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8958674 No.8958674 [Reply] [Original]

How big is your rig? What are you mining? How long have you been mining? How much do you make per day? Do you use gamers tears to cool your gpus?

>2 1080s, 1 1050 ti
>nicehash algos
>~1 month

>> No.8958717

Hehe,i have numbers on my rigs too. Don’t have a lambo but allows me to sit on my fat ass all day long and have a nice garden,as far as i’m concerned i’we already made it

>> No.8958754

17 1070s, 1 1070ti, 1 vega 64, 2 1060s, antminer L3+. Cba to calculate daily earnings since im in bed, probably in excess of 30 dollars a day after electric. If you count starting out with my gtx 960 a year and a half ago thrn thats when I started with nicehash. Fuck gaymers.

>> No.8958787

I have to wonder, when setting up what I assume would be the cheapest and efficient mining rig possible, why this person went for the bright blue LED power supply for every single unit.

>> No.8958813

Leds use hardly any energy at all

>> No.8958819
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This big

>> No.8958828

Nice. Do you search around for shitcoins pre exchange to mine?

>> No.8958849

It's more just picking the flashy looking power supply that usually cost more because stores mark up flashy PC parts.

>> No.8958862

Second this. Is it better to try to mine shitcoins cheap?

>> No.8958881
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>> No.8958898
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>> No.8958911

>$40/month optimized droplet
>since mainnet launch
>~15 kh/s right now
>200% theoretical profit per day

>> No.8958917
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>> No.8958928

I have a 5th will finish with a 6th. The end result will look epic !

>> No.8958963
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mining on my smartwatch and chromebook- https://unorthodoxmining.wordpress.com

no joke

>> No.8959431

Be gone brainlet
Every modern pc part is riddled with LEDs now. If your PSU isn't rated you shouldn't be mining with it

>> No.8959521

Teach me oh wise anon? How to optimize and generally get setup?

>> No.8960213

38 1080ti's.
80 S9's
40 L3+'s
18 D3's
10 A3's

Quite a bit.

>> No.8960222

the fuck is this? Holy shit, nigger rigged or what.

>> No.8960407

On the software side, is there anything that can be done to improve the hashrate on shittier gpus?

Like, if it was written as tightly as possible in ASM, would that affect it, or are the energy/computation difficulties down to something else?

>> No.8960426

id be careful with that wood
could easily catch on fire if it gets too hot (thats why PC cases are made out of steel)

>> No.8960868
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Monero is making bank atm

>> No.8960878
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>> No.8960910


>> No.8960913

stop posting this abomination

>> No.8961300

>Monero is making bank atm
How can a coin do anything. It's like saying a decentralized nickel is building a outhouse

Fucking crypto cuck

>> No.8961328

>1 post by this id

>> No.8961391
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I mine with my little poor fag rig.
131mh/s at 700W in ETH.
105mh/s at 430w from 7x 1050 to
26mh/s at 270W from a GTX 1080

>> No.8961399

>using nvideas for eth
How to spot a newfag miner

>> No.8961433

My rig is Rendertoken.

>> No.8961438


I'm using three RX 580 Pulse 8GB with 89mh/s at 600W.

I cant lower electricity

>> No.8961458

You are the most single retarded person ive ever witnessed on this board
>could easily catch on fire if it gets too hot

Wood (from trees) will burn from around ~3000 degrees celcius.
You think some graphic cards get to 3000 degrees celcius? Deluded retard

>> No.8961504

its speled Celsius you fucking spastic

>> No.8961535
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i'd get rid of that window bro, just in case

>> No.8961568

How's your ROI going, miner cucks?
>b-but 2 years is not even t-that long!

>> No.8962243

ROI'd months ago, now I literally print money. whats it like buying my bags at market prices that I mined at 1/10th the cost

>> No.8962390

Hi guys, long time lurker first time poster.

I just built my first desktop not too long ago and apparently my parts are pretty decent (bought before crypto boom) so I've been mining Monero and Nimiq.

For someone who is bottom level but not pajeet tier, what should I do to expand this? I have enough cash to get either another Ryzen or two subpar vid cards

>> No.8962393

you realise that you took on a much larger amount of risk than the average trader right? We have stop limits, market options at every level to offload assets that are depreciating etc...

You mine cryptocurrencies. Even if you did pay yourself back, you have tied the fate of all your assets, time spent aquiring and buliding these setups, as well as any coins actually mined, with the future of XRB.

Satoshis are your god.

Agreed the market went up (we all fucking knew it would, and you definetly factored in your understnading of the market at the time you setup rigs) but risk is inherent to what you do in a way it isn't for most investors.

>> No.8962420

what are you even blabbering about? I could sell my cards right now for even higher than I paid for them last year, and they have already paid for themselves. now they will print free money for YEARS.
>with the future of XRB
what the fuck are you even talking about, you can't mine XRB

>> No.8962448
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I can guarantee that you guys are virgins.

>> No.8962454

Yeah i understand you're holding onto assets that you treat like profit now, and that you've made money, but have you made more than I have putting the money i could have put into mining into crypto directly? literally just market buying.

the answer is fuck no, I think a rig is great for passive income, but I don't think you outperformed my NEM.

>> No.8962459

not especially.

look for low difficulty/high reward coins to mine. not necessarily going to be cheap shitcoins

>> No.8962465

>can't mine XRB
jesus fucking christ this thing probably lays eggs.

>> No.8962468

dumbest thing i've ever read

>> No.8962508
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>durrrrr guys I'm gonna mine me some Raiblocks

>> No.8962512

mining will very outperform top traders but can be a safe and consistent way to make bank

>> No.8962542

do you have infinite money to put into crypto? if not then mining is better in the long term. you can buy crypto once with your fiat, I can buy GPUs and produce crypto forever, or until the cards die which will be a decade or more

>> No.8962562

I ordered another 84 S9's the other day :)

>> No.8962631

>buying 13th asics
60+ th asics coming out Q3 and you retards are still paying 2k for raspberries lmao

>> No.8962720

Are you talking about kodakminers? That's a scam bro lmao.

Also we averaged the cost to $1200 with PSU due to 18k in coupons sorry bro

>> No.8963459
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>> No.8963551

Sure bro, sure. Samsung already has 40 something th chips and bitmain will wait for release to unload their 55+th new asics

>> No.8963628

Sounds like I'll buy some of these 55s when they are released. Something tells me EOY or Q1 18

>> No.8963765

>what is increasing difficulty

>> No.8963769
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My friend gave me one of these because it was too loud for his apartment, and I've got a server rack in the datacenter downtown, but these cheap chinky chassis are not rackform and do not fit at all unless awkwardly propped up on a narrow side.

Is it possible to swap everything to an octominer.com rackmount chassis/mobo? I don't know how proprietary these internal components are. I know you could do it with regular hardware but I'm unsure.

>> No.8963773

Also; I can't find any evidence suggesting that Samsung based rigs are near distribution or achieving this mythical 40Th/S only thing I could find was discussion of the dragon mints which appear to not be that great

>> No.8963779
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Sorry, these are in reverse order.

>> No.8964035
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hm. who'd write a crypto guide that's actually legit? it just means more hashpower, meaning less money for the guy writing the guide.

guess id understand it if it was written by someone selling hardware

>> No.8964170
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I am adding a 5th waiting for riser. The wood and metal will be black when all is done.

>> No.8964222

6 1070's & 6 570's
Eth all day every day
8 months prolly
$7/day with these prices, $25/day at ATH
Not gaymers, my gf's tears when I took over the study

>> No.8964269
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The case is designed for 1 PSU. Dremel took care of the rest

>> No.8964293
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Mesh filter. Clean look

>> No.8964309
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>> No.8964318

14 rx480
I exclusively mine Monero
~1 month ago
About $20

>> No.8964343

I must add that I have free electricity for life

>> No.8964402
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what will the future be now that miners run the world

>> No.8964512

Bought my first 2 rigs back in january/february this year. (9 GPUs.) Soon halfway ROI'd even in this bearmarket if i were to dump my bags... Just DYOR and stay away from nicehash/miningpoolhub and the like and you will be fine.

>> No.8964596

I'm a dumb trader and I don't want to convince anyone of anything. I tried to mine Garlic and I failed. Anyways, besides caps and other things like supply, what else make you decide something is a good coin to mine and what is shit?

>> No.8964663

Octominer - 4x1070 4x1060 6gb
i7 3770k - 4x RX580

Ryzen 1700x 2x 1070
Ryzen 1400 1x 1060 3gb

ETH, NIM, BTC via nicehash, Burst

Mining over a year.

$16ish dollars a day. Mine and Hodl, I made 40k last year mining and hodling and trading ETH to EOS

>> No.8964704

no helps

plz help us with a website to mine coins before they moon thanks biz

>> No.8964835

I'm genuinely curious how you managed to convince yourself of that. The surface of the sun is less than twice that temperature.

>> No.8964921
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Just my laptop when i'm not using it for anything else - 1x 1070
I mine Lux.
Profits are hard to estimate, as the price varies a lot nowadays. Also, i used more hardware before. Today the average is 0.1 Lux per day, but the total of all the mining is 15 Lux which i am sitting on.

>> No.8965410

I could pump your already mined coins a lot with my $7 and then you can dump on me. In general when coins are mineable by noble NEETs growth is often more stable than with proof of murdering. Proof of murdering also moons and dumps but it usually takes longer to reach old highs. So if there are different kinds of mining maybe instead of a magic website I can make an autistic spreadsheet and I post it here in a couple of weeks and that helps you a bit on deciding what coins to mine and when. Or I waste my time making it and you don't even waste yours reading it, that's also possible.

>> No.8965475

Just imagine what happens when a company stalling progress to slowly unload their products (like apple) sudently finds competition.

>> No.8965496


>tfw I thought “gamers tears” was a leading brand of gpu coolant

>> No.8966090

I'm currently using just my regular GTX 1060 and some random shitty computers at work. Barely gettting 1kH

Anything in the 300 - 500 dollar range that I could use to mine Cyrptoknight currencies like Intense and Sumo and shit like that just to pull in a nice bucketload of shitcoins?

Preferably something simple and small

>> No.8966237
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>crypto guide

>> No.8966396

>Parents are about to downsize from their 600k home in the city
Should I tell them to put 30k towards mining?

>> No.8966513

Whats the best coin to mine atm?

'friend' wants to start a small power plant sized mining operation with foreign cash, serious.

>> No.8967051

CUDA is alread "ASM for GPU".
What you can optimise is the algorithm.
But at this point, I think that everything has already been done...

>> No.8967073

>Not just making a masternode

>> No.8967209

I have 2 GTX750Ti, and a core i5.

I would like to buy a GTX1050Ti, will it be compatible to run side to side with my 750s, or wont it work?

>> No.8967212

Bulwark or 0xBitcoin. Fast accumulation. 0xBitcoin is also worth a lot in ETH rn relative to the ease of mining it. I

>> No.8967240

Monero by far since the fork

>> No.8967992

god damn it you know what i meant lol