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8926913 No.8926913 [Reply] [Original]

Thought on the future of this valuable commodity?

>> No.8927015

400-3000 eoy
screencap this

>> No.8927363

$3000-6000 EOY once bulletproofs + kovri + hardware wallet get implemented.

then I (fluffypony) am going to announce Layer2 mimble wimble and everyone is going to lose their minds.


>> No.8927515

Fluffy is currently busy creating a platform around XMR. Not public knowledge yet.

>> No.8927574


wat kind of plataform

>> No.8927627

I don't know the details, it's all hush-hush. I imagine a generic anonymity platform like what Obsidian is doing.

>> No.8927703
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XMR is valued at 3.1 Billion dollars.

>> No.8927979


>> No.8928003

holding comfy while using it as collateral to go long on btc_xmr

>inb4 ultimate monero fanboy tactics

>> No.8928076

Will I make it holding 25 XMR?

>> No.8928184

not needed when xvg announces their big partnership and becomes the best privacy coin


monero has already been proven not to be totally anon

>> No.8928231

1 retard who cant copy paste vs 3 academics \w math PhD and 100 cryptography computer scientis all funded by darknet criminals

>pick one and only one

why do you think all Monero FFS gets filled within few days?

>> No.8928245

Not a valuable commodity because people actually use it as currency L M A O.

>exchange shitcoins for monero
>immediately transfer it back to shitcoins to cash out because exchanges don't like monero

>> No.8928278

>exchanges don't like monero

>> No.8928294
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your scamcoin is not going to make it, i'm not sorry

>> No.8928317

Mainstream exchanges will never adopt Monero/fiat pairs because the coin is so clouded with a history of crime.

That means people that own Monero typically only hold it long enough to buy something or long enough to exchange it to BTC/ETH so they can cash out.

>> No.8928332

He mentioned it in his most recent bitcoin uncensored. Was only half listening so can't remember specifics.

>> No.8928345

>That means people that own Monero typically only hold it long enough to buy something or long enough to exchange it to BTC/ETH so they can cash out.
Or they just have some to hold very long term.

>> No.8928369

Don't forget, it's a mineable coin too.

Not only do people use it as a currency but its supply slowly increases. The price has been stable. There's no reason Monero will suddenly moon. This is how a cryptoCURRENCY should be.

>> No.8928376
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Monero is a bad investment but at the same time the best CURRENCY out there. My issue with this as an investment is well explained by looking at the Tor foundation. Both the devs and Tor itself got dragged through smear campaigns from adversaries and it really hurt the project. However, since there are little financial incentives, nobody lost any money. A privacy coin, which is the financial equivalent of Tor is definitely going to run into equivalent adversarial campaigns, and it is no doubt going to affect the price.

Other privacy coins out there aren't better. Comparison can be made that if Monero is Tor then something like Verge is a transparent proxy, not even a SOCK5 or encrypted VPN. Personally I am attacked (erotically too) to ZK-Snarks (ZCash/ZenCash) because second layer privacy is much harder to attack. Now it does rob you of fungebility, but with Monero having a market cap percentage of less than 1% it could just as well be a second layer privacy channel too, fungebility no longer really is a selling point of much importance unless Monero climbs to 10-20% of the global market cap (which it won't).

>> No.8928377

Fuck, I'm just about to drop a month's salary on XMR.. am I making a mistake? Seems like a good entry point, and XMR seems to have a great market, i.e. it's actually being used..

>> No.8928407

It'll likely sideways around $200 for the foreseeable future. You'll probably make slight gains or slight losses.

But hey, if you get tired of holding it you can always buy stuff for yourself. Like a dildo collection obviously. :^)

>> No.8928439

>m-muh drug dealers and cheese pizza
Crime makes up to 1/3rd of world economy. Guess where it is flowing atm

>> No.8928441

wasnt that vid 4 months ago? i think him and de rose are doing something in secret.

>> No.8928586

Yeah it was a while ago

>> No.8928622

Just average in. It's a coin I unironically hodl.

>> No.8929191

Monero being one of the best crypto currencies is broad consensus. There are some other interesting coins from the same Digital Note / cryptonight family.

Bitcoin is not really private and fungible. But a currency should be

>> No.8929448
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I agree with >>8928622
It’s a good hold but you probably want to dollar cost in to get a fair price.

>> No.8930221

Agreed, but also take a look at Masari.
Could get better than Xmr in the future.

>> No.8930305
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Monero is a SCAM

>> No.8931038
File: 117 KB, 4236x1310, masari.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you actually enter the Masari community on discord/telegram? Web wallet does exist. Mobile wallet is planned, fork of monerujo. Multisig is coming in the hard fork at the end of the month. Uncle mining isn't implemented yet. Almost everything about the other coins is also wrong. Stop with the misinformation, my good God.

>> No.8931280

You know he's red pilled af living in South Africa. Ricardo is /ourguy/

>> No.8931767

>Can you actually enter the Masari community on discord/telegram?

Yes, there are invite links on the ANN/subreddit

>> No.8931785

You're a fucking idiot, I was asking him to do it, not asking *if* you could do it.

>> No.8931797

Why so angry, jesus

>> No.8931815

>infinite supply

Nothing more to say.
Its a shit coin

>> No.8931848
File: 39 KB, 857x642, v5hTx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is an emission curve.

>> No.8932057

Also, there are plans in the future for a own Masari GUI wallet.

>> No.8932066

Also, found you, M.

>> No.8932347

I hold an unknown amount of Masari, Monero and Sumokoin.

Will I make it?

>> No.8932363

Verge is far more anonymous, faster, and further in development

>> No.8932499


fuck off

>> No.8932544

Mmm MMm NO NO NO!!

>> No.8932586

Maybe. Depends of how much is this "unknown".

>> No.8932612

Nice rebuttal, dumbasses

>> No.8932689

I know someone with 100 Monero will they make it?? :000

>> No.8932695

Does it need to be refuted? kek

>> No.8932712


you don't even deserves rebuttals, just insults for shilling that shit

>> No.8932746

Governments will make Monero illegal and track down those who use it. It is doomed to fail.

>> No.8932776

imagine being this much of a brainlet

>> No.8932851

Do you actually think governments will allow Monero to exist? Don't kid yourself bud, you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.

>> No.8932929
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>working, ever

>> No.8933057

You are deluded. Something like alcohol can't be tracked reliably, but crypto transactions are stored publicly on a blockchain. When Monero is banned, you are fucked if you try to use it.

>> No.8933083
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>but crypto transactions are stored publicly on a blockchain

you don't even know how monero works

the blockchain doesn't even show balances

>> No.8933101

Gtfo, bootlicker

>> No.8933229

>a digital ledger in which transactions made in bitcoin or another cryptocurrency are recorded chronologically and publicly.
That's the definition of "blockchain", dumb fuck. Google is your friend.

>> No.8933241

Kill yourself, retard.

>> No.8933272

Nice argument, really shows how smart Monero owners are.

>> No.8933319

How the fuck are they going to stop Monero from existing? What the fuck?

>> No.8933330
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enlighten us, how are going to prove someone did a monero tx

>> No.8933485 [DELETED] 

>Definition of "Blockchain"
>a digital ledger in which transactions made in bitcoin or another cryptocurrency are recorded chronologically and publicly.
This is the 2nd time I've posted this for you, but since you're fucking dense I'll explain. Monero is runs on a BLOCKCHAIN. Read up on what a blockchain is before you continue making an embarrassment of yourself.

>> No.8933511

>Definition of "Blockchain"
>a digital ledger in which transactions made in bitcoin or another cryptocurrency are recorded chronologically and publicly.
This is the 2nd time I've posted this for you, but since you're fucking dense, I'll explain. Monero runs on a BLOCKCHAIN. Read up on what a blockchain is before you continue making an embarrassment of yourself.

>> No.8933544


I got it, you are an actual brainlet

>> No.8933564

Some of the best minds in cryptography are working on making Monero the best possible means of transferring wealth from one person to another. Monero's future is bright and will remain bright for many, many years.

>> No.8933612

Good ad hominem, really proved your point. Oh, I'll do you a favor and give you the definition of those big, scary words you don't know:
>ad hominem
>(of an argument or reaction) directed against a person rather than the position they are maintaining.

>> No.8933646

>Do you actually think governments will allow Monero to exist?
Do you actually think governments will allow heroin to exist?

>> No.8933650
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>> No.8933654

Track a monero tx for us. https://moneroblocks.info/

>> No.8933669

Read my previous posts, you can't easily track heroin.

>> No.8933672

Holy Shit this thread is full of "governments will prohibit Monero"-retards, it can already smell the curry in here.

Do you not understand that crypto currencies are our way to say "fuck you" to banks and governments? And Monero is so far doing the best in implementing the privacy techniques which are required for that purpose.

TLDR;: Yes Ranjeet, buy more Ripple it's the future of banking xDDD and banks will buy it from YOU for $1000

>> No.8933716
File: 7 KB, 1501x23, sold 346 monero in 2016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder that I sold nearly 350 XMR back in 2016 for 0.73 BTC. That would have been worth 8.31 BTC today.

I currently have less than 30 XMR right now.

>> No.8933748

Nice strawman, I'm not invested in shitcoins since I actually do my research.

>> No.8933786

Humour me, tell me what you consider a good coin

>> No.8933811
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>> No.8933864 [DELETED] 


>> No.8933870

Nice trolling bud, got me there

>> No.8933896


>> No.8933942


Typical. Probably samefaggin with different ID's lmao

>> No.8934046


>> No.8934187

You can't easily track Monero either. With enough effort you can't easily track cash for that matter either. Do you think the government will eventually outlaw fiat paper and coins? That's pretty much all Monero is aiming to be. Digital cash.

>> No.8934205
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God damnit this was all just an elaborate RUSE

>> No.8934216

that would be nice.
how is monero a commodity:
>a raw material or primary agricultural product that can be bought and sold, such as copper or coffee.
when is hardware wallet support i thought they said Q1 2018 for ledger ?

>> No.8934222

At this point i believe there are people actually roleplaying as retarded vergens. Hell, even i did that in some of their threads

>> No.8934246

Yeah it's getting harder and harder to tell when it's a false flag. They're evolving.

It's up to Ledger at this point but should be any week now. Monero has nothing else to do to help their team get it implemented from what I've heard.

>> No.8934708


10/10 trolling

>> No.8935027

It's disinflationary you fuckwit.

>> No.8935090
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>> No.8935257

I was about to respond to you until I saw this post

>> No.8935431

That pie-chart better not be UTXOs because with their PoS you want to split your stake into several unspent outputs.

Top 100 addresses hold about 50% of PIVX.
Chainz gives a wallet estimate of 50% being held by just the top 10.

Also Blackcoin PoS sucks shit. Get with the times and implement a proper consensus algorithm lmao.