNHUB on your bank statement right?

>> No.8961663

Nice FUD. And you are ignoring the giant advertising banner ot millions of losers who wish they had money to get a real chick

>> No.8961664

You are fucking retarded lmfao

>> No.8961672

lmao people don't give a shit about usercase, it's all about the hype baby, that's why chainlink is a winner and VENcucks busy sucking cock in bathroom stalls.

>> No.8961676

You really think people will spend they time and lose their money on exchanges to buy verge just to pay for something... Legal?

>> No.8961678

There’s giant advertising banners for scam ICOs all over the Internet, better go invest in those too

>> No.8961691

>literally the biggest partnership ever in crypto
you ppl are funny, the worst part is you actually believe this shit. have fun holding those bags

>> No.8961700

ahahahaha stay poor with that weakass rational dumbass

>> No.8961703
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>it's all about the hype
>in 2018
you better get you FA game on soon anon

>> No.8961727

The absolute state.
You were literally scammed again and you're still denying it.

>> No.8961737

yea but they dont act like they are the new jesus. i actually tried to give verge a shot but as soon as i read #vergearmy and shit i knew this community consists of delusional 18 year old moon boys. grow the fuck up and dyor. invest in some quality coins.

> accidental hardfork
> code sucks ass
> wraith didnt work as planned
> someone mined blocks way too fast and no one gave a shit because they dont even understand it

this is truly a shitcoin.

>> No.8961742

you bought a fucking dead cat bounce. the only poor one here is going to be you as this thing keeps dropping. There's nothing verge does that isn't done better by another, more secure coin.
VEN has 0 use case and is entirely hype. Ven's BMW partnership is just as useless as Verge's pornhub partnership.

>> No.8961749

I bought the dump. Why? The exposure this gives Verge. Good luck to everyone selling, I hope you made some bucks, but god damn, this is big news and selling now seems foolish.

>> No.8961752

I tried to swing XVG yesterday and now I'm stuck holding this shitcoin's bags lmao. Maybe I'll sign up for premium now LOL

>> No.8961756

I think you are just FUDing to keep price sub 1000 sats to accumulate

>> No.8961773

also see:
Please learn a thing or two about how a cryptocurrency really works to understand why these are VERY VERY VERY bad things. Dismissing these legitimate issues as FUD is only something a dumb redditor can do.

>> No.8961802

Sorry man I’m just tired of seeing my low iq crypto colleagues be burned by coins like trx and xvg

>> No.8961814

dude. Your coin had a major, MAJOR attack where somebody printed millions of dollars. Nobody cared because your community is too fucking stupid to understand what a 51% attack is. You really think anyone who is serious about crypto is going to buy now? They pumped it for the announcement and sold the news to get out before this ship comes burning down due to shitty code and copy/paste devs.

>> No.8961840

How many pump and dumps have you faggots fell for and you can’t tell the most obvious one ever when it’s right in front of your dumb face

>> No.8961841

Dude you dont care about the fomoer's. you just care about yourself adn want people to panic sell this btottom so you can load up your bags a little cheaper. just fucking load up at 875 you fagit

>> No.8961844

Out of interest: if it tanks, at what price will you sell?

>> No.8961866

Sell if it goes below 850. Never accept more than 5% loss in general though, and thats a huge amount. Be willing to accept 2 or 3 1% losses for that 8% swing

>> No.8961868

What’s wrong with you? Nobody’s loading up on your pathetic 4chan bags we’re trying to help you

>> No.8961872
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I feel sorry for these single digit IQ responses. You must be right. An industry leader of a billion dollar market, a famous household name, surely fails to see all of these mentioned points. Greasy /biz dwellers like yourself obviously know and understand a lot more than these pioneers. I am also sure your comments will persuade them and reverse the decision to invest millions in a global marketing campaign.

"Thinking they were wise, they became fools."

Also, die of cancer.

>> No.8961893

Nobody’s saying they will reverse the marketing campaign we’re saying the price will continue to tank despite being advertised everywhere

>> No.8961896

this. fucking this. I love when low IQ neets who think they are MENSA FUD on shit like this and have to watch it explode upwards 10% before they fomo in begrudgingly

>> No.8961934

FOMOs don't make a market. Smart money does. if FOMOs influenced the market, verge would be sky high as we are talking. But it's dumping. Hard.
You FOMO'd in. Why isn't the price going up? Because only idiots FOMO. Please stop emotional trading its killing your bags.

nice phoneposting redditspacing. This isn't groundbreaking it's just marketing. And you fell for the marketing. I would be impressed if you could buy Verge with USD directly on pornhub or coinbase but that isn't happening. You still have to get past the initial learning curve of using secondary exchange after buying BTC or ETH with USD. No normie is buying into this.

>explode upwards 10%
it's down 30% 24 hours. going up 10% won't be a recovery. Stick to reddit if you want a hugbox.

>> No.8961942

Now im saying its oversol and people panic sol and it shouldnt be below 1000 stats. so yes, 10% rise is imminent

>> No.8961946
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since I bought XVG at 11 sats and again at 50sats last year and had over 2.7million of them. and sold the fucking lot all the way upto 1800sats in december.
I can tell you to go fuck yourself, newfag.

XVG has become a fucking laughing stock.

>> No.8961962

Fair enough. Congradulations on making it.

>> No.8961979


Yep this. General use currency will happen, but not until smart contracts have basically reinvented business the same way the Internet did. There's just not the same demand. Now trustless, B2B (and some B2C) interactions.....that's the fucking moneyshot.

>> No.8961980

>before they fomo
I don't FOMO. I learned the hard way after getting burned, luckily it was before the 2017 bull run so I didn't lose out too hard.
Stop. Emotional. Trading.

>> No.8962006

I wated to respond to XVG holders and see theres only jl10PSfi left. But to everyone holding on to XVG: I don't want to mock anyone but seriously ask yourself how you are biased by your bags: do you see the advert campaign as "huge opportunity" because you don't want to sell now with a 30% loss or do you really believe in it? There's a possibility that today will be the highest price of XVG maybe ever

>> No.8962007

sold most way to early but did well.
I fucking love XVG but ever since October's shitshow and again on NYE i will never buy XVG again just out of principle.

>> No.8962031
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>> No.8962546

Anon, no one pays for porn, it’s reduced it’s value