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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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891243 No.891243 [Reply] [Original]

25 y/o
2 Undergraduate Degrees (Mathematics/Statistics and Computer Science)
No debt
Parents bought me a house
Drive a 2010 BMW M5

Just got my first job, working at Microsoft, yearly salary is $96,000, with bonus and stock options to be discussed after my first probationary period of 1 year.

So, what should I do, now that my "dream" life is pretty much almost in motion?

I have a girlfriend and she works at MSFT too, she earns around the same as me.

We have no plans for kids or any of that stuff, we both realize how important it is to set up ourselves to not fail essentially.

What would you recommend we do with our money?

How much would you set aside for living expenses and car payments and investments?

We don't have to pay for our house, but we do pay for our insurance which is $100 a month each, my girlfriend financed a brand new car this Summer, so she has to pay another $500 a month for it.

But we both start working in November, so we sort of have 2 months left to enjoy ourselves all day and night, and decide what we're going to do once we get our first paycheck in mid-November.

So, how would you, I don't know, dictate our finances?

Yearly annual income is around $192,000, and around $50,000 for taxes and other essential dues, is $140,000 left, for the entire year.

I've done our monthly costs and that includes housing, insurance, car, food, and entertainment, a health budget for everything, and its about $3,000 / month.

So, we are looking at around $12,000 per month in net income, and costs of about $3,000, so we're left with $9,000 per month which we have no idea what to do with.

I've dabbled in investments before, but only with a few hundred dollars, never thousands, or a $100,000 per year, so how should we use the money?

>> No.891252

Too long so didn't really read but basically - 20-25% of saved income to 401k/TFSA accounts, buy index funds.

>> No.891255


Our income (me and girlfriend, quite possibly wife) is $140,000 / year, $12,000 monthly.

$3,000 expenses, $9,000 savings / month

So what is a 401K vs TFSA? Also, what is an index fund? How much will we get per year?

>> No.891263

4-6 months expenses in a checking or instant access savings account as an emergency fund

Not an Amerifag so not sure what a 401 is but make sure your pension is in order, ditto health plan and life insurance

Rest goes into medium to long term investments including hedge funds, your own pick if stocks, and a ladder of bonds. Make as much passive income as you can.

When you have enough capital invest in property. Manage tenants yourself if you have the time and interest, else let a property management company do the day to day work.

That's what I'd do, anyway.

>> No.891270

save at least 80% of your post-tax income, throw it all into a combination of equity and bond index funds, stay DINK and you will be financially independent in 10 years.

>> No.891272

-1/10 shitpost.

>> No.891424

>Just got my first job, working at Microsoft
Everyone in the field know that MS is where careers go to die. You're just getting started and you've already fucked your career beyond repair.

>> No.891437

Why? Why not work there for a few years for experience and prestige and then apply to other huge companies?

>> No.891443
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Why are people still spouting the index fund meme ?

>> No.891475
File: 92 KB, 1024x727, 2011-Volvo-S60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit why does everyone have their shit together?

>BS in Math
>100K+ debt
>drive a 2011 S60
>struggling to find a job that will pay 40K, I've been offered way less
>living downtown in a midwest city
>tutoring on the side to barely pay bills
>student loans about to kick my ass

I've been learning some OOP languages in my spare time but holy shit I would love to get a job that pays 50, never mind 90K.


>> No.891479

No offense but how are you over 100k in debt just for a BS degree?

>> No.891482


They don't. OP is full of shit.

>Drives a BMW M5
>but posts a e class from Google

>Got my first job at Microsoft $96K
My roommate/landlord has been working at MS (W10 team) for almost 7 years now and would know a cuck like you if one worked there. He says you don't sound familiar to anyone. Care to give us a first or last name so he can confirm?

>start work in November

Microsoft has hiring periods, and it isn't November

>yet already knows salary

top kek

>Makes combined $190K
>coming to an Anime board for financial advice

top kek

>claims to have 2 degrees
>never took a class in personal finance

I went to Community College and was even required to take this class my first semester, as every other college student I've ever met. You are full of shit. You are probably some NEET autist that has never even been to college.

This is some quality shitpost I give you that.

>> No.891485


They don't, and those who do, have daddy footing the bill and doing the actual work.

>> No.891503

out of state


yeah well even if OP is full of shit there are plenty of grads already getting on with their lives


I just want a decent paying job already holy shit

I know i wont make 300K coming out of college but why is it so hard to make 40?

>> No.891505

That's not an e class idiot. That's an m5.

But, that's not a 2010 m5, that's just a 2002 m5. Still a pretty cool car but not e60 cool lol

>> No.891510

My boyfriend has a math degree from a top UC and only makes $36k a year here in southern california (working in an unrelated field now-marketing) because his math undergrad degree has proven to be worthless. He could have gotten his job without ever having his degree. I suggest that you look into other skills and career paths. You might have to start at the bottom in another field but if you learn a thing or two you can work your way up eventually.
I suggest maybe trying to pursue a masters in math, though, because then you can teach at the community college level.

>> No.891513

Because the other huge companies where truly good developers want to work do not view experience working for MS as a plus on your resume. In fact, MS experience on a resume might very well exclude you from the hiring process at good companies. Hence my statement: MS is where careers go to die.

>> No.891521

I had no idea.
What about HP? Do careers go there to die as well? I'm wondering because I know someone with a job lead with them.

>> No.891524

I don't know about HP. I'm more dialed in with the software development community and that's not such a big thing with HP.

>> No.891538

>No Debt
>Given a house
>Spouse has a good job

Do whatever you want with your money, you already won.

>> No.891542


Lol, the picture in my OP is an E39 BMW M5, not a fucking E class, and I'm the one full of shit? Can't even reverse image search an image, lol.

I drive a 2010 M5 by the way, not the E39, but in fact the E60 M5 as mentioned by another poster.

I would love to someday own an E39 though, beautiful cars, and my buddy from Toronto owns one actually, he might have a video of it on YouTube somewhere. I'll look for it after this.

Also, I went to school in Canada for my undergraduates, from 18 - 22.

My girlfriend lives in Singapore, and I met her through the internship and student exchange that I received through the University of Waterloo with the University of Singapore.

Now I live in Singapore, and my car is paid for by MSFT, and in part by the government.

I can't say what I do exactly, since there aren't that many of us from MSFT over here in Spore, but I deal with Regional Affairs, which include managing the computers at a few large private corporations. I received this job, because of a connection I made through NUS, and since I was Canadian, for the most part, the executives loved me, since they are also not originally from Spore.

My wife on the other hand, was born in Spore, and she did her degree in the University of Melbourne, and we met during a placement she had in my office while I had my co op there as well. We sort of became friends and then we went on a Summer vacation together the next term, and it sort of hit itself off.

>Captcha - BMW M5 2015 "Cars"

>> No.891546


Anyways, I've been on 4chan for 5-6 years now, and I usually stick to the /b/ board, or the /gd/ board, or the /t/ board, since I love /b/ for how much of an impact it has on the world, and it's something that's always interested me, /gd/ because I needed some inspiration for art work for my various projects, and /t/ because I torrented a shitload of movies (still do).

Microsoft also does not have hiring periods for every single region it hires in, that may be the case in whichever region you work in, but not the case for Singapore. In fact they built their schedule around my schooling, and waited for me to graduate before coming to work for them.

I was given enough money to help me relocate from Canada to Singapore, and I was given a car allowance, as well as a monthly housing allowance, which I am just using for food, since my parents had already bought me a little apartment here, close to work, and in the city, which I love, well the inner city, since most of Singapore is inherently a city anyways. I currently reside in Bukit Timah, not the wealthiest part of Singapore, but it definitely is not one of the poorest parts.

I love taking the drive to Serangoon Road, and having a meal in Little India, especially the Thalis they serve, for around 15 Sing Dollars.

Also, personal finance was not a required course for me, my degrees at Waterloo were all just Math related and nothing else, since I was trying to finish 2 degrees in the span of 5 years, I couldn't take any Summers off and had to work and study for 4 years straight.

It also costed me a heck of a lot of cash, but my parents were able to support me, which was great.

>> No.891547


So again, might sound like shitpost to a fucking community college memeitch, but it's just sad to see some fucking cuck like you trying to downplay my lifestyle, and decisions, and where I'm at, when you're no where near my level.

Also, I'm guessing you're talking about the California MSFT office, in which case, you've either done really well for yourself coming out of community fucking college, or you're the real one that's full of shit here, claiming you lived in a building owned by a landlord, who is also a roommate, and you're renting an apartment from him, while living with him. How far fetched is that? Pretty damn far fetched, lol.

Now please, go on and fuck off back to whichever memecuck job and memeollege you came from, because they clearly haven't taught you any useable skills that allow you to live in your dream world of living with an MSFT worker, who's actually living with someone who went to a community college, and can't even afford his own place.

Ha. This makes me laugh, thank you, pathetic fool.

>> No.891549
File: 99 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Prison School - 04 [720p]_Aug 1, 2015, 9.20.35 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This board never ceases to amaze me. The first fucking reply no less.

>> No.891550


E60 is a cool car no doubt, but I get tired of the god damn whine this thing makes every morning, might just be mine, but man somedays it's just too much noise, especially when there's already so much noise around me, but it's the car I got in 2011, so I'm not complaining really, and the only V10 M5 ever made.

Someday I plan on swapping this V10 into an E39 and having the best of both worlds, the styling of the E39, with the engine of this beast.

It will take a lot of work, but I'm fairly certain it's do able with some major/minor tweaks. Hopefully the engine fits, I've seen something similar done to an E30 and an E36, so that gives me a dash of hope!

>> No.891551

>/b/ board
>impact it has on the world


>> No.891552


What type of Math did you major in? Financial, Statistical?

What college? What city?

Why live downtown and drive a Volvo S60?

Also if you're getting offered so low, its either you are applying to shit tier jobs because you lack the confidence to apply to a higher prestige job (I had this problem too, never dreamt I'd work at MSFT, always dreamt of some small company in Toronto or something, BlackBerry was my best bet).

Maybe your problem is, you need to MOVE, and apply for jobs outside your Midwest city in some Midwest state, in downtown?

Also, how are you $100k in debt, from a BS degree? Did you do it at a good school?

Then again, how do you have trouble finding $40k?

I speak English, French, Malay, and German, and I've been learning Korean recently, hoping to learn enough of that, and then learn Japanese or Mandarin, since Korean is extremely boring, and doesn't excite me as much as learning German did.


It depends on your job, and what you actually did.

In my resume I never put I worked at Best Buy, and did "retail sales".

I defined exactly what I did, which included merchandise protection, and merchandising, creating labels, outlined the industry standard printers I used, and even outlined the amount of property I stopped from being stolen. I also outlined my extensive cashier experience, and dealing with many different forms of payment, and outlined the positives and negatives for me, of each type, and which type I preferred, which was faster, and how I dealt working with different numbers of people on a daily and seasonal basis.

You gotta do a lot to get a job, but I've had like 5-6 jobs in my life, so I learned as I went, and I never started at McDonalds, I started at Best Buy and earned commission, which netted me around $40 / hour, as my first job in high school.

>> No.891555

give it to the poor and seek Lord Jesus.
or keep it and slowly wither away in a life of meaningless materialism.
your choice.

>> No.891738


You posted a fucking e39 dumbass

Also you got bought a house, you're already set up for "not failing." Just don't do coke off your girlfriends tits everyday and you'll be fine

>> No.891748

>the dream

You hire tops artists from around the world to paint portraits of yourself. Have your g/f do the same for herself. Buy a mansion and fill all 71 rooms with the paintings of yourself.

Spend all of your free time admiring yourself. Walk room to room, slowly. Make a day of it. Perhaps with a glass of fine wine. Drop all other hobbies and do that over and over again with all of your free time.

Also - always drive a BMW M5 so the rest of the world can identify your type of 'awesome'.

Good luck, bb.

>> No.891772

>My girlfriend lives in Singapore, and I met her through the internship and student exchange that I received through the University of Waterloo with the University of Singapore.
>GF is from Singapore.
Kek you got a golddigger. These women are notorious golddiggers.

>> No.891776

>401k is bad
>You should day trade you'll make big buckaroos.
This board never ceases to amaze me as well.

>> No.891780

I wish my parents would buy me a house

>> No.891791
File: 145 KB, 679x631, enough.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>parents bought me a house

>> No.891833

>parents bought me a house
You got everything you need, now go and do anything you want.

>> No.891850
File: 32 KB, 297x331, 1441364638522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



not quite

>> No.891856

Read the Intelligent Investor by Graham.

If you can commit all your spare time to learning, research, evaluation and analysis of businesses, then you can pick stocks or invest in derivatives.

Else, index funds.

Look up the /biz/ required reading.

>> No.891871
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your LIFE was OVER before it STARTED

>> No.891874

>MSFT pays for my car
No they don't.

>makes up stories that completely contradict what he has said in his OP

You don't even put any thought into these shitposts.

>browses /b/
Cover broken

tl;dr OP is 100% autistic

>> No.891877

he probs is but it's entirely likely

my brother is 25 and earns 120k a year + stock bonuses and a whole lot of other shit no debt working at an investment bank

>> No.891881


Except that's entirely reasonable.

Everything OP has said is full of shit.

>> No.891883


I mean MSFT has a great 401K plan. They even offer stock shares at 10% discount to employees, and they also have FREE investment plans and resource groups. If OP actually works there, he wouldn't need to ask /biz/ when MSFT has financial advisers as educated as your brother right there for free.

>> No.891884
File: 542 KB, 450x379, 1436700815578.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah true

OP is just a cancer baiting faggot trying to make 30k a year fags jealous because he can't even afford his own fucking food yet

OP, go kill yourself. If you aren't contributing anything you must realise you aren't of value.

>> No.892024

If you want your first sizable check to be when you're 60+, yes it's bad.

401k's are what actual rich people sell to the public to make their financial future seem secure. They don't use that bullshit themselves so why should you?

>> No.892025

If you don't want*

>> No.892071


Who is the demon semen?

>> No.892126

>Parents bought me a house
>Parents bought me a car
>Parents paid for my education

Come back next lifetime when mommy and daddy aren't financing your existence.

>> No.892139


Literally yes they do, in Singapore if you're a foreigner, everything is paid for, you get little to no taxes, and a housing allowance, you also get a monthly food allowance and an entertainment allowance you fucking retard.

I have an Uncle for works for Maybank Malaysia and he got his ENTIRE Camry PAID for, by the bank, he also receives his HOUSE, not an apartment, FOR FREE, because he's the go to guy if anything fails with their system. He works 24/7, like I do, and he's always on call, like me.

You don't know shit, which office do you work at, at MSFT? Come on, name it, :)


I'm full of shit? Bitch its my thread, you believe this 100% autist who hasn't even said where he works, and hasn't even given the office he works at, and he lives with a fucking roommate who works at MSFT on the W10 team!

>people who worked on W10 live with roommates/landlords.


Right, because I could spend the $3,000 it requires to fly out, to have a fucking meeting about my finances? There is nothing like that here in Singapore since Microsoft has not expanded here as much, because its extremely expensive, and we only have 1 main office here, with a bunch of smaller offices that have been contracted in to work for us on certain projects.