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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 26 KB, 1735x138, mrB3i_on_supplychain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8927524 No.8927524 [Reply] [Original]

As you probably still remember, this insider (or larper) gave us a lot of more info about LINK.

I loved every single bit of it, except for this statement. He made me worried about the future potential of supply chain coins (ven, amb)

>> No.8927563

Nah. The thing that makes amb special is it has patented scanning chips in all the products that analyse the chemical comp of the medicine being shipped and that then uses smart contracts and IoT to ensure the supplier only gets paid if the same quality is recieved as it is when shipped. Blockchain is only a small part of what theyre trying to do. One of the few projects that is using blockchain for a use in a bigger concept rather than trying to come up with an idea to fit into the blockchain meme

>> No.8927637

Cringe the post

>> No.8927651

they make hardware? what they need the blockchain for when they could use a existing one

>> No.8927654


prove me wrong brainlet. You cant.

>> No.8927670


They have patents on hardwear yes. Its why if you look at their advisory board there are guys with a massive focus on RFID. Blockchain is just used so data registered from the devices can be integrated into an IoT to track everything and smart contracts regarding payment for agreed quality

>> No.8927687

This is not about shitcoin amb;
This is about if LINK could eliminate the need for all of the supply chain coins and take down the companies with it.
The partnership anon is talking about is IBM and Maersk

>> No.8927715


Firstly referring to yourself as anon when there is an identifying number next to your post makes you look like a retard. Secondly the reason im talking about amb is to answer your post- no link cant eliminate the need for amb as amb uses smart contracts as a tiny part of a larger quality assurance service, a service which is using hardwear. I say this as someone who holds a ton of link and wants it to do well. It could be integrated into ambs system, that would be great. But its not going to replace it. Its like saying Michelin tires are going to eliminate the need for Mercedes. Michelin just make 1 component.

>> No.8927746

brainlet. i am referring to the screenshot i posted. you were probably not even on /biz/ then ffs get out of this thread

>> No.8927766


Youre getting very upset. The IBM partnership happened literally an eternity ago and it seems to be news to you. Did you seriously just find out about this? And yet you have the nerve to say other people are new here? Youre embarassing yourself kid

>> No.8927785

So are they a hardware company or a blockchain dev?
Seems retarded to be both.

Seems especially retarded for a hardware company to develop blockchain tech that directly competes with already existing solutions that are much more reputable.

>> No.8927800

Actually they said the MAJORITY of Amb sensors will be bought. Only a very specialized niche will be patented. Did you seriously think patents can just be done in 6 months by a less than 20 engineering team?

>> No.8927808

>no link cant eliminate the need for amb as amb uses smart contracts as a tiny part of a larger quality assurance service, a service which is using hardwear
This is dumb.

Chainlink obviously could eliminate the need for whatever oracles amb wants to develop.

>> No.8927849

>no link cant eliminate the need for amb as amb uses smart contracts as a tiny part of a larger quality assurance service, a service which is using hardwear

What is valuable here? Not smartcontracts, not blockchain, not the hardware. Its the ability to bring data from hardware into the smartcontracts and blockchains (Chainlink).

>> No.8927912

So realistically we're looking at a year long hodl before any good gains unless we get another bull market?

>> No.8927952
File: 191 KB, 491x498, 1521060846817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AMB is a proven shit coin, come on, just look at the CEO's activity.

Now, what about VEN?

>> No.8928421



>> No.8928460
File: 26 KB, 320x320, tulsi_trejo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you shit upon the streets of downtown mumbai.