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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8918548 No.8918548[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what is it like being a rich guy? how is it for a millionaire trying to pick up hot chicks? some say chicks go for rich guys but others on biz say it doesn't make a difference. well what is the truth?

>> No.8918556

this has nothing to do with business or finance you desperate thirsty faggot

>> No.8918569

how doesn't it?

>> No.8918575


Sluts are evolutionarially wired to want a guy with lots of money. It means security for them + bragging rights to their friends. Women compete with each other on clothes, expensive vacation, engagement ring size, how big the house is, etc. It's rare to find a woman where these things don't matter.

>> No.8918603

What is business or finance related about "what do chicks think of x" you tremendous fucking /r9k/ faggot.

>> No.8918625

it's about money though

>> No.8918630

There has been a direct correlation between the increase in my salary and the increase of females I screw each year.

>> No.8918636
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I'm pretty rich (about 1.2 million dollars in all my accounts). You quickly learn the bitches that know you have money are leeches and most all women are vapid and clueless. I drive a ten year old Honda to my first dates and wear average looking clothes...if they like me thru that, they may be a keeper. Life's not all about getting laid...I prefer a stimulating conversation once in a while.

>> No.8918638


You still have to go out but after that it's as easy as it gets.

If you can appear wealthy and dress nicely and you tell a girl to come drive your ferrari and take her to your million dollar penthouse they are going to want to fuck you and come fuck you again.

they might not be with you for your personality but picking up hot chicks and banging them is given if you just want to act like that

>> No.8918639

It isn't about money you stupid faggot, it's about your own desperation. Take this shit to where it belongs >>>/r9k/

>> No.8918670
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>pretty rich

>> No.8918674

What's the STD situation like? Do you get your dick checked every week?

>> No.8918712

Ummm sweetie...I'm richer than you.

>> No.8918722

1) life wont be much better if you weren't an ultra poorfag. You'll still suffer the same existential needs.

2) It doesn't make a difference if you're already charismatic.

>> No.8918726

It's bullshit. Looking wealthy is detrimental to hooking up.

When women see you have money they think about all the things they can buy before they come home and fuck the minimum-wage chad pool boy while you're at work.

>> No.8918769
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yeah you are faggot, but i've got a better understanding of the world/people and i'm younger than you. faggot. Going to earn $10m+ year working on the city.
don't be a cuck and get robbed, find her weak point, make her lips shake on your seeing make her crave you, then act like a gentlemen and show your shekels and marry her. Most girl are pretty mundane though, godspeed if you find your soulmate.

>> No.8918794

looking wealthy isnt detrimental, being weak (in social, mental or physical sense) is.

Nothing will ever help or last long if you're not powerful

>> No.8918815
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i don't mind giving my wife +500k year to spend, but i would chose dying single 1000 times rather than getting cucked.

>> No.8918925

Truth: if you can't get chicks now, then you probably can't get chicks even if you become a millionaire (besides a few brainlet thots). Just work on your social skills, dress somewhat nice and be friendly to all girls (not just the ones you want to fuck). I'm rich now but it hasn't really changed much when it comes to getting girls. I used to be beta as fuck and really bad at talking with girls. I watched a series called blueprint decoded and it really guided me in the right direction when it comes to dating/talking with girls. Give it a shot. If you're bad at talking to girls I'm sure you will learn something. Good luck, Anon!

>> No.8918952

I think the series is pretty expensive but you can just torrent it.

>> No.8919014
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what if want to talk with a girl, what do ? just ask her out randomly on the street ? what if i'm not that eye catchy ? im not of these faggot who just complain all day and do buttfuck but this is just bs

>> No.8919444

chicks don't dig wealth in the way we think they do what they go after are essential characteristics of male-ness one of which is confidence. If all it takes is getting rich to become confident then so be it. Just remember that maleness is an aggregate score and one attribute alone can't carry you.

>> No.8919447

It's pretty easy for guys (much easier than girls) to go from say a 3/10 to a 7/10 by just dressing well, getting a decent haircut, losing weight etc. If you post a pic I can give you honest tips on improving your looks!

Also, girls really care a lot less than guys about looks. If you don't look like a slob then things like humor, confidence and social skills are a lot more important than looks. My advice would be to just practice social interaction in general. Back when I was really bad at talking with girls I would go to random bars alone and just talk with everyone (men and women). It really helped me get over my social anxiety, get better at social interaction and not worry too much about what other people think of me. If you're anything like I was, then you're probably WAY overthinking talking to girls e.g. am I being weird right now? Should I say this joke or not? Is my hair looking okay? Does she even want to talk with me? Is it weird if do X? Am I acting awkward? Is this topic boring? etc. Thoughts like these do you NOTHING good.
Notice how most guys who are popular with girls don't seem to worry too much about what other people think. This is because THEY DON'T ACTUALLY CARE that much. As a result it makes them come across as more sincere, genuine and confident. Also, they end up saying/doing all those things that you wouldn't have done because you were afraid of coming across awkward/weird/unfunny/uninteresting (so what if 10% of your shitty jokes won't make people laugh, it won't make people like you any less).

Be confident in yourself, be genuine, if something pops into your head just do it (don't overthink it), practice social interaction etc.

>> No.8919525
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>pic of yourself
pick one frendo.
yeah no this is just bs.

>> No.8919531

Also, all guys get rejected sometimes EVEN the guys who are really good at getting girls. Try not to be afraid of getting rejected. So what if a random girl in Starbucks doesn't give you her number after you've been chatting with her for a mins? Would you think any less of a girl if she asked for your number and you rejected her? NO. Stop fucking caring. Just brush it off and move on to the next girl. I know it sounds like a meme, but rejection really does make you stronger. Force yourself to talk to random girls on the streets, in the libraries, in coffee shops etc. I know it's really difficult at first. Good luck.

>> No.8919547

Huh? I was just trying to give you some honest advice. Sorry I guess..

>> No.8919563
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>Also, girls really care a lot less than guys about looks

>> No.8919564

It's easier to get laid when you are ugly rich guy than ugly poor guy.

>> No.8919575

>It's pretty easy for guys (much easier than girls) to go from say a 3/10 to a 7

That's wrong. Girls can do everything guys can do + wear makeup. It's the ultimate cheat code, you can literally draw an attractive woman's face on your own. Guys could not do that with any degree of success.

>> No.8919578


i just pay for sex now, it costs the same as a couple dates and escorts are 100x better than any normal girl at sex, especially blowjobs

>> No.8919599

Well, they do. Of course being a 10/10 gives you a big advantage, but it's a lot easier to overcome being a 3/10 as a guy than being a 3/10 as a girl. Women are less visual than men. It's literally a fact.

>> No.8919678

since women are more used to selling themselves on the open market the pathways already laid out
>ugly guy gets stupid rich
>buys boat
>can bang hotties bc now he is cool boat guy

Could this work the same for a 3/10 woman?

Moreover would they pay to upgrade looks to barbie status or remain as they are only hire a boatload of male escorts?

>> No.8919685

Maybe I worded it poorly. What I meant was that it's easier to overcome being a somewhat unattractive guy than overcoming being a somewhat unattractive girl (because women are less visual). If you're a 5/10 but confident, funny, interesting etc. most girls would still be willing to date you. If you're a 5/10 girls a lot of guys wouldn't be that interested in dating (not just fucking) you.

>> No.8919850


There are far, far more fat sluts in the world than fat men that get any sort of attention at all. The average man is way more interested in the average woman than the other way around, and in the current year women only really need to keep their weight under control to get their pick of the litter. And even if she doesn't she'll only have to "settle" for a guy that hits a good amount of the ideal notes but is more socially awkward.

>> No.8919856

That's rich by normie standards.