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8951706 No.8951706 [Reply] [Original]

IBM BTFO edition

>where's the hedge fund?
A resident tripfag, obergruppenfuhrer (Comfy), requested that it be excluded until he gets the next version up and running. Will refund those involved. Stay tuned!

Popular brokers for stock trading:
>commission free and no minimum to open

> How is it free?
Robinhood earns revenue by collecting interest on cash/securities and fees from their Robinhood Gold service

> It's been X days, why isn't my account verified yet?
Not being approved in 3 days seems to be the new norm. Nevertheless, call/email their support if you've been waiting more than that.

> When is it coming to my country?
The only "plans" are on an Australian and Chinese beta. Neither of which has gained much traction.

Interactive Brokers
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TD Ameritade
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Degiro (Cheap broker for Europeans)

Free in depth charts:

Premarket Movers:

Earnings Report Calendar:

Biopharma Catalyst Calendar:

Pump and Dump Advertising:

S&P 500 VIX Futures (For SVXY/UVXY, higher is better for UVXY, lower is better for SVXY)

Basic rundown on Options:

Previous thread: >>8947572

>> No.8951741

Isn't IBM bottom of the barrel compared to MBB and Accenture?

>> No.8951756

>Just found out Prostitution has been legal in Mexico since 1885

I want to go home.

>> No.8951773

They're all pretty trash, including Deloitte and Oracle. Thoughtworks USED to be good several years ago but went down the same road. You can't be a high quality consultant in a world where 90% of the projects don't require quality beyond what our friends across the ocean can provide.

>> No.8951776
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Looks like they missed earnings and their stock tumbled ten whole dollars after-hours. Company's been fucked for a long time apparently. I remember reading some insider information on /pol/ or r*ddit where an employee said the company's literally not going to exist within the next ten years. This grill I used to know's parent works for them or something. Hope she doesn't get povertied!

>> No.8951823

Rise TVIX, rise

Rise from your grave. The second comming.

>> No.8951832

My latest underlying is banks; my last failure was on SPY, so I'm making moves on more specific components.

>> No.8951840

you know ive been thinking about doing just that myself. im a sucker for those cheap, just barely OTM contracts with like 30-40 delta, because of the YUGE leverage. but it definitely seems more reasonable to be doing it like the way you are on things that move slowly. theta is a fucking bitch.

im gonna try it on the bonds market this week desu

>> No.8951877

i noticed that. whats that about? is it just because of the big block orders coming in on the bell?

>> No.8951887

I got burned on a "cheap" 2 week expiry OTM SPY put too. Fucking chinks trade war speech

But I learned : cut your losses if the binary events doesn't go your way
Spend more on the option (more ITM and/or longer exprriry)
Take contracts on more volatile underlyings

>> No.8951901

The chicken, she always rise.

>> No.8951919

who here banking off LUV puts??????

>> No.8951930

I dont know man. I dont think anyone is going to get sucked out of an airplane window again for awhile.

>> No.8951946
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>mfw you literally financially profited from the death of a human being

>> No.8951959

Didn't she put her seatbelts ?
They weren't joking when the stewardesses insist on you putting dem seatbelts on

>> No.8951989
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wouldn't be the first time

>> No.8951999
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>falling for the meme line reading meme

>> No.8952010

>The aircraft was powered by a pair of CFM International CFM56 engines. CFM is a joint venture between GE Aviation and France's Safran Aircraft engines.
Goodbye GE

>> No.8952032

>That model has "compiled an outstanding safety and reliability record since entering revenues service in 1997 while powering more than 6,700 aircraft worldwide," the company said. "The engine has accumulated more than 350 million flight hours as one of the most reliable and popular jet engine in airline history."
I think they're going to be ok.

>> No.8952033

My dad works for IBM
I dont know why, he as a Phd in Physics and should be making multiples more than he does..
Spends all day explaining basic shit to pajeets and chong women

>> No.8952034

apparently similar thing happened several years ago on a SWA flight out of florida...except nobody died

>> No.8952062

That's how consulting usually goes.

>> No.8952068
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>> No.8952160

well I dont know if hes consulting, he works at the research facility, but it sounds like they mostly make custom software for other companies. He makes prob less than what a fresh out of college consultant makes.

>> No.8952170

AMRS released the 10-K...
... alongside a 14-A inviting shareholders to participate in the annual meeting

And already, I don't like the first pages in which they plan to cast vote on various share reward plans (+15M when added together)

>> No.8952203

Wasn't she bleeding profusely from part of the engine blowing apart and sending shrapnel into her? How the fuck a seatbelt gonna help son? Seatbelt of Greater Bleeding Resist +1 maybe...

>> No.8952212

Are robo-advisors a meme? Do they actually do anything useful or is it just a money sink?

>> No.8952243

link for anyone here interested

>> No.8952257

do you think their rnd of blockchain applications can make them relevant again?

>> No.8952303

Well I think she got vaccumed to the window mate. Sort of like being in outer space for a brief second. The pressure change can evaporate your blood within your arteries and cause massive coagulation cascade events.

It probably wanst a nice way to die :(
Rest in piece

>> No.8952342
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no. especially not while cryptos in the dumps

this reminds me, i wonder how our fren jason is doing? i hope he isnt still stuck on earth

>> No.8952402

These are really complicated. Is there anything new in there that was not in their press conference a few weeks ago?

>> No.8952425

wowow i am fuckin assraped hard by ONTX
they just announced an offering and literally doubled the number of shares outstanding
im so fucked and this shit trades super thin so i cant even escape holy fuck Im gonna be trapped in this for a year

>> No.8952503

>These are really complicated
i know. these are the kind of things where i just sort of nod my head and go, "yep, sounds good".

ill post again about it if i see anything glaringly obvious. desu though, i havent been keeping up on AMRS too much lately, just been selling calls against em. so idk if theres anything different from ER report

>> No.8952606
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fuckin brutal

>> No.8952646

trap pence a cute

>> No.8952858

RIGL was unhalted AH but volume is flat

lets see what tomorrow brings

>> No.8952955

I was inspired by him and made my very own soyfolio on the investopedia simulator. It's mainly FAANG, but heavy on SBUX, TSLA, IBM, SPOT, emerging market ETFs, weed, and niggers (EZA). Totalling about $40k

It's been 2 days and I'm already down 2.2%.

>> No.8952981

dont forget CARV

>> No.8952996

its the black owned and run bank. it might be the smallest cap bank in the whole country. its comfys favorite, hes got like 60% of his portfolio in them

>> No.8953110
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too much risk for me there...

>> No.8953136

its been ranging for a decade? lmao

>> No.8953171

Question: Why did IBM tank in after hours if the actual EPS exceeded the estimates?

>> No.8953201

Addendum: Where can I find charts with after hours trading volume?

>> No.8953237

That's what we've been messing with this week and the banks. These stocks are beating earnings yet they're either dropping or going sideways

>> No.8953256
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>he fell for the WW3 economic slowdown crash meme

>> No.8953263

you should see what it would ACTUALLY look like if it wasnt for the ANC propping it all up. those dudes have been sucking their OWN country and their OWN people dry for as long as the rainbow nation has existed. its fucking disgusting, especially seeing as how they fought an overwhelmingly brutal civil war in order to even have the opportunity to just fuck over their own people (in a lot of ways, much worse than under apartheid).

heres a chart

>> No.8953279
File: 53 KB, 1365x601, IBM carnage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here it is

>> No.8953284

Except for Netflix, even though I think they will have a tough time finding new users. Seriously though this doesn't make sense, was there an expectation that the IBM EPS would exceed the estimate by a greater amount?

>> No.8953307

NASDAQ for AH charts. I think market watch has volume as well but I don't recall for sure.

The earning are really not that great for most companies when you factor in the tax rebate.

It would be better if we went to war, for the economy and political reasons. Funny enough, WW3 would save us from a market crash.

>> No.8953349


>> No.8953362

No problem

>> No.8953398

>WW3 would save us from a market crash.
wed get a big dip though right off the bat. that would definitely not be priced in yet. but youre right, the markets would probably crush it.

however (and this is just my opinion) i strongly disagree with the assertion that war is good for the economy. has anyone ever read "economics in one lesson" by henry hazlitt? he lays out a pretty good argument for why war is beneficial for some sectors, but devastating to other sectors (especially newer businesses etc). it also changes peoples risk appetite.

im rolling for israel to fight their own war this time desu.

>> No.8953409

>one off
i guess at the very least i can go long oil

>> No.8953417
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>ww3 would push stocks up
ok retards. does this look like a functioning economy to you?

>> No.8953442

That looks like a Dip buy opportunity.

>> No.8953474

is that warsaw? or london?

also, go look at some charts. theres plenty of things that do well during times of conflict. the problem is that this growth comes at the expense of all the other industries. to say nothing of the newer industries that couldve come into being at that time were it not for all resources being redirected to war-effort industries. bear in mind that all of this is in a hypothetical scenario where there is no direct conflict in the country where the market is

regardless, if were involved in another major war, i have no doubt that it will break the US hegemony. look what happened to the UK after the war, and they won

>> No.8953483

those are all facebook customers

>> No.8953650
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I've read they have scheduled blackouts due to their power grid not being able to handle the load. Affirmative action (more like racism) is so rampant over there that they force racial quotas at the expense of skills needed to prevent their own country from going dark.

>> No.8953789

>people claim this bullrun is 10 years old

Bears, these are the tripfags you are taking advice from.

>> No.8953852

Will XLF be kill if we go into full deleveraging mode?

Graph not looking good.

>> No.8953981

WWII was literally the reason The US got out of the great depression

>> No.8954020
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FNGU wreckin' it today(and will wreck it for years to come)

>> No.8954110

I would rather have it go into massive debt building infrastructure than going to war.

Imagine all the debt we could of avoided if we staid away from Europe, not enacted policy of containment and not "waging war on drugs".
Anglo puritans are danger.

>> No.8954245

oh lets fucking split hairs then. who the fuck cares? point is, the markets (overall) havent been this overinflated since the fucking tech bubble. they got no reason to be where they are right now. and if the FED hadnt bribed everyone back into the market, we wouldnt be anywhere near this. and now theyre taking it back.

on top of this, P/Es are where they were in 2000, average dividend yields are ridiculously low, earnings have jumped so high these last couple of years that there is arguably little upside left, and emotions and trump tweets are major market movers. bluechip stocks and major banks are dropping on record earnings beats like OTC stocks, and volume has suddenly disappeared since a month ago (and hasnt returned).

now i realize that the stock market has an inherently bullish bias, and that bear markets dont happen as often, but how arrogant/stupid do you have to be to think that everything is just going to keep going up? chalk it up to a difference in opinion, but i think that this entire bullrun (cyclical bullrun, that better faggot?) that weve had the last two years was overly optimistic, and on the backs of investors such as yourself, that think that seem to think it impossible that we are ever going down again.

>> No.8954279

>I would rather have it go into massive debt building infrastructure than going to war.
people cant seem to fathom that the "wealth" that is created during wartime is just debt on top of more debt. and this is saying nothing of all the wealth that obviously gets destroyed in the global economy during these times

>> No.8954286

since your a tripnerd and probably pretty deep into this investing, what do you do when a full on obvious bear market comes? Get out of everything, use USD to then short everything into oblivion? seems to me like when those markets occur then velocity downwards is much faster than anything moves up, should be quite profitable for a year to 18 months yeah?

>> No.8954320
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>> No.8954329

Ah shit just when I was about to give up on her


Dynetics won phase 3 - KTOS is a key subcontractor


>> No.8954332



>> No.8954337
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>> No.8954361
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>and that's a good thing

>> No.8954367

look for some things with fukhuge yields to put most of my money in (bonds, hi div stocks, REITs), get some commodities exposure to hedge against inflation, maybe grab some physical metals in case of really bad dollar collapse, and then yes, short everything (within reason) and flip options contracts with the rest of my money.

>> No.8954372

Are you literally retarded lmao like everything you just said is wrong

>> No.8954397

>without world war 2 we would have never gotten out of the great depression!

>> No.8954400

WW2 wasn't the reason we got out of the Great Depression lol. War is no way to fix the economy you dumb nigger.

“What is history but a fable agreed upon?” Napoleon said. That observation has never been more true than with the Great Depression and its aftermath.

A war is no more stimulating to an economy than a burglar stealing your money, the Japanese tsunami in 2011, Hurricane Katrina or a tornado that levels an entire town. Without such calamity, the resources spent reconstructing would be spent purchasing useful, life-enhancing products or investing in technology and capital equipment needed to boost economic output.

Government spending collapsed, from from like 50% in 1940 to under 15 percent by 1947. And there was no “new” New Deal. This was by far the biggest cut in government spending in U.S. history. Tax rates were cut, and wartime price controls were lifted. There was a very short eight-month recession, but then the private economy surged.

THE REAL REASON the depression ended was cuz the war ended! You dumbass brainlet public school educated nig

>> No.8954404 [DELETED] 

>IBM BTFO edition
>IBM up 2% today
what did he mean by this

>> No.8954431

This guys right... when at war you don't have a free market economy. Govt spending for war prolonged the Great Depression. Then after the war there was no new new deal and the free market is what caused prosperity to skyrocket after WW2

>> No.8954463
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it's easy to say the market is overinflated but if you look deeper that seems to be less and less the case.
what's really driving this market is the incredible amount of share buybacks companies are doing. If valuations were so high you would think companies wouldn't be buying back billions worth of their stock. But in fact they are, implying they still see upside.

Comparing this market to the tech bubble is fucking hilarious and retarded. There is no comparison. Large cap tech is printing fuck tons of money and their valuations are pretty reasonable given that. The amount of retard pets.com type companies are actually quite small, although some do exist.

On top of all that we have a president for the first time in a decade who actually gives a damn about business. This is driving a huge influx of capital into the markets from first time investors who previously didn't do shit because of muh rigged system and muh regulations

>> No.8954497

you got some of it right but every second sentence is a facepalm

>> No.8954517

Oh shit I might make money off my call if it pumps hard

>> No.8954538

>THE REAL REASON the depression ended was cuz the war ended
The war couldn't have ended if there wasn't a war. checkmate, brain cuck :^)

>> No.8954584

We've had criminally suppressed interest rates at 0% for almost a decade now. Cheap money has inflated everything.

You can't have interest rates that low for that long and not have it end in economic ruin. This is why Jew fiat currency is the devil. And why they took us off the gold standard. To plunder us. Look up Thomas jeffersons inflation quote... which is spot on to what's happening today in America.

Just 25 years ago had someone said we would have 0% interest rates much less for an entire decade... that person would have been put in a straight jacked and thrown in a mental institution.

People need to be buying gold and silver or they will be destitute. Real money owners will prosper when the currency crisis hits. China, India, and Russia have been stacking record tonnage of gold for over a decade now for a reason.

>> No.8954610

But before the war we had the new deal which turned the depression to the Great Depression. Spending just stayed the same or increased once the war started. So obviously the new deal never worked cuz nothing was fixed before WW2 started and had a decade of misery.

Once war ended... it meant no more war spending... and then there was no new new deal. And free market created prosperity.

>> No.8954617

I have a question 4 u ... if we got off of Jew fiat currency and on to bitcoin ... what would prevent people from loaning out bitcoin at 0% interest for a decade?

>> No.8954625

>lol ur wrong
>citation needed
like i said, chalk it up to difference of opinion. things are too high (again: in my opinion). i may be wrong (thats speculation for ya) but thats the fun part. i think that the next couple of years is going to yield substandard returns for those who do longterm value investing.

i believe that we are in the "euphoria" stage (or rather we were in it around january) of the meme bubble graph. i feel that what is mostly moving the market at this point is overly bullish market sentiment (hence why you think it so incredulous that we will ever fall more than we did in february) and that if earnings dont continue to rise at the rates that they have (which in most cases, they literally cannot) then eventually people will realize that we shouldnt even be as high as where we are, let alone thinking about expansion over the next couple years.

thats a really good point about the buybacks.
>Comparing this market to the tech bubble is fucking hilarious and retarded
i mean it was a generalization (i was just being hyperbolic and saying that this shit is too high), but i think many of these megalith tech corporations (lookin at you FAANG) that exist today are in fact really just super pumped up versions of pets.com .
>On top of all that we have a president for the first time in a decade who actually gives a damn about business. This is driving a huge influx of capital into the markets from first time investors who previously didn't do shit because of muh rigged system and muh regulations
that IS a big thing, but i dont think that will give us continuing upside momentum (in fact i think that this trump pump that weve had since election is pretty much over).

>> No.8954639

why are you talking to yourself fucking newfag

>> No.8954647

I never said anything about the new deal

>> No.8954653

Why would they?

>> No.8954666

>Cheap money has inflated everything.

but also the rest of your post. weve been in lala land for too long. it HAS to come down at some point, and all the signs are pointing to soon

>> No.8954679

Why can't you argue my points old fag???

>> No.8954690

well im not an expert but couldnt you loan money out at whatever rate you wanted if you had that money?

>> No.8954706

why would you loan money for no gain

>> No.8954716

>what would prevent people from loaning out bitcoin at 0% interest
>couldnt you loan money out at whatever rate you wanted

so you just contradicted yourself
no surprise from someone who says 'jew fiat currency'

fucking /pol/ brainlets

>> No.8954721

Exactly. The debt needs to be purged from the system. Only way to do that is to have an overnight revaluation of gold anywhere between 10k-100k per ounce.

China, India, and Russia have been accumulating record tonnage of gold for a decade now.

Chinese citizens collectively own 6k tons of gold in their hands.

You guys think the chinks built those ghost cities for fun?

As soon as the dollar is let go and prices become gold prices... those new Chinese ghost cities will fill up faster than your head can spin.

Everyone should have even just 5-10 ounces of gold. Will be a game changer.

>> No.8954724

Learn how IDs work

>> No.8954737

I'm the one who said Jew fiat currency. I didn't mention losing bitcoin at 0%

>> No.8954739

im not an expert but i dont see how going to gold or bitcoin would stop people from loaning money at low interest rates.

>> No.8954761

Listen... just make sure you ALWAYS have at least 5 ounces of gold. After the dollar implodes you be able to buy 5 income producing homes... no mortgage... with those 5 ounces (in the new currency)

>> No.8954769

>Only way to do that is to have an overnight revaluation of gold anywhere between 10k-100k per ounce.
the IMF would like to have a word with you...

i dont think gold will be worth much more than now unless we actually get fiat collapse. central banks have most of it. the gold market is more controlled than some smallcap shitcoins.

>> No.8954773

ok thanks
but isnt owning stocks just as good too? why would gold be better than stocks?

>> No.8954785

Low? Nigga said 0. Would you or anyone else loan money at 0% interest?

>> No.8954787

You inbred brainlet, look up a simple explanation of the fed on YouTube

>> No.8954798

the only way gold would outperform is if fiat collapsed. obviously, this would mean the end for equities, as well as a lot of other things.

if youre going lolberg/prepper, go with silver. its way cheaper per oz

>> No.8954806

gold is $1300 an ounce breh

>> No.8954808

Reminder, Trump went to fort knox to personally count gold. He might do something incredibly disruptive like this to fuck with china and all these shitheads ruining our economy. Guess whos money developed china? Thats right U.S. dollars. Meanwhile these fuckheads start investing in OUR land to drive up the costs. You have to go back.

>> No.8954816

What I think is going to happen is a reset where everyone comes out fine. Comes has been suppressing price of gold to allow the chinks to accumulate in the cheap because they know they aren't getting all of our debt repaid.

But in exchange... we are allowed to accumulate silver. See JP morgans massive silver hoed and the govt has been accumulating silver.

This is important because the gold to silver ratio is so out of whack at 1 ounce of gold equals 80 ounces of silver. So the deal probably is the east gets gold for cheap. America gets silver.... and then after the reset the gold to silver ratio gets to go back to historical 16-1 ratio and we gain big too for holding silver

>> No.8954821

>fiat collapsed this would mean the end for equities
wait why?

>> No.8954828

becuz no money

>> No.8954835

Read my post above with respect to silver and the currently outrageous gold to silver ratio.

80 to 1 right now yet it is normally 16-1 because that's the ratio gold and silver come out of the earths crust

>> No.8954852

who is selling all the gold to keep the price down?

>> No.8954856

if you were to buy silver bar where would you get them online? do they litreally come as a rectangular 'bar'?

>> No.8954871

Both gold and silver. Silver is the most undervalued asset on the planet but gold is recognized as base money.

It's not prepper. Read my post above. East is stacking gold thanks to comes suppressing gold prices... and we are stacking silver with the deal that the 80 to 1 current silver to gold ratio reverts back to 16-1. Then the reset nobody loses

>> No.8954872

I wonder if the spike in BTC is someone trying to hedge as well. The big banks have been quietly accumulating gold and silver as well. Something is up and I think its happening this year

>> No.8954878

You can get a nice spot in Detroit for that kinda cash

>> No.8954885

American silver eagles. Or silver rounds. Just go to a coin shop. Yes you can get 100 ounces tho

>> No.8954889

thank you silver merchant I will buy silver from u now

>> No.8954893

No argument from me here. I think this is a big part of why we're seeing financials trading pretty stagnant after reasonably good ERs

NFLX and AMZN I can agree with you, but FB, AAPL, GOOGL have solid balance sheets

I do think at some point the upside momentum is going to give out, but I don't think the markets are ready to realize this in 2018. Like you say, we're def. in euphoria mode.
I do think every time the fed raises rates by another 25 basis points this realization hits a litter closer to home.
I'm bullish until the end of the year. At that point if earnings truly haven't reinforced the euphoria, there's nowhere to go but down

>> No.8954916

coins are lame, can i buy legit silver bars online? the ones that look liek gold bars you see in movies and such

>> No.8954917

Comex paper manipulation naked shorts selling. They just dump fake paper gold on the market. And since the dollar is reserve currency we can just print away and keep shorting gold.

After 2009 crash... gold was almost 2k per ounces then just suddenly reversed down for no reason??? And back down to like 1100.

Pure manipulation. If the govt didn't do QE or any manipulation. Gold would probably be at 20k right now

>> No.8954933

those guys are really dumb for buying fake gold lol

>> No.8954943

Yeah of course. 1 ouncers. 10 ouncers and 100 ouncers. But online you leave a paper trail. Better to go to a coin shop with cash

>> No.8954949

You can just go to a bank and get 1000 worth of 50c pieces, pick out the Kennedy's and just give the rest back

>> No.8954983

alright cool ill google around find somewhere legit, owning like 10oz of silver for under $200 is pretty neat

>> No.8955005

All those pre 65 dimes and quarters have already been taken mostly. Pickings are slim now.

Remember... a silver piece the size of a roman denarius or silver dime even in America 150 years ago was a days wage for most of human history.

Difference is now.... there's much less silver available and there are billions more people on the planet. So after the fiat collapse... a silver dime will probably equal 3-5 days wage. (Converted to the new currency of course)

So you can go buy like 5-8k worth of silver right now and literally have somewhere in the neighborhood of 20-30 years worth of says wages.

>> No.8955047

ive only ever bought and sold some at exchanges nearby. and it depends, you can get coins, bars etc...

>East is stacking gold
>we are stacking silver
russia is stacking silver too. theres been lots of talk of various world leaders stacking gold/silver for their country. in fact the petroyuan (new chink currency backed by gold) has already launched (although its only being traded on futures now, i think).

it all goes back to fucking keynes deciding that it doesnt matter about the long run cuz were all dead. well... they are all dead, and now we have to pick up this mess

AAPL ill give ya.
i think FB is exactly what pets.com was, just on an absolutely massive scale. GOOGL is in a funny spot. im waiting till the cambridge analytica testimony to congress, but i think FBs reckoning isnt over yet, and that GOOGLs day of reckoning has yet to come.

in fact, outside of all of that, with net neutrality being repealed any day now (or has it already?), these internet megaliths will NOT be able to turn a profit. theyve become too big for their own good, and without internet communism allowing all of them to get away with paying (proportionally) infinitesimal amounts for their absolutely humongous bandwidth, they will be in serious trouble as soon as maybe next quarter. well have to wait and see.

but think about that for a second. even if everything else goes up, if several of the industry leaders all falter at the same time, what will happen? its gonna be an ugly chart to say the least

>> No.8955064

you can get 10oz of silver at spot on jmbullion. albeit they are 1oz coins. Killer deal tho IMO

>> No.8955163

do all the different 'brands' matter? why isnt there just plain bars with no markings to hold onto

>> No.8955206
File: 40 KB, 657x527, 1466386304204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got an invite for Robinhood Web
have any of you guys tried it yet?

>> No.8955232

its fine just the UI is atrocious, but thats what you get for no commissions

>> No.8955233

Yeah it's shit

>> No.8955244

I have it. its alright, but you can tell web design isn't their best

>> No.8955303

Why isn't NFLX falling AHHH
I still need to close out.

>> No.8955317

1oz of .999 AG is 1oz of .999 AG regardless of what shape it's in or what markings are on it. Different mints use different markings but in the end it's all the same and melts down to the same thing.

Unless, that is, you're a coin collector. In that case, you'd probably be looking for proof versions of coins instead of bullion. The condition and rarity of the coin bring extra value on top of the base metal. That's why a 1907 double eagle can sell for upwards of $20k even though the base metal itself is only worth about $1350 (current price of 1oz of AU).

So, if you just want to hold some bullion as a value store, I would generally try to find coins or bars that are as close to the spot price as you can find

>> No.8955338

Predictions on the rest of the week?

Trump just shot another blow to Amazon via twitter. This combined with LRCX and IBM taking a poo poo after hours will probably see a red nasdaq day.

Volatility will be slowly increasing until shit hits the fan with Russia or Iran attacking Isreal or revealing that the downtime on twitter was to dox all the pedophile/trafficking accounts that they have been harboring the last few years. Instagram and FB might be on that list as well. I'm guessing the triple letter agencies have everything they need from them now and they can be thrown to the wolves.

I'm probably just being too tinfoil hatty though. This 11 dimensional Catan is a complicated game.

>> No.8955363

imnot a collector obviously since im asking these questions, i just think it'd be neat to own like 10 of the 1oz bars of silver, would be under $200 in total. The brand stamps on top are lame though, wish I could get the sort of bars you see in a movie where its just pure gold/silver

>> No.8955375

Is it better than the app?

>> No.8955396

if using your phone is annoying to you, sure.

if your just using it to put in orders its the same thing, obviously dont be looking at charts or anything there, use tradingview for that

>> No.8955407

the jmbullion site he posted sells pure troy oz's of stuff. I might pick some up for a rainy day. I mean, you;re really only paying for the shipping and a slight markup from whoever you buy from since you still own the value of the metal.

I'm not sure how palladium or platinum would play out in a Mad Max scenario, they seem like they would be valuable as well; but not as highly tradable.

>> No.8955418

They just took the design of the mobile app and stretched it to fit a PC screen, basically.

Which is fine.

>> No.8955449

you might be disappointed because a 1oz bar of silver is pretty darn small. a 10oz bar would give you a more "cool/baller" factor.

finding a completely blank bar with no markings might pose a bit of a challenge because it's basically free advertising for the mint that produced it.
there are plenty of options out there tho:

>> No.8955470

If I had to use Robinhood I would use the app

>> No.8955596

its easier to lose 10oz at once compared to 10 of the 1oz and i might want to display them or give them away in increments, its not like im really 'investing' for under $200 lol

>> No.8955658

>Trump just shot another blow to Amazon via twitter.
good. bezos deserves lead
>Volatility will be slowly increasing until shit hits the fan with Russia or Iran attacking Isreal
israel has already attacked syrian and russian targets in syria. its all but declared at this point
>downtime on twitter was to dox all the pedophile/trafficking accounts that they have been harboring the last few years
kek, did you see backpage? holy shit.
i think it will be to expose bots. makes me wonder if theyll leave all the hundreds of thousands of dem-bots (the ones that respond to every presidential tweet within seconds) up as well...
>Instagram and FB might be on that list as well
dunno about the gram, but the book has been documented as being used for trafficking drugs already. imo, seeing as how zuk threw them under the bus, cambridge analytica has absolutely nothing left to lose by letting on EXACTLY what FB and many other major internet corporations harvest in terms of data. i forget when theyre testifying in front of congress though

>I'm guessing the triple letter agencies have everything they need from them now and they can be thrown to the wolves.
judging by the recent backpage seizure, as well as the 4chan server scraping that was going on on friday (in response to the whole /r9k/ thing), some of the three letter agencies have actually been doing their jobs. based on what i know of those organizations, this is not only out of character, but actually shows a serious power shift in the leadership of these groups. backpage was trafficking 3/4ths of the kids reported missing by the NCMEC, and we both know who thats all going to lead back to. im sure its a long list of creepy local politicans all the way up to the professional career creeps in congress.

>> No.8955693

>4chan server scraping that was going on on friday (in response to the whole /r9k/ thing
Quick rundown?

>> No.8955728

fuck. some anon had a youtube video. search "/r9k/ blackmail traps scandal" and something will come up. its pretty fucked up. some guy was tricking autistic robots, blackmailing them into being traps, and other fucked up shit. apparently some were underage and the one kid who an hero'd on cam was supposedly one of them

>> No.8955743

dang. so that explains the weird sudden posting trouble

>> No.8955766

It's not great, but it has a few features missing from the app that I really like -- providing slightly more for DD than the app does.

>> No.8955827
File: 6 KB, 506x113, 0f537b1e611f8d75b7533742c5af4dd6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 post by this ID
Think this guy was holding IBM... can anyone check if he's okay?

>> No.8955840

it was either that or the possibility of a military strike on syria. /sg/ is literally where news on syria breaks first. in order to strike back without completely compromising their plan to the SAA, they HAD to shut it down.

>> No.8955867

This has probably been asked a trillion times but... Recommended brokers for EUfags?

>> No.8955884


I never even connected these. That's fucking insane... so this is the power of politics in action. Something big's gonna happen and we're all probably gonna lose every cent we have desu haha.

Also, nobody even knows how influential /sg/ by itself is. They have their own website and branches on the other chans, and the whole Wikipedia page on the Syrian war, day by day, is thanks to /sg/.

Fuck usually our regulars have a great big list but I don't have the pasta. In any case try Degiro. They're not Robinhood free but they're cheap apparently.

>> No.8955889

I remember seeing a couple posts about this on /r9k/. I thought it may have been some tinfoil hat shit like they enjoy saying about Ciara Horan.
>blackmailing them into being traps
I heard a tripfag was involved in this, either as the blackmailer or the victim

>> No.8955908

He commented on one of my posts on stocktwits, apparently he is invested in Sony too, should I dump it?

>> No.8955915

/sg/ is a Russian propaganda outlet.

>> No.8955919

>ter 2009 crash... gold was almost 2k per ounces then just suddenly reversed down for no reason??? And back down to like 1100
> then just suddenly reversed down for no reason

Holy fuck you boomers are retarded beyond belief. Inflation fucking collapsed after 2009, it has almost disappeared for the last 6 years.

You lost money on your shorts, are too scared to jump into the market (but im above the FOMO!), and keep claiming its 2000/2008 all over again. Go back to zerohedge retard.

>> No.8955958

Some sick fuck named Reiko and his friends operated some Discords where they fished for young impressionable boys on /r9k/. They requested trap boipucci lingerie pics for access and then blackmailed the poor robots into doing more and more degrading things. Apparently Reiko wanted an IRL trap harem and to keep normies off of /r9k/ by posting degeneracy and traps.

Leaked Discord convos show that these retards talk like cartoon supervillains to each other and take /r9k/ too damn seriously. The kid that an hero'd is confirmed to be tied up in it and people are constantly trying to dox Reiko. Surprised the cops/three-letters aren't involved.

You're legitimately retarded if you're not baiting. (((Israel))) and its lapdog, America, are literally the bad guys at this epoch.


I don't smell a big crash coming and neither do the big guys in the economy. Right now's the dip to buy in.

>> No.8955971

>Also, nobody even knows how influential /sg/ by itself is. They have their own website and branches on the other chans, and the whole Wikipedia page on the Syrian war, day by day, is thanks to /sg/.
I had no idea.
I've always seen that thread on /pol/, but never thought it was much more than few autistic /pol/acks with a fetish for Syria, similar to the Chicago PD threads. Didn't realize they were very organized.

>> No.8955990

Why do you retards think boomers browse this board? Anyone in their 50's or 60's would never be here, that makes you equally retarded.

>> No.8955998

Oh they've got a fetish for Syria alright. A god-damned obsession and it's fucking cool as shit. I'm convinced they're one of the reasons the (((three-letter))) agencies let 4chan operate, other than it being a place for betas and neo NatSocs to blow off steam rather than hide their power level and join their local Republican branch. Up-to-date news on Syria and literal free supplemental analysis.

There's a surprising amount of literal oldfags.

>> No.8956017

No, not that old, and if they are that old and still browsing 4chan, they sure as shit don't have any money to invest.

>> No.8956035


Boomer, as in, a goldbug. Ron Paul hoarder of metal who watches the value of his retarded investment drop like a rock but instead of selling decides FOMO some apocalyptic scenario where gold/silver kept it's inherent value...somehow.

>> No.8956040

Id guess 20% of /smg/ are boomers

>> No.8956053

you guys think the market's gonna crash tomorrow cause that old lady who married her son died?

>> No.8956054
File: 420 KB, 960x1280, E09A5E3A-8A21-45F3-AC0E-63E80CC2E70E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else doing value and momentum investing for security selection with a time series momentum market timing strategy?

Gotta exploit those systematic behavioral biases and the large pools of capitals limits of arbitrage...

>> No.8956070

>muh Russia

>> No.8956076

>Apparently Reiko wanted an IRL trap harem
Sounds about right from what I remember
/r9k/ has outdone themselves for once

>I don't smell a big crash coming and neither do the big guys in the economy.
The feds are super bullish.
All the articles about the yield curve and
>this one autistic hedge fund manager predicts a VIX earthquake
are sensationalism from non-top tier market sources like MarketWatch rather than WSJ.
The yield curve has NOT inverted yet. It's just close. Even if it does invert, it takes like 8 months for the stock market to be impacted.

>> No.8956090

In that case yes, the gold meme was pushed to steal old people's retirement funds.
I think you'd be hard pressed to find 5, let alone 20%

>> No.8956141

>cause that old lady who married her son died
Kek. Are you talking about Barbara Bush?
No, Barbara Bush's death won't be a blip, sadly.

>> No.8956148

related to the precious metals talk, is there anywhere in the US either at a store or online to buy other currencies, either as a meme or legitimate store of value? I want to get a couple million vietnamese dong, it'll be like $5 USD...

>> No.8956167
File: 17 KB, 440x440, cannot mossad the assad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I never even connected these. That's fucking insane...
yeah its the best sign ive seen in months desu
>Something big's gonna happen and we're all probably gonna lose every cent we have desu haha
thats why im bearish
>Also, nobody even knows how influential /sg/ by itself is.
its funny too because how it is the most antiglobalist place, and yet its more diverse than anything they could ever manufacture. people on all sides of the conflict with a front row seat to the secret proxy war, and very little bullshit disinfo (still some of ivans cheap prop tho) between them and the frontlines. its dangerous when the limited hangout loses its limit

i dont go on there, but did after i heard about it. seemed legit. there were tons of screencaps and someone posted the address, but i didnt save any of it because i didnt want to be involved, even in any peripheral way, to that sickness.

ur right. lemme go fire up the netflix and watch the netflix orginal "white helmets".

i dont even know where else you could look for with journalists that are even on the ground at this point. the wests policy on it has essentially been to ignore it, until they decide to manufacture outrage cuz assad gassed his own children or whatever the fuck. is ivan on there shitposting about how invulnerable mother russia is? yes. are there other active disinfo groups that go on there daily? yes. is /sg/ on 4chan the only /sg/? no.

you should ponder for a bit why it is you are scared of russia so much? do you think perhaps it could be that we are fighting a proxy war with them right now?

>> No.8956256
File: 263 KB, 585x560, 1520738796213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty good that most people distrust journalists now. This social rot only exists within the anglosphere, it's not gaining much traction outside of it. Serves those disgusting fuckers right. Think of how many lives they've RUINED over the decades. Pushing the gold and silver coins meme to boomers. Free love, degeneracy, atheism. Fucking BEANIE BABY INVESTMENTS. Gender theories, transvestism. Jesus Christ my blood is boiling.

My home country's progressive millennial generation turned out to be the baby boomer generation into a conservative government. Thank God above. Brazil's monarchist movements are literally coming back to life after a few decades of tranny shit. Brazilian trannies are cool though. I might end up investing in Brazilian economies since they're way, way overdue to be a mid-level superpower. Nuclear weapons and two aircraft carriers by 2030. Stamp.

>its funny too because how it is the most antiglobalist place, and yet its more diverse than anything they could ever manufacture. people on all sides of the conflict with a front row seat to the secret proxy war, and very little bullshit disinfo (still some of ivans cheap prop tho) between them and the frontlines. its dangerous when the limited hangout loses its limit

pic related.

>i dont go on there, but did after i heard about it. seemed legit. there were tons of screencaps and someone posted the address, but i didnt save any of it because i didnt want to be involved, even in any peripheral way, to that sickness.

I don't recommend going to /r9k/ because it's like an acceptance/support group for the dregs of society. People betrayed by everyone and everything.

>> No.8956310

I've tried it about a week ago. It's shit. No charting, might as well stay on mobile. I just got an invite today as well despite having tried it. I also got an invite for crypto waitlist despite having been there over a month ago. And another invite for options after I got approved for them.

>> No.8956336

By the time their crypto trading finally opens up, crypto will be fucking dead.

>> No.8956366

Crypto is stupid now I lost 500 playing everything I could try and trying to trade Bitcoin for a month, then gained it back by simply playing HMNY and AMD calls in one day. wtf

>> No.8956379

It's an atrocity. No buying power indicator on the front, tiny text and boxes, no candles, memelines or advanced charting. Less calculation options than the app, and you can't even trade options contracts. Only buying and selling stocks. Also their whole computer system in general doesn't do so amazing tracking the prices.

>> No.8956387

brazil is one of my ideal exit strategies if SHTF desu.

seems geopolitically irrelevant (but with at least SOME sort of infra), the economy is undervalued, land is cheap and plentiful, cost of living is far cheaper, i like brazilian portuguese, and most impotantly, the music is fucking incredible.

keep some of those brazilian traps warm for me. ill be down in a bit

>> No.8956394

I would never touch it myself, it's definitely a case of, "if it sounds too good to be true it generally is". Yeah a few people got rich off of it, but mostly it's just pajeets stealing lazy NEETs fun bucks.
I only use it if i'm already on my computer, you can't even trade options on the website, it's fucking pathetic.

>> No.8956424

Silly goose, the fed is not bullish. They are going to keep raising interest rates and the bear will fully awaken. Funny money is in overdrive right now, hedging every last penny out of margin. Sadly we are near end cycle.

>> No.8956454

the banks arent lookin to good either.
on record beats too. WFC has 81B worth of exposure to subprime loans. i feel like im getting deja vu

>> No.8956478
File: 963 KB, 498x278, 1523936103263.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If SPY not open huge me profit for a once

Robinhood website just front for get them into TradingView!! screeny this

Also me am want access for Robinhood crypto trollbox
Me emailed all Robinhood staff!
none reply : (

>> No.8956533

Should I even bother with stocks if I only have $500
I'm starting to think that money would be better invested in crypto

>> No.8956553

Oh kek I'm not a Brazilian. I'm a Mongol. I never thought of using South America as a SHTF strategy, but myself and my family have skills we could market. And by market I mean sell ourselves to the local post-apocalyptic warlord as mission-critical staff.

I keep it open in a corner multitasking tab just to keep a watch on my shit.

Crypto's ultra-volatile and you don't want to invest everything you have to your name in it. Gambling's not good for beginners. Get a feel for investing first.

>> No.8956560

You can trade cheap options after you're approved or throw your money away with penny stocks.

Careful learning can see 500 turn into 10,000 or 0 very easily

>> No.8956591

>I'm a Mongol. I never thought of using South America as a SHTF strategy, but myself and my family have skills we could market. And by market I mean sell ourselves to the local post-apocalyptic warlord as mission-critical staff
im almost certain ive talked with you before on /int/ years ago.

for what its worth, its easier to lose absolutely everything in crypto than with stocks

>> No.8956631

Wasn't me. I don't go on /int/ much. We Mongols are a funny little bunch.

>> No.8956637

what do you consider ultra cheap options?

>> No.8956668

i am a taiwanese and i say fuck the techs bring it down.

>> No.8956711

You can trade calls and puts on spy for a few hundred. Also cheaper stocks like F have cheap options. You can also gamble far out of the money calls/puts if you know a trend reversal is in site for a stock.

For example I bought a bunch of super cheap out of the money puts on wells Fargo, they were like 90 bux each. If the stock tanks then i'll make a good percentage and my risk is limited to the option price.

>> No.8956781
File: 56 KB, 1363x601, WFC holy shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea thats been my experience.

fucking exactly.
goddamn asia hours /smg/ is so much better.
everyone on during the day seems convinced US equities will rise into infinity. you know the part of the meme bubble graph im talking about.

also, take a look at WFC on monthly candlestick charts. they got $81B in shitty subprime loan exposure. pic related. disregard the text in the graph (or dont idc)

>> No.8956792

nice, just bought a SPY $292.50 call for May 4th for $3 for the meme

If SPY gets closer to that 'strike price' I believe its called before May 4 I can 'sell' this within Robinhood for more than the 3 cent premium per share right?

>> No.8956814

this sort of stuff is so exciting for when we get into bear market, able to short everytyhing into oblivion then once the charts turn around i and all of us will be able to buy shit at like 80% off. Amazon I believe it is was under $40 during in the 08 crash, imagine buying and holding that shit until $1400 currently

>> No.8956877

I doubled my money with crypto, but I'm completely out now. Might get back into it in a month if it hangs around 8k until then or starts going back up.
I played it with much less cash than my stocks though.

>the fed is not bullish
>They are going to keep raising interest rates
You are literally retarded. You are like a little child.
The fed raises rates BECAUSE it is bullish.
It's going "OH SHIT, THAT MOTHERFUCKER IS FLYING. I better slap it with some rate hikes so that it doesn't overheat and turn into a bubble!"
>and the bear will fully awaken
That's when they slap it too hard.
They slap it with rate hikes because those autistic geniuses KNOW it's going up, but if it goes up too fast, you get the .COM bubble.
Jerome Powell is aware of slapping it too hard though. He said he won't be too aggressive with the rate hikes.

>> No.8956930

>they got $81B in shitty subprime loan exposure
I heard they're getting around regulations that were put in place from 2008 or Dodd-Frank by lending money to smaller banks that are allowed to have the kind of subprime loan exposure that they're not allowed to touch directly

>> No.8956941

This thread when to the shitter quick.

>> No.8956954

>If SPY gets closer to that 'strike price' I believe its called before May 4 I can 'sell' this within Robinhood for more than the 3 cent premium per share right?
Only if it gets A LOT closer. Otherwise, you get burned by theta decay.
For example, if SPY only goes up a few pennies by then, then the option will actually go down to 1 or 2 dollars.

>> No.8956965

dont be fooled either. theyre all doing it. WFC is just the worst offender.

dont mind me im just FUDing banks
im secretly a commie, you see...

>> No.8956979

is theta decay in essence time decay? i know i would need SPY to basically go up in a linear fashion from current price to strike price from tomorrow through strike day, that makes sense of course

>> No.8956980

>Amazon I believe it is was under $40 during in the 08 crash, imagine buying and holding that shit until $1400 currently

It's after hours, dude.
They'll be back at like 7am.

>> No.8957009

>dont be fooled either. theyre all doing it
Well, of course.
I'm not touching banks either. I only like to play tech stocks and high growth where the P/E doesn't make sense anymore.

>is theta decay in essence time decay
It's exactly time decay.
And it burned the shit out of me with my first few FB calls.

>> No.8957027

It's not regular trading hours so it's just shit posting

>> No.8957033

alright cool makes sense, sorry for rundamentary questions im still learning only heard about optinos like 2 weeks ago and just bought this SPY meme for $3 tonight

the power of sky high PE ratios for software companies, when they crash they REALLY tank and we will get some quality deals. Amazon obviously wont get to $40 but imagine $500 AMZN a year from now? yes please

>> No.8957046
File: 728 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180417-215101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8957048

yes. it happens at an accelerating rate as it approaches expiry, and the effect is worse the more OTM you play. try closer to the money strikes and give yourself time and you dont have to worry about it.

>I only like to play tech stocks and high growth where the P/E doesn't make sense anymore
im scared of those right now desu
shill me one

>> No.8957077

yea this will never amount to anything. half the "anti gun" politicians have exposure to blackrock. no way are they gonna do shit

>> No.8957102

The fed HAS to raise rates thanks to the last 10 years of shitty policy. Its not speculation on the stock market they look at, its speculation on the US ECONOMY. While they usually coorelate I don't think you realize the amount of foreign dollars in the equity market that have been inflated thanks to the cheapness of loaning money. Stocks are going to grow slower than the rate of interest on the loans used to purchase them and money is already starting to leave the equity market.

Feel free to buy whatever stocks you think are valuable with a 2017 mindset; but you're foolish if you think we're going much higher. Volatility has already reared its head and its not going to sleep any time soon, in fact the banks will ENCOURAGE it as they make more money doing this. Given that their shares are tanking I wonder what would be a good play to pad those earnings sheets some more.

The US can function completely independently of the rest of the world if it chooses, and I think the current administration has this in mind. You have companies like tesla and netflix who are not even net cash positive reaping in stock prices more than companies with actual p/e and dividends on speculation alone.

Feel free to make money on the way up, but its going to hurt very hard when you realize you may be buying the top.

>> No.8957108

Please tell me this is fake.

>> No.8957126

well yeah. its the fucking MSM. its all a wash really

>The fed HAS to raise rates thanks to the last 10 years of shitty policy.
thats how i read it

>> No.8957137

>sorry for rundamentary questions
Careful with them on here.
Sometimes people will try to shill or shove a foolish meme down your throat.
>TVIX Inc. announced record earnings today!
I saw like 4 posters hop on and start meming about TVIX like a company, which was slightly more light-hearted, but a few on here just think it's hilarious to watch others lose money.

>when they crash they REALLY tank and we will get some quality deals
That's how I've been treating this FB fiasco. It seems like hardly a single fucking person in the media, Wall Street, or congress actually grasps what's going on or how FB even makes money.
>imagine $500 AMZN a year from now? yes please
They're already being given a lot of buy ratings from analysts, possibly because Trump's tweets about AMZN are scaring off investors and cutting us a bit of a deal

>> No.8957140

what do you consider a logn time on options? i guess its relative to price volatility and PE ratio per underlying asset/equity etc? obviously ETFs will move super slow just like old dinosaur companies like Ford and GE will, while software tech companies can skyrocket around like TSLA or GOOG? (though TSLA is basically full meme)

>> No.8957184

>shill me one
I also like SHOP, SQ, AMZN, AAPL, NFLX
There's one drug that I'll set in for months at a time called SOXL. My Jewish roommate that got me into stocks told me about SOXX... I, of course, found SOXL. Told him. A year later he told me that he caved and started holding it long-term too. KEK.

>> No.8957224

just check the prices. usually the longer ones arent too much more expensive than each other as you move out. get yourself a good price with at least three or four times as much time as you think you need. then thetas not a problem

its a lesson. if people arent looking up what theyre investing in even slightly, they deserve it. its the same anywhere on the internet related to stocks. thats just the game.

i trade SOXL and SOXS on swings too. strong fucking industry. might tumble a little more imo at some point, but the cash printing memes are real

>> No.8957247
File: 271 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180417-215219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no way are they gonna do shit
If Smith & Wesson actually dips, I'll buy the ever living SHIT out of it.
I bet this fucking nog and his lovely Goblin of a gf have been one of the greatest marketing campaigns for guns in the history of mankind.
I saw that searches for joining the NRA spiked after those 2 nogs rallied against it.

It's not! Check it yourself.
Washington Fucking Times.

>> No.8957263

I don't understand. They're just ETF's.

Apparently that particular company's kind of shit.

>> No.8957295

>Just a highschool kid they say
This country is so fucking stupid it physically pains me.

>> No.8957302

>You have companies like tesla and netflix who are not even net cash positive
NFLX has been cash positive for years.
But, their P/E is still through the roof because they are still experiencing subscriber growth.
So, their stock price is being driven by VC metrics instead of traditional metrics.


Where the fuck else are people going to put their money to avoid getting destroyed by inflation? I'm not pulling out until the fucking yield curve inverts.

>> No.8957313

>If Smith & Wesson actually dips, I'll buy the ever living SHIT out of it.
thats what i thought when i saw it. "hmm...someone needs a good buy in for the war rally?"

>> No.8957350

>what do you consider a logn time on options?
I've read that theta decay is particularly bad for the last 30-90 days, so I buy my contracts for at least 4 months out with the intent of selling them before 3 months out hits.

>(though TSLA is basically full meme)
God bless Elon Musk, I love that man, but I will never touch a share of TSLA. Too fucking wild for me.

>> No.8957356

>I don't understand. They're just ETF's.
didnt you hear? turns out it was bogle. he shot up the school. that sick 160 year old fuck

>> No.8957400

excellent, thank you. i only have like $500 on RObinhood I mostly trade on leverage using BTC on 1broker, but think ill try some option memes instead of buying like 3 shares of MSFT which seems like a waste of time

>> No.8957407

>get yourself a good price with at least three or four times as much time as you think you need. then thetas not a problem
That sounds about right. I shoot for a few days in price action, but the price action can get dragged out for 2 weeks; thus, multiple months for expiration.

I could not possibly hold SOXS.
I could never bring myself to take a short position on a FAANG stock. Similarly, it just seems like semiconductor industry can really just give off a swift little kick with how crypto and deep learning is playing out for them.

>> No.8957476

>I don't understand. They're just ETF's.
I fucking know. This kid and his goblin friend can't get a fucking clue. I'm going to post this shit on /pol/. I bet they'll appreciate it.

I think sensationalism is really feeding this a lot. I don't know why the media has such a penchant for The Squealing Hogg though. I don't remember seeing this kind of focus on victims before.

>a good buy in for the war rally
Kek. That's a good point. I've been going for DEFN, which has been booming in general because of Trump

>> No.8957503

alright ive got another question, im looking at SPY calls for Sept 21:

$311 15 cents
$312 13 cents
$313 66 cents
$314 11 cents
$315 7 cents
$316 10 cents

why are they like this? surely it should follow a reasonable scale, and sure as hell a 316 call shouldnt be CHEAPER than a <316 call ont he same date, is there some way to take advtange of these or whats the deal? Its not like these are psychological price barriers like $300 or $350 might be, its irrelevent nominal amounts whats going on?

>> No.8957527

>i only have like $500 on RObinhood
That's how much I started with, and have just added a few grand every few months as I got comfortable buffers from my gains. I'm up to 15k-18k in now, after a little over a year. I had a 66% YOY return before I started playing options and dumped in another 4k.

>buying like 3 shares of MSFT which seems like a waste of time
Yup. I only held MSFT for a week before I realized it was too boring for me. Check out SOXL, SPXL, TECL. Also, check out their 5 year historical return. Better than just about every fucking tech company that I've held.

>> No.8957529

im just a bargain hunter i guess

i usually just daytrade it, but after MU got crushed i jumped in. it was awesome

>> No.8957544

low iv prolly

>> No.8957574

>why are they like this?
They're illiquid because the market thinks the numbers are unrealistic. I bet the bid ask spreads will be pretty wide on those.
If I want to do a call that speculative, I might just go for a call option on SPXL instead... Which I've been seriously considering lately.

>> No.8957579

i own a couple grand of BTC and have been trading stuff on 1broker on leverage using it, been going really really well. What on earth were you trading to make 60% annual without using options? I was messing with TECL recently but its no good during this volatility, cant wait for either a bear or full bull market to come again so I can hold TECL or TECS and realize phenomenial returns.
intristic value? sure these things are almost certain to not be exercised thats why they are mere cents per share, but why on earth do the prices jump around like that? is it exploitable?

>> No.8957593
File: 203 KB, 1071x1055, Screenshot_20180417-214517_Simply Wall St.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No man, Netflix is literally burning BILLIONS on sjw propaganda. See pic. They arent covering debt

>> No.8957613

derivatives on leveraged ETFs is patrician taste imo senpai

>> No.8957636

>What on earth were you trading to make 60% annual
I've dabbled in a good number of 3X ETFs and high growth tech companies to get there. It wasn't just 1 company.
I held AMD a lot early in the year. Also, some NVDA, SHOP, DPZ, SPXL, SOXL.
I made $500 off XIV. Lost $500 of XIV in the VIXplosion in early February, then made it all back within a week or two to a point where my portfolio looked like the rest of the market and as if I didn't actually hold XIV into being taken off the market.

>> No.8957655

Hard to tell when it's going to fall into the shitter though. I'm not experienced with options but I give them another year of left-wing crap before their financial support gives out. Don't forget that every other company is trying to copy their business model... and above all... they don't have that large of a subscriber base. Look at the numbers.

>> No.8957675

DIS and net neutrality are going to kill them this year

>> No.8957683

>No man, Netflix is literally burning BILLIONS on sjw propaganda.
I know what you mean. My ex ate that shit.
>See pic. They arent covering debt
No, that's a graph of equity.
They're spending a ton on original content because they've found that their original content, which also accomplishes vendor lock-in, has been well received and a big money maker.
So much so, that AAPL, which is trying to become a competitor in their same market niche has decided to copy this strategy, at least according to what I've read in WSJ.
Also, debt isn't as scary in the tech industry. It's the whole reason why it's so rife with VC, which is an alternative to debt based financing.

>> No.8957730

My main concern with Netflix is the fact that the economy is working how it's supposed to with this business model- competition. If a bunch of indie or politically moderate/conservative entertainment distribution platforms pop up and compete properly in any way those stocks aren't going up.

>> No.8957742

yeah I wish ih ad been in the markets last year when TECL went straight up, cant wait until that time comes again, volatility right now is just too wild. Got to move slowly and make TA based trades using my BTC I have and get into leveraged ETFs when the time comes, either TECL or TECS, doesnt matter to me! Bear market can come for all I care, as long as i KNOW its bear market we can all make money from it

>> No.8957744

>I give them another year of left-wing crap
SJW shit does suck.
But who are their customers?
I sure as fuck don't sit around watching TV. I have a 42 inch TV parked 12 feet in front of me that I haven't turned on in 8 months. I don't have a NFLX subscription either.
The SJWs are.
Usually SJW bullshit is an indicator that a company has fallen to idiotic misdirected motives... For NFLX, they are simply preying and profiting off the weak-minded in the same way the corporate America profited off the stupid fucking hippies by selling gay shirts like "Make Love, Not War" or tie-dye shirts.

>they don't have that large of a subscriber base
Even better!
Those stock prices aren't fueled by subscriber numbers, they're fueled by subscriber GROWTH, which NFLX is experiencing a ton of!

I've also read today that just as many Americans have a subscription to Netflix as they do to cable.

>> No.8957772

Woman Who Died In Southwest Jet Incident Identified As Wells Fargo VP

What a co-incidence right?

>> No.8957815

>Don't forget that every other company is trying to copy their business model
>pop up and compete properly in any way those stocks aren't going up

This isn't fucking China. The first and best competitor wins the spoils. -- think of Uber vs. Lyft
If you're first and you don't fuck up hardcore, you've already won.
Let's look at another example -- Google's search engine.
Fuck Bing.
Fuck DuckDuckGo.
Fuck AskJeeves.
Fuck Yahoo's search engine.

Netflix has been around for over a decade.
They're the "killer of blockbuster".
They were the first to stream, they're the fucking best at it, they have the greatest platform.
Hulu? YouTube Red? AMZN Prime Videos? Apple's streaming service that I don't even know the name of?
Who the hell uses any of those.
The "BlockBuster Killer" is the only streaming platform.

>> No.8957862

>yeah I wish ih ad been in the markets last year when TECL went straight up
>get into leveraged ETFs when the time comes
It didn't go straight up. If you just HODL for months and double down on the dips, you'll kill it like I did.
You don't see all the little dips because it's exponential growth -- they're hidden just like on BTC's 5 year graph by the relative size

>Woman Who Died In Southwest Jet Incident Identified As Wells Fargo VP
Where the fuck did you read that? That's amazing.

>> No.8957896


>> No.8957898

sure of course not every day is green man lol, but i mean it never expeirnced the fuckhuge drops TECL has in the last 2-3 months. Im looking at the chart right now and it experienced 2 15% drops 3-12 months ago, and 2 THIRTY (30) % drops in the last 3 months alone. Waiting for the markets to get to that point again, either long or short.

>> No.8957913

was on my newsfeed, theres also a zerohedge article

>> No.8957972
File: 95 KB, 599x787, 1523985872531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, that's a fair enough strategy. That's how I got into Bitcoin was back in August or so, there was a rumor of Chinese regulation and it dipped hard so I scooped some up for like 3k - 5k

KEK. I'm not, but maybe. For both companies?

Thx, bb

>> No.8958003

In fact, it is the chink copy of the petrodollar, it is more like a process
>Give oil, get CNY
And that CNY has be invested somewhere. Everybody knows that apart from plastic shit or counterfeit crap, there is nothing of value in China... that is why they implemented future contracts on gold labeled in CNY because «gold doesn’t like kek»
And they are traded in HK

>> No.8958035

im curious, how often did you buy TECL and what was your total return if its easy for you to look up? Did you just buy every paycheck or monthly etc whenever there was a dip wahtever your definition of that is, and do you still hold it all?

>> No.8958037
File: 909 KB, 1366x2394, 20180418_003114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy $AXU

>> No.8958058
File: 434 KB, 722x907, starbucks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you shorting Starbucks?

>> No.8958140

want one me Starbucks whore tricks? It will help you short SB

>When @ drive through pretending to lose purse >:D
>Then hold up line pretending look for purse
>They give you drink free just keep line going

>> No.8958166

Do you not post during trading hours?

>> No.8958196

I can't into options

>> No.8958272

Top kek
To those who are bearish on WFC
It seems the woman who died on a Southwest plane was VP at WFC

What will it be at open ? A condolences pump ? Or a bad omen dump ?

>> No.8958310


>> No.8958823

>what was your total return if its easy for you to look up?
I didn't really hold that one. I held SOXL a lot though, which should behave very similarly.
Don't know what my total return was. I would re-do my portfolio at least once a month. I've got hundreds of trades for the past year.
I did have 66% YOY prior to putting in an extra 5k and starting to play with options though.

>In fact, it is the chink copy of the petrodollar, it is more like a process
I wonder if much like all the Chinese knock-off companies -- Alibaba, Weibo, etc. -- the petroyuan will be wildly popular in China and a "literally who" in every other fucking country

>> No.8958847
File: 9 KB, 279x181, 1498900959726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are there any ausfags ITT that trade stock on international markets? what broker do you guys use?

>> No.8958854

>What will it be at open ?
Well I can't imagine the market having a positive reaction to one of a company's leaders experiencing a sudden, unexpected death

>> No.8959076

Petroyuan’s success will depend on the trust of the chinks’ oil partners in the chinese economy
But really, apart from copying, exploiting people or cheating, there is currently no much value in what the chinks can achieve

>> No.8959087

It was some kind of bullshit role
Zero Hedge says «community relations»
Nuff said

>> No.8959137

>But really, apart from copying, exploiting people or cheating, there is currently no much value in what the chinks can achieve
There VC is fucking shaped by it too.
Their VC is so cute. They have little autistic, pretend financial gurus that go out to pick the best knock-off/imitation of an American company instead of being skillful at spotting the next big, most innovative, creative, mind-blowing start-up.

>> No.8959194

wow that's nightmare shit.
engine failure, 1 person dies, and it's just because that one seat you happened to be in.
at leats the whole plane didn't go down i guess.

>> No.8959406

16x long spx today

>> No.8960379
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>> No.8960604
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Morning m8

It states soem adjustments to their Q417 operational results. And it concludes with a SMALLER loss attributable to AMRS bagholders.


>> No.8961004
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>> No.8961268

Strange omen today, friends. I awoke this morning from a dream in which I was deliberately fucking my own wife.

>> No.8961280


>> No.8961361
File: 3.06 MB, 1632x2112, 1524043139192.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They'll make it.

>> No.8961385

top kek
gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8

>> No.8961486

Morning all

>> No.8961613

I just read TVIX corp is actually paying people to take their assets away. Do these fuckers even know how to make money during the age of the golden bull?

>> No.8961623

im going to lose a lot of money today

and theres nothing I can do to stop it at this point

>> No.8961705

Morning all lets get it. Tires of my ip getting banner
T. Faggot phone poster

>> No.8961762

Morning lads. KMI earnings today, could be good in spite of Trudeau being unable to get the provincial governments to come to an agreement on the trans mountain pipeline. They have until the end of next month or KMI is pulling the plug on it rntirely

>> No.8961764

this manufactured media crisis will be forgotten in two weeks and won't effect the price one way or another

like, you noticed that Chick-Fil-A is still around, right? fuck I wish they were publicly traded, I'd buy calls

>> No.8961780

Disney has the potential to fuck them up. Nobody else does, though, not really

>> No.8961795

I know this feel, I don't get WiFi at work so I gotta use my mobile data, some cunt on /vg/ keeps Shitposting in my IP range

>> No.8961816

index ETFs, even. AOBC and RGR are both in the Russel 4000, of fucking course Vanguard owns a bunch of them

Hogg is asking Vanguard to exclude Ruger and AOBC, and only them, from their index funds because they're suuuuuper eeeeeeevil or something

Jesus, can you fucking imagine?

>> No.8961858


>> No.8961892

Whenever I see an alert for GUSH I giggle

>> No.8961907

What are the memes of the day, that’s not a question for bags to answer lel

>> No.8961949

What do you gyys think about buying puts on Riot?

>> No.8961959

so, I bought puts on LFIN, for basically the same reason you're thinking of, and got kinda screwed

just be aware that there's more than one way for puts to fail

>> No.8961964

betting against crypto is risky as fuck

>> No.8962018
File: 84 KB, 1024x1024, 1522722295723m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shill me a penny stock to ride today, cant do short sells im a wagecuck on robinhood, just wanna drop 500 usd on something and pray.

>> No.8962038

VTGN has been my go to penny stock meme of the year. It's pretty high right now though, but if you're looking to hold for another 14 months or something it's going to mid teens.

>> No.8962069

holding over what time frame

>> No.8962076


>> No.8962084

At least until tomorrow, I got flagged as a day trader by robinhood so now im grounded

>> No.8962099

lmao 1 day okay good luck with your moon mission

>> No.8962105
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>> No.8962145

Jusy saying it would be a min hold of a day anon, not opposed to holding a while I just wanna gamble.

>> No.8962219


>> No.8962278
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>> No.8962288

Jeez, SLV broke 16. If anybody has itchy put fingers watch it.

>> No.8962290
File: 17 KB, 300x250, kiddab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8962306

Me plan for today sipple:
Short @ 2712

>> No.8962340

why did it moon? where do these random premarket things even come from

>> No.8962359



>> No.8962362

One of their customers (Dynetics) just won a contract with Emperor Trump's war machine

>> No.8962387

I don't think customer really describes the relationship with Dynetics... They are more like partners for GREMLINS.

>> No.8962394

well so much for the banks gapping up

>> No.8962408
File: 40 KB, 600x703, promotion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah you are right
Gratz for your gainz

>> No.8962411

based Trump has bestowed us with moar gains

>> No.8962425

those 12.50 calls are about to pop

>> No.8962442

so much for anything gapping up really.
any of you cats still playing SLV options?
SLV just had 1M shares bought and sold in the first ten minutes. getting ready to flip my calls and get some puts

>> No.8962447

Was nervous when the war talk cooled off right after I put a few of those in myself. So this is what it feels like to profit off of war. Lovely

>> No.8962450


>> No.8962463

im still holding on to those KTOS bags since Q1
i will sell this shit when i break even

>> No.8962497

I can feel again. I feel fucked up, but it's like different. Instead of being all high and shit it's just fucked up. I don't see a return to normal any time soon. Long live the golden bull. That thing's going to pull this wagon all the way to the fucking moon.

We're going to fill the gap. This is the great awakening of the golden bull. Don't bully the bull we're making equities great again.

>> No.8962504

dat AMRS open dive lel

>> No.8962513

Why is VIX rising? Who's trying to castrate the bull?

>> No.8962520

I thought you said 01, as in 2001, and I almost bought you a hooker as condolence.

>> No.8962521

on really low volume too.
seems odd, but maybe its just people who didnt like the 10-k

well i got calls on it because its so damn low

>> No.8962535
File: 6 KB, 249x243, 1511169742128s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw seeing red with no reasons put forward

whats going on?

>> No.8962538
File: 4 KB, 114x114, cornella4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just recently got into the stock market
>bought a stock, rode it up, sold it higher, then bought it back later at a lower price

This is starting to get a little fun.

>> No.8962552

are your options close to expiry? you lose a lot on theta in the last week

>> No.8962560
File: 119 KB, 686x850, kristen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love kristen

>> No.8962563

I have see this pattern for weeks after the ER
There is usually a dump in the morning. Then, the stock is pumped again before deflating until close.
I want to scoop some share sub 6$ like yesterday before selling them at the pump.

>> No.8962580

Also, the 10-K and the 10-K/A are actually better than what the press release said because due to some adjustments, there was less losses during Q417.

>> No.8962598

yea not gonna lie i took the opportunity as a swing too. dont like how we broke support yesterday. im gonna have to monitor that closely as well as all my bank plays

i thought it seemed fine too, but i get all googly-eyed looking at that kinda stuff. might as well be reading a different language at some point

>> No.8962613
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>> No.8962633

nope i just have normal stocks

>> No.8962635
File: 49 KB, 980x624, LONG_BGFV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i-it just a pure coincidence
>p-pic related
>h-ha haha

>> No.8962659

This stock is unstoppable, it just doesn't care about volatility or red days

>> No.8962673

>last month has me rattled
>want to be sure before I buy
>all of my picks are up 5% today
>didn’t buy any of them
Brb gonna go an hero

>> No.8962694
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>> No.8962697

Although Big5Guy is a a degenerate druggie and his gf a coke whore (I mean the beverage), I will listen to his advice religiously

I can't wait to see how his ALT play gonna span out because this is an absolute garbage "biotech" stock

>> No.8962717
File: 29 KB, 741x568, 1485745293146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did it feel like you made your first $100 gains?

>> No.8962788
File: 46 KB, 283x343, 1488903239550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Felt great until I woke up

>> No.8962790

Reminder to put a new thread in the oven, usual guy is busy today and I'm on my phone

>> No.8962791

Like doing a fat line of coke after fuckin' a 10/10 supermodel. I can only imagine the scale of victory wears off a little adding 0's to that $100, but feels good to know your decisions are playing out juuuust fine and everything is gonna be OK.

>> No.8962792

This golden bull sure acts funny

>> No.8962794

i'll do it

>> No.8962816
File: 237 KB, 600x532, laughing_bogdanoff_and_sminem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please use this image

>> No.8962821

Nice, thanks Bear

>> No.8962839
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>> No.8962864
File: 156 KB, 1080x1691, 20180418_101202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An anon suggested this late yesterday for today and I only bought 3 shares. Plz kill

>> No.8963300

Newfag samefagging on this level is unprecedented