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8932263 No.8932263 [Reply] [Original]

Can LINK at least get to $1 please. What is going on. Saleforce dev contributing to the github. Still hovering around 40 cents. Is LINK really so under the radar, are people in crypto really so ignorant and stupid. LINK can't even get to $1 yet? I just don't get it. sometimes I think LINK is one big practical joke.

>> No.8932274

Not until papa btc is 10k+ again.

>> No.8932279

shut up anon, im buying more tonight, stop talking about it

>> No.8932329

>shut up anon, im buying more tonight, stop talking about it
>shh I'm accumulating
Ever heard of killing the golden goose?

>> No.8932333

whats the rush
get more

i actually get scared when the price goes up

>> No.8932345

buy as much as u can now. you will complain in a few months when it is over $3

>> No.8932387

No because icx has trained me in the art of JUSTing

>> No.8932449

Shit team and many competitors.

Oops I mean uhhhh whales are suppressing the price so they can accumulate, yes that's a good one, that's it.

>> No.8932459

Bruh, u signed up for this, NO HYPE UNTIL MAINNET, buy more.

>> No.8932493
File: 1.20 MB, 636x434, 1519088536274.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sometimes I think LINK is one big practical joke
It is, anon. It is.

>> No.8932507

Good choice, buy high sell low

>> No.8932664

>sometimes I think LINK is one big practical joke.
Congrats you win!

>> No.8932843



>> No.8933153

my whale accumulating meme
The best one in the book to have anons hold bags while ico buyers dump on them kek

Honestly i've been saying this for a while even tho i hold some of this

There are too many IFs with Link for me to give it a good investment. I'll throw a few hundo at it, but going all in
NO. Anons have really become deluded from that fucking liar assblaster
>muh april
>muh $3 minimum
We are in April anons, and FAR far away from 3 dollars kys

>> No.8933191

>doesn't detect obvious sarcasm
>thinks his opinion is worth shit

>> No.8933220
File: 41 KB, 700x700, 1523362794313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

16k ven + 41k link or 180k link?

>> No.8933227

there are no skateboard tweets and le epic "partnereshipes" so it's off of the average redditards/normans radar

>> No.8933277

i was agreeing with him brainlet

>> No.8933299

keep some VEN so you can sell the pumps
Don't go all in Link you cuck , fucking read the thread. That is an insane risk

Infact buy some ICX as well

>> No.8933342

And FLASH at least a minority position for possible xrb like rise

>> No.8933371

If I sell VEN, I lose my 16k strength x node, no point in holding a worse node.

>> No.8933392

I also don't really agree on the risk for link.
It is #93 of cmc and it has the potential to change the world with years of long-term growth ahead of it. Sergey said "trillions of dollars"

>> No.8933445

eh fair enough
i'm just thinking... if Link was as brilliant as anons are hyping it up to be on this board. It would start a steady up trend by now

It has a lot of climbing to do to even pass $5

Not everyone in the market is a brainlet, many of them research and know potential projects. I feel like by now people would have spotted Link and bought some. But it still seems to be straggling along, sideways action.

I may just be a brainlet tho so who knows

>> No.8933527

Nothing official is released, it is a hard concept to grasp, nearly no reddit acitivty, a lot of reddit fud;
To know the potential of chainlink you have to filter through all the shit on /biz/ and be here daily. Only very few do that! You also have to have a lot of knowledge about blockchain, enterprises, industry, smart contracts, API economy, ... not easy.

>> No.8933632

link is not ETH and never will be nearly as valuable. Sorry, that’s the truth.

>> No.8933699
File: 42 KB, 487x658, thats just the way it is.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can LINK at least get to $1 please
it can't
you must be literally stuttering pothead tier retarded to fall for this. did you also fell for the fingerbox hoax, or the iphone recharging in a microwave shit?
>has literally no product
>nobody can even explain what it is for without throwing around buzzwords
>strong shilling 24/7
and you don't think there is something wrong with this?
the LINK meme is about making newfags searching the next ethereum fall for it, then they take your money because the meme loving faggots who staged all this shit are dumping their massive bags on you.

>> No.8933731

ETH is a piece of shit that will crash and burn and LINK will finally switch over to EOS.
After that it will overtake EOS at a price of $1000 EOY.

screencap this

>> No.8933765

link is practically unknown outside of biz so yes

>> No.8933768
File: 1.62 MB, 2000x2000, 687B26C4-A4AE-4F60-A29B-3EA437D45B3B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I-It’s gonna moon in January
>February for sure!
>we’re rocketing in March I know it
>this SXSW conference Is going to save link 100% $20 EOW!!
>April is the month of Alts!! Chainlink TO THE MOOON!!!

what’s next you delusional retards?

>> No.8933780

just wait until main net anon
the dump is gonna be titanic

>> No.8933795

No, that’s not gonna happen. Everyone will continue using ETH and hyperledger.

>> No.8933855
File: 92 KB, 701x517, nolink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

May is main net. boom.
you won't experience it though, pic related

>> No.8933878

One billion tokens. Link will surely be $1 again. As surely as BTC will be 30k. As surely as the market cap will go to 10 trillion. Just wait lol. Oh, and try to ignore those projects that do moon, you know, the ones that don't have -
*breathes in*

>> No.8933899

I honestly can’t wait until the end of December this year where LINK will still be under 50 cents I will shitpost for DAYS

>> No.8933903

same was being said about REQ's mainnet and it DUMPED
give me ONE reason, ONE, that Link's price will go up on mainnet. protip: you can't, this is all wishful thinking.

>> No.8933909

This might do it
If this isn't ChainLink I don't now what is

>> No.8933919

The market isn't perfect and all knowing. Don't think It's taken in the future potential and leverage of smart contracts, It's been a cryptocurrency bubble, not the 4th Industrial API smartcontract fintech revolution. Chainlink has the chance to become the defacto oracle. Nothing is certain but it has same Meme Magic that DJT used as network effect to become POTUS , I have faith that it has the same clout and momentum to enact the Network effect to and change the world forever kek. Imagine a world without PetroChemicals, Now Imagine a world in 2030 without SmartContracts

>> No.8933938

Why not join me now anon? Tear off the feeble masks of these brainlets with me.

>> No.8933957

Node operators will be exposed
All the partners will be laid out bare. If they exist, it will moon
>hint: they do

>> No.8933968

oh shit

>> No.8933982

They won't, how deluded can you be? It was stated by the team that it won't happen. IF, and IF some of the users wanted to announce that they use LINK they could do it, but in theory these are large companies that don't care about muh parnerships

>> No.8933984

REQ has no actual use until LINK comes out

>> No.8933986
File: 5 KB, 232x162, 1520912008876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also, REQ doesn't work without LINK. So, it's pretty normal that it doesn't do anything at the moment.

>> No.8933992

LINK will absolutely dump on mainnet.
Too many retards bought into this who will tap out if they don't get an instant 1000x

>> No.8933998

brainlet, you don't even understand his post.
his point was the moment the network goes live you will be able to see all of its users.

>> No.8934004


>> No.8934101

Man it ain't all that hard to buy tokens and hold. You can;t ask for an easier way to get rich than that. So the complaining needs to ease up. If Sergey and his team happen to draw interest which leads to partnerships then cool. They need their "tech" and smart contract/oracles to be the main piece of the pie.

I also point out that all of crypto is pretty much manipulated and money comes and goes when it pleases. Smart money outpaces dumb money.

>> No.8934122

all those gets
not just for link...the whole market
something big ist going to happen in kek points us to may

>> No.8934138

something big ist going to happen in may and kek points us to may*

>> No.8934448

sorry linkies
Someones gotta be real around here
This is Links famous last words
>just wait for (insert here)

>> No.8934829


I mean it is one of the higher volume coins. does 1k btc/day on binance which is higher than many coins with larger market caps

>> No.8935422


What "competitors"?
Kek, EOS has 0 devs. Eth has thousands, as well as libs, IDE support and scaling solutions that make EOS obsolete.....while still being actually decentralized. Link will be the gatekeeper for the Ethereum ecosystem. EOSfags btfo.

>> No.8935532

Surprise surprise, it's a fucking shitcoin and no one cares about it except retards on 4chan who fell for some heavy shilling.

$5 by sibos right? Or is it sibos '18 now? Lmao

>> No.8935558

Yeah good thing i didnt buy ripple at 10 cents with its tens of billions of tokens. Shut up, retard

>> No.8935560

Look at sub, small mc and massive daily volume
Its just bots and scalpers dude

>> No.8935624

Dogecoin is at 500M, Dentacoin at 135M - are these reflecting any kind of sensible valuations? Crypto market is a 'market'.

>> No.8935658

> salesforce dev contributing

Oh fuck, How do i short LINK

>> No.8935663

If wasn't a sales force dev is was an uber software developer. And I think link can get to $10.

>> No.8935677

Coins aren't valued on merits of the project.. markets don't work like that. Token valuation is reflection of nothing but normie fomo.
Dogecoin has been around for years and is a top 5 coin in terms of daily transactions. Denta is another pnd shitcoin

>> No.8935713

You've asked this before. I'd go with link myself that's just because I know the project more but why not keep both and do nothing just add more when you can.

>> No.8935849


>> No.8936168


There is some uncomfortable truth to this

>> No.8936245

that's true but Link isn't making any normie buzz now is it
Check the 4 hour , or daily chart
It has 1 nice moon, that's it. the rest were shit tier peaks.

>> No.8936380


This just isn’t true though