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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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8946029 No.8946029 [Reply] [Original]

Sup wagie. You wanna quite being a wagecuck don't you.

If only you could save up enough bitshekels

Jews got you by the balls

Lemme help you Wagie

You see why work for money when you can have your money work for you with the power of masternodes.

For the cost of a few months salary you can be set for life living off masternodes.

I currently make between 500-600 a day just off all the masternodes I have set up. How much does your Mcjob pay you.

That;s what I thought,

Stay poor wagie,.

>> No.8946049

I will when I can stake my link

>> No.8946080

well which masternodes and how much money did you put into them?

>> No.8946299

I will be once the zencash supernode protocol goes live.

>> No.8946349


Currently Have 3 Ultima
2 Quaz
1 Pure
1 Capital Coin
1 Crop20000
6 Fornix

Total Marketvalue of all my masternodes is about 10-15k But I easily make that back in a month.

And a smattering of small marketcap coins not worth it to list. DESU I don't really need all that much money Mose of my earning I reinvest and buy more masternodes.

>> No.8946488

I just learned about masternodes this morning.
If it’s alright, could you tell me the kind of returns you get vs what you put in? What are the risks of a masternode? Could I lose my money?
I have about $10k on me

>> No.8946497

What's the best masternode for me if I just want to buy 1 and see if it actually returns any profit?

>> No.8946540

Ofcourse it is very very volatile
People are so stupid I can not believe
Setup masternode to get 10% per year return
Your crypto loses 20% value in 1 hour

>> No.8946556


Start here


Pick coins that are price stable and have atleast a 750%-1000% Yearly ROI and have good liquidity.

>> No.8946575
File: 174 KB, 1148x454, wagerr_is_live.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get that WGR! H2H starts in June.

>> No.8946607


Thx Will accumulate. Hoping the chainlike Masternode has good ROI. Brought 60k when it was $0.30

>> No.8946617

Thx bro. I have trouble understanding this, does that mean if I invest $1000 I get $10,000 a year? (1000% return) that seems a little too good to be true.

>> No.8946647

Wat no syscoin?
Fucking newbz

>> No.8946656

Gonna setup my Akroma masternode soon.
Participating in the Linkpool ICO to start staking my linkies ASAP.

I expect that in 1 year my node/staking will earn me enough to live off of just that.

>> No.8946677


Depends on the coins price. #of masternodes running and the amount of traffic on that specific network. and rather or not it can retain that ROI.

>> No.8946735
File: 59 KB, 773x773, unjust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is too good to be true, all of them are pyramids that promise you more than bitconnect, if you want to put money into one at least choose one that won't exitscam

>> No.8946758

Almost every masternode coin I researched had a 95% price drop to almost zero in the last months, don't you think they are destined to fall even further? Especially with basically 1000% inflation due to masternode payouts?

>> No.8946865

Do you switch nodes often? Some guides say the ROI can change. Does that mean if you sell the coins you staked, you won't get your principle back?

>> No.8946938


Nah you can sell your coins you have in your masternode at anytime.

>> No.8947078
File: 85 KB, 556x718, Screen Shot 2018-04-17 at 11.29.00 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ OP is not LARPing
if this is true, and I make money, I thank OP and I also hate myself for being so poor and stupid.

>> No.8947104

Is there anything else I should know about making a masternode more profitable?

>> No.8947113

Better have at least 40-50k LINK by now, then.

>> No.8947116


You're welcome

>> No.8947185
File: 5 KB, 121x176, 1493245860335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much XLM for masternose

>> No.8947261

wtf is this shit

you shills are getting me excited af but ima brainlet so IDK

>> No.8947444

Be very careful with these and do as much research as possible before jumping in.
Masternodes are a great way to make money, it's like mining without owning a mining rig, but it's also one of those "too good to be true" things.
I skimmed through a ton of these coins and most of them are clearly pure shitcoins that have discovered a way to market themselves to people via this masternode stuff.
This way they'll get people to pump way more money into these shitcoins. Buy a ton of them and you'll get a MN!
There are some projects that have more going on for them, but most of these are just plain shit and are trying to capitalize via the MN angle. Easy way to sucker people in.

>> No.8947476

>$600 a day
jesus you can make that just by daytrading wtf are you so proud of?

>> No.8947503


>> No.8947566

Bitbean node reporting in. Feels good

>> No.8947621

you're exposing yourself to exchange rate risk

if there was actually an arbitrage like this you can bet it would be arbitraged away within 1-2 months tops

try to avoid blowing all your hard earned fiat on fake internet money dividend payout obvious scams...

>> No.8947631

At least finish school. Your literacy is horrifying.

>> No.8947632

yeah, the hardest part is picking a non scamcoin. i would take a look at popular coins that will eventually implement masternodes in the future. for example wanchain, vechain, chainlink, icon, etc.

>> No.8947679

What do you mean by arbitrage risks?
I expect that the returns will probably decrease.

>> No.8947684

With a 10k position it's not hard. I make $300/day with a 3% increase. Average around $2k/week

>> No.8947739

Just buy GVT anon, let the pros trade for you and you'll make that much.

>> No.8947817

Currently staking Decred for about $100/week, feels comfy man.

>> No.8948033

Where did you purchase your ULT?

>> No.8948082
File: 161 KB, 1280x720, 1458705762648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Want to stake coins on the office computer at the job
>Scared shitless about being hacked from lack of security