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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 99 KB, 252x200, afleck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
891342 No.891342 [Reply] [Original]

This little girl became a millionaire by designing a piece of plastic to hang bacon in the microwave.

Whats your excuse?

>> No.891352

>implying she knows anything about thermoplastics, injection molding, material outgassing, supply chains, or CAD
>implying she had the business connections to get this into retail stores
>implying she had the money to pay for tooling
>implying her rich daddy didn't pay someone to do it all for her

>> No.891356


A bit envious now?

>> No.891357

No, you just don't understand marketing. House mom's love a feel good story like buying a little girl's products.

>> No.891360


You're making a lousy assumption.

>> No.891361

I can't believe there are people who seriously do bacon in the microwave.

>> No.891362

If you knew anything about engineering, you would realize how much bullshit there is in your post.

Are you saying this little girl had at least hundred thousand dollars (probably more) to pay for production tooling?

>> No.891386
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>> No.891392

>you will never have a rich daddy to make your dreams a reality
Why even live?

>> No.891396



>> No.891405

>Look mom, I posted it again!
>I bet they're sooooooooo angry XXXXXDDDDDDDD

>> No.891406


I'll keep doing it until you stop posting them.

>> No.892331
File: 475 KB, 1024x768, 1336557636446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey fucktard you dont need to know that shit when you have 500,000 other people who are top of their field in that stuff. You just need to bring an profitable idea to a company and they do the rest. Of course that girl didnt actually invent it...no she didnt, but she probably had a childish idea that turned out to be profitable both for herself and the company she sold her stupid idea to. Oh before you wallow in yourself misery some more, just remember there is a millionaire out there who made all their money off that stupid fucking pool noodle. Your idea doesnt need to make any sense it just needs to make a profit. Find more excuses and you will find more reasons why not to make money. Companies are always searching for the next stupid fucking thing that makes them millions, the question is are you to retarded to think up a stupid ideas or are you just a lazy sac of shit.

Look at this retarded fucking egg, imagine the guy pitching it. YES I KNOW YOU HAVE REAL EGGS BUT WHAT ABOUT THIS FAKE EGG THAT IS EMPTY. This shit is everywhere now.

>> No.893057

>Implying you aren't a frustrated pedo jealous you can't afford her now

You make me fucking sick you fucking disgrace

>> No.893063

>selling the idea

>> No.893260
File: 114 KB, 960x778, PET-ROCK-7204163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy sold rocks and became a milionaire?

Whats your excuse?

>> No.893273

>microwaving bacon

>> No.893278

This. Literally dumpster diving tier.

>> No.893282

It's clear here that they used the girl to sell the product while someone else makes most of the profits. People like feel good stories.

>> No.893337
File: 59 KB, 415x400, 1336925240652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its called licensing your idea you fuck wad. You patent it, then you charge companies a licensing fee of anywhere between 1-10% of profits so they can manufacture and sell it through their already made connections to the retail market hurrr durrr crap on me some more so i can just shit it all out on your moms chest later.

>> No.893415

This is embarrassing to watch, you sound like one of those "ideas guys" who wants to make video games.

Ideas are worth nothing, Sorry to be the one to break it to you, but no-one will ever pay you for just an idea.

Secondly, patenting shit isn't free or safe as you seem to think. not only do you have to make a fairly specific design to be accepted (which I doubt this girl did), but there are also teams of people whose job it is to break patents, and they will, unless you get your patent correctly legally worded.

You also have to prove the viability of your product to a company, this means you need market research, a business plan, and a very solid understanding of how much your product will cost to manufacture.

>> No.893424
File: 36 KB, 384x320, homer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you microwave bacon? How does it taste?

Jeezz...I need to try this out

>> No.893464

I totally agree with you, but I just started taking a 2 year Innovation course and everyone there is an idea guy. It's fucking crazy.

I really try my hardest not to be negative like this and ruin everybody's dreams. What do you think about this?

>> No.893505

I'm not trying to ruin dreams and I'm not saying it's impossible to make a successful product. If you are seriously determined and get good advice, (and a fair bit of luck) then you can make it work.

However, charging headlong into making a product with that other guy's naivety will not get you anywhere. Better to be told your idea won't work from the get go than after you've invested thousands into a black hole.

>> No.893508

My idea failed, I'm gonna find a new one tho. I won't give up yet.

>> No.893530


holy fuck i never heard of this but that's actually a great idea. i would buy that. smart ass little girl deserves all her fortune.

>> No.893540


Not really

>ceramic plate
>put on paper towels
>put on bacon
>cover w paper towel
>cook in microwave

Bet you use that tv infomercial gimmick and the microwave is covered in grease afterwards

>> No.893589
File: 40 KB, 506x506, 1417750087362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ye your right, i know how a provisional patent can be expensive and naivety does break the bank dont it. I guess you should spend countless years trying to make your idea bullet proof and then hopefully you have enough money to set up relationships with manufacturers. It certainly doesnt sound like you are apart of the industry though so its nice to know that one can wave your stupid bullshit advice away.


If you arent retarded like yourself you can negotiate a great contract with any company, and do you really think it wise for a company to be known for stealing ideas? Thats bad fucking press and it could result in a lawsuit. But hey keep up your little fairy tale on why you cant succeed. Of course theres fucking danger in bringing your idea out to the fucking public and to other companies. But what is the alternative? You have a great idea then 5 years down the line you see it on the store shelves, oh great another money making idea down the drain. The majority of people cannot afford to bring their idea to realization and the majority of people wouldn't know how to open up distributions lines, let alone all the other shit that goes into making and selling your own product. This is why their are so many faggots out in the world not doing shit, they are to afraid of getting burned. Take your childish fears and shove it up your ass, you steaming blood pimple of a fetus. To many niggers are collecting royalties from their stupid ideas, so there isnt a reason why you cant do the same.

>> No.893610

Did you even read the terms and conditions on that link. It clearly states that you need a patent to even contact them. The success stories also seem to indicate a little more effort than "here's my idea".

If all it took was one good moneymaking idea to get rich, we'd all be loaded, but unfortunately, it requires a bit more legwork than that.

Also, chill out man, trying to offend anyone on 4chan is a waste of time and we all know it.

>> No.893619
File: 285 KB, 1200x1600, 1414368927287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you know a provisional patent costs 65$? As in you pay 65$ so your idea is protected for a year. And guess what since you have a earlier filing date then anyone else anyone trying to steal your idea can suck a dick.THIS IS CALLED THE LAW OF FIRST FILING RIGHTS AS IN FIRST TO FILE A PATENT GETS THE CLAIM HOOD, that shits only valid in the USA everywhere else the patent system is based off the orginal creator and not the first person to register the creation This means guys sees your hammer idea wants to steal it so he files a patent, well guess what since he filed that patent after your patent filing date then your patent has the right of wa

y. ONTOP OF THAT. You can make multiple changes to your patent application, so you can think up every single god damn variation of the hammer and stick it in that provisional patent. Niggers can steal your idea, that makes your job easier. You just stick their design in your patent application, so when you finally carry it to a full patent after 1 year from the original filing date. Then you can fucking sue any fucker using any variation of your product .HURRRR DURRRRRRRRRR HEY FUCK WAD SUCK MY NUTS. of course it takes legwork, which explains why your fat ass wont do it because it requires hard work and some working brain cells. This method is doable with a profitable idea but if you approach companies with your retarded as shit ideas that you think up of course it wont work. holy fuck son do some god damn research before you open your cheetoo cum stained mouth again.

>> No.893622
File: 360 KB, 500x322, Quotes embrace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Companies will not touch your ideas until they are protected by some form of copyright. The only way to ensure people wont steal your ideas without a form of copyright is through the use of a NDA but that shit dont fly, because no one in any industry would sign a nda to view a fucking product idea. People dont sign nda's because it probably conflicts with their business interests and then it could give people leeway to open up lawsuits against them in the future. Fuck this whole process isnt fucking hard you retarded little shit nugget, i bet hitler wouldn't have qualms about stepping on your shitty little existence of a life.

>> No.893625

Mainly replying for comedy value at this point, but anyway:

I'm not even sure what you're getting at now. I thought your whole point was that you could come up with an idea and sell it to a company. Patent trolling is a whole other kettle of fish.

>> No.893631

that is the fucking idea. the only way to sell an idea to a company is through a patent or provisional patent nothing else to it. i am giving you examples of worst case scenarios where someone tries to steal your shit while you are still showing people your idea.

>> No.893636


>women buy a product to cook bacon

yeah i dont think its women buying all the bacon anon

>> No.893643
File: 6 KB, 225x225, absolutely.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>microwaving bacon

Is this a murrican thing?

>> No.893650

You fucking idiot, povisional patents are literally nothing more than saving a spot in the three to five year backlog of people waiting for a patent. It offers you no protection against anything.

You're retarded and delusional, but samefag all you want, claiming that I'm making excuses. You clearly have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.893653
File: 98 KB, 600x500, 1441158436359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>not baking your bacon for maximum consistency

absolutely disgusting

>> No.893657

hey fuck you pool noodles are great

>> No.893658

As I stated earlier, no-one would attempt to write their own patent, as it'd get broken in seconds. You need a lawyer specializing in patent law, which isn't particularly cheap.

Even once you've done that, the chances of selling it to a company are as good as none, so realistically, you will be doing it on your own.

>> No.893671

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH GOOD LUCK FAGGOT LET ME FUCK MYSELF IN THE PIGGER WHILE YOU ALL TAKE IT UP THE ASS BY RETARDED AIDS RIDDLED NIGGER.But seriously good luck on your future endeavors and i hope its risk pales in comparison to the high level of risk that is involved in this doomed like process that you all say.

>> No.893994

Don't you fucking cuss at me!

>> No.894022

Johnny Knoxvilles cousin
