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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 906 KB, 1024x1024, rogerver.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8938951 No.8938951 [Reply] [Original]

>BTFO'd Richard Heart the scammer, Jimmy "wannabe Cowboy with zero economic knowledge" Song, Tone "retard" Vays.

>Core cucks only argument is "bcash"

When did you take the red pill?

>> No.8938954


I don't even think /biz/ is retarded enough to fall for bcash anymore

>> No.8938959

I actually really like Roger. But "bcash" is trash and long term will damage bitcoin.

>> No.8938985

It will take some time for you to realize, hopefully when LN launches and people realize how much of a unuseable piece of shit it is will people finally start seeing the light.

>> No.8939005

DOGE is a better version of BCash by your logic.

Which it is.

>> No.8939010

i took the red pill when i realized that the anti-bch fags sounded like the media during the 2016 election, ridiculing and dismissing bch the way the media did to trump. trump won and so will bch.

>> No.8939016

seriously roger, get a fucking job

>> No.8939031

Bitcoin gold is the real bitcoin

>> No.8939049
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>mfw corecucks don't know about built in privacy and coin mixing
>mfw corecucks don't know about op code re-enabling and smart contracts
>mfw corecucks don't know about hundreds of nChain patents licensed exclusively for free to BCH
>mfw corecuck's don't know literally Satoshi Nakamoto is going to dump on their ass in 2020 to all-in BCH
>mfw corecucks don't know about unlimited blocksizes and millions of tx/second and entire global economy scaling on-chain

>> No.8939050
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Are Richard really a scammer?

He just seem typical sucker bitch boy who found he shit trader when bull market capped

>twitter's face when bull market capped

>> No.8939058
File: 138 KB, 417x516, bchad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When did you take the red pill?
August 1, 2017

>> No.8939083
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>> No.8939084
File: 79 KB, 1280x720, bcash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> mfw bcash is a minority shitcoin free money fork.

>> No.8939100

Richard is shady as fuck. Not proven to be a scammer though AFAIK.

LN will be the downfall of BTC. People gradually seeing it not delivering will drive people away over the next year.

>> No.8939119
File: 61 KB, 290x218, fuck the core shills.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw BCore is a jew siphon and a glorified ponzi.

>> No.8939127

>Richard is shady as fuck. Not proven to be a scammer though AFAIK.

>> No.8939170

The Red pill was taken years ago when it became painfully obvious to anyone paying attention what Blockstream was doing. When you had all the non-blockstream core developers like Gavin supporting a block size increase and all the Blockstream developers against it there was no denying that Bitcoin had been taken over by group that had their own agenda. The only tragedy is it took so fucking long for people to finally find the cojones to say "fuck you blockstream" and get us back on track.

Its so refreshing seeing real code development and adoption again in Bitcoin. Lord knows nothing of any meaningful impact has been done on the BTC chain in years (I don't even care to see anyone debate me on this because you're full of shit).

>> No.8939173

idk about that but richard is a hypocritical faggot. talks about how video games are bad for you but the faggots sits around all day looking at bitcoins price and tweeting useless shit like thats any better.

>> No.8939185
File: 87 KB, 630x630, BE77241D-F539-468B-AF2E-B188F3C14C20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CoinBit is the best vision

>> No.8939188

This guy really is a piece of shit it seems. I'll slowly read the article through.

>> No.8939221
File: 351 KB, 1920x1620, blockchain reloaded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bitcoin is doing a good job to damage itself. all of this could have been avoided by increasing the block size to 2mb.

there would have been no bitcoin cash, no good developers would have left BTC and lightning could have been worked on for another 5 years instead of being rushed out the door in its current fail state which only keeps damaging bitcoin's reputation.

>> No.8939241

>when LN launches
lightning network is already launched my dude, transactions fail 50% of the time even though there's just a couple hundred nodes

>> No.8939299

All these corecucks and still not a single argument for stagnating Bcore at 1mb. Was 2MB really that fucking bad? Kill yourselves.

Bitcoin Cash is unironically the real Bitcoin.

>> No.8939327
File: 167 KB, 1200x800, thank-you-blockstream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not a single argument for stagnating Bcore at 1mb
checked. here's the argument - niggers won't be able to run full nodes on their raspberry pi. that is literally their argument.

>> No.8939362
File: 132 KB, 640x966, 2017-12-24 10.46.01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All in on BCH I think it will be a good year for it.

>> No.8940388

Literrally shits on ALL THE FUCKING RETARDS IN THE CRYPTO SCENE no one wins in debate with him. He asks simple questions they cant answer. He knows more about bitcoin core technology then the people that shill it.

He is an honorary BRO

>> No.8940433

After all the shit corecucks throw at him, he still goes out to interviews with a big smile. Based af.

>> No.8940454

Thats because bcashies suck his dick. Did I mention that he's a fag who got raped in prison??

>> No.8940491

Btw that charge was bullshit look into it
now he slams 10/10 sluts regularly at A list orgy nights on tropical islands.

Your daddy is calling you.. its sharpie time newfriend

>> No.8940538

None of you faggots were calling him out for that when he was angel investing in the first bitcoin startups and helping spread the bitcoin word.

Just poor ad hominem attacks, as typical from CoreCucks.

>> No.8940631

Things I don't like in bitcoin cash
1) ASICs
2) long blocktime (could have gone to 1-2min)
3) total supply too low (impractical for daily use, could have *1000 the whole thing, would have been a genius marketing move as normies would have bought this "cheap new bitcoin", just look at XRP)

Things I like:
1) big blocks
2) zero confirmations enabled
3) Roger Ver shilling it to the normans, if you do not appreciate what he does you are cuck and most likely a newfren
4) no corecuck community
5) cool perspectives of development (privacy, smart contracts, colored coins, etc...)

Overall it's too bad they half assed it, it was a unique occasion to make the whole thing a Bitcoin 2.0. while keeping the network effect
They pushed the "Satoshi vision" meme too far and remained too loyal to the thing.

>> No.8941589

gp play ninjas in the garage craig

>> No.8941769

Supply being low it's actually a good thing if you know about economics.
People are more willing to pay 0.00001 than 0.1 because they see it as something cheaper.

>> No.8941781
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>wins battles
>still loses the war
You never should have gotten into bed with the ChiComs Roger.

>> No.8942292
File: 169 KB, 1280x955, 53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop posting Ver and C Wright, they are only important in their own minds. The only person posted as part of the smear c(h)ampaign which has has basis in reality is Jihan.

>> No.8942317
File: 968 KB, 760x1520, info5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
