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8900460 No.8900460 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: We discuss Chainlink's competitors

You might have heard that ChainLink has no competitors. That ChainLink is the only decentralized oracle. Unfortunately, anon, that is no longer the case. There are at least THIRTEEN competitors, pic related.
>XYO Network
>Lamden Tau
Plus other projects will just make their own oracles, therefore ChainLink being blockchain agnostic is no longer an advantage. For example even IOTA is planning on integrating their own oracles.
Now, some of these in the pic are still in ICO and some have a working product already. Many of them have 20+ man teams, while ChainLink has only 2 or 3 (we don't even know how many because communication is so bad). They all have shiny and user-friendly looking UIs and websites. All these projects are announcing partnerships regularly and are updating on social media, that is a sign of solid coins worth investing in, you should always DYOR and check these things. Now, technically, ChainLink cannot be called the best anymore. Since you probably don't understand this tech (don't pretend you do) there's no way you can tell which one of these projects will succeed based on tech alone (not that that necessarily matters anyway).
The point is that anything can happen and there is no guarantee that Chainlink will succeed over all these other Decentralized Oracle Cryptocurrencies.
I would suggest that you sell a percentage of your LINK tokens and buy one of these competitors as a hedge. I'm not trying to FUD ChainLink but the fact is many of these projects are much more likely to cause Reddit FOMO than Chainlink. I would suggest buying some Oracle Chain, which is EOS' in-house decentralized oracle. Which will you choose?

>> No.8900489

I forgot to list Mobius too, anyway it's in the picture, Mobius is on Stellar Lumens XLM blockchain which makes it similar to Oracle Chain. Projects will make their own oracles most likely. We can see this happening right now.

>> No.8900514
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is MUD

>> No.8900603

Knew about Oracle Chain for a while but didn't realize it was connected to EOS. ChainLink could be fucked lol

>> No.8900643

Guys, are we fucked?

>> No.8900644

Oraclechain prob gonna kill chainlink since we all know that ether is not scalable and sergey with his 2 man team will need another year till he has an eos version running, while oracle chain is already dominating on a usable chain.

>> No.8900653
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Im 100% in oraclechain. People like to call it a chink scam but they are gonna miss out.

>> No.8900654


>OracleChain is a smart contracts Oracle platform for the EOS platform, providing a market-enforced system for accurate data feeds to power decentralized prediction markets and any other EOS dapps which require oracle services into a smart contract

Rank 427, potential for immense gains.

>> No.8900663

>hurr chainlink exaggerated timeline fud hurr it will take them years hurr
>these 'competitors' will just come out of the woodwork and do shit instantly
Kill yourself slowly and painfully, nigger

>> No.8900689

lol oraclechain github is dead. So much for the chainlink killer. What a shame


>> No.8900690

Weak fud

>> No.8900710

>not blockchain agnostic
>dead github
>testnet in 2020, mainnet in 2022
this sums up every single project you mentioned

>> No.8900727



> In particular, OracleChain introduces the reward and penalty mechanism “Reputation,” the penalty mechanism “Deposit,” and the reward mechanism “Oracle fees” to complete the data feed process and finally provide an answer to Oracle.

It basically works just like chainlink but for EOS. Plus it launches in JULY 2018 according to their roadmap
>The official system will be launched in July 2018.

Chainlink is not even gonna have first movers advantage

>> No.8900730

Prove him wrong then rather than shit quips

>> No.8900736

>Muh competition FUD
>Muh 2 man team FUD
>Muh exaggerated timeline FUD


>> No.8900742

Private github. Roadmap says mainnet july 2018. Learn to DYOR or else you will lose money

blockchain agnostic means nothing since all projects are now making their own oracles.

>> No.8900763
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We all know how this chainlink shebang will end. total humiliation.

>> No.8900774

corporations aren't going to restrict themselves to no-name platforms. if your oracle isn't blockchain agnostic, it's vaporware

even more hilarious you think oraclechain is going to succeed, when it's restriced to EOS (an ERC-20 token with NO mainnet)

>> No.8900777

Weak bait. Here’s a (you)

>> No.8900793

Must be some linkers ramping up fud since the windows node code just dropped...

>> No.8900828
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>Price was suppressed by whales at around 28c.
>Alot of positive and exciting threads speculating on partnerships like sap and saleforce

>Prices are increased to 40c
>all of a sudden fud threads popping everywhere
Listenup newfags - this is a sign you should contribute by fudding more so you can buy more cheaper

>> No.8900832

Is augur even related to APIs? It's an actual oracle (in the traditional sense) AFAIK.

>> No.8900834

Thanks for this. I've always been interested in oracles as a concept but all the ChainLink pajeet shilling on /biz/ turned me off to the project.

>> No.8900849


>> No.8900859

I honestly don’t understand how people are still pushing the 2 man team FUD. We have an ETH core developer contributing to LINK.

The FOMO is getting to /biz

>> No.8900867

>We have an ETH core developer contributing to LINK.
Sure you do pajeet.

>> No.8900889

And this is what's not helping chainlink, the retarded hyperactive dipshit kids larping on this forum

>> No.8900890

It was a piece of contract work. But it was an ETH core team dev.

>> No.8900944

>someone took their free time to make this shitty ass pic of some shitty ass projects
Literally no competition whatsoever, zero.
None of those have even the slightest industry recognition as Chainlink, while Sergey's work has been quoted by some of the biggest fintech publications in the world during the past couple of years.

>Chainlink is not even gonna have first movers advantage
>not realizing the first mover advantage comes from shaking hands behind closed doors
Never gonna make it

>> No.8900948
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Thanks, just bought another 100k.

>> No.8900978


Pretty sure that’s Nick Johnson, in the Smartcontract Github

KYS Pajeet, find another street to shit on

>> No.8900986

SWIFT represents 11,000 international banks. SWIFT is merely a cooperation of these entities that sets Financial Messaging Standards. When you want to send a wire transfer, you use SWIFT identification #’s in the messaging of that transaction. Naturally SWIFT is clearly looking towards standards within DLT, And ChainLink is ISO20022 compliant, which is SWIFTs messaging standard.

Have any of these projects OP has mentioned been at SIBOS two years running? I’m sure oraclechain was working with SWIFT in 2016 on proof of concepts, right guys? Those same proof of concepts that Sergey demonstrated working successfully at SIBOS 2017?

>> No.8901102

>And ChainLink is ISO20022 compliant, which is SWIFTs messaging standard.

ISO20022 is literelly just an xml file format, so all you have to do is develop xml parser.

>> No.8901153

EOS is the future though. ETH will be dead in the water the day EOS mainnet is released. Everything will use EOS so who needs a blockchain agnostic token?

>> No.8901196

exactely. Plasma will never ever be a thing (like LN for bitcoin) and decentralized network can not have high enough tps.
Look at AION a 3rd gen blockchain which is decentralized and has 54 tps in testnet. Utter pathetic.

>> No.8901270

What is Hyperledger? Imaging any major financial institution is going to trust some random blockchain project instead of something developed by IBM.

>> No.8901293

>What is Hyperledger? Imaging any major financial institution is going to trust some random blockchain project instead of something developed by IBM.
IBM is a meme company. They will use EOS.

>> No.8901644
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Are you kidding me? Every time I buy one coin there's another one that's gonna kill it. Wtf

>> No.8901667

Implying they won't all use chainlink for their API

Nice try FUDLETS

>> No.8901750

>Implying they won't all use chainlink for their API
Dude, i dont think you understand what chainlink does or what an API is...... I would be interested to hear you elaborate on this remark, so I can laugh at how wrong your understanding is

>> No.8901753
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Holyshit linkies absolutely BTFO

>> No.8901782

Checked and people need to relax, have a nice weekend linkies.

>> No.8901808
File: 179 KB, 1334x750, IMG_1635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know what API is. Don't care to explain it to you at all though. So here's a vid for your convenience.


>> No.8901959

You’re just trying to dump your bags on some newfags because you bought at the ATH yesterday and you’ve lost 30%

>> No.8901997

Tell me how any of these other projects would "use chainlink for the api".

You think a decentralized oracle is going to use another decentralized oracle? Wtf?

>> No.8902031

akroma is a ethereum fork that includes oracles, obviously this will never succeed because eth just isnt that great and only the "original" one may survive due to name recognition and momentum
aeternity is a platform specifically designed to include oracles, which is not really that great of a selling point if you can just use something like LINK on another platform

I'm going to check out some of the other ones. Essentially these competitors are good though, they show that oracles are a much needed problem not just noticed by some NEETS on 4chan.

>> No.8902148

can you please explain in what way chainlink is blockchain agnostic?
the link token is erc-20. the only way that the link token is actually used is in the context of ethereum smart contracts.
sure, the chainlink node project is blockchain agnostic, but how do the current link token holders stand to benefit from that?

>> No.8902167

external adapters, there's your spoonfeed

>> No.8902241

those don't benefit link token holders in any way, try again

>> No.8902277

what the fuck are you talking about, you just asked "in what way is chainlink blockchain agnostic?" and there's your answer
how do token holders benefit from it? It means the network will be used more, obviously? are you brain damaged?

>> No.8902278

actually here, i'll be less of a dick. if the smart contract of interest is homed on ethereum, yes, link token holders can still be paid. so if the claim is that the chainlink oracle network is centered on ethereum then i agree that token holders are fine. but this is not what "blockchain agnostic" is being taken to mean.
If the smart contract is, for example, on EOS, is the plan to also have link tokens native on eos or is the plan to route the request back through ethereum?

>> No.8902299

Akroma has active dev team, expect Oracles soon and it has masternodes which went live recently.

>> No.8902406

Even just as an "investment" Akroma has been very solid. Already made over $1500 in profit on the masternodes. Technology wise they are head and shoulders above the other dagger coins that are trying to do similar things. It's partly because they're not trying to make a product that is mass-advertised to end users. They're developing Akroma for themselves and other developers.

>> No.8902949

they benefit creators of smart contracts, because they can listen for events occurring on other blockchain platforms (EOS) since each one will have an external adapter for their system. To be able to freely push/pull data from any blockchain/data source is obviously a very powerful feature, which basically guarantees LINK's adoption

>> No.8902953

>thinks chainlink is mortal...

>> No.8903035

i highly doubt they will get oracles "soon". they are not on the roadmap for Q2. so dont hold your breath.

>> No.8903081

I think you are forgetting the usd price us tied to btc price.

>> No.8903090

>ChainLink literally has the SmartContract.com domain

ChainLink = Coca Cola
All other shitcoins with dead githubs or still in ICO - shitty off-brand Cola

>> No.8903349

LMAO. How many developers are creating anything on EOS? Oh that's right. ZERO.

>> No.8904126

i tried to get this guy into ANS, he laughed at me and bought Siacoin

I again tried to get him into LINK, he laughs again and says he spent his extra ETH on EOS

I guess not everyone can be rich eh

>> No.8904734

Was feeling iffy on Link and looking at this horrendous image and post you just made I remembered how ridiculous it is to feel that way, Link is the greatest opportunity in crypto since Ethereum

>> No.8904808

Your logic is flawed. An inactive social media and marketing presence doesn't mean a bad investment. Chainlink is putting their marketing where it counts. They are at many finance conferences, and they sell their product behind closed doors. And you don't know anything about it, because you are the idiot outside the doors. Enjoy being poor

>> No.8904932

If you have to ask you shouldn't be holding link.

>> No.8905248
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>> No.8905661

not a scam but is just a far less resourced and connected chainlink competitor, plus pointlessly adding mining-based token economics as a layer of indirection to a direct model of staking security bonds
literally a scam ICO made by a guy with foetal alcohol syndrome, shamelessly rips off the chainlink whitepaper without
prediction markets cannot function effectively as general purpose oracles, they would never describe themselves as being in competition with chainlink
>XYO Network
targeting location data only, not a general purpose oracle
>Lamden Tau
not a general purpose oracle, just a specialised service on their own platform, building a competitor smart contract platform means that Ethereum projects and developers will shun it
literal scam ICO, see ducatur
I like their technology, and state-channeled smart contracts could be useful, but again, not intending to be a general-purpose oracle
never heard of these three, will research
yet another Ethereum clone with an all-in-one model, these will not age well, not a general purpose oracle
see Gnosis

>> No.8905671

So .. all these projects that are in process that are built to function with ETH .. I guess they are all going to just say fuck it and close shop when EOS goes to Mainnet. Yeh right .. good luck with that .. Eth is the king .. and those projects running on ETH are going to be using ChainLink.

>> No.8905703
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Chink be gone

>> No.8905728

EOS market cap 6.8 billion verse ETH at 49.7.. Value of EOS 8.63 vs ETH at $502.88 .. scoreboard don't lie bitch .. come back when you have something real to FUD.

>> No.8905736

Dub dubs confirms.

>> No.8905783

Wrong fren you are forgetting Cardano
Which will dominate all areas
Muh Haskell code FUD
Muh hokinson fired from ETH fud
Muh tranny coin fud

Fact is they have an amazing and large team of autistic geniuses
Hokinson is normies friendly, he's always at conferences and events. Just YouTube his name and see that sperg talk and make his speech entertaining

There's a reason mega whales suppress the price so much.

>> No.8905786

They will bro. They just need to turn their caps backward, roll a towel and slap eachother's asses with it. High five, code done. Why haven't you cloned Chainlink's git, hired a team of 10 enthusiasts and finished their shit?

>> No.8905805

This kills the 1000 priced link
No but for real , if you went all in Link you are retarded. This is a high risk high reward gamble coin. I think it will succeed but at like 3 dollars to 5 dollars a coin.

Everyone on this board should have an insurance stack just incase it takes off

>> No.8905952

Nigger I am the xValve developper, just wanted to make a scam to buy more LINK while learning Laravel, I ended up making 0$ (the 0.19 ETH you see on the contract I just sent to myself - you can verify it since the address that created the contract is the one who sent it).
Of course I copied the Chainlink whitepaper with some mobius paragraphs, I started an internship now so I don't really have the time to turn it into another scam, and also I have 13,000 LINK so I'm comfy.
Not a larp btw, I can even post the source code for the site

>> No.8906090

pls tell more

>> No.8906111

So if I'm reading this right, now is a good time to buy xValve because whales are accumulating?

>> No.8906119

Pretty much this

>> No.8906133

To add to this, prediction markets are technologies that would benefit significantly from working decentralized oracles. Chainlink could help Augur or Gnosis become usable if those projects weren't the prototypical examples of blockchain vaporware

>> No.8906295 [DELETED] 


>> No.8906329

Well I just saw a lot of pajeets making money from scams and I thought maybe I could do it too and learn Laravel while doing it (could've done it in Java but where's the fun in that, talking just about the webapp).
So I worked on it and didn't have high expectations to be honest, I shilled it here though and I was scared namecheap might give my name or something if autists here pushed it, so I changed the index.html to "WTF /biz" and deleted the website, got banned from namecheap soon after.
There's nothing to say about it, it was a scam that copied my favorite project in crypto which is chainlink, and most of the other "competition" is doing the same thing, but I hope no one will come close to it.
If you have read the mobius whitepaper, then you'd have realized it's shit, it's just what you'd expect from good software developpers but pajeets.
Chainlink's whitepaper on the other hand is something else, I read it many times and still didn't understand it 100%.
So don't read too much about this "competition" fud