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8916775 No.8916775 [Reply] [Original]

>Based McAfee

>> No.8916826

mcafees a pretty chill dude until you ask him about what happened between mac 10 and greg faull in belize

>> No.8916899

when is he cutting his dick off?

>> No.8917061

2 more years I think

>> No.8917076
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>> No.8917093

>mfw that tweet is real
What's wrong with this degenerate

>> No.8917100

>they literally quote mcafee
>who is quoting "experts"

>> No.8917115

so much does money does this guy even have, he seems to be constantly needing to promote shit for money, or pump shitcoins like verge. i thought this guy was rich.

>> No.8917195
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>imagine getting paid $30k in cash just to promote some chinklet on twitter

crazy times we are living, frens.

>> No.8917225

He blew his 100 mil on hookers, drugs and guns in Belize

>> No.8917327

its not real you fuckwad

>> No.8917356
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I'd guess quite a bit

>> No.8917365


...In Belize. God damn, that would buy you a shit ton in America.

>> No.8917393

I hope he intends to report that to the IRS.

>> No.8917413

Fucking awesome I know a true patriot

>> No.8917420

How can I report him as a PnD group? Will I get money for doing that?

>> No.8917435

>inb4 marxists come to call him a scammer
He is /our fucking guy/
>killed his neighbour after he poisoned McAfee's dog
>faked a heart attack to get away from paparazi
>drives faggot redditors mad with his blatant pump n dumps
>gives zero fucks, lets black prosties shit in his mouth

>> No.8917977


>> No.8918079

all fucking liars like him must fucking hang

>> No.8918243

nigger pls.

>> No.8918326

Greg deserved that shit. He poisened McAfee's dogs. It's justice.

>> No.8919229

>gives zero fucks, lets black prosties shit in his mouth

i can't imagine what it's like to want a disease infested third-world nigger prostitute to shit in your mouth, and actually pay money for it

that's on some next level degeneracy

>> No.8919289

>these are the crypto pioneers

>> No.8920170

expert = some brainet with an opinion lol

>> No.8920197

he probably thinks The Wolf is just his sack of bath-salts desu

>> No.8920246

He should have stopped after killing mac10, he had to go and kill a white man and get in trouble.