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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8918225 No.8918225 [Reply] [Original]

Which coin has the most retarded shills?
Is it Tron? Verge? Amb?

>> No.8918255


>> No.8918274

this. everyone who holds LINK has room temp IQ

>> No.8918277


>> No.8918278


the opposite of LUX

>> No.8918299


>> No.8918311

Vergelets are more uninformed than brainlet I feel

>> No.8918320

I would actually say verge due to what has been happening. They will exit scam in 2 days

>> No.8918322

Bch. Does it become more retarded then spending money on a fork that got distributed for free to btc holder

>> No.8918328

Premined scam

>> No.8918330
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>tfw 100% stinky
I don't even bother to look at other shitcoins anymore

>> No.8918340


>> No.8918342
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>> No.8918361

I love the conspiracy theories cashies come up with
>muh blockstream
>muh bilderberg
Ver went on Alex Jones ffs and even Alex was like "I gotta hear both sides of the story"

>> No.8918372

Ambrosus. Those who joined their TG, swissbrofag TG, and Fatsetti fan club TG are all losers and people scammed by that hedge fund manager LARPer swissfag and that autist AI jones

>> No.8918371

dubs confirm

>> No.8918382

agree with this anon. nanofags drag the average IQ of the board down about 20 points

>> No.8918388

I agree with you, and the retardation of Vergens is apparent with their usual writing style: "u r gay lol" and so on.

>> No.8918400

Tron, definitely.

>> No.8918413

REQ FUDers are truly retarded

>> No.8918423

If you aren't into XVG before Tuesday, you are very very stupid.

>> No.8918433

EOS does not belong with LINK fucking kek

>> No.8918434

Easily Link

Ever notice how Link posts increase when school is out of session in North America? Makes you think.

>> No.8918437


Look at Jewrope by IQ

>> No.8918440

Deep Brain Chain & FUN
DBC holders special kind of retarded

>> No.8918497

>spits on Justin Sun
fuck you chink

>> No.8918509

TRX then XVG. It's kind of close.

EOS is a scam too but it somehow still did 10x.

LINK is ironically a real project with humming GitHub despite memes and constant shilling.

BCH is backed by big blockers. It will always be around forever despite whatever people say. I always knew this wasn't a scamfork and held it until it went up to 0.3BTC. You needed high IQ and to know this was not going to die (like everyone said it would). Btc will be the king for a long time thanks to exchange pairings.

LUX holders aren't dumb but the coin has zero hype. Pretty much a dead coin despite being legit. Most only have this as 1% of portfolio.

NANO - if you bought in at ATH I'm tempted to call you dumb. I bought some at $3 and I was really late.

REQ - at least it has a mainnet.

>> No.8918527

All you've proven is how stupid you are and that you have no clue what you're talking about.

>> No.8918549

Link is shitty a fuck, tron is a very good project. Always do the opposite of /biz

>> No.8918550

typical verge holder

>> No.8918563

I'll do you a solid so you can eat your words. I know who the partner is for the announcement on Tuesday. It starts with an A. Don't be stupid, buy XVG

>> No.8918589
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>> No.8918608

i hope this is bait

>> No.8918615

LINK for sure. It's a magnet for the mentally lacking.

>> No.8918651

Justin Sun has 500,000 followers on twitter.

I am about to make 80 thousand USD in next month.

I will buy more coins in 'real' projects after TRX goes for 300% for mainnet.

>> No.8918660
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These guys. I fucking hate FunFair people. They're convinced that this shit is going to moon when the first casino launches in June. Give me a fucking break. This is a Pajeet coin. FUCK FUNFAIR.

>> No.8918664


There's an idiot in my office who purchased Tron. I asked him what it does, and he literally stood there and started drooling.

>> No.8918678

EOS shills are really funny when they get into spats with ADA shills. Not sure if unironical brainlets or just having fun

>> No.8918693

It's Tron. The holders can't even grasp irony.

>> No.8918727

are you actually retarded?
Serious question?
You GENUINELY think that verge isn't a scam?
You HONESTLY think it's amazon that they're partnering with?
You never put 2 and 2 together that they paid McAfee to shill and thats the only reason they ever got a pump in the first place?

there's no helping you is there?

>> No.8918733

REQ shills are annoying as fuck

>> No.8918809


>LINK is ironically a real project with humming GitHub despite memes and constant shilling.
>EOS is a scam too but it somehow still did 10x.


EOS has the most active github over the past 3 months

>> No.8918823

Did he actually say "100 million" vs "small number"?

>> No.8918826

It's the CEO what makes coin to pump, not the tech.
Some guys should learn from Justin how to become rich of normies

>> No.8918837

...its an erc20 token

>> No.8918838

I take great solace in knowing how stupid you are going to feel on Tuesday.

>> No.8918848

it will though. I don't understand the funfair hate I'm guessing its because the name is super gay but the team is strong and its a good idea.

>> No.8918854

I won't, but wish you the best of luck anon.

>> No.8918861

Hit the nail on the head with those 3

>> No.8918862

Even if you hate Linkies as much as I do, normies shilling Tron without having a clue what's all about deserve the
>Lowest IQ crypto community award

>> No.8918872

EOS will do another 10x from here easily. regardless what you think of the team they will be selling fuckloads of ETH and buying EOS until mainnet. plus continuous airdrops. its pretty much free money.

>> No.8918884

Actually, you will..........Very very stupid.

>> No.8918886

shut the fuck up.

Lol I shilled relentlessly here at 5000 gwei for TRX and everybody called me autistic. /biz/ is now my fucking piggy bank, and I have no problem bleeding their projects so i can ride PnD and buy their fucking projects later in amounts they could only dream about.

I made over 2 million in TRX in March. These asswipes could only ever fucking dream of going from 700 k to 2 mil. They are convinced this isn't a bubble and that we're all first movers lol.

Keep it up. I own 100k link for fun and suicide insurance. Unironically own every coin on Binance (in different amounts but still).

I used to wonder why everyone on biz was fucking poor.

>> No.8918893

Wow this FUD again.
You know you can only use that FUD for another month and a half until you get BTFO.


>> No.8918921

tbf I don't own eth or EOS
So no I won't.

>> No.8918924
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AMB definitely they follow a project with fake UN partnerships when a project with 1/10th their marketcap actually has the UN partnership

>Stay deluded

>> No.8918923

>it will though
tell us why

>> No.8918933

You keep repeating this

>> No.8918953

holy shit, these people are fucking retarded

>> No.8918970

Chainlink is unironically my biggest holding but also wins this shitshill retard competition. $1000 EOY

>> No.8919018
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>> No.8919022

>LUX holders aren't dumb but the coin has zero hype. Pretty much a dead coin despite being legit. Most only have this as 1% of portfolio.
Can't really argue with little hype desu. I just don't think it's dead. tpruvot joining the team and the fox series feature makes me think it isn't.

I don't believe it will be added to a big exchange though. Even if it does I'll probably be out of it by then.

>> No.8919121

You are retarded holy shit
It’s not an erc20 token - the token is only used for the ICO. The testnet is working. We get pissed off because the you are spreading lies

>> No.8919155


>> No.8919163

oh wow a testnet you don't say
that's amazing and totally worth 6 bil marketcap

>> No.8919227

Link Marine checking in. I hope you all die in a fire.

>> No.8919233

Linkies and Vergins are pretty close imo

>> No.8919297

I need to elaborate on EOS. It has an active GitHub but most of the code is not impressive and it's been worked on for past 6 months. Anyone that knows code will tell you this

1 year long 1 billion dollar ICO. Nuff said.

Erc20 promise token. One day it will be so much more scalable 1000x faster than ETH.... One day....these are big claims that need extraordinary evidence.

>> No.8919475

Post binance app portfolio

>> No.8919543

>I don't understand the funfair hate
Its because its competing with two other shitcoins and their holders get butthurt when they see how popular funfair is here.

>> No.8919738

nice larp

>> No.8919876

pretty sure it's p3d if you want to even count that as a crypto

>> No.8920041

herpp derpp
dan larimer previously released bitshares and steem, both achieve something close to the speed he promises for eos
there's nothing spectacular about it, it's a result of the dpos consensus model
the drawback brainlets ignore: dpos essentially turns the blockchain permissioned, with the risks of centralization
dpos is acceptable as a subset of stronger consensus models, eth will offer that with loom and plasma
dpos on the main chain is a security risk especially with governance
then again all eth holders get cucked by gavin wood who keeps pushing for hard forks everytime he fucks up code (hello eip 999), so it's not like the perfect consensus model has been found yet

>> No.8920061

BTC, by the virtue that it's the only one most normies even know about.

>> No.8920225

has nobody mentioned litecoin?

>> No.8920268

Nano, by a mile

>> No.8920300
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Verge of course
>mfw vergelets cant even google translate

>> No.8920687

This might blow your mind, but the average school day and average work day are almost exactly the same.

>> No.8921278
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>> No.8921458
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All shills are retarded.

>> No.8921530


>> No.8921552

The only answer is Link.

>> No.8921704

Tron, Ripple and Bitconnect. They also seem to target the same demographics.

>> No.8921804

You write like a black person

>> No.8921919

> tron is a good project
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHHSAHSHHSHSHSHSHSHAHAHHAHAISKSKFHJSISJDJHF WHERE THE FUCK DO YOU RETARDS COME FROM? The only reason to ever buy that coin is to dump on retards at the top when the next pnd cycle is running.

>> No.8922243



>> No.8922415
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> larping this hard

>> No.8922419
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Alex Jones was unsure because some whales from whalepool literally called up and called Ver a liar and called Bitcoin Cash a scam on air. Alex Jones is a fucking mental case anyway and didn't do a single shred of research before hosting Ver.

AXA/Bilderberg/Mastercard's investment in Blockstream is not a fucking theory you moronic corecuck, it is validated. I don't even understand you fucking morons, you want Bcore to transact off-chain which makes it nothing more than a fucking eftpos rival.

Bitcoin Cash is Bitcoin and shall remain the only fucking on-chain coin to scale, and as defined in the Bitcoin whitepaper, Bitcoin Cash is peer-to-peer electronic cash.

>> No.8922436
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w i t n e s s s e d

>> No.8922589

Bitcoin as defined by the white paper is the one with the longest chain
And core is still peer to peer electronic cash.. can't really argue against that in anyway. Well one, crypto isn't cash it's crypto but that's just semantics

Also is there any proof bcash can scale? It has Less transactions that doge...
Keep holding those scam fork bags

>> No.8922701

Mind blown