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File: 9 KB, 186x186, Fuck-The-Poor-186x186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8904898 No.8904898 [Reply] [Original]

All they do is complain. Meanwhile...
>consume soda, chips, candy, other assorted overpriced junk food
>smoke cigs
>drink alcohol
>gamble on sports, lottery, table games, slots
>buy and exchange expensive gifts with friends and family that no one can afford
>always seem to have new cell phone
>spend more than they can afford on a car
>pay overdraft, interest, and late fees on various accounts
>take at least one vacation per year
>have kids despite zero savings or ability to actually fund the kid's daily needs besides borrowing or gibs
>waste money on expensive cable TV
>waste money on Pandora, Hulu, Netflix
>waste time and money caring about the local sportsball teams
>don't buy anything in bulk or shop around to get good deals
Why should anyone feel sorry for poorfags?

>> No.8904994

These are the things that aren't said in polite society

You are either a poorfag or new rich


>> No.8905313

preach it brother

>> No.8905749

Don't need to feel sorry for them, but certainly don't hate them. That's truly pathetic.

Ideally the masses have an authortitarian government that looks out for them and uses them efficiently while rewarding their productivity.

And then all those stupid things you listed, cease to exist entirely because they are a detriment to healthy working class nation.

>> No.8905804
File: 101 KB, 720x764, 1521026728403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly I just hate people that brag about how much they break their back. Like it's some normie right of passage to mediocrity. If you're gonna act superior for being a slave, you better have 2 lambos, a private jet, a mansion on an island, a yaught, and a harem of supermodels. Otherwise there's nothing more pathetic than this level of coping. Even If you're poor you can still enjoy life way more than these brainlets.

>> No.8905847

>Why should anyone feel sorry for poorfags

Feeling sorry for the poor is equivalent to shaming them. If you want to help them, treat them like the pieces of shit they are and maybe they'll try to prove you wrong.

>> No.8905885

They only do those things because jewish overlords brainwashed them to do so. In a truly good society such actions would be discouraged and shamed.

>> No.8905918

So you're mad at poor people for using addictive substances and entertainment to cope with the fact that they're poor?

>> No.8905968
File: 12 KB, 474x473, 82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>8904898 (OP)
>to cope with the fact that they're poor?

>> No.8905997

they are poor because they are stupid

the use of addictive substances is a proof in itself they are stupid

also you are stupid

agreed with OP, poor people are disgusting

>> No.8906021

>Can't even understand the psychology of poor people
>Somehow that makes me stupid

Yeah sure. Why don't you complain some more about things you fail to understand?

>> No.8906059

They don’t even try then blame it on everyone but themselves

>> No.8906086


you just made a critical point anon. even rich people are slaves.

>> No.8906800

The idea that you think this characterizes even a modest majority of poor people and not just americans in general shows how fucking retarded you are, all the things you pointed out are cultural and have nothing to do with income level, especially not to the people who are the unfortunate byproducts of people who are poor. You are stupid. KYS

>> No.8906837

kys, do it

>> No.8906843

as disgusting and annoying as they may be, they're a necessary part of the machine. should they be wiped out, you and your ilk would be in their place, doing the shit jobs no one else wants to do, while your masters pulled the strings around you.

>> No.8907010
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> waste time and money caring about the local sportsball teams
> drink alcohol
> smoke cigs
> spend more than they can afford on a car

You obviously are not rich nor know anybody that is rich.

>> No.8907049

Retard, he’s talking about doing all that stuff while poor
Obviously rich people can afford doing all that