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8919345 No.8919345 [Reply] [Original]

how can I get paid to shill bitcoin cash?

>> No.8919359

You can't. We do it because we are big blockers. Go holler at Adam Bach

>> No.8919360
File: 66 KB, 662x792, r (1818).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this is a chad coin, no sockpuppets required or allowed

>> No.8919393

There's obviously a lot of people here who are making money shilling bitcoin cash, given that none of the "interest" on 4chan is organic (otherwise the price would pump)

So how do I do it?

>> No.8919417

Buy some, then shill it to promote adoption which will increase demand for it and increase the value of the bch you own.

>> No.8919428

Be a chinese miner

>> No.8919445

It's called taking the red pill.

Just listen to CSW and his talk about selfish miners.

Off-Chain cucks will lose this battle, and lose it hard.

Samson will be on suicide watch in 12 months.

>> No.8919470

cashies are THIS fucking stupid

>> No.8919471

Eventually you won't even have to sell because it will become the world currency

>> No.8919532

There's only a few sure bets in crypto. BCH is one of them. Get on board or get left behind. End of topic

>> No.8919636

>Just listen to CSW and his talk about selfish miners.
Miners are just as greedy as the bankers? Nah really? People are selfish by nature. If you are not selfish, then what the hell are you doing with your life?

The miners expect to get paid for using up all that electricity and wasting all that money on ASICs. When the block reward goes to 0, all of the income is gonna come from mining fees.

If bitcoin ends up being expensive again, the only purpose for using bitcoin will be censorship-resistance and privacy. It will no longer be thought of as a cheap alternative to PayPal, credit cards, debit cards, bank wires and Western Union. And monero is better for privacy.

>> No.8919646


typical corecuck, you still think someone needs to be paid to see how bitcoin cash is superior, no i'm sorry to disappoint you but you won't find anything to go posting on plebbit how bitcoin cash shill factory operates because there is none

enjoy losing

>> No.8919670

There are BCash supporters on plebbit too. r/btc is Roger Ver's sub

>> No.8919682
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dont get left out in the rain like this pepe

>> No.8919687


its bitcoin cash bitch

when its over bitcoin core in marketcap you will be crying in your corner remember this moment

>> No.8919700

you get paid in BCH so no matter what it's not worth it

>> No.8919702

Read the white paper

>> No.8919774

LMAO. the flippeningthatwekeep hearing about. a month ago it was gonna happen in '2 weeks'. 4 months ago it was going to happen in 'a few weeks'. now it's going to happen in 'the current year'.

>> No.8919824

Plebbit fag confirmed

>> No.8919841

BCH is the most reddit coin

>> No.8919845

>These corecucks don't know about operation dragon slayer

>> No.8919863

Salty core fag posting from two different ips

>> No.8919872

send roger dick pics on twitter.

>> No.8919920

why do you insist on making me use your words. you're like a sjw insisting people use their pronouns. triggered bch. rofl

>> No.8919950
File: 2.02 MB, 1280x720, bitcoin cash posters.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

salty cashfag posting from multiple IPs

>> No.8919957
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its bcash faggot. and its a shitcoin. i am going to enjoy watching the slow bleed to death.

>> No.8919982

oh... such weak shilling. you aren't doing an effective job with your shill

>> No.8920084

You get paid more if you shill Bitcoin.

>> No.8920120

I don't need to shill bch. It is going to take over no matter what you or I say/do

>> No.8920157
File: 72 KB, 900x594, 1512105125124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cash is looking good!

>> No.8920179

It's only natural the last remaining bcash warriors are especially obnoxious.

Everyone with a bit of sense already switched over to ETH years ago. Probably 90% of the big blockers during 2015-2017. That's why ETH has a splendid community.

Now what's left in the toxic bcash camp are Bitcoin maximalists that don't use Bitcoin. They are constantly nagged by cognitive dissonance.

>> No.8920194

no, that's delusion and the becash marketing program speaking. you have been reading too much reddit

>> No.8920195

reddit is full of fags who love blockstream, and they censor any mention of bitcoin cash

>> No.8920196
File: 103 KB, 944x778, blockstream-fud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(((blockstream))) is the one that employs shills. BCH posters are just OG Bitcoiners who know the real deal because we read the fucking whitepaper

>> No.8920205
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>Just listen to CSW and his talk about selfish miners.
>he still doesnt know

>> No.8920208

Way to pull a percentage out of your ass

>> No.8920212

ETH will be going down the same way the rest of them will, you guys need to get with the program as your like behind the times.


>> No.8920224

No bcash works. LN is an economical pipe dream

>> No.8920232

literally plebbit

>> No.8920256

i went to ETH, then cryptokitties happened and i saw firsthand that it can't scale for shit, then i went 100% to BCH, since its the only one that works on a large scale

>> No.8920275


same but i went to neo as well

>> No.8920303

who gives a fuck bout bitcoin. hint, comparing betrash to bitcoin doesn't work for you faggots. you dumb fucks pretend that crypto is a binary choice.. that's a failing marketing campaign, it isn't reality. back to /r/btc you dumb brainlet

>> No.8920317

bcash is under all sorts of threats so they have to constantly attack other coins in order to try to stay relevant.

>> No.8920332

becash employs shills, that's why we get flodded some days and not others. today is a shill flood day on biz for betrash.

>> No.8920337
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The only ones who seem to have a standard set of shilling and FUD tactics seem to be core shillers. Pic related.
Not seen any indication that there are paid shills for bch, and all early adopters I know irl support bch over btc.

>> No.8920345

Bch is the only crypto using big blocks that is promising. Fuck off with your bullshit

>> No.8920349 [DELETED] 

for anyone interested, please apply to utechzanghi@gmail.com

I will remove this post within the next few minutes, we usally pay out based on length. please have a xmr or xvg wallet ready

>> No.8920353
File: 29 KB, 300x300, 1504111222367.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I sign up to shill bcash? I need some quick money to put into litecoin.

>> No.8920363

really made me think. so being attacked constantly means bch is the real bitcoin. thanks.

>> No.8920387

haha, as you call it bcash, thus attacking it

fuck off back to china you bankster nigger

>> No.8920398

It would seem that Btc and Bch supporters should both agree that litecoin sucks shit, but for some reason corecucks love to promote ltc as well

>> No.8920403

>n-no you're the shill
shoo shoo paid shill

>> No.8920447

litecoin is bitcoin core's wife's son.

>> No.8920668


Get in touch on the Bitcoin Cash slack, just casually drop you're from India and looking to help Bitcoin Cash, one of the slack moderators will contact you.

It's probably not worth it though if you're from a developed country. Roger pays in rupees so basically only indian shillfarms shill Bitcoin Cash.

Source: I'm a pajeet shilling Bitcoin Cash

>> No.8920710

Fake. Grammar and spelling is too good