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890372 No.890372 [Reply] [Original]

I want to move to LA while I'm in my early 20's. I have no way to get a really good job, Im hoping I can get a job as a waiter but probably won't get that. Is it possible to live in LA making like $9 an hour? There's got to be a way. I figure it's about 300 a week after taxes which is probably 1200/mo. I figured with roommates I could get a room for 800, spend 70 on a metrocard, and if I spend another 100 on misc. Expenses it leaves me 200-300 for food each month. I think maybe my parents will help a little bit and send me some money for food or to help pay rent. It sounds like I'd be cutting it down to the wire but I'd spend all my free time looking for work and finding new ways to make money. Is it possible?

>> No.890402

Why do you want to do this?

>> No.890415
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Hi friend. Moved here 2.5 years ago. Your mileage may vary, but my experiences will follow in the next post. Give me 5 minutes.

>> No.890422

Money, weed, and women.

>> No.890424
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so here go we go.
>is it possible to live in LA making like $9 an hour?

I can tell you I make $18 an hour and I struggle. I live in what some might consider ghetto and pay 650 a month (plus utilities)
Thats taking home about 2k a month and I currently exceed that budget.

I could do less- not spend 300 a month on travel expenses, you could have a car that doesnt cost 200 a month in repairs, 60 in gas, and another 100 in insurance. You could rent a living room for 500. There are a lot of different scenarios. Check craigslist to see what apartments (rooms) and its not uncommon to look at shared rooms.

Do you have a degree? What do you plan to do other than waiting tables?

your answer to this might mean you want to talk to staffing agencies:

Appleone. office locations in LA, Westwood, and culver city.

Robert half: has tech jobs and robert half financial has finance jobs and Office team is a staffing agency for more administrative work.

Give everyone of them your resume and set up interviews before you come out here.

>> No.890431

I wouldn't mind living in what some people consider a ghetto and I'd be taking a city bus so I'll have a fixed amount for that. I don't eat a lot either when I'm busy. I was in the middle of my criminal justice deree and hoping to do armed security.

I live in a podunk town with no aspects

>> No.890436

you could always give it a shot, how far of a drive is it back home if it doesnt work out?

>> No.890439

Pretty much as far as it gets while still being in the usa

>> No.890443

No car bw

>> No.890449
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Same boat as op but I have years of machining and welding under my belt so to speak. The claims for California's avg machinist or welder is higher wage but I'm unsure if I would get adjusted pay

>> No.890462

It's worth it even if the pay is constant. It's LA. You might die in an apartment, but whatever.

>> No.890476
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enjoy sucking dick 24/7 to feed yourself OP

>> No.890487

A small room for rent going for 600/mo is better quality than what I'm living in now. I don't need a 1b to myself.

>> No.890502

LA has a shit job market right now. The high cost of living makes the cost of business in LA really high. The staffing agencies will jew out of your money and give you the shit tier jobs that will treat you like a slave. The women in LA are stuck up, and are big opportunist. Try San Diego.

>> No.890581

I would recommend against LA. As a long-time CA person, things are getting much worse here. It's expensive as shit, the heat is horrible, job prospects are fucked, and taxes are almost as bad as Jersey.

I can't think of many places where you'd be worse off, TBH. Maybe SF.

>> No.890585

I used to live in SF, and that place is the most expensive place in the world. Its worse than Paris and Geneva. CA is a shithole. Time to move to greener pastures.

>> No.890618

Yup, I'm bailing out of CA completely in a few months. SF is just fucked.

>> No.890657

LA is a dry, dirty, overcrowded shit hole. The cost of living will have you back in ohio within three months.

>> No.890677

Free advice:
Get rid of the car
Stop going to restaurants once a week
Cut down on the phone bill
Also, missing utilities from that

>> No.890787

Agreed. I go to school in California, and I cannot fucking *wait* to be done with it and move home. Or move to Texas. Or literally anywhere that isn't cold nor California.

>worst asshole drivers on the left side of the nation
>overcrowding to the fucking max
>property prices are fucking maddeningly ridiculous
>taxes will fuck your shit up (seriously, $0.75-$1 increase in gas price just by crossing the AZ/CA border? Where the fuck does all that extra money go?)

And on top of that, as an anecdotal story, almost every person I've met in LA/San Diego is in a constant sorta dream state. Like they're constantly high because the weather never puts them in an unpleasant situation. At the risk of sounding a Vietnam veteran, it makes people go soft, and I can't stand that.

>> No.890823

I'm from Norway but I want to move to silicon valley as I'm an engineering physicist, but your description of LA and san diego makes those places sound really shitty, is it the same around the bay area?

>> No.890827

The people who want to go to LA are the people who missed that dude's post a few days ago about how awesome Texas is.

>> No.890832

my only worry is when all the commies flee from california (and other shit states) to texas and end up running it into the ground until they find their next target to shit up

>> No.890837


You need at least 100/Week for food

>> No.890843


I don't think their shit will fly in Texas. They don't seem to have much of a tolerance for bullshit.

The dude's points about Texas were basically this:

>giant houses available cheaply
>awesome people and a real sense of community
>lots of good jobs available
>low as fuck taxes
>a young vibrant city with a booming social and nightlife scene

(can't remember which city it was he mentioned. Maybe Houston?)

If it's a choice between that or sharing an apartment with four other people in a smog-infested shithole like LA, it doesn't seem a hard choice.

>> No.890846


>End up running it into the ground

Lmao, you clearly don't know fuckall about our state politics then. That will LITERALLY never happen. Abbott readied the fucking Texas National Guard when USGOV did 'suspicious' drills in nearby states. The Old Guard run this state, and we like it that way because it keeps our economy stronger than the rest of the nation.

>> No.890849


>Young, vibrant


It's definitely here in Austin, unless your definition of 'vibrant' is 'melanin-enriched.'

>> No.890852


Yeah, I can't remember which place it was and the thread's gone now. The price for housing was fucking ridiculously cheap, though.

>> No.890957

I can't speak for the people in the bay area, though I assume they're just as shitty as LA/San Diego residents, just in different ways.

What I can tell you is
>1500 sq ft house
>$1.4 million
>2 bed, 1 bath apartment rental
>$3000+ per month

Property prices in LA and San Diego are retarded. Property in the bay area? Infuriatingly stupid. It's so fucking over the top ridiculous, you have to be making in the hundreds of thousands to afford a small, below-average condition house.

For reference: to match the lifestyle granted by a job paying $60k/year in Austin, Texas, you'd need to be earning somewhere on the order of $130k-$170k a year in the bay area.

>> No.890958

Go to North Dakota and get a job in oil instead.

>> No.890967

Upstate new York rural area is where I'm leaving from. The taxes are the same as yours, costs are high because there's only one of each type of store around, no jobs obviously, and rent is still pretty high here. The weather is much worse too

>> No.891007

Good luck. Unless you have some skill, unskilled labor dried up there in about 2010. You can't just show up and get a job. You need to get a couple referrals from people already working there.

>> No.891058

People are moving to Washington, Oregon, and other nearby states. Also Texas is fastly becoming like California. An incompetent government hell bent in preserving the old way will be the death of Texas. This is what happen in California. You're better off in Ohio, Pennsylvania and other states around there.

>> No.891069

Hey OP why don't you just live in a van? It's not illegal and you can shower at 24 hour fitness

Then you can also "move" around for new jobs/opportunities until you eventually settle. It's a big city, the first place you land is probably not where you'll want to live in a few years

>> No.891079


move a few steps down to san bernardino county

>> No.891090

The answer is a laughable no. I earn minimum wage, work full time, including sundays, and I'm lucky enough I have to choose which bills to pay because I can't afford it.

>> No.891115


>get affordable housing in texas on top of a job that pays more for less hours
>visit LA whenever you want and have tons of money to spare

look at this outlaw

that's the way to do it

>> No.891118

We tend to treat alternatives in the aggregate sense. In this case: moving to LA and starting a new job. Ok, play it out. You have a lot of options available. Start figuring out which one of those you prefer, and go through ALL of the shit it takes to do it. Then, realize that all the other shit that you're hoping to do can't be enjoyed or done.

>> No.891359
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>I want to make a poor financial decision

>> No.891390

>80deg outside
>70deg outside

>> No.891393

You have to be 18+ to post here

>> No.891403

I think it would be better than the humid over crowded shithole known as DC

>> No.891429


>> No.891439

LA isn't that great.... Damn. Do people from out of California really think LA is that great of a place? Have fun struggling and living in the ghetto forever. Especially without a degree. Oh, and enjoy the traffic.

>> No.891442

San Diego isn't shitty at all. Orange county is also nice. LA is a shithole.

>> No.891574

No its just me. My friend from SD would prefer SD over LA.

I'm fine with that just being there

Strongly considered it. Doesn't sound bad my life is such shit now I'd just be happy with a bed and a job

I'm sure there's more jobs there than in rural land

>> No.891578

If it's so expensive to live in LA how do the poor people do it? How do I get section 8 or into a subsidized apartment? How do I get into the welfare industry?

>> No.891583

You are, objectively, wrong.

>> No.892798


This post is absolutely true, I have lived in California my whole life until I graduated from University. the job prospects are horrible, I ended up moving to Oklahoma for a finance job for Verizon.

its true that that california is more exciting than most states in U.S and sometimes the racism sucks(beaner) in Oklahoma.

However, I have 3 years of financial analyst experience now and even then its difficult to find an analyst job in California that doesnt jew me out of pay cut.

TL;DR California is fucking expensive to live in,excellent place to visit for vacation though

>> No.892974


Get out of my home state, idiots.

>> No.893003

As a native Los Angelereño, I've met a handful of Upstate New Yorkers, and they tend to fare well here. There's something about "sister" or "cousin" cities, or Rochester county, that link people together.
Austin, if you look at craigslist, is almost more expensive than LA, especially when you put in utilities costs during the Texas summer though this three or four week heatwave has been unbearable for any native Californian I've talked to, including myself. I'm currently north of San Diego, and I'll say that there is a major dip in overall "cultural cache" when going to San Diego. You get the desert, outlaw white trash and out-of-state, Kentucky fuckin military trash fucking everything up. Everyone in San Diego has a small-town mentality, like "looky-loos," "pedestrianism," and "townies." I mean, there are really nice San Diegans and the weather is better than LA. But as a young person who wants to experience culture and go out, meet hot chicks, create new experiences, LA is way better for a young person. San Diego is kind of sleepy, and a major portion of it is pure military/naval bullshit. And the rent is often more expensive than LA, seriously. I've looked. I keep giving SD chance after chance, but I'd prefer even the grimiest, Downtown/barrio LA over SD's stuckup, boring scene.

>> No.893192

I'm in a similar boat, though I'm on Long Island. Just moved here a few months ago for my first real job, already regret my decision. Excellent pay but the work blows and this island is even worse.

>insane prices for everything; housing, food, etc etc
>nothing to do unless you go all the way west to Brooklyn, or all the way east for Hamptons, or spend an hour and $22 for a train

I'm considering just moving into the city at this rate and finding a new job. I'd rather pay my current rate for half the space if it means there's actual shit to do.

OR, ideally, LA... great weather and shit to do for a similar price. But what are the alternatives? Texas sounds great for everything excluding the weather, jesus. I don't want to melt. And I don't imagine Texas having much of jack-all to do.

>> No.893194

I had the same dream but you're better off not attempting to live in the lap of luxury in your 20s. You will get complacent and lazy.

>> No.893199

>And on top of that, as an anecdotal story, almost every person I've met in LA/San Diego is in a constant sorta dream state. Like they're constantly high because the weather never puts them in an unpleasant situation

Lived in SD for a year and I couldn't stand this.

>> No.893204

What is this like? Dealing with people who you describe as being in a dream-state?

>> No.893225
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>Austin, if you look at craigslist, is almost more expensive than LA


Please ignore all relevant cost of living data, this guy checked out Craigslist!!!

Meanwhile, the actual cost of living comparison between Austin and LA (expressed as % of income used on expenses)

Austin - 95.5
LA - 136.4

See here, little imbecile, this is why you're leasing a nicer car than you can afford and paying $2k rent like a fucking moron. Because you're mathematically illiterate.

Stupidity of this magnitude warrants suicide, for the good of the species. Do the right thing.

>> No.893228

They're just convinced CA is the best place in the world and that their lives are perfect. And a lot of the kids are high most of the time.

>> No.893239

This. I have a client that lives in Upland. Passed by a lot of what looked like nice towns on the way (glendora, rancho, etc). The properties arent as batshit high as LA/Ventura. But is it just suburb 2.0 over there?

>> No.893332

Basically this. Most Californians are totally oblivious to real life. I'm sure given the chance, more than 90% of Californians would live their lives like a reality TV show.

>> No.893333


>> No.893350

LOL I live in la making a mere $66k a year.
Rent is $1700/m in culver city for a one bedroom
Student loans: $600/m
Car: $550/m
Utilities, food, expenses ~$700/m

I am essentially living paycheck to paycheck.

Graduated college in 2014 and consider myself to be in better financial standing than the majority of my peers also living here, most making ~$40k/year.

I don't understand how the fuck people can afford to live here.

>> No.893351

Well duh, you live in culver city, it's expensive to live there!!

>> No.893356
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It is close to my office tho:(
Either that, or live with my parents who only live ~30 miles away, but that adds up to 2hrs commute through morning traffic and at least1.5hrs home through rush hour... DAILY.
I like being independent too.
That is the price you pay to live a life in LA.

But being a fucking waiter making $9/hr?!?!?!
You cannot do it.

>> No.893738
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As someone living in Los Angeles, let me tell you something:

Idiots from other states flood en masse here thinking better jobs exist or that they can get into Hollywood.

The weather is a constant dry/hot swamp ass menagerie of misery, everybody is an asshole, jobs are shit, and nobody in the millennial generation will every be able to afford property here.

You want a younger crowd and night life? If you mean spending copious amounts of money in a feeble attempt to look rich, just to woo stuck up bitches or douchebag friends who only care about your non-existent money, then yes come to LA.

Do you enjoy douchebag trust fund kids from suburbia who pretend to be "gangsta"? How bout an assortment of hipster/jock/surfer who pretend that they are actors/doctors/producers/etc? Do you enjoy pretending to be someone your not and lying to others and yourself? Don't worry, you'll soon be doing this shit too once your here.

Let me tell you about our wonderful public transportation....oh wait, its shit. Everything is miles from everything, you're forced to own a vehicle here with traffic so shitty a one mile trip can take 45min. Do you like sitting in your car in 100 degree heat a minimum of one hour a day? You have no fucking choice.

Think having a college degree will have you fair better? LOL No. I've made more than my fellow coworkers who graduated with Bachelors and law degrees. I don't have shit and somehow fair better than more educated people. This city is all about how well you can hustle and bullshit. Everyone will stab you in the back when it comes to corporate offices to get ahead.

You have to work for everything here, it never fucking ends.
Finding friends who are not complete assholes is equivalent to finding a diamond in Miley Cyrus's dick.
Maintaining those friends is work in of itself since everyone commutes and lives miles from each other.

TL:DR - Los Angeles is a complete shithole, fuck this place and fuck OP for even thinking of coming here.

>> No.893855

>Podunk town with no prospects
>wants to go be a waiter in an expensive city and live paycheck to paycheck

>> No.893885

why are you still there?

>> No.893923

>Was thinking of moving to Los Angeles because the stand up comedy scene is good
>All of these scary posts

I-is it that bad?

>> No.893965
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Because it takes forever to save enough money to leave. Been at it since I was 16, twelve years to save up only $6,000. If i sell my motorcycle and car I can have another $4,000, sell my guns another $1,000.

....twelve fucking years for just $11,000. Keep in mind my car and motorcycle are paid off, I only pay rent, utilities, etc. with a debt of $8,000 (student loans, credit cards, etc).

I just left a $55k/yr job because even that salary would not afford me a comfortable life here. Rather make $30k/yr with less overhead to save more elsewhere.

People are unaware of the pending shitstorm thats headed this way. I worked in sub prime finance. You wouldn't believe the amount of people with $50k+ student loan debt making $10/hr in this country. Once their deferment ends and they stop making payments, how can they survive here with wage garnishments, ruined credit, or liens if theyre that unlucky?

My friend said it the best, we Angelinos dont need to worry about a zombie apocalypse, just start raising prices and cutting wages, we'll start eating each other pretty soon after that.

>> No.893976

What's the best safest place to live right now in America?

>> No.894015
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Hell if I know man.
I'm currently asking myself that very same question whilst presently unemployed and living in one of the most expensive cities in the U.S.

People say Texas, but from what everyone I know has told me its a racially prejudice place to be. I'm not even black or hispanic, but im not exactly a white guy either.

My own plan is to rent a car for a week and do a personal roadtrip to find a better life elsewhere. Almost everyone I know in Los Angeles urges me to stay in this shit city, but then I remind myself that they have less than $500 in their bank account and have no prospects for a future.

My recommendation is to Google cities with the most open jobs AND lowest property values.

Don't rely on anybody elses word, do whatever it takes to go out to that place and decide for yourself whether you can live in that city. Its a huge risk relocating your life to a new area, most important of all is that you have to ENJOY living there.

Do we have oceans, beaches, surfing, hiking, all manners of activities in LA? Yes, can we actually AFFORD to do them? Fuck no. The poster above is paying $1,700 to live in Culver City, right next to the ocean....if your paying $1,200 like me and live 20 miles from the ocean, then that activity is now a chore that costs both time and money.

Your goal is to save as much money as possible before things go tits up in this country. Those videos you see of Californians in nice cars? Most people here are leasing or financing them, just a facade, pretend rich is what I call them. How do I know? They live in the same shithole as me.

A roof over your head, a healthy amount of cash in your savings account, and the ability to start a family, that should be priority #1. You can achieve so much more of your potential when you aren't stressed about money. This doesn't mean you have to be rich, just means you need to be comfortable. To live a barely comfortable life in Los Angeles requires a minimum salary of $70k/yr.

>> No.894058

No, I live in LA it's fucking expensive. We have enough transplants here gentrifying neighborhoods making them god damn near impossible to afford. Get the fuck out and take all your hicks from Ohio that are wanna be actors.

>> No.894064

btw I'm a native Angeleno and if you don't know Spanish or hate brown people, this is not the place for you.

>> No.894066

nice blog

>> No.894072

I try

>> No.894077


Moved to LA about 8 years ago. Weather is great as long as you don't live in the valley. I do small acting gigs and collect govt cheese in between - its enough to pay for rent and food. I don't do "night life" because I'm not a 22 year old bro. I hang out with like minded people and its pretty good. I fuck decent, down to earth girls, and I don't waste my time trying to impress obnoxious social climbing whores. I drive an old Honda civic and it gets me where I need to go -and it has an AC. I used to live in NYC, and I would rather be stuck in traffic than next to some diseased bum on a subway.

The only gripe I have is rental costs, but maybe after all the faggots like you move out the prices will become a little more reasonable

>> No.894091
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>moved to LA
>small acting gigs
>i fuck girls

Who are you kidding? You're a non-native loser, the exact lowlife douche bag that fills LA pretending your an actor. You just stated you collect government aid because you cant work a normal job, yet I'm the faggot?

You ain't shit in LA, even less online. Thanks for proving my point dip shit.

>> No.894094

tbh stfu dicks

>> No.894109


Get out of my state. Us natives hate you types. You're the kind of faggot that ruins our state and turns it to shit. Seriously, fuck off.

>> No.894147

i've lived in orange county for the past 15 years. OC and SD, and SB are nice.

LA is a filthy shithole.

why would you ever want to come here?

>> No.894204


Wow you guys really sound upset. I guess I should move out.
Oh wait, how about you eat a dick and I stay instead, "native" fags?

>You ain't shit LA

I'm not here to be "the shit", little yellow nigger. Just doing my thing and enjoying life. Does it make you mad that I get laid despite being a "non native loser"? Does it? Cry more, "real" Angeleno

>> No.894206

Don't listen to them, LA is a huge city and theres enough room for everyone and enough jobs to affor......just kidding gtfo.

>> No.894289

How's that drought treating ya?

>> No.894290


It's shit.

>> No.894291

Average shower length?

>> No.894347


the shenandoah area , new orleans, charleston, tampa

>> No.894357

This thread is absolute dildoes.

OP learn an OOP language. I've been offered 70K entry level dev jobs out in LA before.

>> No.894359

* OO language

>> No.894544

Object Oriented Programming language

What's the problem?

>> No.894776

Can I do this with music production?

>> No.894785

See this. The laws of averages state unless you can do something to earn a massive amount of cash, you won't ever and will be a bitter drug addict.

You're young, become a doctor or go to business school.

>> No.894801

If you're a chill, affable and sociable, then you can enjoy LA and be broke.

People complaining they can't afford rent are loners that want to live alone, which means renting a studio or single in a ghetto neighborhood.

For the same amount of money you could afford living on a tree-lined street with impeccable lawns but you might have to share a house with two or three roommates, though you'll have enough left over for food, insurance, booze and air conditioning turned on 24/7.

There's also a lot of free events like socials at museums or art galleries, outdoor concerts in the summer, and free parties if you actually know how to make friends.

And yes you will meet some folks that get their news from TMZ or Access Hollywood, but you will also meet some really creative and brilliant folks.

Just be willing to not own a house or drive a mercedes while you live here and you won't be let down.

>> No.895169

In other words, be prepared to be a penniless man child like the rest of the millennial hoard.

>> No.895312


Don't know much about that side of things but I'm sure it's doable. FYI, you can apply for a low income housing lottery conducted every year by the city of Santa Monica and live in of the most expensive neighborhoods on the cheap.

I'm earning barely anything yet I live without want. All these butthurt "native" fags don't even know how to live right in their own city. Can't wait when they all fuck off to Texas or some other bullshit flyover state.

>> No.895324

I'm a native of LA and the city is shit. I used to live in San Francisco and that city was shitter than LA. California loves to tax the middle and give free shit to the poor while allowing rich people to have tax breaks. This is why CA is expensive. Its run by fucking Parisian morons. The coast is run by dems and the rural/farmlands is run by Texas tier rednecks. Also the bus routes in LA suck, but their rail system is okay. Its often on time these days. Don't move to Arizona though. That state has worse job prospect than CA. Texas only has a few cities that are doing well. Houston, Dallas, and Austin. Houston suburbs are going to take a shit, because jobs are moving toward the city center. Expect Silicon Valley rent in a few years. Austin is becoming very expensive, and I have friends and family in the city. In the past ten years the city has become really expensive. Dallas is a shithole. There are no good places to live in the US. Its getting expensive because the Baby Boomers couldn't fucking maintain a simple budget nor research their elected officials before voting them in.

>> No.895326

Dude just move to the Riverside area, housing markets blowing up out here

>> No.895369

Longtime SF Bay Area resident and I agree.

I visited LA a couple times, once without working A/C in my car and almost had a heat stroke in bumper-to-bumper traffic. Fuck that place.

SF has good weather overall and it's very pleasant to newcomers compared to the rest of the world. It's just that CA and it's people are living way beyond their means in every way and no one realizes it. There's a terrible drought and fire season going on because we use so much water, and some californians are trying to get out by moving to OR or WA.

The bay area is being flooded with young engineers headed for the silicon valley, and the chinese are creating another housing bubble by buying up properties in the millions to use as a safety net when their economy comes crashing down.

I'm a small fish in a big pond here, not really worth it for me.

>> No.895401
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>I visited LA a couple times, once without working A/C in my car and almost had a heat stroke in bumper-to-bumper traffic. Fuck that place.

unless we're talking about the valley or inland empire, you are a pussy. the hottest day in LA proper is like an average summer day in phoenix.

>> No.895548

Well, he did say he was a long time SF Bay area resident. He is definitely a pussy.

>> No.895572

I was at a music festival somewhere in the inland empire for the past 4 days. A lot of people had problems with the heat during and after it, and they ended up moving the whole venue the next year.

>> No.895637

Move to arizona. I live in Tucson and make roughly 60k. This salary has allowed me to pay off a 2014 car and buy a house.