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8906483 No.8906483 [Reply] [Original]

Let's say that someone decides not to pay the IRS and has practically nothing in their bank account, all their money is in crypto. IRS audits you and says you owe them tens of thousands, you tell them you don't have it and can't pay and you're a jobless NEET so they have nothing to garnish. What's the maximum punishment they can give you?

>> No.8906502

hmmm well if you don't have anything they can't take anything, lock you up maybe if they think you're lying

>> No.8906512

For how long though? That's what I can't find out.

>> No.8906531

they can force you to sell your assets. if you sell your assets and still owe money, they will most likely seek to enter into a payment plan with you

>> No.8906535

Going to jail for tax evasion is the new hold. Just set up your portfolio, go to jail for a couple of years, come out and profit form the sweet gains.

>> No.8906542

>they can force you to sell your assets.
No they can't.

>> No.8906554

I owe 9500 from 2016 taxes, since then i have already tx over 80k thru my chase into gdax and Gemini, still havnt paid them but will next week

>> No.8906566

prisoners do have the virtue of taking the highest amount of resources from the government in comparison to what they contribute, so there's that. in a socialist country criminals are the aristocracy

>> No.8906617

yeah, you're right, although they can:

- seize assets;
- issue liens;
- issue levies; and
- prosecute.

stay safe

>> No.8906629

They can only prosecute, there is no way to seize my coins, as I'm the only one with the keys. I just want to know how many years I'd get.

>> No.8906642

fucking embarrassing thread desu

>> No.8906656

They literally can't do shit if all your wealth is in crypto. Why do you think they spam this board with tax threads threatening people to pay? They really can't do anything but send you to prison, and unless they send you there for the rest of your life, you will come out a millionaire when you've done your time.

>> No.8906670

>buy trezor and load all your crypto onto it
>tattoo recovery phrase on your body
>tattoo public/private keys on your body
>give trezor to mom, tell her it's your vidya games or something (even if she loses it, you can recover your shit)
>do absolutely any jailable offense
>go to prison
>get out
>check portfolio
>10 cents
>5 years and 50k wasted
>check charts
>LINK is sitting at 60k
>BTC is an ancient relic
>you did not hoard even 1 linky
>you slip into a herion addiction that kills you

We will be hearing stories like this in a few decades

>> No.8906700

Yeah, that's what I'm thinking. I figure I sit in my room all day anyways, better to go to jail and sit in a cell than give the IRS 30% of my crypto. They can fuck right off with that.

>> No.8906736

>refusing to help jamal and sheniqua
kys racist

>> No.8906759

They can raid your house when your shit is unlocked and take all your coins

>> No.8906767

Except you still owe when you get out, and plus all the fines and penalties

>> No.8906771

You'll come out owing more than ever dumbass.

>> No.8906774

memorize your 24 word phrase and try to enjoy jail

>> No.8906777

YOU STILL OWE THE MONEY PLUS MORE INTEREST when you get out Jesus uppl are retards

>> No.8906778

Brain wallet

>> No.8906791

The can't take it and they can't try you twice because of a thing called double jeopardy.

>> No.8906794
File: 83 KB, 1280x720, over9k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought mine at 15k, I think I'll bury it to keep it safe if I have any tax problems. If I get arrested for outstanding tax debts then I'll tattoo a treasure map on myself so I can't forget where I stashed it.

>> No.8906795

Just flee the country you dumb neet..

>> No.8906844

First thing they do is send a letter saying something along the lines of you having unclaimed capital gains of x dollars.

You would have to file an amended tax return, claim the capital gains, and pay. Now we are past the point of even an accountant helping you and you would have to get a tax attorney, because likely you are heading to tax court because you can't pay. Reason being because the amounts would be substantial. They aren't taking you to tax court for $500. $5637, maybe. Over ten thousand, guaranteed. Add up all this stuff and basically they got you for back taxes, failure to file, and likely tax evasion. The last one can get you a jail sentence if the amount is high enough. In either case with all the tax bills, court fees, and lawyer bills you should kys or get a black gf and pump out some halflings.

>> No.8906858

Yes I know, how long though?

>> No.8906895

seriously, just move to the ukraine.

>> No.8906911

I only speak English though.

>> No.8906913

lord, i hope those are gloves

>> No.8906914

Up to the judge and depends on how much money. Wesley Snipes got three years using a known tax evasion scheme. Keep in mind prison doesn't resolve you of payment.

>> No.8906917

Good news, a lot of Ukrainians speak English and you are capable of learning second languages.


This article claims 3 to 6 years for defrauding the govt

>> No.8906925

They can't try you twice for the same crime though and they still couldn't take my crypto, also 3 years doesn't seem too bad.
>a lot of Ukrainians speak English
Worth considering then. No taxes on crypto there?

>> No.8906992

> You owe a billionzillion dollars anon!!!!!

>> No.8907072

Has nothing to do with prosecuting you twice for the same crime brainlet. You get fined when you get sent to prison. Everyone does. It will be for far more than you originally owed, too.

I don't give a fuck if you pay your taxes or not but you're retarded if you think going to jail resolves you of the debt. Your bet is not getting caught -- if you get caught you will have the govt and a parole officer breathing down your neck for the money owed for the rest of your life

>> No.8907097

If they want to waste their time they can, they can't take my money without my consent. This is why crypto is the future, if your money is in a bank its not really your money its the bank's.

>> No.8907114

the statue of limitations is ulimited for murder and embezzlement of public funds. if hiding crypto is embezzlement of public funds then you will forever be a criminal, even if you get canned and released

>> No.8907124

They will literally raid your house and take every electronic device you have and take your crypto if they really want. How can you be this naive

>> No.8907146

Already told you that I use a brain wallet for most of my holdings, they can't take my coins without extracting the information directly from me. Maybe they could get at my trading stack, though I doubt they could even get that, but there is 0 chance of them touching what I have in cold storage.

>> No.8907162

No they do not accrue interest while you're incarcerated.

>> No.8907163

lol you think you're smarter than the people that took down Capone?

You're gettin' straight raped in jail my boy. for at least a hundred years!

>> No.8907172

>Already told you that I use a brain wallet for most of my holdings, they can't take my coins without extracting the information directly from me.

I am 100% convinced that we will find out American citizens are being torture for their keys.

>> No.8907188

>lol you think you're smarter than the people that took down Capone?

here we go with Capone again.

>> No.8907197

Are you this braindead?
Your life would be over. They would garnish anything you ever made for the rest of your life.

How would you ever withdrawal your crypto? Once you do the money is basically deposited to the courts.

>> No.8907223

>garnish your wages
again, NEET
>How would you ever withdraw your crypto?
I never intend to withdraw crypto.

>> No.8907300

There's a reason Andrew Joseph Stack flew his plane into a Texas IRS building. Those mother fuckers will come for their pound of flesh anon...nobody wants to own them money.

>> No.8907309

> nobody wants to own them money.

Its too late, we just found out we magically owe tens of thousands of dollars.

>> No.8907429

depends how much you owe 5+ years if it's a lot. plus you'll have to sell everything you own to pay them. you're gonna have a tough future anon. especially your butthole

>> No.8907484

5 years

>> No.8907618

Anons. I have no idea why no one is challenging this law of trade being a taxable event.
(Maybe someone is, in which case please link me to it(.
The same situation with an inheritance tax.
The IRS is taxing an event and puts an imaginary valuation on that event and then wants fiat value of that valuation.
Let's say you traded your house for a better house just cause.
Now IRS comes and says: the better house is worth 10k more so you owe taxes on that 10k ( that's how inheritance tax also works), regardless of you selling the house or not and we want that tax in USD.
Now how they are allowed to do so?
And why no one put in that situation ( that I know of) tried to send them the door to the house with a note: the value of said door covers the value of the taxes I owe in USD. you can sell it or keep it, it's not my problem. I did not sell my house, so my house has an imaginary value so far, but because you insist on getting the part of the imaginary value, I priced my door on the open market and it covers it. Now fuck off.
Of course it would trigger a law suit but c'mon it's a regular theft.
I'm not paying taxes and fuck the IRS btw.

>> No.8907976

only pay final capital gains when converting to fiat
stick to trading Bitcoin on BitMEX instead of GDAX, since you can claim like-kind as you're only trading BTC

>> No.8908004

they can shit talk your waifu

>> No.8908010
File: 10 KB, 224x225, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking cucked americans. you guys make me kek hard

>be american
>get shot

>be american
>shat in your pants

>be american
>get medical care
>get bankrupted

>be american
>buy imaginary meme money
>get taxed into bankrupcy

you guys are and endless source of ridicule

>> No.8908680

>he thinks my private keys are just sitting around in my house for fucking anybody to see

>> No.8908687

>memorize 24 word passphrase
>roommate notices you mumble in your sleep
>it's your passphrase
>roommate studies you every night and memorizes your passphrase
>gets out a week before you
>becomes literal billionaire

>> No.8908696

>What's the maximum punishment they can give you?

>> No.8908702


>> No.8908744

The land of the free HAHAHA

>> No.8908752

Just sell it in a meetup?
Buy stuff with crypto?
Move to Malta?
Move to Europe?
By the time he comes out he'll probably be able to pay rent with REQ

>> No.8908778
File: 309 KB, 1077x1120, 1522791794503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am unironically in jail.
Pay for this phone like 10$/hour
Have 15k Linkies. PKey is safe, not tattoed though.
Get out in 2022.
Will I make it ?

>> No.8909235

The singular will skyrocket then crash before Chainlink project moves over to Chainlink2, when it will moon just as soon as you leave jail.

>> No.8909341

move to Puerto Rico 6 months and one day, owe 0 taxes, do not get gangbanged by Jamal in the showers for x years.
you're welcome.

>> No.8909372

What if I buy a bunch of monero on an overseas exchange, transfer it to another wallet and say that I forgot my key hence losing it all? How can they sieze my digital assets then?

>> No.8909385

