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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8941512 No.8941512 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.8941541

they are getting ready for the dump anon...

>> No.8941554


This must be the salty loser's thread. Just shut the fuck up and get some!

>> No.8941555

Lol, I know it's not MindGeek, but if it's who i think it is (it's between 2 definetly) it won't dump crazy, probably see a shakeoff of like 20% over two days.

If not then its armagedon for these assholes.

>> No.8941574
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literal retards who think the partnership will pump price, people who think they will be smart enough to time the top, and whales who will dump on both of them

has been fun to watch, but sadly will come to an end, hopefully it won't hurt the rest of the market when it comes crashing down

>> No.8941576

Don't really get the benefit of any real enterprise to use a completly flawed cryptocurrency.

Good luck anyway

>> No.8941588


I hope it does dip. I still have some dry powder, and will definitely add to my position. What is it with /biz/? It's filled with gay little bitches like you guys who miss the run, and then spread the fud. What kind of low life faggot does this shit. You guys suck dick.

>> No.8941595


You come here to watch coins run without you? Get a life faggot.

>> No.8941600

where do they post the news?

>> No.8941601

pre-pump before dumping ? are you this new ?

>> No.8941624


10AM EST. Someone obviously know it's good or it wouldn't be pumping this hard. Its gonna keep going.

>> No.8941625

I love seeing project crash and burn too, and if I want to see it burn live I just have to type 3 characters on my binance app, pretty entertaining

>> No.8941631

im sitting on 10 million verge
I can finally retire tomorrow (Im 19)

>> No.8941641

DGB bagholders were telling themselves the exact same thing. This is a 0 or 1, black or white thing. If you keep holding for the actual release of the news, then you are insane. At least hedge your play

>> No.8941648


XVG is higher than its been since Christmas. Everyone here is green. The only one's that haven't made money here are you annoying
whinny bitches.

>> No.8941651

my bet is on spotify

>> No.8941654

that is like 1127000 USD, you can already retire, nice larp

absolute state of XVG shills

>> No.8941657

I've been in since 14 sats (just wish I invested more than $100 at that price).
What the fuck have you been doing?

>> No.8941664

they r about to enter the exchange so it is a really wise move from them.. any1 who puts BLOCKCHAIN in the fuckin name is a godlike.

>> No.8941665

a literal scam coin where the dev lies about partnerships while printing millions of coins for himself

at least sell and make money before he dumps it to 0 sats

>> No.8941668

thanks but I did more than your shitcoin when i participated in ICX/WAN/AION ICOs lmao

>> No.8941670


If I wanted trading advice from a retard, I'd visit your sisters special ed class. Don't ever reply to my posts again, faggot

>> No.8941672

is $1 mil enough for approx 50 years of lifetime?

>> No.8941676

The absolute state of delution, when 16yo children are feeling like an investment good

>> No.8941679
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>> No.8941682

So your dad gave you a small loan of 1 mil right ???

>> No.8941690


No one gives a fuck about your bullshit stories. Now shut the fuck up while we make money.

>> No.8941692

i threw $1000 at in may of last year
stay mad future wagecuck :)

>> No.8941700

>not selling the news

>> No.8941705

I am jelly of your fat stack.

>> No.8941708

this seems to be one of the only coins that pumps really hard around shit like this. why do normies keep going back to buy more bags?

>> No.8941718

>If I wanted trading advice from a retard, I'd visit your sisters special ed class. Don't ever reply to my posts again, faggot

Man, you should stop projecting. People can now know what is really occurring in your life and that of your sister.

>> No.8941720

these larps are getting worse by the day

>> No.8941724
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they think its easy money...ill be keking all the way home when it is dumped by the fraudulent dev...like holy shit, they have stone cold evidence this guy is fucking everyone, how stupid do you have to be to hold this shit coin

>> No.8941736

Verge being as high as it is proves crypto will never make it.

>> No.8941749


Just added on that dip. Do me a favor pussy. Can you step up your game a little? I have a few G's left that I'd like to add. I need one more dip.

>> No.8941754

I can't confirm his story, but I believe it. Some people larp, but it was entirely possible to invest $1000 in Verge in May last year, I seen it shilled on /biz/ myself and threw $100 down. People HAVE made astronomical gains in crypto, so stop calling everything you see a larp.

>> No.8941756

So you missed out on 30%+ today? Fucking kys faggot

>> No.8941771

I threw 4k into tron back in October. Made half a million. I have proof of you faggots don't believe me

>> No.8941772
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>tfw this is the first coin that recovers after the dump
>tfw held through with iron hands

>> No.8941787

The news has already leaked, and its fucking HUGE!

I think it proves that you will never make it. You /biz/ kids are the most emotional buck of traders I have ever seen. Terrible.

>> No.8941789

>thinking 1.2m is enough to retire

what a bigbrain 17 y/o

>> No.8941795

Sold at 1400 sats, feels good

>> No.8941796

i bought around 100k sub 100 sats...thank god you retards are pumping this kek

>> No.8941800
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Good bants kek

>> No.8941801

Nice gains. What did you do with the half million?
Did you reinvest, buy property, throw it in an index fund, or anything of that nature?

>> No.8941809
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this is now a pink wojack thread

>> No.8941816

pretty easy when no one shows proof

>> No.8941817

I'm a bit salty on this one. I held it since June and sold at 470 sats after the crowdfunding announcement. Oh well. I'm still interested to see what follows today.

>> No.8941821

sold at 1388 feelsgood anon

waiting for a dip in a few hours and riding out the last pump before the news dump

>> No.8941822


Do you really need attention this badly? Pathetic

>> No.8941835


It's just starting. Get the fuck in it. NOW!

>> No.8941839

Fuark I don't think they can actually provide a partnership that it is good enough for their bold claims but we know already it is a big internet payment processor. So actually I guess it will not dip. I'd still sell some but shitty hitbtc won't let me. Let's just pray it will ne global name and xvg goes to $3 this year.

>> No.8941840
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do you? you are responding to everybody

i hope this thread is still alive when you lose everything, when the dev dumps on you dum niggers, he will deserve your money

>> No.8941842

Why would it dump? And why would it dump permanently?

>> No.8941849

Yes, negotiate a hedge fund willing to offer you 4% p.a. and you're set.

>> No.8941876


That same little pussy will be post on a future thread about how he fucked up and sold at 1388. The news has leaked, and jaws will drop when they see the run. 26,877 BTC volume on Binance...and climbing.

>> No.8941877

I doubt it would be a permanent dump, but I feel like it will dump right before the announcement.

I dont think its a scamcoin or any other shitty fud out there, but verge has been known to overhype shit. look at wraith protocol...

I put 700$ into it when it was .029$ and made out with decent profits so ill take my profit and watch this unfold.

>> No.8941879

you will be happy with 470 after today, looks like most plan on dumping after the announcement, that requires buyers...ppl best to sell the majority their stack soon. I have got the popcorn ready for the live stream suicides.

>> No.8941893

They will lose everything.

>> No.8941895

Not really, I just don't want to risk losing my profits.

Im not made of money and would rather walk out with good profit than risk losing on the dump.

>> No.8941900

the dev LITERALLY got caught last week minting millions of XVG and said it was a "hack" and got caught...ride the wave but dump before he dumps all over you

>> No.8941910

>The news has leaked

So who is it?

>> No.8941915

Toys R Us

>> No.8941925

O shit nice

>> No.8941944
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Well here's my Bittrex wallet balances. I invested in May, and have a ROI of over 40,000%. I only threw $100 down, but could have easily put more. Some anons were even earlier than me and got it at half the price, or better.

Will follow up with Blockfolio to show P/L calculation.

>> No.8941960
File: 148 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-04-17-03-48-03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here is Blockfolio.

>> No.8941971

Nice job anon, very nice profits

>> No.8941976


Dunno, but it's obvious by the volume that someone knows something, and its big. China and Europe will clean the meat from the bone before the stupid Americans wake up. Europe is playing hungry-hungry-hippos, and the dumbfucks on biz would rather talk shit from the sidelines, because they suck at the game. New highs on XVG in route.

>> No.8941992
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Here are some of my buy orders from Liqui back then. I did rebuy and invested about into alot of different projects. Overall I kept 200k to myself and some for taxes. I'm still in school so haven't done anything with it. I did pay off the house for my parents. Not sure what I'll end up doing with it. I'm sure I'll be fine since my portfolio is worth 200k atm in this shitty market. I wouldn't be surprised to break 1 mil this year

>> No.8942003
File: 81 KB, 1199x627, download (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea the volume is kind of absurdly high but then again no one else is making announcements tomorrow in crypto

>> No.8942009

Why would they partner with xvg? They already said it's a payment processor so I think it will be a German bank. But I hope porn hub will see the xvg potential in the future. No one wants to see porn on the credit card bill so the opportunity is huge for xvg. Porn and sex toys are a multi billion $ market.

>> No.8942014

the joke is toys r us is dead lol

>> No.8942017 [DELETED] 
File: 217 KB, 630x830, Mariuss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao even marius is shilling xvg right now
based on his recent predictions, it means it's time to sell

>> No.8942030


I could have sold very high in Dec (over 100k valuation at one point) and cashed some to fiat, out but fell for the hodl meme. Hoping I can hold all of it until at least May 19 so I am taxed at long-term capital gain rates. I am pretty bullish long-term, though, and would only take out a portion of it if the state of thing are still good.

>> No.8942032


>> No.8942033
File: 171 KB, 580x644, xvg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao if even marius is shilling xvg right now, it probably means it's time to sell

>> No.8942038

Nice. I'd love if my TRTLs would end up the same way in a couple of years...

>> No.8942040

the hodl meme is retarded, selling at the start of a dip and rebuying is always the better option

good luck in future trading!

>> No.8942054

>the hodl meme is retarded
Have you not watched bizonacci's videos? Fuck m8, you can't predict this market. If you can, good for you, but most of us can't. HODL is the safe way to play at this game..

>> No.8942062

We are coming and we are coming in waves We are starting and to actually go all over the world We all built in the entire world Let me tell you guys that I started 137 days ago, with only 25 thousand six hundred and ten dollars -and right now I am reaching one hundred and forty THOUSAND dollars


And let me tell you that I am actually earning around one hun- I mean around one thousand four hundred dollars on an everyday basis seven days a week WHAT?!!?
so many people who say that this is going to be a con artist game, that this was gonna be a scammer game: “Hey, you are gonna lose all your mone-” My WIFE still doesn’t believe in me! I’m telling her “Well honey this is real” “No no no no no no, that’s a scam!” And I say “But wait I’m gonna go to the banks, I’m gonna get my bitcoins, I’m gonna actually put it into dollars, here they are right on the table!” “Aww, that’s money that you took from one of the accounts!” I say: “What am I gonna do?” Then I said to myself, “You know what? When I started to put ten thousand dollars a day on her, right on her, y’know on her table” Then she’s gonna say: “WOOOOW.” HA-HA-HA-HA-h. “YEAYEYEYEYEYE OK, THAT’S REAL” HAHAHAHAH So guys, I wanna tell you something: Faith and belief is the one thing we will need to be able to change the world. And right now, I believe, that in this room, we have the seed, that’s gonna germinate, and that is going to EXPLODE, into an AMMMAZING opportunity for us to change this entire world.I am so proud, I am so honored, I am so EXCITED to be here right now- And hey let me tell you something, that each and every one of YOU, has the opportunity to become, like those amazing people that we know here FROM VIET NAM! HEY HEY, MY PRPL(indistinguishable)-VIET NAM, making so much money that they can probably have a real hard time counting it!

>> No.8942080

anom i see u have RDD.. finally i see this coin in some1 else portfolio. what r ur thoughts on it? i hold around 50k. what is ur target? advice pleas.
same with SIA, im planning to dump it into LINK. after i quit verge today, i'll add what i get from it + SIA into LINK

>> No.8942089

Assuming you're from the states. You can file under LIFO for short term holds btw. But once you choose that you're stuck with it. So it does take away from the lower taxes of you were to just hold for a year. Beneficial to traders at least. Goodluck though. Hope nothing.but the best

>> No.8942091

Hodl isnt really risky if you are ok with sitting on coins with no profit for months at a time just to make your losses back

>> No.8942092

Thanks m8, I checked it out. Seems like they fucked up. It happens, desu. If they manage to get it straight, it will strengthen the project in the long run..

>> No.8942103

>if you are ok with sitting on coins with no profit for months
I'd rather do that than hop from coin to coin and sell at a loss every time. I obviously bought in because I thought it would go up. I have no reason to believe that next time I would correctly predict it if I fucked up last time. So hodl it is..

>> No.8942112

If you fail to see the difference between JV and Carlos, you really deserve that <30 autism test.

>> No.8942117

Selling at the start of a dip is not selling at a loss, if you're buying coins that are doing well and then selling the dip you're retarded. Find coins with good potential when they are low. ooooor you can fall for the hodl meme

>> No.8942118

Fug, I’m going to sleep. I’ll be up like 3-4 hrs after he announcement. Ima just leave my coins and sell when I wake up only 10% of my stack

>> No.8942124

Wirecard AG would be most likely.

>> No.8942125

RDD is just a wildcard token for me that I never sold. I don't know if it's a smart hold, but really anything could happen in crypto. I've decided I'll just stick with it in hopes that the tipping platform will take traction on a social network at some point. The marketcap is on 173m, so there is certainly room for growth.

My SIA stack is so small (small impulse buy) that I have no incentive to sell, as it could go to zero and barely affect my overall portfolio value, so I am just hodling that as long as I can hoping it'll be worth something more later on.

>> No.8942147

i hold also 50k TRON i've been in china and i believe in china. they plan is imho sick and great. i will wait till the winter/spring bull run.

But i want to consolidate my portfolio.
I want to quit XVG today (leave 20% of the stuck here), SIA and all the other coins i hold and go half-all-in into LINK. after what ive read in the SAP report..

>> No.8942153


have similar thoughts on RDD. SIA coin was also an impulse buy but their adoption probability.. not much.

>> No.8942194

I can't wait for you to lose everything.

>> No.8942222

I just checked RDD's site and subreddit (haven't kept up with the news), and I am really liking what I see. They are working on "Reddcoin Online", their own markeplace and social media network, and it will utilize RDD for both tipping and payments. The subreddit has about 1,900 users online now, which is MUCH more than I've seen in the past. I would seriously consider holding it for the time being if I were you.

>> No.8942301

i will. 50k RDD 50k TRX 10k LINK

>> No.8942306

Thanks, anon.

> But once you choose that you're stuck with it
Do you have a source for this? I used bitcoin.tax to do my 2017 taxes, and they allowed you to pick and choose between FIFO/LIFO/specific ID for each coin. I also looked it up and couldn't find anything to suggest that you couldn't pick and choose. My taxes weren't that much as I hodled the vast majority, but I did save some money by switching to HIFO for the coins that I traded. HIFO was the best for my trades so far, but I may mix and match in the future as well between FIFO/LIFO/HIFO/etc if it's allowed.

>> No.8942331

Bought at 4cents already sold at 9.5 cents

>> No.8942344

Nice larp curry drinker

>> No.8942364

Fucking retard.
You buy the rumor then when it reaches your goal you set a stop loss.
I didnt get the top but still got 30%.

>> No.8942377

How an obvious scam gets pumped is mind boggling.

>> No.8942445

Did you sell like me anon?

>> No.8942446

Bitconnect being a scam doesn't make every other project that doesn't conform to your standards/values/expectations a scam. You didn't specifically say it did, but that's the impression I get about the line of thinking you and many other anons have here.

>> No.8942467

The sole dev has no idea what he is doing and just copy and pastes old code from other projects. It's dogecoin dark lol

>> No.8942476

Yeah nice FUD. I give you a 2 out of 10.

>> No.8942489

It's going to be amusing to watch it crash and burn.

>> No.8942504

Will it be amusing to see it 10x from here while you still hold none of it?

>> No.8942515

Sure, and link 1k eoy right?

>> No.8942546

LINK reaching $1000 would be a 2,294X increase from the current price, so that's highly unlikely. Would be surreal to see, even though I'm still a filthy nolinker.

XVG 10Xing is much more likely.

>> No.8942780


>> No.8942811

itt : larp central

>> No.8942820

Me and another anon have already provided proof of high gains.

>> No.8943568
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Do it faggots, hodl no longer.

>> No.8943729

XVG = shit; you can't put lipstick on shit.

>> No.8943892

OK guys. all bullshit aside. u in u out we need to consider what r the scenarios. we all dont give a fuck about tech. we are doin business r-r-r-ajt?

I assume despite the fact they will announce good partnership they will dump their binance stack. Charlie Lee dropped his stack at the top and still go on with the LTC right?

i guess they will start to sell after the hype which will come after the news. price will skyrocket. and where do we sell? its hard to predict how how we can fly but is it possible they will sell with a lower than market price? lets say, they will place 10x1 000 000 sell orders 20% lower than the market price at the moment? trapping ATH bag holders?? what is ur timing-the-top-strategy??

>> No.8943980

Damn. It is Pornhub. That's amazing. pornhub.com/crypto

>> No.8943997

Lmao it's pornhub i can't even tell if this is good for the short term price or not

>> No.8944022

Lmao the PornHub page leads to a checkout page that uses Bitcoin and not XVG.

>> No.8944030
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Hahahahahahaha. My sides lmao.it is true. This coin sure impresses, THE FUTURE HAS CUM!!!!

> T. Proud Vergens

>> No.8944034

I don't know. I guess? I mean. Mindgeek is a huuuuge company. This has to increase the price dramatically at some point. Fuck it. Imma buy.

>> No.8944049

don't shittalk your retarded sister, you inhuman faggot

>> No.8944066
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>> No.8944098


>> No.8944111


>> No.8944135

i cant load XVG trading page

>> No.8944270
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50 mins til press release, last chance to get in before 1500 sats

>> No.8944350

Nice, as I said earlier porn is a multi billion $ business and so are sex toys and a lot of other use cases where people will want 'anonymous' transactions such as medicine. $0.30 could be possible in the next weeks.

>> No.8944473

dumpy dumpy inc.

>> No.8944532

20 minutes until the stinkiest dumping you'll ever witness

>> No.8944587

Fishy cum dump

>> No.8944710

Posts like this make me mad that I wasn't in crypto that early. I could've changed my damn life if I had just bought something back in May instead of hesitating like a little cunt faggot pussy.

>> No.8944779

>many more to come
Hate this shitty HODL mentality, as if to just keep holding ad infinitum. This is exactly what ruins people.

>> No.8944818

I put £100 into it in late April last year when it was at 5 sats and sold 1.5M xvg on the 1st of jan for around £150k. It still amazes me how lucky I was while on the other hand I’m pissed that I only put in £100 when I put £1000 into fucking sys

>> No.8944965

They're exit scamming atm.

>> No.8945150

this shit is dropping like a rock