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File: 30 KB, 1023x1023, Verge-coin-logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8922966 No.8922966 [Reply] [Original]

Will the market drop further tomorrow after XVG exit scam announcement is expose? I can't imagine the news of crypto scam on mainstream media doing the market any good

>> No.8923099

I am generally curious what happens to the markets when verge exit scams. I feel like since it's an open scam it won't have that much an effect.

>> No.8923539
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>> No.8923900

This is the most obvious bullshit since bitCONnect, it's going to be fun. I highly doubt it'll affect the market much since it's mostly reddit noobs and the colored who bought into it.

>> No.8923976

what if no exit scam, no partnership, just complete radio silence?

This dirty pajeet coin is gonna ruin my weeks gains, isn't it?

>> No.8924001

Three scenarios:

>1: They actually have a legit partnership, and the price of XVG continues to rise
This would be the ultimate bull signal for the market. If this coin can resist a week of strong negative coverage and still continue to rise without people selling the news, we're in for a wild ride.

>2: They actually have a legit partnership, and the price of XVG falls/crashes
Nothing happens. People sell the news, markets continue on as normal. XVG looks a little better going forward.

>3: There is no real partnership
XVG crashes, hard, BCC style. Markets react negatively to the sudden crash of a billion dollar coin. BTC spirals back down to 6k by end of April.

>> No.8924085

Let's be real. There is no partnership, and the death of verge will have zero effect on the market.

>> No.8924134

BCC was worth $2.5 billion, and its crash played a massive role in the late-2017 BTC bubble finally popping. Exit scams are expected in crypto, but not on billion dollar levels. A full-on XVG exit scam, or even a basic failure to deliver on the partnership, would mean an instant loss of hundreds of millions of dollars worth of value which would have short-term ramifications for the market as a whole. Most coins are fairly correlated to each other.

>> No.8924135


The 3rd scenario seems most likely.

>> No.8924179
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I mean even total fraudulent and exposed scams like Bitconnect continue to trade among desperate baggies.

Expect for this to wind down over several months until it's listed only on Yobit and then becomes delisted weeks after that.

>> No.8924215

How the fuck could XVG exit scamming negatively effect BTC. If anything it would be good to finally get rid of that piece of shit.

>> No.8924229

C'mon you don't really think BCC exit scam had any real effect on the markets do you? The market was already bearish when this happened, just a coincidence.

>> No.8924251


Fuck, Biz is full of fucking idiots. Each one of you fucks id dumber than the last. I came for the mess but I stay for the hate.

>> No.8924263

*Memes. Fuck - I'm one of you dumb fucks now.

>> No.8924358

People keep saying Verge will exit scam.

I don't understand this, are they going to take all the coins?

This isn't bitconnect, it isn't a ponzi scheme based off other people buying into it.

If they sell their coins that were donated that is less than 1% of the total XVG coins, so I don't understand, I'm honestly trying to see where you people are coming from when you think XVG will "exit scam" they have nothing to steal, if they announce a
partnership with "Kevins Online Powertools" it's just a massive let down... I don't get it.

everyone is acting like in the next few days XVG will either be worth $1.00, or $0.00
even if it's just hype it will only effect it by a few hundred million dollars.

>> No.8924383

fuck. kek

>> No.8924527
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I have one word for the people above who deny Verge's partnership: Faggots.

>> No.8924693

Will people transfer to trx?

>> No.8924715
File: 38 KB, 611x404, 9b5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have one word for the people who invest in Verge. Morons.

>> No.8924749

linda coin

>> No.8924764

I was going to say "nice bait", but then I remembered that vergefags are actually dumb enough to ask something like this.

>> No.8924786

If the devs leave then nothing more will happen, and people will move elsewhere.