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8913572 No.8913572 [Reply] [Original]

The wagecuck life:

>Wake up
>Drag myself out of bed, tired as fuck
>Have a hot shower, thinking of the shit day ahead
>Don't want to leave the shower, because it's nice and warm
>Get dressed in my uncomfortable corporate master approved uniform and leave for work
>Sit on the underground with all the other sad, tired looking wagecucks in total silence
>Get to work
>Pretend to enjoy making money for some shit corporation
>Feels like hours have passed, look at the clock, only been 20 minutes
>Finally get home, too tired to do anything
>Browse 4chan for a while while eating some ready made food
>Before long it's time to go to bed if I don't want to be tired as fuck in the morning (will anyway)
>Repeat forever

>> No.8913593

How old and how much do you earn?

>> No.8913599

Save money. Take risks. Quit. Break the cycle

>> No.8913600

Just get a mental illness and go on Neetbux.

>> No.8913617

dont miss this one bit. ive done the subway commute and driving commute for 1.5 hrs each way. fuck that shit

>> No.8913629

I'd love to have someone as her as my GF.

>> No.8913634

Apollo Currency
Wait 2 years, do anything.

>> No.8913640

Bad news frien

>> No.8913656
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this but I get to stare at twink ass all day so it's pretty good

>> No.8913666

>wake up every morning with a sense of purpose
>hour long commute but pass the time listening to podcasts on crypto and foreign languages I'm trying to learn
>business casual clothing so /comfy/ and look good too
>get to work, spend half the day trading crypto and shitposting
>flirt with all the cute interns because I'm an older established man and unlike anything they've seen before but still young enough to be their peer

Life is good. I couldn't afford the neet life but even if I could I doubt it would be better. I'd just sleep and jack off all day bored out of my mind like back during summer breaks in school.

>> No.8913700

>life is good
>spends free time fapping and bored

Pick one

>> No.8913703


>> No.8913727

bad news fren kek

>> No.8913731

This is my life too! ;(

What do we do to escape??

>> No.8913751

This is my situation
>wake up at 5am
>take a shower , eat , regret life
>drive to the shop at 6am
>dont start getting paid till 7am
>arrive at job site
>its construction , all day back breaking work
>climbing up and down ladders, picking up material , using heavy machinery
>finish at 5:30 pm
>pay stops at 5:30pm
>have to hop in company truck and drive back to shop
>arrive at shop at 6:30pm
>get home at 7:00pm
>tired as fuck , hungry , and feeling underpaid (15/hr)
>its already 8pm once im done showering and eating
>sleep by 9:30 pm
Whole day gone.

Someone kill me pls.

>> No.8913755

Save money until your upkeep is incredibly low.

Cut your hours to the point of sustaining a frugal lifestyle.

>> No.8913794


Stop buying your shirts at PriceSaver

>> No.8913835

Fuck anon, I know exactly how you feel. I literally had the exact same routine when I was in construction.
Luckily my crypto went off during the summer and I fucked off without notice.

>> No.8913942

>Wake up after 7 hours of sleep
>Use computer, look at crypto, 4chan, watch anime, play games/visual novels, etc. for like 3 hours
>Go sleep for 1-2 hours again
>Use computer again until I'm sleepy
>Go sleep

Guys how do I keep this life style?

>> No.8913950

>wake up at 8am
>quick shower
>dress however I want
>10 min bike ride to work, get there at 9am
>work on development of some electronics systems that will save countless lives
>go home early because boss said I shouldn't be working overtime anymore until the end of the month
>45 min bike ride home, taking detour through some forest hills as a workout
>freshen up, go out to the bar or take train to the city
>or just chill out at home feeling good

>> No.8914043

Set a goal of money you need saved up to establish a source of passive income (e.g. enough to buy an apartment you can rent out).

Buy that apartment, live off the rent and then fuck off to another country where the cost of living is a fraction of what it is where you live.

>> No.8914092

>wake up 9.30 am
>feel shit, curse on my work
>take a shower, try to brush away the beer breath from last night.
>walk 1 minute to work
>sit 8 hours in a dark hot room behind a computer while people nag at me. No sunlight whatsoever.
>go home, drink and smoke untill it's 3 am again
>repeat, even on saturday and sunday

>> No.8914118
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move over wagies

>wake up at 3pm
>watch anime and jerk off till 6pm
>play vidya till midnight
>code fun personal projects till 6am


>> No.8914127

You'd have to find a company to manage the property for you and they'd rake a cut of the rent. Reason: you really can't be out of country that much because tenants have problems and will destroy your property.

>> No.8914176
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one day

>> No.8914178

Yes, no solution is without potential problems.

>> No.8914195

It's still a fine plan, I'm just pointing that out.

>> No.8914196

I'm really disappointed at the lack of sniff posters.

>> No.8914264
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Got you senpai

Word of advice to wagies soon to be NEETs from crypto, you still gotta manage your life, if you come out with the mentality of just doing whatever you want without any goals, you might get really depressed because life is inherently pointless. But you will like it so chin up. Waking up at 6am being basically sleep deprived for months is the most hopelessly dreaded sensation I felt to date.

>> No.8914290

Thanks i'm going NEET for a while in a month first time ever and wagie for 10 years. Honestly no idea what to expect

>> No.8914330

Hmm. I thought construction workers got paid more than that

>> No.8914343

Get your life together at first. Curb your alcoholism, find some hobbies if you don't have them already, and if things get bad try and reflect on your situation and fix it. Don't forget to talk to people, even online if that's the minimum you can do.

>> No.8914358

fuck me OP this hurts to read because it's so real. luckily I get paid a fuck load of money to cuck otherwise I would've kms by now. still might.

>> No.8914422

hahahahha you should kys for sure anon damn

>> No.8914535

Wake up at 4 am
Shower dress brush teeth
Leave at 4:20am
Stop at Starbucks
Arrive at 5 am to factory job
Work starts at 5:30am
20/hr Only work 7 hrs and get a paid for 8 hrs because two 15 min breaks and one half hour lunch are paid
Boring drone work day in day out
Leave at 1:30 pm
Arrive at home 2pm
This is silicon valley and there's no traffic at those hours...
Because of short commute and only gone for 9 hours a day with commute it leaves lots of time at home...
Invest in crypto and don't care if I lose because even if I lost it all I still a paycheck every week

>> No.8914563

>Stop at Starbucks
don't, Apollo

>> No.8914591

Wagecuck here
Still at work
Concierge at fancy apartment
Been up 30 hours, I did a graveyard shift
AMA pls I wanna kms

>> No.8914612

Used to but millions of illegals destroyed the wages. Why pay a white man $25 when a Mexican will do it for $10.

>> No.8914646

Sure no worries. Currently going through the beginning of this process with my mother who is considering selling some land and buying apartments to rent out.

>> No.8914649

i know this feeling. In the beginning you think, nice, i can do whatever i want on the internet. This job will be the bomb.

How to get depressed 101

>> No.8914677

>wake up at noon
>eat, shower, put on uniform, gunbelt, glock, boots
>walk a minute to my local train station, take the train 7 minutes to the station I guard
>spend 10 hours yelling at niggers, investing in crypto and fucking off on my phone (or 14 hours if I stay overnight watching the station)
>go home on train
>get home, kiss wife and hear my daughter say "daddy, daddy, daddy!"
>have 3 days off to enjoy

Could be worse.

>> No.8914704

Funny how the grass is always greener. I have no dress code in my office but wish that we did so that I could look fly in a suit every day.

>> No.8914707

You drove an hour and a half to work at subway?

>> No.8914727

Thanks for the input Satan, now begone back to Hell. Not fooling anyone.

>> No.8914729

I used to work construction with a similar schedule.
They are taking advantage of you. Find a specialized skill and seek that out.

Found out that my company sub-contracted tree planting jobs to other contractors that actually pay a lot. Got on a restoration/tree planting crew and now I make 25/hr sometimes prevailing (47/hr) if the trees are planted in a public space.

>> No.8914760
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>Commute is 2 hours each way.
>Boss berates and humiliates anyone that’s late even 10min
>Running late and jumped into carpool late
>Cops, got ticket for $360 plus insurance is now $250/mo
>Lunch with coworkers is mandatory unless you want to be isolated
>Lunch near workplace are all $15 after tax and tips
>After each paychecks found out I actually pay my boss to keep my job there, zero savings.
>Rent is $1850
>Utility’s Internet phone bills and car insurance all zaps up my spare money
>Boss requires us to write proposals that makes it necessary to work from home at night (always asks for reports to be done in 1 day)
>Realized I’m paying internet to do my boss works.

This is how the rich get rich.

>> No.8914762

>Life is good
Keep telling yourself that

>> No.8914795
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>wake up at 4PM
>roll around in bed until comfy and awake enough to get up
>can do whatever I want because not a wagecuck
>life is good

>> No.8914825

I could and should do this.
Same job (roboticaly assisted sten intervention), and not far from work.
But I'm stupid and oversleep everyday.
So I go by car, feel sleepy, don't do sport and browse 4chan way to long to sleep enougth.
Thank anon, I will try to change.

>> No.8914892

Thinn girls are the best, nigger-minded men don't know what they're missing.

>> No.8914893

i work at home usually about 5 hours a day total of active work, the rest is sitting here passively but i need to be in front of comp as close to 24/7/365 as possible

do you guys think this is a good deal? i mean i have no friends anyway to do stuff with but seeing my roommates actually doing whatever they want during their time off while im practically chained to my comp has me thinkin.

>> No.8914934
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What's your back up plan when yoru parents step up Neetcuck ?

>> No.8914936

its better they don't know.

>> No.8914944

>wake up at 8:00 am
>brush teeth and eat some breakfast
>get to work by 8:30 am since I live 5 minutes away
>do jack shit until "15 minute break" which is usually 30-45 minutes with the boys
>do more jack shit until "30 minute unpaid lunch" which is closer to 1.5 hours sometimes at a nearby restaurant with the managers
>finish at 4:30 be home by 4:45.
>eat some food
>work out
>shit post

you faggots need to get a government job. the only disadvantage is your salary will never make you rich with the gov't (unless you ARE the government). also, most websites are blocked on government computers but I just got a high data plan for my phone so I can browse 4chan and keep tabs on crypto

>> No.8915045


Get a different job

>> No.8915116

>Wake up
>Lay in bed depressed
>Eventually get up
>Put my work clothes on
>sit on my chair knowing this day is going to be really shitty
>Drive too Tim Hortons on my way to work. Get a coffee.
>Sit in my car and drink my coffee. Regretting everything.
>Punch in
>Break my back for $16.50 an hour.
>Work from 10:30pm to 7:30am
>Go home sleep
>wake up etc

>> No.8915166
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>wake up at 5:50am
>brush teeth and chug a bottle of water
>get to gym by 6:10am
>get a quick 50 minute workout in
>go home, make coffee and breakfast
>watch twitch or shitpost for half an hour
>leave for work by 8:00am
>dread my life for 8 hours
>go home and have no obligations. Contemplate killing myself
>go to bed at 10pm
>wake up at 5:50am

>> No.8915170

>>Sit on the underground with all the other sad, tired looking wagecucks in total silence
I fucking wish.

It's usually full of assorted minorities and pretty much the polar opposite of silent.

>> No.8915190

>wake up at 6 am
>arrive at job 7am
> another 8 hrs spent giving people parking tickets for not paying, not so hard
>get home by 3pm and have lunch
> go to gym with my bf
>post-gym running in nature
> arrive home at 8 pm
>have dinner
> watch documentaries and play far cry 5

>> No.8915193

>wake up at 9:30
>brush teeth, shit, shower, skin care until 11:30
>go to gym
>get back home by 1:30 pm
>order some food, eat
>work until 7-8PM (I work from home (doing my own thing)
>play vidya, watch shows, procrastinate on the internet until 11:30 PM
>go to sleep at like 12-1 AM

life's not fun

>> No.8915211

>Have a hot shower
>Browse 4chan
>eating some ready made food
>Repeat forever

these are your problems. my solutions:

finish with cold water
read a book instead. if you don't give a shit, just pick up literally any book. still better then this negative shithole
eat raw, uncooked vegetables instead, or nothing at all. still better then pre-cooked shit
don't repeat anything for too long, or you become a robot

>> No.8915217

> sleep at midnight
yes, 6 hrs of sleep and never too tired

>> No.8915452

>2 hours to take a shower

you have issues dude

>> No.8915475
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>> No.8915484


I dunno bro, sounds fun to me.

What's "your own thing?".

Would be kind of comfy to not have any idiot employees or shit boss desu

>> No.8915524

Honestly, I'd prefer to travel to work using the tube rather than a smelly, scruffy northern bus.

>> No.8915550

it sucks because I rot inside my apartment all day, I don't have any friends either because I'm socially weird

>> No.8915602

>quit wagecuck job over a year ago when crypto started booming
>moved in with girlfriend of two years, cash out a little bit to pay for expenses
>end up horribly depressed when realize life is meaningless
>sleep all day while girlfriend works hard at real job
>eventually she gets sick of me being a lazy piece of shit and dumps me

>back at home living with mom in basement
>late 20s
>still no job prospects, nothing I want to do
>enough in savings / crypto to keep up NEET life for a bit longer
>sleep until 3pm, wake up, jack off, check crypto news / price action, check 4chan, check other random websites
>nap at 5pm until 8-9pm, back away, jerk off, check crypto, back into bed by 3am

i should be killing myself soon.

>> No.8915622

Just go out and talk to people

>Muh social anxiety
>My autism

Don't be a fag, it's really not that hard after you get over the hump of a few initial awkward interactions

>> No.8915644

See >>8915622

You're all bringing this on yourselves

>> No.8915649
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>go to gym with my bf

>> No.8915659

go outside you fucking retard, this is a textbook example of how to get depression. Are you literally this fucking stupid that thinking sitting in your basement with no goals in your life will help you? Go outside for a jog you fucking faggot

>> No.8915675

every day i thank i wasn't born a 105
i'm glad you're happy anon

>> No.8915676


But you can pay your bills ok? Still haven't said what your work is.

But, about the weird thing, have you thought about volunteering somewhere or joining a club? Not trolling, serious. I think it's a good way to get practice dealing with people and making new friends.

>> No.8915721

yeah I can pay my bills just fine, I'm well off but not rich

no i've not thought about that, im socially retarded

>> No.8915756

Honestly considering taking out like $50K in crypto and quitting my job for the rest of the year. I have faith in my current crypto positions.

I absolutely cannot take the drudgery from wagecuckery any more. I feel so hollow.

>> No.8915892

> Wake up @ 2am due to emergency support phone ringing.
> It's a client from Australia (I'm in the UK) and they're having problems selling products on their online store.
> I have a short period of time to resolve the issue as the client is losing thousands every minute.
>2:45am - I've finally tracked down the issue and resolved it. Client is pissed off and it makes it clear that they want a full report in the morning.
>It's now 4am and the anxiety/adrenaline has finally faded allowing me to fall back to sleep.
>Stumble into work at 9:30am tired as fuck. My commute is 10 minutes away but I still drive because I'm lazy.
>Perform a deep dive analysis with the rest of the development team into last nights problems and write a post-mortem for our account management team to approve.
>Spends the rest of the day fixing bugs and working on projects.
>Leave work at 6:30pm after playing a few rounds of table tennis in the office.
>Spends the rest of the evening lifting weights, playing video games and studying to keep my skills up to date.
>Go to sleep at 12am praying that I don't receive an out of hours call.

I don't hate my life for some reason. After writing down it kinda feels like I should.

>> No.8915898


I appreciate the sentiment anons.
And believe me - I tell myself the same shit every day.

The problem is even when I do manage to get myself to the gym or on a productive routine (I was doing the /fit/ thing for a few years and have made some good gains), it still feels fucking pointless.

When I first started NEET life almost a year ago I was waking up early, lifting, cooking meals for the girlfriend, all that good shit. But it became just as exhausting as the wagecuck life. And then I began to look at life as one long ass chore that I don't feel like completing.

I know it sounds pathetic but I genuinely think my brain is designed to be unhappy. No matter how good the circumstances of my life get, I'm still a miserable piece of shit.

I read through a thread on here yesterday regarding Adderall / ADD. I'm fairly certain that my brain is ruined from smoking weed every day, taking adderall for years (I have a script), playing fast-paced twitch shooters competitively (quake, counter-strike, overwatch, etc.), and jacking off 5 times a day. I wonder if it's too late for me.

>> No.8915916

basically my life right now. trying to maximize the NEET time I have with my crypto gains, I can probably do this for a couple of years. depressed af.

>> No.8915990

don't completely stop working.
instead use the funds from crypto to find yourself a much better job that you enjoy, sort of like in the movie "american beauty" where the dad quits his work and goes to work flipping burgers for fun even though he doesn't need to money.

the benefits of this a numerous: gives you a reason/context for socialization, gets you out of the house, ideally you do something low stress and enjoyable, you also get paid in some amount which is more money that you can shovel into other avenues like crypto or other investments/projects, you can negotiate hours so that you work on your terms and can work part time to provide more time for other pursuits.

if you go look up some financial independence blogs, you'll see that a lot of them don't completely quit or retire after they meet their goals. they often pick up part time or gig work or renegotiate even sometimes getting paid more for less hours or getting a consulting position or something like that. they also have personal projects, many of which happen to generate some form of income, like having a hobby that you make things from (smithing/machining/coding etc) that they can make money from.

I like being outdoors so if I was in that situation I'd find a low stress adventurous job in the woods, working a ropes course/zipline or trail crew and just get out and be in nature and socialize in a comfortable setting.

the key is to find shared activities so that you can socialize and interact with others while doing something that you have in common and both find meaning in

>> No.8916007

what size of retailer/industry is this?

>> No.8916031

ticket sales.

>> No.8916091

This is similar to my routine. Low traffic environment though and occasions of yelling at vagrants are few. New work safety policy being brought in by management though so soon i will apparently have to do the job joined at the hip with one of my jackass coworkers. Same dumb policy also created a supervisor type position which i am the most qualified guy in the place for. If i get that promotion i can probably opt out of the mandatory partner thing.

Is okay.

>> No.8916106

The only bad thing is the out of hours call. Otherwise it sounds quite good.

>> No.8916167

Yea, sometimes it's high stress and silly hours but I can't complain really. The money is good and the work is interesting most of the time. Better than the back breaking construction work that some of the poor fuckers in this thread are doing. Hope crypto give you a comfy life boys.

>> No.8916174

Your life needs meaning, i.e. something you can take responsibility for. Secure yourself financially and then start working on some project. You could also start a family.

>> No.8916217

>What's your back up plan when yoru parents step up Neetcuck ?
I'm NEET with my own finances, not even sitting on neetbux
wage harder loser

>> No.8916276

Construction is wide umbrella. On the other side you have industrial tradies who are part of a union making $50/hr + $25-50 in benefits.

>> No.8916296

>be me get arrested for drugs freshman year
>yay felony pot charge, community service no jail
>graduate straight As but no corporates wont touch me
>tell em to fuck off start working for private land developer
>learn to draft start working with other contractors and architects
>go back to grad school, graduate, reminded that big firms dont like criminals
>tell em go fuck off and work with one man shop
>get license and open my own shop
>have a small office but mostly work from home
>make much more than anyone i graduated with, work fewer hours
>run my own projects will retire very early

>> No.8916457
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dont be so negative my man!

>> No.8916503

Yeah, I'll start approaching random people, that'll work out well.

>> No.8916523
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Rate me anons
>Work 4 days on 4 days off 12 hour shift pattern
>Wake up 5am, drink coffee and have morning shit.
>Set off at 5:15am and arrive at work around 5:45am
>Talk shit with fellow blue collar operators until 6am
>Get changed into overalls wearing only undies and t-shirt underneath for max comfort.
>Spend next 12 hours monitoring chemical plant (semi automated) and browsing internet on phone. Management is lad and as long as plant operates smooth we're undisturbed for the full 12 hours.
>Have a 1 hour and 30 minute break when we feel like it.
>No stress, plant turns over $5 million a year so job security is guaranteed
>Clock off at 6pm, reach home at around 6:30pm
>Eat meal, watch anime+vidya until 8:30pm then shower and sleep.

It's pretty cushy desu. I have a whole 4 days off to do whatever I want. No stress at work. No calls in the middle of the night.
Get paid $65,000 at 23 years old. Putting whatever I can into crypto


>> No.8916559


>> No.8916562


oh yeah well one of my old companies had a 7 million turnover per year until the market changed and now it has a 0 million turnover per year

>> No.8916591


>> No.8916599

What was your degree in? I graduate next month with a degree in Environmental Science: Policy and Planning.
Seeing a lot of opening for somewhat similar positions in big chemical companies.

>> No.8916602

>Parents catch you masturbating autistically
What's your game plan for when your parents demand you step it up?

>> No.8916652

>wake at 5:30
>shower and leave at 6:10
>arrive at work at 7
>work until between 6 and 9, on average 12 hours a day
>leave office at 7 on average
>get home at 8
>sleep immediately
>wake up and repeat
I do earn $160k a year so it’s not terrible..

>> No.8916684

Retard do something. I made it in crypto but kept studying because I know how important feeling needed is, having a career and feeling accomplished.
Listen, we all know everything is meaningless, the thing is, if you make your brain believe things have meanings, you will be happy, so why not live a meaningless life happy ?? Create yourself a value system, or better learn one. Read greek philosophy, this is the value system I follow actually. Then start a business with your money, or take some university classes and learn things so you can start a business and accomplish things that goes towards your value system. Over.

>> No.8916700
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refer to >>8916217
also they'll learn to fucking knock since my NEET fund pays the bills

>> No.8916728

Doubt a waste treatment plant would shut down haha

I graduated with a chem eng major but couldn't find a eng job due to lack of experience compared to other candidates so got a job as a operator. Make more than my classmates so not fussed lel.

>> No.8916932

Kitchen shears do NOT belong in the bedroom. Definitely should not be used to open packages. Jesus christ.

>> No.8917015


>> No.8917087

take cold showers

>> No.8917694

I refuse to believe this is a man
that's a dildo underneath

>> No.8917825

>be me
>wake at 930
>oh shit need to be in for 1030
>do fun creative work all day
>oh its 3pm time for a 90 minute workout before the company gym gets full
>730 time to go home after eating the free food

Not a bad life to be clearing 6 figures from

>> No.8917917

software developer?
which field do u work??
sounds like a better version of my average day
im in govt contracting

>> No.8918391

Why are you no longer enjoying weed, adderall and fast-paced shooters?

>> No.8918424

The economy rewards risk takers not anxious wagies

>> No.8918532
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>wake up at 4am
>walk the dogs, shower, eat breakfast
>turn on computer at 445
>trade forex...catch the Euro afternoon session, and all of the North American session. Make bux daily, over 500k/yr the past 3 years, about 350k after nigger taxes
>sign off around 4, go to gym
>bed at 8pm

Learn discipline fags, and in time you too will prosper

>> No.8918616

>works 11 hours a day staring at charts
>has ~3 hours of free time
>muh discipline

>> No.8919255

>Wake up at 10
>Quickly eat Breakfast, shit, shower
>leave at 11
>go to work at noon
>deal with loud spics for 12 hours and $13.50/hr
>come home 12:30
>browse 4chan for an hour

Only positive is that I have 4 days off, but I live in the middle of fucking nowhere with nothing to do.

>> No.8919294


>wake up at noon
>play vidya for 14 hours
>go back to sleep
>mommy makes tendies

>> No.8919452
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>> No.8919572


That's kind of shit dude.

Forex fucking sucks.

Honestly, I don't think I'd bother waking up at 4 AM to make 500K.

>> No.8919923


Same here anon. Freelance coding. I fucking hate it, but it beats going to a real job. 5 hours per day coding in bed > a McJob.

>> No.8919949


Fuck that. Too much effort. I just want to not do anything.

>> No.8920067

Had a job exactly like that...same hours pay etc.....got tired of it after 2 years can't stand 12 hr shifts

>> No.8920145

thin girls get boring quickly

>> No.8920312

>working 12-16 hours a day on average.
> 2 jobs, enjoy both of them.
> 23 just trying to make as much and save as much money as possible for a business or preoperty venture in a year or two
> if crypto goes up significantly in that time I can start working less hours and have more fun
> know I'll be bored af if I don't have work to do so probably going to continue working even if I make it
Anyone else is a similar scenario?

>> No.8920340


Forgot to say, Working around 80- 95 hours a week total

>> No.8920364

does this thing have benis

>> No.8920453

>Pretend to enjoy making money for some shit corporation
the worst part

>> No.8920469

I live like a cat.

> wake up whenever I want
> coffee
> take a hot shower for an hour
> go outside and buy food
> cook
> eat
> go back to sleep
> wake up
> have breakfast
> take a walk
> browse /biz for my daily wojak injection
> jerk off
> take a nap for an hour or two

>> No.8920558

>wake up at 7:45 am
>jump out of bed
>no shower
>grandma has breakfast ready and a lunch for me made
>Quickly eat pancakes & bacon or whatever else is made
>walk to work at 7:55
>Start at 8:00 (walk is only 2-3 min)
>work as lifegaurd
>open up pool
>Aqua Fit class at 8:30
>Get in and run class with all the moms
>Finish class, have my morning shower
>Pool is always dead outside of auqa fit
>Only work with the same qt 3.14 big booty filipino girl that I really like
>Talk to her all day
>Usually pool is empty
>Take naps, watch movies, swim, just hangout while I get to watch her in her swim suit
>Work finished at 8:30 pm, paid till 9:30
>Make 20 bucks an hour for first 8 hours, 30 bucks an hour for next 5.5 hours
>Hang out with my boss after (one of my best friends), play cards with grandma, or hangout with qt coworker
>Bed around midnight or 1 (never tired because I sit around at work and get to nap there)

I used to be a stressed out Chemistry researcher, making like 3 bucks an hour. Glad I gave that up. Now life is stress free and pretty good

>> No.8920795

> wake up at 7:30
> have sex with gf as she works nights and is just getting home
> shower, coffee, get to work for 830
> read news, emails, drink coffee until 930 when coworkers get in
> shoot the shit until 10
> do some coding until 12:30; develop features or fix bugs
> lunch
> do some more coding until 4pm taking breaks to read technical articles or google stuff i'm interested in for my own projects
> leave at 4pm
> coffee, gym, cook, read a book, shitpost, watch hockey
> sleep at 12

i make 62k a year at 24, getting bored at current job cause it's become easy / simple. saving half my paycheque hoping to eventually buy a duplex so i can stop paying rent and make some passive income. up to 40k savings now and on track for my year end goal of 50k.

>> No.8920827

>get up at 6am
>no breakfast or shower
>drive to work, start at 7am
>work hard and fast as electrician
>stop to have some food at some point
>keep working until 3pm
>go to gym after work
>come home play some vidya
>gf gets home
>make some dinner
>gf washes up
>have shower
>play some vidya, watch movie or have sex
>9pm go to sleep


>> No.8921235

>Wake up whenever I want
>Lol at life because I bought 12 rental units in 2009 when shit was half off
>Reinvest a few grand a month of my rental income into a index fund
>blow the rest on coke, hookers, traveling, eating out and fast cars

>> No.8921353

Are you happy?

>> No.8921388
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>wake up when I wake up because I dont set alarms anymore.
>have my morning coffee
>eat breakfast
>look at what needs doing to make money as fast as possible
>code for a few hours
>caffienate some more until I feel like gymming
>gym or walk
>back to coding
>make some dinner
>talk to co founder about our strategy
>do some planning for the next day and week and make sure goals are being hit

I love this lifestyle but my company isn't making money yet I have another month basically to turn a profit or I will have to bail and go back to wage slaving. I will do whatever it takes to make sure that never happens.

>> No.8921495

>get up at 8 or 8.30
>open laptop but don't really do anything
>fuck around for a while and have breakfast
>get the subway to work for around 10.30 or so
>do a few bits of work but really just looking busy, no massive supervision as my direct manager is on another continent
>leave around 5.30 or 6
>home for food
>gym later in the evening, then bed

27 and making around €55k a year, not great but a lot better than I was doing before. Need to get into something that pays more, atm I'm kind of a cuck data analyst (read: report monkey) for a small tech company that are doing well

Got a business degree but learned python and sql in my last job and loved it. Could go into finance but I think I'd kill myself in the first year, tech interests me a lot more

>> No.8921543


Are you developing a SaaS anon? Any tips if so?

>> No.8921783
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I quit my job 2 years ago to sell weed to friends and have been waking up whenever I want and doing whatever whenever I please. Im going on my 7th vacation in a week since quitting.

>> No.8921821

post sauce you nigger

>> No.8921833

Its not a SaaS but I guess it could be. If you gave me your situation I could probably provide better advice. I had a SaaS company once upon a time but had a big founder dispute and left. The main thing which I am sure you know is to build a product that solves a problem that people have and want it fixed urgently. There are thousands of different problems the key is finding one that
>people are desperate to have solved
>there is urgency
>the solution isn't overly technical
That is my criteria anyway. I also make sure that I understand the industry and solution I am building and have had said problem myself so I can build a better product

>> No.8921920

>wake up at 10:25am
>smoke crack
>fuck your mother in the ass
>take a shower, rinse the shit off my dick
>short btc 100x leverage, all in
>throat fuck your mother
>jerk off
>go to the gym, bicep curls only
>poptarts for dinner
>shoot up
>take a nap
>shitpost on 4chan
sometimes I'll smoke crack again instead of shooting up but other than that pretty steady routine desu

>> No.8922000


I work as an application developer and it seems silly my employer makes so much money off my skillset when I could just code for myself and reap all the rewards. Thinking of how to go from employment to this.

>> No.8922011

Well that thing has a dick

That's all I know

Fucking kill yourself

>> No.8922341

>>tired as fuck , hungry , and feeling underpaid (15/hr)
unless you're a seasonal college student or illegal alien you are absolutely getting underpaid

did that shit in college as my summer job two summers in a row with the same pay. fuck that shit. but at least it was better than my buddies who were painting houses for at most 10/hr. sometimes they didn't even get paid cause the owners complained they screwed up or some shit fucking lmao working sucks ass

>> No.8922525
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12.77$ Leaf bucks an hour doing hard as fuck preparations of financial statements

>bu-BUT think of the experience goy! you should be lucky to sign up for a salaried job below min wage
>big 4 can suck a big cock and when link reaches 1k in 2 years i will fucking act like the most smug shit and pay them to prepare my fucking tax returns

>> No.8922545

lmao this actually happened to me almost exactly. I graduated university and was looking for a job. No luck for around 4 months, then get into crypto around september. Stopped looking for work because crypto made me way more, and was making a killing. I didn't tell my gf though becuase biz warned me about roasties stealing gainz and I had over 100k at this point. Then she dumped me for having no goals in life (even though she had to go back to college for an extra year because she almost failed out while I graduated on time ), so then I moved back to my parents house and became depressed at how pointless everything is and have no motivation for everything while my parents ream me out everyday for not selling at the peak even though I still came away with like 70x initial investment

>> No.8922762

Buy reits faggot

>> No.8922914
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>be me
>wake up at 10:30 am or 4 pm depending on short
>always late to work
>work as a busboy at some nice restaurant owned by a serbian dude
>be Macedonian
> many serbian and Croatian qts
>get mired by 40 year old serbian milf because my mom's Russian
> me and owner are cool because I know he's a cool guy and he knows I'm a good kid
> get balls broken frequently but it's okay
Because qts aren't that mad at me
>make okay cash
> also all in on crypto
>free high class organic food
>Buy chainlink ,monero,ambrosus, on sweet dips early on
>get free alcohol
>mfw I'll never quit because I have a legitimate good time fucking around
>also have sweet job at bimmer shop
> learn how to bant properly
>mfw i made it either way

>> No.8922917

>be me
>wake up by wife to take my kids to school in morning
>fall asleep on couch when my teenage kids dont wake up
>wake up by teenage kids and we rush out door
>drop them off just on time at school before tardy
>look at company phone for field work assignments
>"no assignments today anon"
>go back home
>grab company laptop and sit on my at home desktop
>turn both computers on
>sign into work tech support phone service for my daily client b.s.
>log onto computer desktop and sign onto 4chan
>shitpost all day
>maybe 1or 3 calls max in 8 hour span
>can fap if i wanted to while on the clock but i have standards
>sign off work
>turn off laptop
>get paid salary for this
>boss calls me later and tells me "good work anon you get 6% raise"
>wife still wont fuck me

>> No.8922930
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>Wake up
>Blast out of bed because, tired, but I don't care. I have things to get done.
>Take cold, invigorating shower. Lasts 90 seconds, because it's cold.
>Get dressed in business professional, look snazzy as fuck.
>Drive to work. Commute is long but I listen to lectures and audiobooks in the car.
>Actually enjoy making money for my crappy corporation.
>Having so much fun I forget to look at the clock. Oh shit, it's 4 PM. Almost time to go home.
>Come home, spend time with family, shitpost on 4chan.
>The end.

Sorry you don't like your job. I admit I am very lucky to enjoy mine. It took me 6 years to find this job, so keep your eyes open, look for way to improve your lifestyle. It doesn't even have to be a new corporate nine-to-five. There's other ways to make money.

>> No.8922958

Get me a job there

>> No.8923020

>Wake up at 8ish
>Hang out at hotel until 9:30ish
>Visit Insurance Agents
>Harass marketers and salesmen until lunch
>Run jobs and appointments for sales whilst harassing salesman
>Back to hotel at 9ish
>Review orders, approve jobs, check salesmen AR, write estimates
>Bed at 12:30 - 1ish
>Rinse and repeat everyday from late April until Thanksgiving, except Sundays
I used to do this for a smaller outfit for around 20% of the job, but recently took a job with a bigger contractor that has is almost too much like a real job (last was 1099 and I did that I want). The money is better (maybe), but I haven't worked a real job in like 8 years.

>> No.8923503

>find problem to solve or app to build
>build it
>shill it
>monetize some how

You can probably do it while you are working. I was sort of forced into this. Youre are exactly right your employer is making bank off you.

>> No.8923523


>tell em go fuck off and work with one man shop

You do work in architecture as a sole proprietor?

>> No.8923564


Tile guy.

I post here sometimes.

I made $70k last year working about 30 hour work weeks. I just go do estimates, then come back for the labor. Sometimes I get paid in cash, then just spend it. Only drawback is sometimes back and neck pain. But I'm getting better are working with good posture in every situation. Still I'd like to be doing better.

When I have to go through city traffic some days, and I see wage slaves in their civics with their suit on, I thank Jesus Christ Superstar that I don't have to put up with that shit. Sure I get a little body pain, but if I had to get up every morning at 7 put on a monkey suit and fight traffic to go sit in a cubicle for 8 hours, I would literally go get a 357 Magnum and blow my head off.

>> No.8923565

>wake up
>back hurts because i sleep on a couch + scoliosis
>eat a banana and some mi goreng
>spend all day talking shit with housemates and browsing social media
>swap all my work shifts for the week to another coworker
>have a bath because the shower is broken
>smoke ciggies

>> No.8923591


Why don't you do your own thing? Website, business cards, just start with some social media stuff and some flyers.

You could work 3 days a week at your job and 2 days trying to get the handyman thing going.

Once you get customers and your skills up, you can make some killer money.

If you know carpentry, roofing, etc... lots $ to me made right now.

>> No.8923697


> wife won't fuck me

This is why I'm never getting married.

Been with my GF for a long time. No plan on marrying her because apparently that's the signal for them to stop putting out

And if she ever stopped fucking me I would leave her.

If it had been 2+ months with no sex I would leave my woman. No excuses.

>> No.8924031

Shoulders are pretty broad. I'd believe it.

>> No.8924311
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>> No.8924641

>business casual clothing
>wear express
mediocre anon

>> No.8925191

I feel you lads, I’ve been there. but only you can pull yourself out of the cycle. So what are you waiting for?

>be me
>grow up in a sleepy welsh mountain town with no prospects
>study film and Photography at university
>graduate university with lowest passing grade because I didn’t take it seriously
>work shit financial admin job for a year and hate everything about it.
>start dating my boss’s daughter
>decide fuck it, quit job and start my own Photography and film business
>fast forward two years:
- make £20k a year from wedding videos, £10-15k from odd corporate jobs
- only have to work March - October, winter is completely mine.
- work from home most days in order to edit

Bite the bullet, life is too short to spend it doing shit you hate doing. Trust me

>> No.8925261

that's probably the secret. In life you always try to improve your current situation in the sense that you go from a certain position to a more comfortable one. Getting married is the destination for a lot of people, you just wait for death after.

It seems like the trick is having marriage as a long term goal but never actually doing it because it's romantic but actually marrying would kill the relationship

>> No.8925322
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>tfw on the bus to wagecucking
>tfw late
>tfw slept 4 hours
>tfw i dread the day ahead already
>tfw still not making it in crypto

>> No.8925341

I feel you 100% brother. I’d be easier to just blow my brains out.

>> No.8925432

anon having money and not working is just the same boring thing as wageslaving

>> No.8925441
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if i ever make it i would pay to fuck this qt

>> No.8925456

>Commute is 2 hours each way
>Rent is $1850

we get it you're an indian software engineer

>> No.8925501
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>Wake up at 10am
>Put on some hair products
>Drive 20 mins to work
>Say morning greetings to fellow wagecucks
>Pour some coffee and either have a fun day (creative software interface design and implementation) or shit day (reviewing code, meetings, arguing)
>Have paid lunch and chat for 2 hours about nothing
>Check crypto, buy some if on sale
>Go home or climbing gym at 7pm
>Eat prepackaged salad in fridge with some anime and beer
>Sleep at 2am

>> No.8925623
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>Wake up 12pm
>Jerk off
>Browse 4chan on my phone
>Get out of bed at 2pm
>Eat breakfast
>Go on PC
>Browse 4chan
>Play vidya
>7pm dinner
>Go to bed at 4:30am

NEET life isn't good, no matter what you wagecucks think

>> No.8925654
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good goy

>> No.8925682

>work as an engineer on a building site
>minimum 5 days a week, 11 hours a day. MINIMUM.
>every day when I get home from work: too tired to do anything except browse the Internet.
>wake for another minimum 11 hour day of soul-crushing work, surrounded by complete faggots that actually enjoy (or pretend to enjoy) wagecucking
>many of them are insufferable cunts trying to do each other over

Thank fucking God I quit and only have 2 weeks left

>> No.8925776

>Wake up 11 AM
>Clean up for the day
>Hit the gym for a couple hours
>Post on fitness instagram group and talk to marketing affiliates about products to advertise
>come home and eat food and drink protein
>have sex with girlfriend
>4:20 leave for work
>4:30 make it to work and start delivering pizza. I make about 15 an hour and the job consists of driving around town listening to podcasts and audiobooks giving fat fucks food.
>Get home at 12:30
>Stream on twitch until about 3 or 4 AM diamond league of legends gameplay.
>sleep and repeat.
Life isnt that bad so far.

>> No.8925869
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I would kill myself if that was my life

>> No.8925885

Buy link, break the cycle, be a poorer you

>> No.8925889
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>Feels like hours have passed, look at the clock, only been 20 minutes

>> No.8925908

>wake up around 10am
>breakfast, review some hands from yesterday’s session
>go to gym, home around 1pm
>grind out 10 hours of online poker with breaks for lunch and dinner
>review session until midnight
>read for an hour or two, doze off

>> No.8925923
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hahaha XD reddit <3 <3 <3 hehehe be own boss wow <3 <3

>> No.8925950

Are you making a living doing that or just subsisting on neetbux

>> No.8925959

>Wake up around 8:30am
>Fiancee gives me a blowjob or handjob and brings me breakfast and coffee
>Browse 4chan and email in bed for 30 minutes
>Put dressing gown on and walk to home office
>Get to work on stuff I enjoy since I co-founded a company with my brother several years ago
>Feels like minutes have passed, look at the clock, nearly lunchtime
>Eat lunch and then back to work
>Around 2pm fiancee and I have sex
>Around 6pm hit home gym for 90 minutes
>8pm shower
>Spend evening playing video games, watching films / TV with fiancee or making love
>Repeat forever

>> No.8925980

>Woken up at 8am every day because my fiancé makes me coffee and leaves for work.
>stay in bed until about 11
>get out of bed, take my 2 dogs for a walk in the neighborhood.
>play with dogs for a bit, get in shower and get ready, wear whatever I want (mostly jeans and a t-shirt)
>leave for the office around noon, 20 minute commute by metro or bus, 35 if I walk, depends on if it's nice out/how much I have to get done
>drink 2 calorie free-sugar free red bulls
>get into office, boss still hasn't showed up. Open mail, answer phone calls/emails, intensively work for about 4 hours while also looking up crypto/jerking off every now and then.
>Boss finally comes in 5 minutes late for his meeting with a cleint
>Thinks I've been here all day, like every day
>leave at 6pm, home by 6:30
>Fiancée either meets me with dogs at metro stop, or is home already preparing dinner and I take the dogs out
>8pm eat dinner, watch some TV while catching up on crypto/chat with family and friends
>9/9:30 Fiancée is tired, we go to bed
>10-midnight I'm on the computer researching crypto and other interests

Not so bad, although I don't really like my job. People say my boss is taking advantage of me because he's never in the office and the work gets dumped on me, but I bill him for a full day of work even though I show up at 12, and sometimes I just don't show up at all - I never need to justify myself or explain it.

>> No.8925996

What have you coded

>> No.8926022

I have that feeling like life is a big chore, the best way to deal with it is embrace that it’s a chore every time you go to gym and go as hard as you can

If you start aiming at the pain and tackling it happiness will follow instead of aiming at pleasures like drugs and quick no effort high’s and fixes pain always follows it

Short term pain equals long term gain
Short term gain equals long term pain

>> No.8926027

The animation for final fantasy xii

>> No.8926036

>also have sweet job at bimmer shop

looks like you have a nice life going for you there. good job anon, i love you

>> No.8926169

everything's inherently pointless, but you still haven't killed yourself, there must be something you wanna still do around here. Better get to it instead of moping around.

>just lift bro
idiot advice

>> No.8926177

>Wake up at 8
>Wear whatever I want
>Longboard to work (2min)
>Finish work at 4
>Do whatever I want after - Usually study

>> No.8926188

the wagecuck life is temporary if you are anything above average intelligent. you'll find a way to use your skills or hobby to make money. if you don't have any skills, i suggest you learn some or learn marketing to monetize your hobby. knowing something about human psychology would come in handy also.

godspeed fellas

>> No.8926286

pls leave this board and kys fucking faggot

>> No.8926295

source pls?!?!

>> No.8926306

you an ausfag? eitherway this was cringe.

>> No.8926380


>> No.8926615

You know why

>> No.8926729

>wake up at 5AM, eat, brush teeth
>arrive to job at 6AM
>end retarded job at 2PM
>go directly to the gym
>arrive to home around 4PM or 4.30PM
>eat, prepare to study
>5PM start studying, take breaks
>9.30PM stop studying and revise
>10PM go to sleep

I know I shouldn't be complaining, since I still live at home and only pay for my own bills, but fucking hell, all my friends either got nice job through family friends and still live at home, while their parents don't complain about it, or they got their own place to live, since their parents left it for then.

And I'm saving up at wagecuck job, living like a robot to fuck off on my own and go to college in few months. Man, I just wanna start with college already, end this wagecuck job and go on my own, so I don't have to deal with family and can focus on myself, without having to deal with anyone that has their own problems and is being toxic around me and dragging me down with their failed life and misery.

>> No.8926735

Save money. Take risks. Lose money. Back to square 1.

>> No.8926739
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>> No.8927027


>> No.8927080

watch from 2:40 to 5 mins. it's uncanny how accurately this describes what you just wrote


>> No.8927115


This is how it is done, If you are smart enough then the "risks" you take should be a 90% for sure thing. Stocks are a long-term savings account, unless you are trading 100k+ or you trade with other people money then it isn't worth your time or money.

Start your own business, your don't have to reinvent the wheel, just pick up a trade.

>> No.8927218

This is legit me
>Wake up at 7:40am
>Get dressed (I have a shower before bed)
>Work my automobile spray painting job
>Finsih work at 4:30pm
>Get home
>quick wash
>listen to records for an hour
>go to the gym
>get home again at 7:30pm
>eat meal
>drink shake
>drop more money in crypto not giving a fuck
>go to bed at 10:30pm

It's pretty casual. Wouldn't mind doing something else, but I am comfy.

>> No.8927260

same for me but time at work flies and i rarely finish whatever i wanted to do at that day

>> No.8927291

You fucking normies disgust me. You get depressed when you're not cucking.

>> No.8927324
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>made it
>live in outback
>bought a small ranch
>3 horses
>motorbikes and quads all day
>goal pic related
I want to wake up everyday and be in adrenaline situations.