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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8909289 No.8909289 [Reply] [Original]

Marines, I come to remind you with a proposal. There has been ample discussion of future meet ups/collaboration with fellow link holders after our inevitable moon mission.
After some serious though and reflection, I believe I have arrived at meritorious conclusion.

The worlds power structure and wealth we're developed by many networks, occulted in the mysteries and their own connections. They used their collective power to ensure their collective will to it.

When the times comes, many of us will hold strong with fists of iron, and our collective wealth will be unimaginable. A good number of those who hold and make it will be neet, unexperienced, and ill-equipped to manage their new found wqealth and power. Collective endeavors and organization will strengthen the weakest links providing a coalesced force of creation(or destruction) unfamiliar to the modern world.

With my impending fortune, I intend to buy several large properties in beautiful, remote locations in the western hemisphere for eco tourism, agri business, networking, and "living the dream". These locations will act as the original map of The Order of Delphi, an exclusive organization for Link Holders and Link Holders alone. Through these locations and organization fellow holders can experience the best and most thrilling life has to offer. High end instruction and guidance in extreme kayaking, heli skiing, mtn biking, mountaineering, climbing, fishing, hunting, sailing, surfing, combat sports, with workshops developed around philosophy, hermetic practices and writings, money management, small craft flight school, emerging tech, fire arms proficiency and self defense, etc. All while enjoying the finest in lodging, cuisine, and libations. It will be advertised to f500 companies, billionaires, and super model agencies for networking purposes as well, but no one will be granted access without referral.

>> No.8909297

Do you think you will start small with a little convention or do you think it will be full blast with an entire retreat built?

>> No.8909299
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This is simply stage 1, the kick start if you will. Stage 2 engages the members of The Order of Delphi to develop into an international non profit, that will franchise other "properties" of link holders globally. Requirements for a branch location will be an airstrip/hangar, lodging, necessary staffing/supply. These locations will be available to Order members at anytime, allowing us an international private travel network, that would also act as a store of wealth, and a hub of collaboration for future link holder endeavors. It will take the participation of fellow link marines, but if successful could allow for us to further take the reigns of industry and create the future in our image.

>> No.8909314
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Currently a Linklet but I'm slowly accumulating. 100% for the Order, as long as down the line we focus on Transhumanism and augmenting humanity as a whole

>> No.8909352

There will be think tanks that will focus on such or other operations at various retreats and full reports will be brought to presentation at headquarters. You may choose to join one or lead such a gathering during that time.

>> No.8909416

Sounds fine by me. However, what kind of hierarchy will be put in place? Assuming there will be one at all

>> No.8909485
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ICO reporting in.
What you have described has reverberated within me since its birth. Link is the ultimate tool to fight any form of War on Truth within finance, and information through API's, and those who participate in the network.

>Control the Link, control the data.
>Control the LINK, control the data.

Let it reverberate within you. And good fortune to all Linkers.

>> No.8909488

For now we simply collaborate conceptually, when the time comes, the Order will launch advertising specifically to link holders. Proof of ownership will be all that is required for membership to begin with. Once the community is growing, individual collaborations will start to grow with the network nearby to facilitate as needed. I posted several times about a hemp/agri/tech business I intend to develop down the road, engineering and link holding will be valuable to that endeavor, but this is only one of infinite outcomes that could blossom as a result of a global link collective, especially if as an Order we are focusing on self improvement and the purification of our mind, body, and will. This will open the creative channels amongst the order allowing for a more intent driven result. Essentially we are all as one in LINK but a simple hierarchy of sorts will be established, with requirements being more than the amount you hold; though that will be one factor in deciding, among things like wisdom and experience.

>> No.8909511

Were you the guy in the fantasy thread who wanted to grow a huge weed farm? Because that's a sound investment right there, which would definitely help bring in some stable wealth.
The focus on self improvement is a solid goal

>> No.8909543

Because of the collective autism in this thread I'm market selling my 1k link. You stupid faggots are on a whole nother level of gullible and delirious. Have fun with your fantasy larp, too bad Link will cap out at 3 dollars a coin at the absolute top.

I only bought some for the memes but I refuse to associate with bitch ass larpers if that's who linkies are

>> No.8909572

AssBlaster, I wrote this the other day and it was Insta buried.

ASSBLASTER... I Don't know if you are still here or not. I'm sorry that these faggots weaponized their autism and doxxed you. You didn't deserve that.

I want to thank you. From the bottom of my heart I want to thank you for what you've done. You've risked your very livelihood to bring us insider information, in a completely selfless act that didn't only not benefit you at all, but put you at risk, and for what? A bunch of thankless neckbeards on a Chinese basket weaving forum.

I am a humble man. I live in the American Midwest and work hard 60+ hours a week. But through your insight and information you have shared with us, know that I have managed to accumulate 20,011 LINK as of now, sitting comfy on my trezor until the time id right, making this stack of seemingly useless internet monopoly money the second largest investment of my life behind my home. And its all thanks to you.

Everything that you have told us has come to pass. And I believe that trend will continue, and that some day, I will be able to break these chains of wage enslavement and experience true freedom, and there is no one else on earth that I can thank for that other than you.

I hope you read this. I hope you know that we're not all the rabid autists who hunted you down and doxxed you. I hope you know that by the time this is all over I believe you will have made a huge difference in a lot of people's lives. And I hope you know that your legacy will never die. The pink wojaks will flow thru the biz board carried along by the tears of the salty no-linkers, the very group you tried to help, while those of us who heeded your advice and wisdom will cheer loudly, "ASSBLASTER! ASSBLASTER! ASSBLASTER!" ... What a glorious day it will be.

Again, know that I'm a nobody. Just a guy with a small stack of LINK and a dream, but some day, I hope to buy you a beer and shake your hand.


>> No.8909576

Our fields are weeding themselves out

>> No.8909578
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Money is draining out of weed as it gets more legal. Soon ot will be no more profitable than growing grapes for wine, dude...

>> No.8909601

what happened to assblaster?

>> No.8909653

I’m joining the cult,fuck it. I see pussy potential.count me in

>> No.8909715

Pls link me to the original ass blaster thread, I must know

>> No.8909741
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Brought a tear to my eye

>> No.8909809
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Let the weak hands hit the floor, you don't deserve these gainz

>> No.8909812
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Should we find some qt asian to be our priestess?

>> No.8909820

Sergey is our priestess

>> No.8909856

We gotta have a qt asian for something though.

>> No.8909874

When the bases are operational who do you think will be our secretaries?

>> No.8909880
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Anon, there will qts of whatever you wish there for pleasure and entertainment, though it is not the purpose of the order.

>> No.8909885
File: 347 KB, 810x2488, Screenshot_20180212-112416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound exactly like me but I'm in Australia.
My toilet flushes the opposite way.
My question about Assblaster in pic related is, who is the "insider" Assblaster speaks of?