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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8916178 No.8916178 [Reply] [Original]

I just want to have a little home, a girlfriend, a small baby car, a computer, phone and healthy food.

That is all want. That's something people had already 50 years ago.
Why is it that despite our technological advances I cant get these few things with working 8 hours a day.
Seriously for the things I have listed, it should be sufficient to work 6 hours a day. What is wrong, who tries to fuck me? Why is life the way it is? I want to enjoy a happy, healthy, balanced life, why is it not possible if it could be possible?

>> No.8916294

Sorry anon, but maybe you have the wrong job.

>> No.8916306
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>> No.8916326

I want a girlfriend but I am too autistic, so I work a lot to distract myself from my pitiful life

>> No.8916342

I couldn't get a girlfriend so I became a gay furry

>> No.8916354



>> No.8916370
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That is because you have boring animal behaviour.

>a secured mate

Literally nigger tier. Kill yourself.

>> No.8916408

>I just want to have a little home, a girlfriend, a small baby car, a computer, phone and healthy food.
I bet that you also want that little home of yours to have running water, electricity, gas, and internet. I bet that you also want to have a mechanic nearby that could fix your car in a relatively short time, and to have gasoline available any time that you need it. I bet you want to watch movies, listen to music and play games on your computer. I bet you want service available in your phone wherever you go, and I bet you also want to buy healthy food whenever you feel hungry. I also assume you want to have doctors available to treat you when you are sick, and have the sense of security in knowing that you could call the cops when something bad happens that is beyond your control, and that it would be awesome if some military was protecting the borders of your country.
You can't have all of this without working 8 hours a day, sorry. It's a trade off that is necessary in order to live in a first world country.

>> No.8916411

The world is not the same as it used be um um um no no no.

Carlos told you already, why do you think he said no 3 times? 3 sides of a triangle? Illuminati. Laugh at me if you want but your right people in the UK were earning more money on minimum wage 30 years ago than people do now. Slave race for all ages

>> No.8916475

>a secured mate

>nigger tier

You're starting to lose it biz

>> No.8916482

yes I want running water because thats the only water I drink. Also with eating lots of healthy fresh food and only water 85% of the shit that gets produced gets not used by me and I save lots of human ressources. The healthier way of life makes me need less doctors and dentists, less drugs etc.
Yes I like to listen to music but I dont need music videos where millions of dollars get used to produce. Also I like films, but if people have more free time and work only 6 hours, there is more time to do things. Many people would still be artistic me included.
Also we would need less cops if people could live a happy life with a normal job and 6 hours work a day. In this system, if I would have the oppurtunity I would rape your children on camera and slice their throats if it meant I could break out of this hell.

>> No.8916539

degenerate you are the reason life is so shit

>> No.8916566

Thats what normies what faggot.

A true /biz/ man wants
>a multi-billion company
>4 young virgin wives
>10 mansions
>a yacht

>> No.8916628
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The reason you have to work so much is because the government takes your money and burns it

>> No.8916664

>yes I want running water because thats the only water I drink
so you also want plumbers to fix when shit's broken right? and they should do it quickly right? I mean what's the point if you have to wait days for pipes to be fixed.
>The healthier way of life makes me need less doctors
but you still want doctors to be readily available when something bad happens to you.
>Also I like films, but if people have more free time and work only 6 hours, there is more time to do things. Many people would still be artistic me included.
kek, because people do art in their free time. where are all the NEET Michelangelos?
>Also we would need less cops if people could live a happy life with a normal job and 6 hours work a day
But you still want a cop to be readily available when something bad happens

you are delusional. step back and actually think. I've heard these fantasies so much from 20 year old who know nothing about the society they live in.

>> No.8916712

You are literally low iq

If all people live healthier less people get sick therefor they have less work and if something happens someone is available. This goes for all other things too cuck

>> No.8916720

>where are the neet michaelangelos

Unironically on deviant art. They make some pretty cool stuff.

>> No.8916816

>people live healthier lives so there's not much demand for doctors
>supply of doctors decreases
>a sudden virus outburst causes a whole population to get sick
>not enough doctors to treat people in time, you die
I can give you a million examples of why your system sucks.

>> No.8916843

People didnt have a (smart)phone, or a computer, 50 years ago

>> No.8916891

boomers and jews happened.
a hundred years ago, futurists promised that by the turn of the millennium, we'd only be working 5 hours a week and would have an abundance of time to pursue our interests.
the future sucks.

>> No.8916893

So instead of having 10 people that have knowledge in viruses and a way of life that prevents the spreading of viruses we work ourselves to death get sick create superviruses because of the use of all the antibiotica to cure these diseases so we have enough doctors when a virus breaks out

You are literslly so retarded you should kill yourself

>> No.8916941



The point is that most jobs aren't even required anymore, industry is largely automated and most office workers do nothing but pointless presentations and phonecalls
So your job is unfullfilling compared to the future where you plowed a field and reaped the rewards of your work
Also most jobs are bullshit part time shit created by politicians so they can say 'HEY LOOK WE BROUGHT UNEMPLOYEMENT DOWN TEE HEE'

>> No.8916959

I was told in the future we would only have to work 2-3 hours a day, 30 years later were working just as hard as then.

jobs are created just to keep people exhausted, stop them from reproducing, placate the masses, and have no real positive impact on society.

>In the year 1930, John Maynard Keynes predicted that technology would have advanced sufficiently by century’s end that countries like Great Britain or the United States would achieve a 15-hour work week. There’s every reason to believe he was right. In technological terms, we are quite capable of this. And yet it didn’t happen. Instead, technology has been marshaled, if anything, to figure out ways to make us all work more. In order to achieve this, jobs have had to be created that are, effectively, pointless. Huge swathes of people, in Europe and North America in particular, spend their entire working lives performing tasks they secretly believe do not really need to be performed. The moral and spiritual damage that comes from this situation is profound. It is a scar across our collective soul. Yet virtually no one talks about it.

>Why did Keynes’ promised utopia – still being eagerly awaited in the ‘60s – never materialise? The standard line today is that he didn’t figure in the massive increase in consumerism. Given the choice between less hours and more toys and pleasures, we’ve collectively chosen the latter. This presents a nice morality tale, but even a moment’s reflection shows it can’t really be true. Yes, we have witnessed the creation of an endless variety of new jobs and industries since the ‘20s, but very few have anything to do with the production and distribution of sushi, iPhones, or fancy sneakers.

>> No.8916986

>But rather than allowing a massive reduction of working hours to free the world’s population to pursue their own projects, pleasures, visions, and ideas, we have seen the ballooning not even so much of the “service” sector as of the administrative sector, up to and including the creation of whole new industries like financial services or telemarketing, or the unprecedented expansion of sectors like corporate law, academic and health administration, human resources, and public relations. And these numbers do not even reflect on all those people whose job is to provide administrative, technical, or security support for these industries, or for that matter the whole host of ancillary industries (dog-washers, all-night pizza deliverymen) that only exist because everyone else is spending so much of their time working in all the other ones.

>It’s as if someone were out there making up pointless jobs just for the sake of keeping us all working. And here, precisely, lies the mystery. In capitalism, this is exactly what is not supposed to happen. Sure, in the old inefficient socialist states like the Soviet Union, where employment was considered both a right and a sacred duty, the system made up as many jobs as they had to (this is why in Soviet department stores it took three clerks to sell a piece of meat). But, of course, this is the very sort of problem market competition is supposed to fix. According to economic theory, at least, the last thing a profit-seeking firm is going to do is shell out money to workers they don’t really need to employ. Still, somehow, it happens.

>> No.8916994

>work ourselves to death

There's nothing stopping you from venturing out to live in the wild anon. I'm sure you'll find the peaceful utopia you're holding your hand out for.

You definitely won't have to work harder than you ever have in your life just to survive, lol.

>> No.8917008

>While corporations may engage in ruthless downsizing, the layoffs and speed-ups invariably fall on that class of people who are actually making, moving, fixing and maintaining things; through some strange alchemy no one can quite explain, the number of salaried paper-pushers ultimately seems to expand, and more and more employees find themselves, not unlike Soviet workers actually, working 40 or even 50 hour weeks on paper, but effectively working 15 hours just as Keynes predicted, since the rest of their time is spent organising or attending motivational seminars, updating their facebook profiles or downloading TV box-sets.

>These are what I propose to call “bullshit jobs.”


>> No.8917017
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You don't want all that... You just want a purpose.... Gotta start trying new things, don't do bars or what ever. Go walk at a park, get a dog, or a cat what ever.

Also is super possible you FUCK.

Stop being so negative, thats probably why no bitch wants to fuck you or what ever because you don't believe in yourself. Get a grip.


Stepping outside looking at shit makes you think about other shit and thats where genius ideas come from so fucking do that.

Start like right now... GTFO 4chan and stop looking /r asking for furry CP.

You can do what ever you set your mind to you fuck....

>> No.8917023

You are so retarded you don't even notice how you switch cause and effect. People work a lot to have a better quality of life overall NOT just for the sake of it.
Why is that GDP correlates with standard of living?

>> No.8917029

I dont want to work in the woods you worthless retarded nigger.
I just want a balanced healthy life with lots of time for family and friends.

Why does it either have to be living in the woods, or living a miserable life full of unhealthy food, working hours, useless things?

>> No.8917036


That was actually really good acting.

>> No.8917071

You can have all those things and still be sad.
Money can't buy happiness is not a meme if your true end goal is those things and nothing more you're not right mentally. lambofags are so lost...

>> No.8917073


I dont want it to be like that. I only have this life I want it to be nice

>> No.8917091
File: 573 KB, 1038x737, Overlay_Canvas_2015-11-06_21-26-32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we have seen the ballooning not even so much of the “service” sector as of the administrative sector, up to and including the creation of whole new industries like financial services or telemarketing
what's the problem with this? if there's demand for something, jobs will emerge around offering that service
I worked as a MMO goldfarmer to pay for college (and obtain ~20 Bitcoin that I would later invest into well over 1m USD). What I did was far different than what the last generation did, but it is still work nonetheless. I had to gain expertise in both programming and reverse engineering fields to run my army of bots, write a shitload of scripts to automate tasks, bypass the client's anticheat, find out how the GMs banned people, reverse engineer packet structure, etc.

>> No.8917161

Since I was a child and old enough to read i was promised the coming singularity. Synthetic muscles and brain implants, genetic engineering and gene therapies, true AI, etc but all those things seem to be so far away.
instead of spending trillions on research for these subjects to create a better humanity, supermen, we spend it on worthless fucking kike wars in some sand nigger desert so some rich kikes can become richer, we spend it on worthless subhumans in africa so they can outbreed out us and then collapse when we collapse, we spend it on shaniquas 8 fucking kids and sarahs welfare job in hr.
and what happened to space colonization? in the 50s and 60s we were promised nuclear slat rockets and nuclear pulse drives capable of reaching 10 percent of the speed of light. we could have had permanent colonies on the moon, mars, the asteroid belt, the jovian moons and even deep space stations in the kuiper belt.
all we got was marxists faggots, mass nonwhite immigration and a deep state government trying to subvert our liberty.
the worst part is no one cares.
I recently replayed the deus ex series, from the first to mankind divided.
i must say i shed a single tear down my face when i chose the sarif ending in human revolution because i know none of that will EVER HAPPEN.
europe will become like africa and the middle east and america like brazil, third world shitholes filled with low iq shitskins.
A ending with a whimper, maybe a blast if we get ww3 going.

>> No.8917240

>bullshit "job" with no real value created

the bright and shiny future that was sold to you in exchange for your docility was just a scam to keep you from fighting the inevitable collapse of society
stagnant and regressive technology is just a manifestation of this

how did you progress humanity?
did yo cure cancer?

did you build a space ship?

did you setup a space colony?

did you produce a lenr device?

Capitalism has given nothing special to the world

Prove me wrong if you can faggots.

Number of hours per week is unchanged, or more, in most decent paying jobs. We have washing machines and other high tech appliances and yet often both men and women have to work to support a family - unchanged since the early 1800s. Wealth distribution has reduced due to corporatists buying politicians - worse since the 1800s. American economy is non-existent and is propped up solely by the petrodollar - worse since the 1800s. Yet there are tons of spergs on this board who rabidly defend capitalism.

Capitalists on this board are a bunch of sheep.

>> No.8917279

fuck this i can live with tents pillows water cellphone food rations fuck modern shitty real estate slavery life fuck it i wanna fuck Office lady in the office!!!

>> No.8917303

Because you should be thankful for what you've been afforded by civilization.

I can tell you're spoiled though. You believe in the "healthy food is expensive" meme. Healthy inexpensive food is just boring. Lentils, grains, eggs and vegetables are most of what you need.

Grow up little guy. Maybe you'll get something above flipping burgers if you have a better attitude

>> No.8917337

This is from the Venture capital itself! They also quote Tesla tech is real but suppressed

Are There Any Real Technologies Left?

Have we reached the end of the line, a sort of technological end of history? Once every last retailer migrates onto the Internet, will that be it? Is the developed world really developed, full stop? Again, it may be helpful to revisit previous conceptions of the future to see if there are any areas where VC might yet profitably invest.

The future envisioned from the perspective of the 1960s was hard to get to, but not impossible, and people were willing to entertain the idea. We now laugh at the Nucleon and Pan Am to the moon while applauding underpowered hybrid cars and Easyjet, and that’s sad. The future that people in the 1960s hoped to see is still the future we’re waiting for today, half a century later.. Instead of Captain Kirk and the USS Enterprise, we got the Grinder, Fuckbook, Jewtube and a Twatter.

What seemed futuristic then remains futuristic now, in part because these technologies were suppressed or never received the sustained funding lavished on the electronics industries. Commercializing the technologies that have languished seems as good a place as any to start looking for ideas.

Medicine has been the beneficiary of two radical developments over the past sixty years: the discovery of the structure of DNA in 1952 and the rise of information technologies in the 1960s. One would expect that the discovery of life’s code, combined with the power of computing, would have radically increased the quality and length of human life-spans. But life-spans aren’t getting longer as quickly as they used to, and in white countries (US, Russia) they’re even getting shorter. Worse, the number of new drugs introduced each year – especially important new drugs (which you can measure by FDA fast-tracking) – is surprisingly low and well below the quarter-century average.

>> No.8917349

You are so fucking retarded I dont even know what I should write. Kill yourself is probably the best way to put it in words

>> No.8917353

Get a better job or start your own business, you self-entitled faggot.

>> No.8917359

intel are using topological marcoscopic quantum effect to create quantum computers which maybe a major tech growth.

>> No.8917389

You watch sci-fi spy films and are in awe of the futuristic shit they can do. But you don't know that the governments are 30 years ahead of civilian consumer technology. You post here on your japanese imageboards preoccupied with racemixing, politics, global warming, ISIS, ukraine. But you don't understand that all of these things are just there to placate the masses. Meanwhile the government has the power to see the future of every single person and see what they're seeing through quantum entanglement genetic memory algorithms. Why do I care that the government knows what I think, you say?

Because you are the perfect slave, little things are let slide, but big things that a collective conscious plans to overthrow the government are easily overthrown due to remote viewing of their intentions by the government.

We're all living in a dream world.

>> No.8917418

The real red pill is that technology is regressing but they are cleverly presenting it as if we are advancing, when in reality we are regressing with each year. That's why highways are falling apart and all the airplanes are super old

I love capitalism and I think the US is the best nation humanity's ever produced as evidenced by how modern our world has become thanks to it, but this can't go on forever. Our tech is stagnant as fuck and only government control and regulation with technological progress in favor can fix that. You can aspire to bring progress to our world, but you better also plan on garnering hundreds of millions in this system to do that otherwise you won't be able to do much for us.

>> No.8917424

fuck you i worked for taiwanese government i know what the fuck they are hiding. have you ever saw MPMS3 or MBE?

>> No.8917458

Oh, it’s another episode of why is it everyone else’s fault I can’t get what I want?

>> No.8917484

these fuckers have terminator technologies, they have invisible anti-gravity technologies, mind control technologies.. who knows what the true state of technology is, you don’t and neither do i, and when DARPA rolls out their 25+ year old prototypes to pretend it’s the “state of the art” on YouTube.

the corporate elite have masters degrees in macro-economics and geopolitics, what do you have? a subscription to Netflix? the latest i-pad? seen every movie? watched every season? got the right haircut and t-shirt for the protest? the new world order was firmly established a very long time ago. everything you do supports it, you love the new world order. everything you do perpetuates it’s existence. you should go to the bathroom mirror right now, and slowly mouth the words, “i..love the..new…world..order..”

Capitalism restricts technilogical advancements eventually.. in the beginning it grows fast but then rich wealth powerful ppl become so invested on thetech of the past (fossil fuels for exanple) they proactively start to hold back any replacement despite the benwfits for humanity.

>> No.8917485

fuck your tech built your infra thanks americans.

>> No.8917501

Why did work hours stop declining circa 1940? Furthermore why haven’t work hours declined even more? Why aren’t we working 15 hr weeks? This isn’t 1840 anymore.

it's the wealthy elite killing off associated advanced technology as soon as it appears in their field, usually by buying the legal rights to the research and gutting the research staff immediately. This happens almost every day. There is no massive secret organization doing this, it's a department of almost any billion-dollar company whose singular task is to discover this progressive project and strategize to eliminate it immediately as competition. At a smaller level, they will just buy out a company making such a product or discovery and remove it.

This is also why Capitalism and "muh free market" are bigger misguided notions than Communism, because in what world would economically-driven societies not have their wealthy elite immediately combine to discredit and destroy a superior product that threatens them? In what world do people suddenly come together under the banner of peaceful and mutual respect for the "superior product" to emerge and destroy their livelihood?

>> No.8917516

You could’ve gotten enough money for that if you went to a good college, good a good degree and worked really hard for 5-10 years. Instead you chose to get a crappy job that you have work for the rest of your life.

>> No.8917519

i studied physics and have BA
sorry i don't live in murrica to be mind controled

>> No.8917531

The US government has a secret space fleet that's 200 years ahead in technology than anything you know about. We literally have had funding for bases to be built on the moon since at least 2000 publicly and outside of the public knowledge we've had a space fleet since like 1969 (as far as I can tell). So, if you want "technology to advance", it's as simple as figuring out how to get the hidden elites to stop with their nonsense.

>> No.8917546

Arguments indicate that it could be a change in culture from that of the greatest generation and their intrinsic work ethic to that of the hippy. Other postulations indicate it could stem from the lack of "low bearing fruit" in terms of technological innovation. Keep in mind, Saturn V rocket, Apollo missions, Nuclear energy, Genomics, the internet and countless other innovations really took place during the 20's and 30's. Now all we have to show for our efforts are more mobile games and useless gadgets.

>> No.8917555

Yeah, this kind of attitude explains why you're putting dresses back on the rack at JCPenny's at 8:55am on a Thursday.

>> No.8917556

yes and the national socialists have moonbase and UFO, i don't wanna go to the illuminati spaceship i just wanna breed.

>> No.8917600

This isn't some larp or anything. I wish it was.
The U.S. has multiple deep science research projects which use skunk works as a cover. The main development happens at individual sites scattered across the country and are done by regular contracting companies. If you've paid any attention to the news you already know a number of them. Lockheed martin Booz allen hamilton, etc. The individual components have no previous analogs, which is unusual as nearly all of our technology today is a derivative of a previous technology. For example, OLED or organic LEDs have no previous research from before the 1950s. The work is entirely novel and simply springs into existence around this time. OLED is the derivative of experimenting with these different organic substances which have not been previously identified before hand. While it is easy to call this reverse engineering, it's subtler than that. It's a reverse build up through imitation and development. Each stage working out the developmental problems that arose while trying to mimic the same basic design.
Which is the unusual part and the indicator to me while I was in that there was something more unusual going on.
Starting in 2010, advances in radio recon had allowed us to begin penetrating into new systems that adversaries such as the Chinese and Russians did not want us meddling in. From a number of the CRITIC reports, we pieced together a time line of activities and attacks that dealt with similar technology, only practically applied.
Individually these seemed unusual aside from the same consistency of design with no known analogs.
An R-bed entry though was the indication that it was related. The details outlined communications between Kapustin yar and moscow about testing of a multi vector system. The results indicated that the vector system performed as expected but did not attain the same level of thrust as the Izvestkovaya craft.
I think you understand what's going on.
That's all I know.

>> No.8917614

This thread really jumped the shark.

>> No.8917638

>list of shit that requires more years of experience in the field than I have been alive
man, communists really are entitled
sorry I'm not some 180 iq genius who can cure cancer

>> No.8917660

>>>8917485 (You)
i've studied radio communication theory but wtf bullshit are you talking about?

>> No.8917667

>had computer and phone.
>50 years ago

>> No.8917737

>Yet there are tons of spergs on this board who rabidly defend capitalism.

Better than communism where people get enslaved, lose all freedom, and starve to death.

>inb4 captialist propaganda

My family lived through it. We know what it's like.

People won't magically become good because they're put in a different system.

>> No.8917759



>> No.8918239

Where did you learn this stuff?