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8909076 No.8909076[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

While yall were dreaming about getting asian qts just for being white bois with money this is me tonight

>> No.8909090

Mods, can you delete this shit thread.

>> No.8909100

Haha kill yourself loser this guy is getting it fag

>> No.8909138

Good for you nigga

>> No.8909162

>spam biz with black guy and white woman couples to trigger biz
>biz just posts 'lol used up white roastie'
>spend month trying to figure out what biz likes
>see a pattern of azn posting and ppl saying 'she isnt asian'
>begin posting black guys and asians

I actually just google reversed it because I was curious where one would even find an image and its literally from 'black man asian woman' image collections. Like why would anyone search those out or download that or group that together specifically. Is it asian women doing it or black men? Can anyone explain this to me please, now im curious.

>> No.8909165

>being attracted to asian girls
low test beta detected

>> No.8909169
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kek, well played OP, good for you my nigger. I just decided to /sipandtrade/ like a faggot tonight

>> No.8909181

>>spam biz with black guy and white woman couples to trigger biz
>>biz just posts 'lol used up white roastie'
lmao not what happens at all, the sperging is out of control and one particular autist

>> No.8909195

Wait what I just used tineye to reverse image search and got 0 results

>> No.8909207

Admittedly I only ever hide those threads, any image with a black person in it or an image of a woman and a coin logo I just click hide right away but this new asian girl with black guy twist caught my eye.

I google reversed it, brought me to a pinterest group/page and it had the other black guy / asian girl images in it Ive seen posted today/yesterday on biz, like the one where its a guy with his shirt off with an asian.

>> No.8909234

okay I see that now, had to download the image and reupload it first to look. Yeah it's a pinterest page full of racemixing looks like.

>> No.8909281

Mentally ill white people are obsessed with Interracial relationships especially BMWF

>> No.8909308

As the only black male to post in this thread i dont even like asian girls but this post reminded me of when I had a chance in college to fuck one of the baddest asian bitches I've ever seen..probably mixed because she had a fat ass. Still regret not fucking that

>> No.8909316
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>> No.8909335 [DELETED] 
File: 535 KB, 629x315, CaCs.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since you're scared to say this to anyone irl this doesn't offend me..instead it makes me lol that subhumans are so pathetic they can only speak their mind on a cartoon image board

>> No.8909340

All two black people I know seem to like asians, they also really like chinese food and kung fu movies though its a small sample size. In asia I actually saw more black guy / asian girl couples than I was expecting.

Have you ever broke a black girls heart so bad she created a tumblr called swirl-life celebrating black women / non-black men relationships? http://swirllife.tumblr.com/

>> No.8909347


i guess it depends on how you define subhuman. I mean genetically niggers have lower intelligence and are more prone to violence.

>> No.8909364 [DELETED] 

What are you doing letting them know our term for them

>> No.8909373

>im 100% positive that whoever runs that site is just another autist pretending to be black online

>> No.8909379

Jesus... pretty much anyone that devotes their time and life to racemixing has a mental problem just like any other degenerate fetishist that makes their "kink" their entire livelihood

>> No.8909383

As a whiteboi, I feel cucked.. I cant believe my asian waifus are cheating on me with black people... im crying...

>> No.8909387

I'm not even black but it's hilarious to me you are the real subhuman who only has the balls to bully on a vietnamese basket weaving forum. The ruling class literally does not give two shits about your race. People who actually matter to the world care about merit, not race.

>> No.8909447

Can't reply to the post anymore but the nig said CAC. Anyway the only reason people don't say nigger often in real life is for fear of losing their jobs and being outcasted by "society" on mainstream media and tumblr blogs that will snitch to PC corporations so they know what their employee said, not because they're scared of blacks.

>> No.8909465

Fair play to you enjoy your night

>> No.8909508
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>dat cope

>> No.8909519
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>> No.8909533
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So I see the faggot kike shills from /pol/ realized that /pol/ is dead and they need to spam their race mixing nigger garbage on other parts of 4chan to antagonize their target demographic.

Every time you subhuman pieces of shit post a single garbage slide thread, I mentally prepare myself to execute another shitlib, kike, or nigger when the day finally comes.

So congrats, you faggot anal kikes. It's working. You made me hate you and you made me prepare to mass murder you.

When the history books record the 2nd holocaust and interview participants (there will be no survivors this time) and ask "why?", I will say because they relentlessly spammed faggot shit, race mixing, and niggers on my favorite website. It will be the truth.

>> No.8909555
File: 151 KB, 640x628, IMG_5573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you aren't gonna do shit but eat cheetos and rage on 4chan, fatboy

>> No.8909584

Trust me on this, chimping niggers are the funniest sight to behold

>> No.8909586
File: 145 KB, 766x783, polNotChad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


LMAO baka you are not going to do shit but keep LOSER

>> No.8909597

hmmmm, the reset ip meme is getting stale

>> No.8909603
File: 3.69 MB, 400x376, rdlol.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>admits being scared to speak freely offline
>says what he wishes he could say offline on a cartoon image board
>doesnt realize he's embarrassing himself

>> No.8909605

>ziwbabwean flag

looks she shes gonna need a wheelbarrow for all of that cash those niggers pay her for her "services"

>> No.8909627


Keep pushing, faggot anal kike. Ammunition sales are at ATH. You think we wont come for you if shit breaks? Think again. I will make Hitler look like a saint. We are going to wipe you off the face of the entire continent. Your women and your children and your communist and nigger pets too.

Keep pushing.

>> No.8909650

don't the retards who post these threads realize that they've already lost? they can't rewrite the milennia of white domination of the world so they resort to shitposting on an anime image board to just troll autistic NEETs.

>> No.8909655


8/10 nerdbird

>> No.8909657

Why would that embarrassing, that's what every white person is saying behind every "black friends" back when you're not around. They got jobs and lives to keep my nigga. Same goes for us too, don't have time for overly emotional negroes having their moment.

>> No.8909684

You should visit Fetlife then my friend. Hundreds of thousands of people that refer to their kink as a "lifestyle". I´ve bbeen to some meetings when I went on vacation in Chicago and such, and the people are so fucking pathetic.

"Telling your vanilla friends aobut your fetish life can be a hard thing" etc etc.

Fuck me, I hate those kinds of people, like, sex is great. And if you have a fetish that can enhance that sex, cool, sure. but to make it an integral part of who you are, or what your hobby is? Fuck you

>> No.8909689
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yeah yeah. Just keep getting mad, Connor. LMAO

>> No.8909693

If you think the autistic NEETs aren't the ones making these threads to troll other autistic NEETs you should go back right now.

We all are not racist bro and we all are not pussies either please stop projecting and live your truth without fear in the future.

>> No.8909716
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>not already having multiple asian gfs

It's even easier than getting a white gf, why are nignogs suddenly considering this an achievement? new low? kek

>> No.8909720

Fuck that, I want to be as far from those weirdos as possible. I agree with you though and thanks for the insight.

>> No.8909737

asian girls are the most feminine
sounds like you are attracted to men

>> No.8909749
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ditto, this time the holocaust will be real

>> No.8909770
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And then some

>> No.8909782

it's jews and hapas

>> No.8909802

Ask me how I know you have a small dick

>> No.8909841

It's typical jew/hapa nevrotic behavior.