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8922904 No.8922904 [Reply] [Original]

If you possess above average intelligence and can afford it, reproduce.

Low IQ people naturally reproduce much more. The majority of the middle class today, are the lower class of 50-100 years ago. Now our middle class is going /r/childfree and thus the modern lower class (even dumber than previous generations) are going to become the new middle class.

>the world is overpopulated
The third world is over-populated, western nations have birth rates below replacement, thus the immigration of poor, dumb people.

>education will fix it
IQ has a .75 heritability.

>i wont bring a child into this screwed up world, it is unfair to society/environment
It's likely that if you consider the broad effect of having children and decide against it, you have the compassion, conscientiousness that must be passed on genetically for the good of society.

>i wont bring a child into this screwed up world, it is unfair to the child
It is highly likely your child will succeed as much as you due to genetics.

>i dont care about society
You are a parasite and an implicit enemy to your neighbors.

>i care more about toys
Reflect on your life. You likely have a personality disorder if you value toys and status more than your community.

>> No.8922924

> Marry Asians
> create Eurasian masterrace

>> No.8922992

Racemixing increases risk of numerous health issues. But high IQ people are already too stubborn to have children, another requirement will alienate them even more.

>> No.8923027

>the modern lower class (even dumber than previous generations) are going to become the new middle class

Wrong, the middle class will be replaced by software and the lower class will be exterminated using drugs, entertainment, endocrine disrupting pollution, and social engineering

>> No.8923048

> muh race

>> No.8923080

>Racemixing increases risk of numerous health issues

It can be worth it in the long wrong. Basically we're selecting out new heterogeneous mixtures that haven't been tested before. Most will be bad, some will be good. Start with two good stocks and there's a good chance for some good novel heterogeneous mixtures.

>> No.8923087

No. I’ll watch it all burn from my ivory tower

>> No.8923098

>long wrong

Run* obviously.

this guy knows what's up

>> No.8923139

anyone interested in establishing a private school when they made it?

If I have the power to establish a new school i wouldnt change things up too much, just want a little emphasis on philosophy so that kids know how to handle themselves when they go through the existential phases.

And none of the current pc bullshit of course.

Any comments?

>> No.8923144

You forgot war. You think “the lower class” will go quietly into the night?

>> No.8923149

why come no tattoo

>> No.8923187

War kills only small amounts of people

>You think “the lower class” will go quietly into the night?

Yes, they will take fentanyl and watch TV, their testosterone levels are so low they are physically incapable of violent revolt, most of them are also overweight

>> No.8923218

no thanks. how about you just have 50 kids to pick up the slack for the rest of us while we just enjoy our lives? stupid poor people have like 8 kids each. even if we each have 2, which is the maximum I would consider, the 3rd worlders will still take over in a few generations. its too late. and honestly I dont give a fuck. I'll be dead in like 50 years. there is no god, no afterlife. not my problem.

>> No.8923245

>i dont care about society
You are a parasite and an implicit enemy to your neighbors.

>> No.8923406

how am I a parasite? I pay a shit load of taxes some of which go to your annoying little brats schooling and other social services even though I won't ever use those services. society is fucked either way. thinking you can fix it by having more white babies is retarded. you are retarded.

>> No.8923468


>> No.8923516
File: 50 KB, 530x413, 527cf92be8e44e95f6000005_the-fountainhead-everything-that-s-wrong-with-architecture_d5d05decc7ca98b964e144749b62f3b6-530x413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get that collectivist drivel out of here
I don't owe anything to my neighbors

>> No.8923535

half of America is criminals dumbass

>> No.8923547

And that’s js like, your opinion, faggot

>> No.8923579
File: 45 KB, 610x425, nigeria-population-pyramid.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There isn't enough fentanyl in the world to stop niggers from fucking like rabbits and popping out babies. Only solution I see is a mass epidemic or large-scale dirty nuclear/chemical war.

>> No.8923640

You think I give a shit?

>> No.8923716

What sort of countries have strong communities where people voluntarily contribute to their society and get along with each other?
What sort of countries have communities where people disregard each others wellbeing?

I am saying you are a parasite. I am not saying someone with a gun should force you to act a certain way.

>> No.8924048
File: 860 KB, 1280x1920, 11111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What sort of countries have strong communities where people voluntarily contribute to their society and get along with each other?
>What sort of countries have communities where people disregard each others wellbeing?
Well don't keep us in suspense. What countries?