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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 668 KB, 1257x937, xvg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8944453 No.8944453 [Reply] [Original]

DYOR, but many people don't understand how important porn industry is for innovation. It really, really is a huge deal for future crypto adoption. People will make fun of this thing, bla bla bla who pays for porn, nobody cares. Often porn is first to do something new and other industries follow later. As I said, google yourself, tons of articles about porn industry and innovation if you didn't know about it. You can take a look at these



>> No.8944592

did you realize that
- verge is not anonymous and thus not a privacy coin
- their blockchain got "hacked" and a gorillion coins were mined
- they can't code

I know Fabian Thylmann (MindGeek) in person and the only reason with this "partnership" exists is because 1. they paid for it, 2. Thylmann and friends know nothing about the crypto space.

>> No.8944606

It's still gonna pump like a motherfucker, anon. Get in while you still can

>> No.8944616


>I know Fabian Thylmann (MindGeek) in person

X doubt

>> No.8944627

Whatever, in all of this I care more about crypto adoption as a whole. Which for me this is a big step

>> No.8944645

Keep your butthurt in check, it's getting out of control

>> No.8944649

I've been laughing at verge the whole time but this is a really cool partnership.
The porn innovation thing isn't bullshit, you youngfags don't remember the days when the only videos on the internet were low-res porn that you had to load for 20 minutes before you could watch.
It boggles my mind that such a blatantly garbage coin is making it.

>> No.8944652

The delusion lmao. Moon market is over. You're not going to get rich off of a scam/shitcoin like Verge.

Deal with it. You're clearly

>> No.8944670

By my bags faggot

>> No.8944719

What did Pornhub invent? Animated thumbnails for videos?

>> No.8944765

I don't know if it was pornhub, but porn in general has been using preview scrubbing on videos long before youtube adopted it.

>> No.8944786

You're delusion amuses me. The verge team was reached out to not the opposite.

>> No.8944840

I have 40k Verge. Hope I gonna make it and can buy me a R8 tomorrorw.

>> No.8944844

I really don't care. Just facts bro. Enjoy your gains but better step out of verge.

>> No.8944848

Not buying even

>> No.8944855

Whatever but you can't deny the blockchain attack or their scammy behaviour.

>> No.8944880

What? Youtube doesnt have that or am i retarded

>> No.8944890

I bought as soon as the big news were announced, but the price is going down.
I... I don't understand.

>> No.8944945
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It’s ogre. This is a shit partnership. I hate this coin.

>> No.8944968

This is not 2017. A partnership doesn't mean anything anymore. Fucking look at REQ.

>> No.8946041
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However that might be, everyone on this planet who watches porn will be exposed to the concept of Verge sooner or later. From a marketing perspective alone, this is pure gold.

Apart from that, you have the entire porn industry shilling verge because they are on the receiving end.

Watch as the sell orders dry up while demand increases a thousand-fold... my prediction is prices will steadily climb towards the 3 dollar range before the end of the year. XVG will become an actual commodity this year.

It's classical textbook stuff. I honestly just bought 6500 xvg. Selling at 3 dollars for a comfy 20K.

>> No.8946119

Back to pajeet school. You're way too obvious.


>> No.8946124


>> No.8946502

>posting the same deluded post in every thread

Imagine being this much of a brainlet

>> No.8946565

>classical textbook stuff

>> No.8946594

the absolute state of you my lad, you're going to lose 90% of your money.

>> No.8946613

no, everybody who see's ads on a pornsite knows to stay well the fuck away from whatever it is you stupid cunt. this is the worst possible partnership in history and the dev's know it, that's why they deleted the "the partnership isn't going to be ph" tweet and are now dumping their bags.

>> No.8946719
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RIP verge

>> No.8946736

I'm dyor rn if you know what I mean

>> No.8946748

You must be new...

>> No.8946877

Buy the rumour sell the news, same as any other market.

>> No.8946952

Because the partnership wasn't PH, it was their parent company Mindgeek. However Mindgeek doesn't like the world to know that 80% of all porn sites are owned by the same company, so they told Verge to stfu. That's why Brazzers suddenly comes out and makes the announcement that they're adopting Verge in the same afternoon as Pornhub. Mindgeek also gets a bonus in that their Verge investment becomes worth more if it looks like multiple companies grabbed it at the same time.

>> No.8946981

what is the chance that pornhub is doing a simple pump a dump with this?

>> No.8946997


>> No.8946998

No, most people here do understnad how important porn industry is for innovation. /biz/ doesn't have secret information about this, the partnership between verge and pornhub is already public knowledge and the price reflects that. Unfortunately it's just an advertising gimmick, verge is far from the best crypto for anonymous payments, and they seem to be more concerned with meme advertising (getting stormy daniels in his 15 minutes of fame to shill for them) than actually addressing the real problems with the coin. I wouldn't touch the coin with a 10 foot pole.

>> No.8947018

Big green dildo inbound

>> No.8947040

Priced in, retard.

>> No.8947050
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For Mindgeek it isn't about Verge being good. They'll get some of their own devs in there to make it good. It's about the fact that Mindgeek is based in Quebec and Verge means "dick" in French.

Memes really are the future.

>> No.8947057
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>Leading pornography site Brazzers has been accepting payments in bitcoin (BTC) since 2014 when its parent company Mindgeek (formerly Manwin) rolled out the feature on its porn sites. Other sites under the Mindgeek umbrella include YouPorn, PornHub and XVideos.

>> No.8947060

I would've preferred bcash over this garbage.

Btw if they accept XVG they're just gonna sell it to fiat right away = selling pressure = Verge will never moon ever again


>> No.8947062

It just shot up by 6% in the last 10 minutes.

>> No.8947115

M8, the only privacy coin that matters at the moment is Monero. Bow down before the king. Accumulate before it's too late. 1000$ EOY

>> No.8947155

You're retarded

>> No.8947181
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This is literally it. They never cared about the technology behind it because there isn't anything worth mentioning. The name itself is all that was needed to sell it. Fuck fundamentals when trading crypto this is insanity

>> No.8947372

There are other places that accepted crypto and don't anymore because it just made support unnecesarily complicated for the actual demand that existed at the time for crypto payments (accepting different coins). Some of those places are porn sites, some porn sites were already accepting it, some could come back, but in any case these guys aren't the first. With that said, Mindgeek isn't tiny and there can be increased demand from people in relationships that may not want to broadcast they're paying for access to pornographic content. A partnership was already announced and that was priced in, today the name of the partner will again change the price. It's better than what some people expected, worse for others and some don't care either way. In the medium term I think there are 3 main groups worth thinking about for a play on XVG after these news.

People who don't own crypto but will because of this, at least partially.
People who own crypto and will make payments there.
People who will never pay with crypto for porn.

>> No.8947537

It isn't secure and the new forks haven't updated any of the flaws. Its good but its not private. Neither is Verge. Monero is a bigger threat to tracking than Verge ever will be though.

>> No.8948112

Ahh yes... The old days of 56 Ghey.

>> No.8948242


people are dumb as fuck and/or newbiefags and/or don't understand how markets work

>> No.8948293

Thanks just sold 100k

>> No.8948475

sure this is a nice marketing scheme but the delusion here is mindblowing.
one example i can come up with off the top of my head is piratebay - also accepts crypto but you don't see those coins moon left right and center because of muh adoption.
verge doesn't even fucking work and their devs have been literally scamming holders for months.

also this >>8947060

>> No.8948497
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I still get PTSD from remembering the days of 56k dialup and RealPlayer

>> No.8948556

Your mean, 56Ghey.

>> No.8948756

So verge bribed pornhub with that fundraiser money. It makes sense now. Great idea by a terrible person running a scam coin.

>> No.8949084

You are retarded

>> No.8949698

wait til china wakes up. boooooom we go

>> No.8949790

This is literally nothing.

How many people use PornHub?
Of those, how many people pay?
Of those, how many people could be fucked turning their money into Verge then paying that way?

The simplest explanation is that some palms were greased and this is a PnD, but either way it's just completely inconsequential.

Plus this will turn into a Pedocoin and will likely get smashed hard by government regulation, no way in fucking hell are they going to allow an untraceable shitcoin to start running rings around law enforcement.

At least Bitcoin gives the rozzers a chance with the public ledger.

>> No.8950317


> Watch as the sell orders dry up while demand increases a thousand-fold...

Are you honestly trying to tell us Mindgeek&camwhores are not immediately dumping payments to fiat?


>> No.8950345

>I know Fabian Thylmann
should have told your friend not to buy a piece of shit. you are a bad friend

>> No.8950442

None of that matters. The only thing this accomplishes is that it makes XVG known to normies as an adopted coin. That's literally all any shitcoin needs.

>> No.8950450
File: 141 KB, 1024x604, peepcoin chad paradigm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A fully private coin
>Popular in Japanese circles
>Popular in Korean circles
>Popular in swamp german circles
>Similar supply to Verge
>1:1 swap coming
>Has an actual whitepaper
>Plans to only increase the exposure from here
>Honest transparent developers with experience in shitcoin resurrections
>/biz/ still hasn't heard about it and will start posting about it in a few weeks
>Is up 40x in two months, was strong during the worst of the bear market
>Developer destroyed Verge's head developer on twitter for their time warp attack vulnerability
>Verge virgin developer needs to partner with pornhub to get sexual interaction, DAPS developers get pussy for free

>> No.8950508
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Not an argument



now you do the math

This is like facebook accepting litecoin for payments

>> No.8950511
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Shit's gettin' real guys! GTF in here!

On Wall St. right now.

>> No.8950534

Only a shitcoin needs to partner with a porn site to pump

>> No.8950545
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San Jose

>> No.8950561
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Another from NY I think.

>> No.8950575
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>> No.8950584
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When are you pajeets gonna to stop being fags, and buy back in? The price is right.

>> No.8950620

San Jose is the worst place for them to do this.

Everyone in Silicon Valley already know about crypto and probably already know (or will find out with minimal work) that Verge is a shitcoin.

>> No.8950628

Yeah. Did you also consider that BTC collapsed just after Steam stopped accepting it?

>> No.8950675

this. Also I'm pretty sure it's going to be all over the news tomorrow.

>> No.8951075
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Pajeet detected

>> No.8951096

PH has probably been thinking about this for awhile. Porn accounts are one of the things you see frequently on dark web markets or normal web markets where ppl sell for crypto.

>> No.8951259

>this is a good thing

>> No.8951285


Dafuq is this garbage?

>> No.8952009

Cool is that their multimedia announcement/televised press conference. Oh sorry mainstream press won’t touch it..

>> No.8952199

Just a reminder from huge trader that TRX is gonna blow up https://www.tradingview.com/chart/TRXBTC/NdVuJKS1-Tron-TRX-Breaking-Out-382-Earnings-Potential/