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895713 No.895713 [Reply] [Original]

Are women money sinks?

>> No.895718


It's an expenditure like any other, if you keep it manageable. Nice stuff usually costs money, but if you're stupid about it, it can bankrupt you, whether it's a fixation on having the latest model BMW or the newest golddiger in town

>> No.895719

They're a small, sleek and portable kitchen appliances with easy pre-set buttons that'd heat up your Mexican tortilla chips to that classic restaurant-style warmth, that could easily be tucked away in a cabinet.

>> No.895721

Latinas then?

>> No.895730

White women are. They are entitled bitches. Find a woman that hasn't been liberated. Marry a middle eastern woman that's a pharmacist or medical doctor. They typically come from rich families considering they are here in America. If you don't want curry on your dick when you fuck her in the ass, then marry a Chinese woman from a rich family. If you do have to settle for a lower class tier white woman or a nigger, at least make sure they have a Masters degree.

>> No.895741

>Are women money sinks?

Of course. They are humans!

>> No.895748

Some are born more beautiful, some smarter, others swifter a foot.

Every woman is inherently different, that is why there is struggle, competition and the unending march of progress.

>> No.895791

95% are a waste of time and money. have fun digging through the dumpster and wasting money

>> No.895794


Wait until you're 30 to find a relationship. The ones that are left aren't married yet with 4-6 kids and mountains of debt, and likely focus on their career more than anything.

>> No.895799

Or.. wait until you're 30, get one that's 18. 30 year old single women are almost always way fucked up. They're single for a reason, wether they're retarded to be around, or simply that they have been slutting it up.

>> No.895801

im 32 heh. they dont get any better. ive discovered the single life and traveling are the way to go. random hookups work for me.

>> No.895806


>wanting an immature 18 year old to be your wife

Are you a faggot? 18 year olds are the ones you fuck and leave. I bet you go to strip clubs looking for an emotional bond with a whore too.

>> No.895807


>Not having plates.

>> No.895824

If it floats, flys or fucks it's cheaper to rent than own anon.

>> No.895827
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believe or not, there are nerdy introvert women too. pretty much the same ratio as for men.

>> No.895832

Thank you, Charles.

>> No.895834

Yeah, but even the "nerdy introvert women" can get 30 men rolling at their feet, if they want to.

>> No.895837

Statistically speaking... YES, women are money sinks.

There is above 50% probability you lose 50% of your net worth in a divorce and also will pay alimony if you have children with her. On the other hand, statistically speaking if you are both university graduates, the statistical probability sinks down to 15%, also because they are more wealthy women and men having degrees, then those who does not and can thus protect their assets better in general. These are not postulates, of course these numbers are completely wrong if you for example combine a woman graduate in gender studies and nuclear engineer, the probability of divorce is above 50% in such case.

Enough of the divorce, let's look at something else - cooking, cleaning, housemaid jobs and sex life. All of the mentioned are cheaper if done by professional on regular basis. You don't need cook most of the time, men are the best cooks and it is cheaper to eat out in restaurant, than to have a woman to make you dinner and pay her for holiday, new dress and so through the year... If you sum it up anyway it is always cheaper to stay single and have professionals for every work you need done, than to live with a woman or even marry her and have kids, with are not completely different category, because in old cultural view, kids are those who should look up after their parents until their death. But you are better of saving up money to get yourself your own professional nurse and best clinic once your health starts to disobey. Traditional family values are no values for true capitalist, if it does not mean business, which in most cases from the perspective of male, does not.

>> No.895839

Is there a way I can have a child alone? Like how a female can just go get a sperm donor.

>> No.895843

what happens if I'm in love though? or are you going to tell me that there's no such thing? it's nice to live with someone who you feel that way about.

>> No.895846

>what happens if I'm in love though?

What is love ?

>> No.895851

Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more.

>> No.895854


>> No.895856
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Wanna invest

>> No.895867

Can confirm, my wife is chinese and a doctor. She has brought money from her family and she is really good at not spending like a white girl would. On top of that her parents watch out kids and that saves us so much money and time.

Marriage is about making a strategic partnership. If your long term visions don't align then you are better off with joint ventures, basically fuck buddies / mistress / one night stand.

>> No.895881

you could always adopt...or if you insist on it being your blood relation them simply find a desperate woman and have legal documents drawn up signing away all rights before it's born and give her 5 grand for her services

>> No.895892


I'm technically Indian (rip to me i know) but I'm pretty whitewashed so I'm like the Canadianized Indian, or Americanized Indian is what I like to call myself.

I'm planning on marrying a white girl or Asian like Oriental girl

Would that work? Or would they not work with an Indian guy? For the record I'm not religious at all, I'm just fucking brown, the only literal flaw is my brownness!

>> No.895895

Sure. Google "India surrogate mother clinics". You'll probably need to buy eggs from someone as well, I guess they'll arrange it. Not the best idea though since I firmly believe a kid needs both a mom and a dad (dont have any myself though).

>> No.895896

mfw I just realized if I make a really effective method of turning you white I can be a millionaire.

>> No.895897


Also, is it possible to get a penis enlargement? I'm 5 inches - 5.5 inches, I want to get 7 inches, and like, I guess that's flaw #2 for me

The rest of me is great, rich ish upper middle class family, doctors / teachers, bankers, 2 houses, built body, buff, and 6 foot tall

>> No.895898

>I'm just fucking brown, the only literal flaw is my brownness!
That and your smell and your rapey aggressiveness.

>> No.895899


Yeah, lol, do it, lots of Indians would pay haha, even Asians and middle easterns


not rapey at all, and i smell like dolce and gabana hoe, I'm good at hygiene, 2 showers a day, 4 brushes, always use a body scrubber in the shower, no 'dirt' on me bruh, also dove hair gel, soft as shit, got that army style haircut

>> No.895901


Do you have a Sister? My dream wife is a chaste Indian that's studying to become a doctor.

>> No.895904


what does chaste mean

and yes

>> No.895905


>chaste is an adjective that means morally pure. If you belong to a chastity club, you might have to take a pledge to be chaste until marriage. Chaste can be defined as "pure and virtuous," but basically it means "not having sex."

AKA not a whore that sleeps around

AKA not liberated by western society

>> No.895919


so a virgin? kek

that's a thing of the past men

>> No.895924


Keep the trash

>> No.895929


she is still "chaste" but I'm just saying, what's so special about a virgin these days? I'm like in my early twenties so it makes no difference to me really haha

you must be like late twenties if you care so much, or older

>too old bruh

>> No.895932


>the emotional baggage of a woman with past relationships
>the drama, trust issues, insecurities, etc.

No thanks. If I didn't care, I would marry a white bitch.

>> No.895936


I'm going to marry an americanized Asian girl, or really party personality white girl, I don't really care about the insecurities as well, and I don't want a girl that will tell me all of her problems and shit, and I want a healthy girl, so I don't have to deal with a cancerous wife or wife in hospital, no time for tears in my line of work, lol

I really want a wife that's /biz/ like, and works for money in the beginning stages of life (like 25 - 30 and then cares about a family, or a wife that's 23 - 27, and has a family but can still put in the work and isn't all about her "family"

I'm not planning on getting officially married till 30, but I'm going to marry a 23 - 27 year old probably.

>> No.895939

>tfw late 30s dating early 20s girls
Feels good bro, easy as shit, prime pussy, funny stupid girls. I hope I will be able to do this at least for 10 more years

>> No.895943


White women just get fatter and more emotional the older they get. Go with an Asian. Most Filipinos look 16 forever. An accountant in my office is 46 but she looks like a 8/10 21 year old. You can only tell her age by her eyes really, and a little Mom weight. She has a 24 year old daughter that looks 12.

>> No.895955

Don't forget the hideous accent and the pompous self-satisfaction. Oh and has anyone mentioned the smell yet?

>> No.895957


I have a feeling you've never met an Indian in your life. I lived with an Indian for 9 months. They aren't all bad. They just talk too fucking much, and wear too much Axe body spray. And the fucking hair gel. They do a great job at making them look like they haven't washed their hair in months. But yeah, ignore my third sentence.

>> No.895958


Yeah I really like Vietnamese girls to be honest, or Korean ones, Japs are meh, if they like Anime its a total plus lmfao

Want one of those freaky girls, that are into that Anime cosplay sex and stuff ahahahaha

But yeah, shouldn't be hard to find, most Asians are freaks

>> No.895962


I've dated a few Japs. They make noises over anything. It's hard to tell whether they are enjoying it or being raped. They never last. That cartoon shit they're into is weird. Looking for a more mature woman. Been considering India or Pakistan.

>> No.895971

>Anime cosplay sex and stuff
believe me when I say that gets boring real fast, and then it gets annoying

>> No.896035

>It's hard to tell whether they are enjoying it or being raped


>> No.896040

Target Singaporean and Malaysian chicks.

T. Australian Telugu

>> No.896070

I'm not your age, but totally. Electra complex.

>> No.896078

>Are women money sinks?

Depends on many variables and what your goal for the relationship is.

The price of a date can either be paid by you, the female or you can share it. Of couse, if you are not seen as a ideal mate for the female, she will let you pay for all of it (since you are the waste of time). But if you are seen as a quality good, she will often share the price of the date (therefore no extra cost for you).

When she becomes your gf you can of couse still share expenses. You can buy her gifts which can either cost money or be free, that you can decide yourself.

If you finally get married a female can double the house income and reduce marginal housing costs with 50%. This will increase your desposible income.

But you will probably marry/date some trashlike female and pay for everything, then whine on 4chan so why am i even typing this out

>> No.896080

Tips fedora

>> No.896086
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>I'm Indian
So do you shit on the streets?

>> No.896094

If you have ever been India you would not ask that question. You would know that they do

>> No.896096

Also this whole thread reeks of sweaty basement fedoras. No one told you to marry the first girl that sucked your peepee. That's your fault for being fucking moron. Best wives are latinas, and SouthEast Asians. Far East Asians tend to be horrible wives. They're very Americanized these days. Some arab women are okay, but you have to make sure they're educated.

>> No.896098

I know they do, and I've seen it happen. Also 60% of the world population that shits on the street comes from India. The same figure applies to the top 20 polluted cities in the world. No one wonder Pakistan hates India. They have to deal with the smell coming from India.

>> No.896111

I have been to India twice. Amazing country tho and i love the food. But I fail to understand how the street can be so unclean. outside the cities are clean and good s

>> No.896114

chinese are the worst when it comes to shitting in the streets. there are signs around paris at tourists spots in chinese instructing them to not shit in the streets and sidewalk.

>> No.896120

Nope. India is the worst. 60% of the population that defecates on the streets live in India. Africans were least likely to do it.
The food is good, and South India is almost like a different country. But the streets are filled with shit and general dirtiness. Also the drivers were horrible. Holy shit, I've never seen a group of people who can't drive. A lot of crashed cars/trucks on the side of the road. Plus horrible road sign that lead to nowhere.

>> No.896393


Wait until you're 30, and then find out that half the women your age are already divorced

>> No.896438

If you're retarded enough to throw your money at them like a fucking retard, then yeah.

>> No.896453

>Africans were least likely to do it
monkey detected

>> No.897013


>> No.898018

Kinda sorta. Just as long as you dont go to fucking Didneyland every fucking day, it's not a huge deal.

Dated a disney fanatic once.


>> No.898046

stories? Did you bang in a mickey mouse costume?

>> No.898110

Guys what if I just like white women? I hate shit skins and asians get rekt once they hit 50.

>> No.898130

Can it felix

>> No.898153

nice meme

>> No.898180

I have a client that wants me to marry her younger sister who is in the Filipines.

What do?

I have absolutely no other marriage or dating prospects. The family is hard working and clean, and they own at least one house in So Cal.

She is a nurse, which is gross thinking of your wife cleaning up poop and stuff, but I might be able to provide enough so she doesn't have to work.

Questions are:
It's basically an arranged marriage. Will she love me? Will she have sex with me beside 5 times in the whole rest of my life. If she won't satisfy me will she be OK with me at least getting hand jobs from masueuses?

Pros: I've been researching and I've noticed that Flips literally never have roasties

>> No.898184

She just wants US citizenship. Don't do it. If you do you're a literal retard.

>> No.898258

But they are clearly getting to know me and welcoming me into family

>> No.898271

you would have to be a complete idiot to marry an asian that doesn't have US citizenship.

>> No.898272

Hahahha it is a meme now! Hahaha

Finally a real biz meme

>> No.898276
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Only if you date ones that are shitty
I've never had a GF that increased how much money I spent, except for around christmas time and valentine's day (also a little increase in general because I don't ever go out alone really)

>> No.898286
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I hate to break it to you, but you may be retarded. Marrying a Filipino money whore is about the most beta thing a white male can do.

Here are the kind of people who do this:
> pedophiliac old farts
> guys with insane-level penis insecurity
> shut-ins who are too pussy to talk to people
> divorced mid-life crisis 40+ ugly old men with child payments in arrears

Ever watch filipina porn? I dare you to find one where the girl is into the sex. Its like fucking a corpse.

So basically, you'll be marrying and fucking a money-loving corpse who drains you financially, and mentally, while you are the laughing stock of your friends.

There anon, I saved you from the worst decision of your life.

>> No.898299

This guy gets it, some if them are lovely people but generally they dont speak the language, and eveb if they do theyre as dumb as toddlers. They basically use you for money to send back to their family.

>> No.898677

>middle easterns
>pay to be white
man what shitty arabs do you hang out with, the ones I got here think their shitskin race is the shit.

>> No.898694

just stay away from western women, a nice (true) asian woman won't drain you of every penny you have and will remain loyal

>> No.898698

This is b8, right?

>> No.898786

>pretty much the same ratio as for men.
How naive are you?

>> No.899622

and they are unfuckable

>> No.899665

>Are women money sinks?
No, they're money toilets.

>> No.899725

The ones that do anal are

>> No.899951

they are a complete waste of time of money so yes