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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8957298 No.8957298 [Reply] [Original]

What are your worst investments ever?
>My ex gf

>> No.8957402

Bachelor's of Science in Manufacturing Technology (I live in California).

>> No.8957442

100+ hours and money into Dragon Age Inquisition

>> No.8957455


>> No.8957467

etoys in 1999
jibrel network token in 2018

>> No.8957472

I have been burned by insider trading scandals before but the big one is my bachelor's degree. I should have gone to trade school, done two years learning welding or electrical or finish carpentry or something. Any of those would have been cheaper and immediately more lucrative.

Proliferation of useless liberal arts bachelor's degrees on the back of a rapidly bubbling student loan debt is going to continue to cause major problems with the economy in future. It's bad now and it will get much worse.

>> No.8957478

450+ days played on WoW

>> No.8957488


you can work anywhere in the world with that degree you goofy fuck

what happened?

>> No.8957496

the bird on the left has horrible tits

>> No.8957505

i'd still cum on her face tho if you know what i mean

>> No.8957524

Etoys was good if you got out early, same with anything you speculate on.

>> No.8957538

>Proliferation of useless liberal arts bachelor's degrees on the back of a rapidly bubbling student loan debt is going to continue to cause major problems with the economy in future

Nope. Student loans aren't a bubble for a few reasons, one being they are not speculative. You will just eat the loss for the rest of your life.
It will suck for you, and a lack of jobs in every economy will be a growing problem, but it won't be a market crash.

>> No.8957548

waiyuan app

>> No.8957554

Ok here is mine.

6 years in the USAF. I should have gotten my technical certificate, a degree, and then left with a fake injury + disability at 2 or 3 years. Instead I finished my enlistment and didn't lie about being injured or having any issues.

I got out into the civilian contracting world and immediately started running into young 20's somethings who were kicked out of the military for various reasons, but since they got their certification in their career field, were still sought after in the work force. Most of them also collect several hundred dollars a month in fraudulent disability.

So I basically wasted 4 years of my life since I didn't want to be a shitbag. That's about 80k per year that I could have been making in contracting, that I missed out on, plus the thousands of dollars a year in gibs for not lying about injuries.

I cared back then and considered it a matter of pride, but now that I am trying to make it, I don't give a fuck and I regret now pumping the broken system for my share.

>> No.8957559

Hey what's it like browsing 4chan in china?

>> No.8957577

Peanuts. You don't wanna see my WoW /played
And also 1400 hours on Stellaris and counting...

>> No.8957615
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I fell in looooove. Then she couldn't support herself or her daughter because of sickness and I couldn't stand the thought of them being in section 8 housing if I left. This was supposed to just be a temporary fuck buddy thing that got out of hand. Call me cucked, I don't care.
Currently wasting my degree as a wildland firefighter, but honestly I enjoy that job more than the three years of designing microwave telecoms hardware for a company that didn't give a shit about me.

>> No.8957619

I have those hours logged into Stellaris, Mount and Blade: Warband, SWTOR, WOW, and League, but I enjoyed my experience for all of those games. I hated myself and DA:I for every hour I spent being a completionist and exploring the corner of every fucking huge map they had. It was like being a heroin addict and knowing it was terrible for you but you've taken so many hits that it just gave you more pain to complete the next sidequest

>> No.8957620


>> No.8957639

the thousands i used to buy books i have yet to read, and which i could've saved to buy tons of cheap linkies

>> No.8957648

The problem here is that it's a horrible game, not the hours spent. You should have played something monocled, like Planescape: Torment

>> No.8957650

Exactly what I'm getting at, anon

>> No.8957651

sounds like you got played, hombre
>my girlfriend's daughter
you poor, stupid shit

>> No.8957656

Investing in others and not myself

>> No.8957672

EE degree in Canada.

I need to leave this place but I stayed for 2 years after grad and now there is a gap. I'm making up a "business" to fill it with though so I should be good to go soon.

>> No.8957694

Just doing a community service basically until she can get on disability or go back to work. Would you take care of a family member that was going through really hard times?

>> No.8957712

Are there any engineering companies that went out of business that you could add as an employer?

>> No.8957720

Oh that's also a good idea. But my fake company seems like it is starting to become a real one as well, so I'm going to give it a solid go before resorting to desperate measures.

>> No.8957719



>> No.8957741

Yeah, she gave herself cancer just to get money from me. Thanks for your input.

>> No.8957764


>low income housing
>sob story
>dumbfuck willing to support her

she doesn't actually have cancer, retard

>> No.8957769

yeah but my girlfriend's daughter isn't a family member

>> No.8957774

>her daughter
topkek, a true textbook cuck case. you gonna get fucked in the ass, son.
the fact that you think your degree was your worst investment and not the whore that is using you speaks volumes about you and your betaness.

>> No.8957805

My current wife

>> No.8957856

I've been to the doctor with her, so I guess the doctor is lying too.

I've fucked more women at one time than you probably have in your whole life. I've also done some real scary gangster shit that I'm not comfortable talking about on an Ethiopian snake tying board, anonymous or not. You have no fucking clue who I am or what I am like, you just pigeonhole me to fit into your narrow worldview. Grow up.

>> No.8957867
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>> No.8957876

>What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.8957881

I listened to /biz/ when I bought btc and eth and gained a lot. 3rd times a charm though lol

>> No.8957934

The absolute state

>> No.8957940

The absolute state of (You)

>> No.8957943

>the fucking state of /biz/

Crypto ruined this board

>> No.8957945

At least I don't play WoW.

>> No.8957971
File: 26 KB, 460x495, 1522108416983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you're gay?

>> No.8957985

>My ex gf

Me too anon
>$10k while dating
>$30k in court fees/lawyer after false abuse claims
>Lost job because she also happens to work there too (yes, I'm dumb) and filed with HR

>> No.8957990

I dont

>> No.8957996

my wife

>> No.8958009

It's like I'm talking to bots or something. Have any of you ever considered having a creative thought? This was supposed to be where the smart people hang out. I want a refund!

>> No.8958033

-30% on a car from the auto auction. Found out that all the cars worth anything get picked off in private deals between the parking authority and select dealers.

>> No.8958034

Then what is this post about? >>8957478
You better not be lying on the the internet!

>> No.8958071

spent 200 hours developing an app. Macbook took a shit and lost my ios build. Realized I would need millions for the advertising anyway.
I have conceded to wagecucking for real estate investments and shitcoins. Future side hustles will revolve around those areas as well.

>> No.8958079

did i mention that i still play it? lmao the absolute state

>> No.8958127

In the begging of the post I wanted to shake your hand. Now I just want to spit in your face

>> No.8958133

It's not going to take you nearly 200 hours to rebuild your work, but you are right about needing seed money to get it off the ground. If crypto doesn't work out so well in the next year just see if you can get a business loan.
You've already done most of the hard part, don't let a few setbacks discourage you. In a few years you could be looking back and laughing.

>> No.8958138

You got a soft heart. Learn to say no

>> No.8958157


>> No.8958162

>Did I mention that I still suck cocks?
>There, I'm not a cocksucker then!
You will always have to carry the shame of what you have done. It's yours alone.

>> No.8958171

says the cuck lmao

>> No.8958184

I'm not going to live with the guilt of kicking a cancer patient to the curb to fend for herself. Not in the state she's in, there's no safety net for her to fall back on.

>> No.8958192

This is a chance to double down on what you thought was good about your app and remove what wasn't. Good software takes a couple of rewrites once the abstractions become clear, in my experience.

>> No.8958203

You are doing the right thing, don’t listen to this people that have no social bonds or no one to care for or being cared by

>> No.8958267

Thanks buddy, I appreciate the positivity. The sociopaths on this board do make me nervous about the future, then I remember I'm on a board that is dedicated to making money. But then I remember it's people like this on Wall Street, in the banks, and worst of all, government.
These people need God.

>> No.8958368

>the absolute state
>the absolute state
>the absolute state
>the absolute state
>the absolute state
You are a meme.

>> No.8958428

WoW was great until MoP, no regrets. Sure, Cataclysm didn't have fun questing zones and the PvE kind of sucked but the PvP was still great IMO.

Is Stellaris worth getting? I have thousands of hours logged into EU4 and CK2 but I've never actually played Stellaris.

>> No.8958514

Trying to get people to like me.

>> No.8958596

LMAO i didnt pick up on it, you're this guy!




wew lad

>> No.8958597

I wouldn't worry too much. Theres a reason most people here are on /biz/ instead of wall street. They're not exactly the brightest at making money.

>> No.8958672

hey i just jacked off to that porno

>> No.8958814

Actually it would take more. First time I built it out it was a hybrid app. I am learning java now but I would need both swift and java builds. Plus it would need following implemented this time around:

facebook api
ethereum api
live messaging functionality
rating system
upboat system

so figuring all that shit out in 2 different languages is quite a task. Lets say I do it and its ready. Then you have the problem "build it and they will come." Not how it works since 2010. The ethereum implementation does not lend itself toward an ICO either, it is better as a proof of value kind of thing.

Ill tell you something bizbros. This is my 3rd app that I am ditching. Any apps I make in the future will be something focused on
>saving money for an industrial niche
>saving time for an industrial niche
all these consumer apps are a dime a dozen, look at the funds burned by offerup and letgo, they still are barely relevant. If you want to make an app, make it like turbotax for some obscure real estate insurance form that is a major pain in the dick. That is something that you can actually "sell" to someone with a "problem."

>> No.8959149


>> No.8959162

feel ur pain bro

>> No.8959176

Yeah, you caught me, and you would be proud of your accomplishments too if you had any beyond computer games. Had any near death experiences lately? I've had four in the last year alone doing this shit. Firefighting consumes your life, and I'm thankful for the experience, but I'm ready to have that not be the only thing I ever get to do any more.
Push yourself, expand your horizons. There is life outside of your room.

>> No.8959223

Why dont you just build it on react native? T. Former app builder anon with a similar situation to yours (except cant code and my tecnical partner left to chace corp-bux so the project died)

>> No.8959245

It's worse than that.

You described the pretense of why everyone is supposed to be here.
But forgot that a majority of the people here are NEETs and social dropouts.

I admire you, in a stupid way. You are like my father and I both - too kind of heart, never expect much in return of friendship - and thus, always get stomped on.

My father told my about our "get-shit-on" personality early on so I have had time to adjust.

Just, be a good person.

>> No.8959405

Dude, with the kind of experience and knowledge you have, you are going to come out of left field with a great idea and get not just money, but respect too. Just keep going, look at everything you have done until now as training for the big one. You'll make it.

Thanks. It is hard to make a lot of money these days if you are unwilling to fuck someone over. It would be so easy too, but the fact that I have never compromised my morals means that I will be able to enjoy my riches someday without having to feel like I stole them, and that is important to me.
Just don't call it a "get-shit-on" personality! How about "take shit on" instead?

>> No.8959438
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>all of this projection in one post

cmon man you're gonna have to try harder than that. being a condescending asshole all the time must take a toll on your mental health

>> No.8959470

I used to be a gamer too :^)

>> No.8960309
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>> No.8960532

I've watched these 2 stars grow up. I still remember the day I found Sydney Cole for the first time.

Wowwa-weee-waaa. Such a pretty face to jerk to. Cheers boys, cheers. This ones in honor of all the fallen legends.

>> No.8960536


>> No.8960619

Link, Rialto.AI, NVO DEX, NANO

>> No.8960621


>> No.8960637

2.5 btc to butterflylabs


>> No.8961134


>> No.8961283
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Smoking. 5 years, probably thousands of dollars, a hurting lung and fucked up health. I quit and havent smoked for 3 months already, but the damage is done.

Dont smoke kids.

>> No.8961442
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Is this the most dedicated larp ever?
You cant be serious. You're being weak, m8. Your mind is poisoned by heroic hollywood stories. And worse, you're virtue signaling your weakness as strength to everyone, even to yourself. Fathering a strange man's kids is a noble task when you have resources to spare and your own kids' comfort is already secured, like what the godfather did to tom hagen. Doing it as a poorfag firefighter in 2018 is genetic suicide. Think of your own future kids, drop this broken cunt and go be a haply man in a nice family ffs

>> No.8962040

i have 5k hours in dota 2 and after the patch 7.07 i can't even bother playing the game anymore (which is good because now i have more time, but its bad because it was the only video-game i liked)

>> No.8962112


I did a Mech Eng degree in Cansda as well. Found it really hard to find a job in my field. I also got stuck for two years here looking for work. Now I'm going back to school for a 2 years so I can learn programming

>> No.8962201


You didn't receive your ordered ASICs?

>> No.8962233

You're a huge faggot. Honestly neck yourself unpatriotic piece of shit

>> No.8962269


Fucking need a link or a name NOW, girl on the left is a goddess!

>> No.8962326

Damn you missed out on good cash. What can I say, live and learn. There will be other opportunities.

>> No.8962327

I spent years trying to start a business.

Should have just shut up and gone to college.

>> No.8962338

Lmao, take a look at this boomer

>> No.8962348


>> No.8962372

league of legends

had 10k hours into it in season 3, was a challenger player and could easily go pro/stream and become rich

instead i got permabanned and i stopped playing, when i got back in season 6, my skills were gone. now im a high plat/ low diamond player


>> No.8963220

I’m smoking too much too. I gotta stop

>> No.8963412


I'm a freshman CS major and I literally haven't learned a single thing
they're making me take three years of foreign language for gods sake, and im already trilingual
My online businesses gf, and working out are the only things getting me through life rn

>> No.8963465

businesses, gf, and gym*
that missing comma might confuse people

>> No.8963503


>> No.8963504

BS in Petroleum Engineering

>> No.8963522

Come to DFW Texas.

>> No.8963534

Audiocoin. What a crap scam coin

>> No.8963571

shut the fuck up, cuck

>> No.8963714

Fall for the African prince with 10k

>> No.8963841

WHAT???? dude you must be some kind of massive fuck up, because my friends that got this degree or geology or some shit from my uni are KILLING it right now...houses in Colorado and shit

>> No.8964142
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This. Since when I was 8yo, I waste time thinking how to be cool to other people. Just after a few humiliations to finally I finally learn.

>> No.8964696

Either you haven't served or collecting va disability. Break leg in civilian world get nothing, break leg in military get 133$ a month for the rest of your life. Have "tinnitus", "reoccuring pain from sprained ankle", "sleep apnea", and now you're getting 800$ a month. I served with 2 combat deployments and could easily claim PTSD but I don't have it and am way more successful now then I would have ever been.

Welfare and VA are the same in my eyes. You have the extreme poor and those that were severely crippled during service, but you have the other 90% that have the same problems the rest of the world deals with.

>> No.8964933

do they get fucked in the ass? I only want to see it if they get fucked in the ass

>> No.8965001

holy retard spam. Can you imagine being this fucking stupid?

>> No.8965124

God I want to creampie Sydney Cole. The other one can lick my ass while I'm cumming.

These whores should be pepe'd or wojak'd btw.

>> No.8965204

Is this bait?

>> No.8965503

Sauce on the pic op?

>> No.8965654

TAU @ $1 :(

>> No.8965657

Law school (so far)

I'm graduating late and I don't know what I'm going to do with my degree. Seems to have been a complete waste of money. Hopefully I can pay back my loans with crypto earnings some day, but if I could go back in time I wouldn't have bothered.

>> No.8966436

A current gen luxury watch

>> No.8966566

If too many people are saddled with debt and can't afford to make major purchases or invest, then the whole system comes crashing down. Housing market, automobile market, and stock market. All of them will see the new money drying up in the next decade and will all suffer for it.

>> No.8966674


This guy wins.

>> No.8966921

Autism has been identified! holy fuck we found one

>> No.8968076
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>I've fucked more women at one time than you probably have in your whole life. I've also done some real scary gangster shit that I'm not comfortable talking about on an Ethiopian snake tying board, anonymous or not. You have no fucking clue who I am or what I am like, you just pigeonhole me to fit into your narrow worldview. Grow up.
>Grow up

>> No.8968201

There isn't nearly as much student loan debt as mortgage and car debt, and the student loan market is dwarfed by the stock market.

Though it wouldn't be good, if all student debtors were suddenly not able to pay it wouldn't be an 08 tier meltdown. You can't buy derivative instruments on student loans like you could on mortgages back then. As far as I know.

>> No.8968241
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A year of playing on Predictit.org when I should have been doing crypto.

>> No.8968265

Another idiot that has no idea what he's talking about

>> No.8968310

Same. The bitch still takes a little piece of my soul every single day.

>> No.8968361
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thousands of hours as a 13-17 yr old in League and WoW, also my first gf who dumped me after half a year

>tfw I liked it
it wasnt so bad an0ns

>> No.8968389

The hoe on the right has HPV
Dayum !

>> No.8968436

What stupid thing did he say?
I can’t believe some of you cucks are defending mr. firefighter captain-save-a-hoe

>> No.8968491



Why would anyone fap to this

>> No.8968543

> As a kid until 16
100 days (literally 2400 hours) on Runescape.

> 16-21
Wasting most of my free time for 5 years on /tv/. Spending a quarter of that on education would’ve been priceless

>> No.8968631

400+ hours in FO4
I actually preordered it as well
I actually enjoyed it
No I'm not an autist.
Am I the worst in here?

>> No.8968932

TEL... -84%
...and I bought a big dip.

Keeping this one as a remainder thet tgere is no bottom and that ther us always ine more dip possible

>> No.8969602

100+ hours? That’s lightweight. I had almost 400 days on my wow character. Played since the beginning.

>> No.8969620

yes. fallout 4? wtf?? I got bored in 10 minutes

-t put 500 hours in both NV and FO3

>> No.8969667

Buying bitcoin at age 16 at $5 each to buy weed off silkroad 1.0. 3 times.

>> No.8970593

Kill yourself fuking cuck

>> No.8970664

if this is true you are the biggest cuck

please tell me your girlfriend's son isn't half black lol

>> No.8970684

my god, get a load of this motherfucking cuck

>> No.8971031

Can you come up with something original, samefags?

>> No.8971199


>> No.8971509


>Jibrel netwok

Holy shit, lol You will never make it oldfag.

>> No.8971536
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>Wife's daughter

>> No.8971627

This place has turned into Tumblr for autists. A fucking echo chamber.

>> No.8971694
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>> No.8971719

Can we hire you to engineer something? How about a Tesla coil that makes fart noises when the price LINK drops?

>> No.8971986
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Oh fuck we got a badass here

>> No.8972074

>eww like get away from us loser

>> No.8972105

Newest of new fags. Holy fuck

>> No.8972158
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>> No.8972208

I won't be the first to say you're a fucking cuck
I'm not going to try and reason with you as you're obviously too deluded to see anything wrong with the situation

pathetic, m8
fucking pathetic

>> No.8972221


Whoever figures out how to do simple tattoo removals is going to become the wealthiest person on the planet.

>> No.8972253

lol. It's not even that bad. I just need to work out my legs...

Kinda don't like the fact I had to get writing on it though. Other than that/ Just need bigger legs

>> No.8972289

if you designed and drew it, that's cool even though it's ugly. otherwise you should be sort of ashamed to have paid money for it.

>> No.8972311

depending on what your afsc was and if you deployed you can still claim ptsd, you have to go talk to a VA rep, they will help you fill out the paperwork to get the process started and tell you what to say. I claimed tinnitus and get 10% when i come back to the usa I am going to claim PTSD, I already been for a few visits after I got out, cant sleep am depressed no joy cant get it up shit like that and its an extra couple hundred bucks a month, tax free

>> No.8972414

youre smart enough to get a degree but stupid enough not to find work . i amtoo stupid to get a degree but smart enough to find job listing but i dont get hired because of lack of degree

>> No.8972429

Paid 200 for it. Tattoo artist drew it up after I described him the kind of tattoo I'd like.

>> No.8972449

Wow 4 whole days. How will you ever recover?

Try 365+ days on Runescape.

>> No.8972587


I know a guy milking 2k a month on disability. Quit the Marines after two years. Works a 60k job too. Gets all sorts of benefits like lower mortgage payments. He's perfectly healthy and normal now.

His grandfather, a marine, won't speak to him.

>> No.8972612


>Playing video games

I honestly should have started a Youtube channel 5-6 years ago. I would be so much better off by now.

>> No.8972914

what injury/disability does he have?

>> No.8973234

I was also in the military but didn't know how you could "lie" about being disabled. Don't the doctors check that shit?

>> No.8973893

What about your GI Bill Anon? I finished 3 degrees with mine. So it was a 100k scholarship, plus living expenses. Best fucking decision ever. I have a great career and no student loans.

>> No.8973911
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I cant believe this shit thread is still going

>> No.8973999

Dear god... why is the skull made of cheese?

>> No.8974415

Read my second post moron

>> No.8974562

Thankfully for me I know programming already, so that's where I'm aiming. Hoping to get in to an american firm at some point doing control systems or something.

>> No.8975076

4000+ hours into Left 4 Dead 2

>> No.8975107

The scene is fucking amazing and Kimmy Granger is hot as fuck.

>> No.8975374

Wow, what a champ. You get to fuck two generations!

>> No.8975396

Same. But there is still a little part of me that wants get a stakenet node.

>> No.8975497

I think this is kinda sweet. Doing good feels good.

Also for the more memetically inclined, your wife's son is competition for females and a threat. Your wife's daughter is fresh breeding material waiting to be molded into a perfect onahole. And if you're not a pedophile (although I won't believe you since you're on a azerbaijani child porn website), you can just have a cute daughter to make your life more bright.

If anything this guy is preventing this woman and her daughter from being reamed by hordes of stinky Section 8 amerimutt cock.

>> No.8975499


The greatest day in blockchain will be when the porn sites release their blockchain with photos of all the pedos beating off to their daughters taken through the camera security hole on devices.

>> No.8975521

First year of wow I had 170 days logged....

>> No.8975536

Similar to you.
Degree in pharmacy.
Thankfully no loans/full scholarship but it's gonna be hard as fuck finding a job.
Wish I just joined military out of HS.

>> No.8975552

Since when though? I had 170 days within the first year. On 1 fucking character

>> No.8975566

Come on. Your story was beautiful. At least defend it instead of turning to hate and ad hominems. Tell them how "My wife's son" != "My wife's daughter".

You protect women. You are a *real* man.

>> No.8975581

college, absolute waste of money and time

>> No.8975629

This is a den of hate. Don't come here saying you love and protect women in need. You will be called a cuckold. Because you are one. No one is creative here. No one is intelligent here. No one hangs out here. We are all bots, and you're the only filthy fleshbag on this site.

Get the fuck out.

>> No.8975647


My ex girl friend looks exactly like Sydney Cole...always end up watching her gag on huge black cocks... feels terrible inside senpai

>> No.8975698

I payed $170 for a pair of shoes I almost never wear.

>> No.8975865

>You protect women. You are a *real* man.
Protecting someone else's offspring is the definition of being a sackless faggot.

>> No.8976004

Whether you get a good paying job or not is what makes it speculative anon. Think outside the box.

>> No.8976083
File: 105 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180327-150638.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FB call options

>> No.8976127

hahahaha fuck, it has been a whole day and only now I saw your golden tier response to my post

>> No.8976231

also, i'm going to use this as pasta
>I've also done some real scary gangster shit that I'm not comfortable talking about
my fucking sides