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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 430 KB, 836x628, DQmenW8NrJwMP2dqWRYyXZDcczjuT9niXVzT8CgYPneQgzP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8914107 No.8914107 [Reply] [Original]

Oh shit

>> No.8914115

Old news

>> No.8914124

doesn't matter. his entire brain was downloaded onto a flash drive.

>> No.8914131
File: 32 KB, 480x480, 11334599_1654076074825160_655983104_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try.


>> No.8914149


>> No.8914156

new fags falling for old shit, what else is new

>> No.8914164
File: 79 KB, 1006x773, vitalikpedo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad this filthy pedophile is finally dead

>> No.8914192

2017 FUD

>> No.8914552

i feel like biz is back

>> No.8914819

Autism overload

>> No.8914843
File: 344 KB, 467x453, 1523620282309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this fucking meme cost me a chunk of money
fuck you all /biz/

>> No.8914928

everytime i see this pic, my confidence in eth grows tenfold

he is absolutely correct, and its always a joy to see soyboys shit themselves over something so dumb as cp

its a victimless crime

>hurrrr looking a certain arrangement of pixels can make you go to prison

>> No.8914943

You're a fucked individual.

>> No.8914946
File: 313 KB, 808x805, 1498327422683.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8914957

This guy dies every week.

>> No.8914982

Maybe, but he's not breaking any laws.

>> No.8914983

you are delusional and brainwashed by your government

shouldn't you go pay your crypto taxes

>> No.8914989

I remember waking up at 4PM when my little brother told me the news. We play a game where we intentionally bullshit each other and try to make it hard to tell when the other is lying or telling the truth, so I'm pretty good with dealing with bullshit, but that one immediately floored me. My family doesn't know I actually do crypto so I had to kind of laugh it off and eat my breakfast as if it was no big deal, than I ran up to my bedroom to Google 'vitalik buterin dead' and it was still there in the news feed. I then braced myself, checked the charts, and wondered why the dip was so temporary. Then I finally went to /biz/ and saw everyone laughing.

>> No.8915004

So when the meth fag dies his invention dies with him. lol. at the same time Satoshi might be ten feed under and no one cares

>> No.8915012


>> No.8915019

He dies and rises like phoenix. I might even call him Ethphoenix.

>> No.8915035

Pedophiles like you deserve the death penalty.

>> No.8915063
File: 200 KB, 947x1009, 160bf91a0753af095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>death penalty for looking at a certain arrangement of pixels

the future is now

>> No.8915091

>you will be v& for opening this thinking its just another anime girl biz likes to shitpost with, but its actually a sexualized depiction of a child

>> No.8915126

actually its just a sexualized depication of Suika Ibuki from Touhou

shes not even human desu

>> No.8915152

i don't watch anime, sorry

>> No.8916009

Except for the child portrayed in said CP.
That said, Vitalik is right to a certain degree.

>> No.8916757

>it in no way affects a child's emotional development to be posed suggestively for nude photographs

This is what crypto enthusiasts actually believe

>> No.8916800

production of C/P should be outlawed and banned harshly, but simple possession is not a crime unless it has been paid for in a way that can be traced back to supporting the production of CP.