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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.97 MB, 1191x900, Big-Vegan-Bowl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8896666 No.8896666 [Reply] [Original]

If you are not eating a vegan diet you are not achieving peak performance when trading and will die of suicidal depression, cancer, heart disease, diabetes etc. before you can enjoy you gains.

Brainlets will mock me but you're only holding yourself back

>> No.8896689


>> No.8896690

Shit looks disgusting you limp wristed faggot. Fuck off.

>> No.8896697
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>wake up at 7.00am everyday on the dot, without the need of an alarm clock.

>check my portfolio. All green, as always.

>I eat a pot of hummus

>Drink coffee, oats milk

>Another pot of hummus

>make my trades, whilst also working my 70k a year 1 day a week side job.

>Bitcoin adopter since 2013 because I saw an advert for Bitcoin on a pot of hummus

>eat some carrot sticks.

>another pot of hummus, down the hatch.

>my body is in peak physical condition. Feel like I could run 100 miles.

>run 100 miles.

>the final pot of hummus goes down easily.

>make my last trade for the day, make sure that all my trades are green, just like my diet.

>any red and I freak out and sell quickly.

>green, lean, animal activist machine.

>> No.8896726

This is pure ignorance because reading books or watching some documentaries on the subject will assure you of the endless benefits for mental and physical health, which I am sure you care about.

If being healthy and happy makes me a faggot then I'll be one until the day I die happily in my sleep after living a long and prosperous life.


>> No.8896728

>not raw carnivore master race

>> No.8896729


>sell the red

You fucked up mate.

>> No.8896779

I will never have red in my life. Memories of blood filled murder. Green only.

>> No.8896793

Nature intended for us to hunt and kill but your soybrain will not never understand this.

>> No.8896797 [DELETED] 
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You must be (((him)))

>> No.8896813
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(You) must be (((him)))
also checked

>> No.8896828

Yes hunt GAME not domesticated gmo grain fed mutant animals that need metal supports to mate.

I eat ground turkey (grassfed) and wild fish. I don't touch mammals and honestly pork and cow don't taste as good. I'd rather have marinated turkey or a portabella cap that tastes better than steak to me.

>> No.8896838

Appeal to nature faggot.
If we were adapted to eat meat we wouldn't all be dying of heart disease, obesity, cancer, diabetes.

>> No.8896843
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First of all, not all Vegans eat soy you fucking murder munching mantard.

Why don't you try being Vegan for a week? I tried eating meat and dairy for a week. Then I realized that the human body isn't meant to process another animals fucking titty jizz milk and digest the rotting flesh of an animal. I felt like shit because I wasn't letting mother nature power me.

No wonder Americans are fucking disgusting and fat.

>> No.8896852

That's strange OP most vegetarians and vegans I've met in my life are skinny as fuck, low testosterone beta males, with absolutely nothing remarkable about them.

>> No.8896860

You are NOT hunting by eating battery farmed chicken AHAHAHA only an American would come out with that shit.
You have been fed a lie by your corrupt government you dumb brainlet. We are frugivorous and not designed for huge amounts of meat consumption. Btw meat is pumped full of hormones such as estrogen

Educate yourself or stay sick because you ARE sick if you are not vegan


How Not to Die: Discover the Foods Scientifically Proven to Prevent and Reverse Disease by Michael Greger M.D.


>> No.8896870

You can't just add 'peak performance when trading' and 'before you can enjoy you gains' to your shill post to make it fit in, this is '/biz/ - Business & Finance', not /soy/

>> No.8896888
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did it though? look at pick related; humans have hands perfect for picking vegetables, fruits etc, teeth built for eating foods like that. read "The China Study", it's an interesting book.

>> No.8896889

Humans have been eating meat for centuries the proof is in our teeth and brain. Larger brains credited to meat consumption.

>> No.8896890

Vegans have higher testosterone on average. Enjoy limp dick from clogged penal arteries.

>> No.8896899

also, i'm not vegan but i limit my meat in my diet and haven't had dairy for 4+ years now.

>> No.8896901

Vegan crap no thanks

>> No.8896904

What you experienced was probably caused by the sudden diet change which your stomache is not used to but I am no doctor and neither are you to know what the human body needs.

>> No.8896906

Thanks meat for giving us smart enough brains to realise that we no longer need meat as it gives you a slow suicide and needless suffering for animals

>> No.8896909

>Haha everyone dying of heart disease, obesity, cancer, diabetes. Must be meat right? You twit. The country I live in consumes the highest quantity of meat per person yet still ranks 4th in terms of life expectancy. Just because the US has a lot of health problems and consumes a lot of meat doesn't mean anything. They also consume far more sugar and corn syrup. They also are less active.

>> No.8896910

If humans didn't learn how to make fire and cook meat for consumption then our brains would have never developed as much as they have and we would still be no better than chimps. Vegans are fucking retarded. You don't get unhealthy from eating meat. You become unhealthy from eating to many processed foods and carbohydrates. Sugar is the enemy not meat. You dumb cunts.

>> No.8896943

Yes but the goodness in meat ALL comes from the PLANTS that we feed the animal. You can skip the process of eating meat and just consume the plants directly.

We can go completely without meat and should do. The meat they sell in supermarkets is POISONED very literally with faeces, hormones, arsenic, lead etc. It is making you very sick

>> No.8896957

If every person was a vegan we would devastate the ecosystem trying to have enough farm land to sustain our food supply. You're a goddamn moron.

>> No.8896964

As I said, you are the one missing out. It makes no difference to me but before dismissing it completely check out these resources >>8896860 so you can at least say you are informed of whats really going on

>> No.8896965

Why then in Australia do they consumer by far the highest amount of meat per person yet have the 4th highest life expectancy.

>> No.8896980

This is COMPLETELY incorrect. Agriculture is the biggest cause of pollution and is decimating our ecosystem. We are growing enough plants to get everyone out of starvation however the plants we produce go to the endless amount of livestock we have. We are choosing to feed the animals over our fellow humans in the name of profit

>> No.8896981

What do we feed animals moron. We grow enough food for 10 billion people but waste it by feeding it to animals while letting people starve

>> No.8896982

>((((reading books or watching some documentaries))))

typical normie filty that believes everything he reads or sees

>> No.8896993

>enough food for 10 billion


>> No.8896997

Answer my question

>> No.8896999

The irony here is that you are the one who has been brainwashed. Look at the science and you will be furious at how mislead you were by the institutions you thought cared about your wellbeing. Please don't fall for /pol/ bait if you want to be healthy mentally and physically

>> No.8897023

I'm from aus. We are 1st world with socialist healthcare. Egg and dairy are as bad as meat. Stop looking at cognitive bias to support your bad habit.

>> No.8897032

There are other factors at play here such as great healthcare, active lifestyles, vitamin d exposure, low stress etc. but that life expectancy would be even higher if everyone were vegan.

>> No.8897041

But you are missing the point. If there weren't BIILLIONS upon BILLIONS of animals to be fed with our corn that space could be used to grow endless other whole-foods for our consumption

>> No.8897068

As much as I like to disagree what OP posted is in fact scientifically accurate.

Educate yourself people. Karma points are yours today OP.

>> No.8897096

Hey OP, i've been thinking about going vegan for a while now. I get the studies and the mentality but.. I work out 4-6 times a week and need muh protein.

I've been mostly eating chicken and eggs + protein shakes but i won't be able to get the neccesary protein's without the meat.

If you got a alternative i will consider.

(stopped eating pork and cow etc a long time ago).

>> No.8897110

"Great" life expectancy, but honestly you need to look at "healthy/independent" life expectancy.

>> No.8897111

Get outta here, ya flat-earther fuck

>> No.8897121

what's your protein requirement?

>> No.8897122

Why can't you eat just the eggs and the shakes? Just increase them accordingly

>> No.8897136

Protein is ONLY found in PLANTS

The protein in animals is from the plants we feed them

You can easily get the protein you need by consuming a vegan diet. Eat lentils, beans, veg, quinoa for protein.

>> No.8897137

Great health care? Our health care is pretty average, unless you have private health care. If meat is as bad for you as you say it is, surely we wouldn't be able to compensate for the health impacts simply by having some okay health care and an active lifestyle. >>8897023 Haha you sound like such a pompous wanker as if you are above cognitive bias and are just impartial. Based on your previous posts you clearly are some ideologue who believes the science is completely settled on veganism.

>> No.8897145

That diet would make me kill myself after 3 days.>>8897096 Keep eating your chicken mate here's a good recipe https://tasty.co/recipe/chicken-gyros . Damnnn that's one tasty bird.

>> No.8897147

>Nature intended

>> No.8897161

>knee-jerk reaction masking ignorance
raw-carnivore is the ultimate diet. the near end of the dietetic journey, just before transhumanist modes of nourishing start coming into play.

>> No.8897207

I thought the same but my palette adjusted after about two weeks of a vegan diet. Now nothing is more appealing that the type of food in the OP

The chicken and eggs we are being sold is poisoned and dangerous for us. I hope you learn that someday

>> No.8897317

You vegtards really are attention whores. "Uu look at me, i eat plants and trade, your diet is shit" fucks sake man

>> No.8897318

It’s panDEMONium in dis bish. Fuck off... animal meats have superior proteins.

>> No.8897497

A nice grass fed Aussie steak is 1000 times better than a plate of lentils.

>> No.8897755

>Bitcoin adopter since 2013 because I saw an advert for Bitcoin on a pot of hummus

my sides have left the building

>> No.8897794

Except no one just eats a plate of lentils brainlet
If you could learn how to actually cook then just flopping a shitty steak on a barbie with some microwaved veggies which is probably what all you can do, you could whip up some epic meals

Im slowly swapping over, just have a chicken burger now and then
I’ve started to realise how many aussie families can’t cook for absolute shit
All they’ve been conditioned to cook is meat and they can’t even understand the concept of not having meat with a meal it’s pathetic
Fuck vegans who constantly push it in your head and argue about it 24/7 but at least educate yourself on it instead of blindly saying muh hunter evolution

Literally feel 100x better compared to before when I was pumping meat and dairy all the time especially with gym training
Legit look just as good as my mates pumping steroids and meat all the time cause muh protein

been in your shoes before and boy glad I’m not in it now, have an open mind for once

>> No.8897838

do you actually believe what u type?
the proteins found in different vegetables and the proteins in meat are completely different. just as whey protein is completely different from casein protein.

>> No.8897860

Kek you fell for the protein meme
Protein is protein, you’re over complicating it
My mates pump meat all day every day for gym
Whereas I just get it from plants 90% of the time
We train the same and we progress the same
you’re just retarded

>> No.8897891

pls give meal ideas for brekky lunch and tea

>> No.8897984

Honestly cooking books are your friends
Helped me a fuck load
Check out
The thug kitchen series, sick food and simplified for normies
and mad meals you can make for your mates or family and they won’t be like “what the fuck is this”
Once you get the hang of cooking like I did, you get the hang of it easier
For Indian, vegan Richa Indian book
And definitely, the minimalist baker everyday cooking
Bunch of epic burgers and shit in there

>> No.8898015

>cooking food

>> No.8898062

Vegan diets are actually generally pretty unhealthy...do some research in case you still think the saturated fat/cholesterol scaremongering from the 70's is relevant.


>> No.8898068

One word...SUGAR

>> No.8898083


>> No.8898084
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Anyone who ignores natural evolution and organism predesposition is a fucking brainlet and should keep indulging in high soy content and low animal protein sources and eventually get real depression and muscle atrophy

Pic related, what soyboys need to take to avoid serotonin deficiency

>> No.8898144

did nature intend for you to (((hunt))) battery farmed chickens, with more chemicals in them than the Bogdanoff's cheeks?

>> No.8898162
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>Implying I'm a USA drone who shops at wallmart
I only eat animals raised close to me in open air. Of course I can afford to do that because I don't live in MegaCorp land

>> No.8898170

that's much closer to the intent than eating shit-beans dug out of the ground that are only edible after a week of cooking.

>> No.8898179
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in that case, fair enough
pic related can be applied to this thread, not just crypto

>> No.8898306

Me agree actually
Not on being vegan
But unless diet well rounded and mostly greens then you not trading 100%
Sugar and digestion alter consciousness in negative effects

>> No.8898352

I'm vegan and don't ever really eat soy products. I don't really like the taste that much. Other than some tempeh every once in a while, but that's fermented so the feminizing stuff is gone.

At the very least stop eating dairy. Meat, fair enough if you must, hunted or grass fed cattle or other high quality meats are probably good for you in moderation, and fish. Dairy on the other hand has no redeeming qualities.

>> No.8898353

Checked my cryptoveganbro.

Why be vegan?
Vegan food is _a lot_ cheaper than animal foods. One pound of beans = 2 usd maybe, one pound of meat = twice that at least.

>better for your body
Animal foods are subject to bioaccumulation, meaning that toxins accumulate in animals much more so than in plants tissue, meaning that you get loss toxins from vegan food.

There are also a lot of research that tells us that vegan food is better for the heart, the liver, it's antiinflammatory etc etc.

>environmentally friendly
I don't care about this myself, but some greencucks might like that fact.

>it's humane
The old greeks said: "As long as we kill animals, we will kill each other".

Animal murder on the scale we are doing rn is beyond any morality. It's disgusting quite frankly.

>> No.8898372
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Is this /fit or /biz?

>> No.8898398


>not realizing every board is in some way related to business and is therefore on the /biz/ continuum

>> No.8898406

>implying /fit/ indulges in degenerate vegan practices

>> No.8898424

Bait will be saged

>> No.8898454


Check the quads.

Meat is cancer. I laugh at the fat fucks everyday that can't live without it and see how they will age and die so early haha.

Fucking fell for the rich king eats meat meme.

>> No.8898493


I just pop creatin pills.

>> No.8898654

desu im not a vegan but its true vegan diet is the best. i eat lots of legumes and raw nuts and seeds but sometimes i eat baked goods and stupid fat people food like pizza -.-

>> No.8898678
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Veganism is the superior way.

It's more healthy, ethical and better for the environment than sheepish carnism. Vegans are people who can think for themselves instead of clogging their arteries with poison because a livestock lobbying group said so.

>> No.8898696

>it's an episode of bagholders who aren't too poor to afford meat

>> No.8898697

I remember when Sam Harris said he was trying to go vegan (or vegetarian?) because of moral reasons but his doctor told him it's destroying his health too much and he has to go back to eating like a heterosexual man

>> No.8898751

>doctor told him

Doctors aren't given proper courses in nutrition in medical school. His doctor told him that because he doesn't know what he's fucking talking about.

Whatever was 'destroying' his health wasn't veganism provided he was actually doing it properly. This is such a dangerous myth

>> No.8898806

>your results are in mr Harris
>you should ignore them, they mean nothing

>> No.8898824

Thank you for making this thread OP. I've been vegan for 3 years now and after you start really digging into the science behind it and research, you realize it really is a major redpill.

I can't believe how dumb people are when it comes to nutrition and the protein meme, especially these days when you have more and more athletes becoming vegan for the boost in performance. You have hundreds of more research papers and doctors coming out to say the benefits of it and the negative factors of meat consumption.

But most people (like I was), are too comfortable in their ways and don't want to waste energy thinking about their food if they have other shit in life to worry about.

Just sit back and keep doing what you're doing, and enjoy watching more of the world wake up to the reality of things.

7% of people in the US and UK now identify as vegan based on a survey in 2017, milk consumption is at record lows, and you even have meat giants like Tyson foods starting their own plant-based brands.

The world is changing to a more sustainable and healthier diet. You can either keep spouting nonsense, or accept that maybe what you've been taught in school and by commercials isn't 100% true.

>> No.8898844

>doctor doesn't *really* know about the human body

>some room temperate IQ retard on a Samoan pinochle forum does however

>> No.8898866

Sage. We need meat and fish and eggs dickhead. Fuckin vegans baka.. Don’t get me wrong, battery hens, animal cruelty is fucked but you can’t deny your DNA the basic nutrition it needs as it has for millions of years.

>> No.8898893


"It is the position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics that appropriately planned vegetarian, including vegan, diets are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and may provide health benefits for the prevention and treatment of certain diseases. These diets are appropriate for all stages of the life cycle, including pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood, adolescence, older adulthood, and for athletes."


"Traditionally, research into vegetarianism focused mainly on potential nutritional deficiencies, but in recent years, the pendulum has swung the other way, and studies are confirming the health benefits of meat-free eating. Nowadays, plant-based eating is recognized as not only nutritionally sufficient but also as a way to reduce the risk for many chronic illnesses."


You're wrong, where are your sources that say you need meat fish and eggs?

>> No.8898912

hello newfriend

>> No.8898931
File: 442 KB, 1280x960, 1479276761439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eating vegan now

feels divine

>> No.8898940

Also want to add a few sources that show how it's a net benefit for the environment and world in general, not just your health.



"the gap between the average American’s daily protein needs and amount they’re already getting from plant sources is less than the equivalent of one chicken breast (4 oz, 35 g of protein)."


Land required to feed 1 person for 1 year:
Vegan: 1/6th acre

Vegetarian: 3x as much as a vegan

Meat Eater: 18x as much as a vegan [xvii]

Robbins, John. Diet for a New America, StillPoint Publishing, 1987, p. 352

Animal agriculture contributes to species extinction in many ways. In addition to the monumental habitat destruction caused by clearing forests and converting land to grow feed crops and for animal grazing, predators and "competition" species are frequently targeted and hunted because of a perceived threat to livestock profits. The widespread use of pesticides, herbicides and chemical fertilizers used in the production of feed crops often interferes with the reproductive systems of animals and poison waterways. The overexploitation of wild species through commercial fishing, bushmeat trade as well as animal agriculture’s impact on climate change, all contribute to global depletion of species and resources. [XIX]

>> No.8899018

This is hilarious because this always happens whenever I actually start using sources for my arguments online. Discussion always ends because nobody ever has a counter with their own source that states otherwise.

I have never actually been able to continue a discussion about veganism past this point because non-vegans prefer to use ancedotal evidence and opinions compared to facts, and when they do state "facts", they don't even have anything to actually back it up so we can get a good debate going.

They claim to know more about nutrition and food than the vegans they argue against, which is laughable because most vegans I know and talk with online are the ones actually doing research into nutrition and food, unlike other people that just eat whatever tastes good and follow the food pyramid picture from middle school.

Get fucked every hour of the day. If someone actually wants to respond to me with a counter argument for any of the above, let me know, otherwise shut the fuck up.

>> No.8899032

my retard american friends:
you have to eat some meat, not much and not the mcdonals type but free roaming grassfed animals and wild meat. Yes it is more expensive but you don't need much. Refined carbs and sugar is the real enemy.

>> No.8899034
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>blocks your path

>> No.8899045

OP is a faggot

>> No.8899083

Source to counter this?

>> No.8899093

A couple who allegedly kept their 20-month-old daughter on a strict vegan diet, which left her malnourished and suffering rickets, have pleaded not guilty to child neglect.

It is understood the child was acutely deficient of vitamin D, vitamin B12, zinc and iron.

>> No.8899105

Yeah, they're bad parents. Where are the parents on trial that have 200lb kids in 1st and 2nd grade from feeding them fast food for years?

>> No.8899129

pfft patron since 2005 here faggot

>> No.8899143

>Balanced diet master race

>> No.8899150

>be me
>go vegan because of documentaries
>eat everything raw, no wheat or white sugar
>lose 10 pounds in 3 months, even though I eat the same amount of calories as before
>no energy
>erectile dysfunction
>sick all the time
>see doctor
>'you are prediabetic and have terrible lipid counts anon, you need to eat less sugar and fat and get more exercise'
>mfw i was running 15 miles a week and mostly eating huge garden salads, avocado, yams, nuts, tofu etc
>friend shills me on Keto
>try it out because fuck plants
>eat anything with a ton of fat, moderate amounts of meat
>6 mos. Pass
>gain 10 pounds of muscle, maintain 15%bf or below
>beetus numbers are all godlike
>Test is higher than it ever was
>enough energy to lift and make gains
>less depressed, more sociable
Veganism is trash.

>> No.8899174

things that never happened.txt

>> No.8899207
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Keto is the original and only diet to be on. Fuck sugar and carbs.

>> No.8899227


you're an idiot. What the fuck did you eat exactly? Only lettuce?

>> No.8899232

Except it did. I'd eat vegan if it worked for my body, but it doesn't.

>> No.8899254

>decides to go vegan but also decides to eat only raw and no wheat, even more restrictive
>blames his failure on not eating animal products instead of choosing to eat fucking raw and exclude more things that necessary

You realize you could have just eaten like normal, right? There are substitutes for fucking everything.

>> No.8899260

210 lb Chad here
How the hell are you making dem gainz vegan fag?
Eat a whole bathtub of beans every day?

>> No.8899276

Ask all the athletes deciding to go vegan.




Protein only comes naturally from plants retard.

>> No.8899293
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Vegans secretly eat pepperoni pizza and tacos at night when they think no one is watching...proof my roommates.

>> No.8899294

Plant based protein is the shittiest protein to digest
I'll pass breh

>> No.8899313

Again, fucking source you faggot? You're smacked in the face with articles and research papers saying all the health benefits of it, but people continue to go "lol tl;dr you're wrong"

Keep your head stuck in the sand though.

>> No.8899323

I know because I do this shit in real life and you're some 120lb faggot

>> No.8899336

Amen. These cunts have no idea, they will feel like shit warmed up after a few years but maybe quicker. Paleo is the way to go, but each to their own. I’m not talking about ethics or animal cruelty, just talking about our physiology what we were designed to eat.

>> No.8899337
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Smacking someone with biased information isn't going to make them become vegan. Keto is the way.

>> No.8899340

Big mixed salads with some combo of kale, mustard greens, romaine, a bunch of herbs, arugula and other leaves, tomatoes, carrots, soy beans, avocado, hummus, a LOT of olive oil. tempeh, tofu, beans, a bunch of pajeet dishes with chickpeas and lentils, lots of mixed nuts, quinoa, soy protein smoothies with nut butter. I was eating a lot of stuff, had a few 'get healthy' cookbooks and followed those a lot. It just wasn't meant to be

>> No.8899356

>lose 10 pounds in 3 months, even though I eat the same amount of calories as before
I agree with the general sentiment of your post, but this is physically impossible. Literally violates the laws of physics

>> No.8899398

And if apes didn't get out of the tree and invent tools to kill animals we wouldn't have evolved our brains retard

>> No.8899446

What about the land cleared to grow crops for vegan consumption or does that food magically come farted out of a rainbow?
You should just say there’s too many fucking humans on earth breeding out of control in third world countries (and the west) and we are fucking the planet.

There’s a solution, have a maximum of two children but people are too selfish and retarded to follow a simple rule. People want to fulfill their own selfish desires and dreams, die and leave the next generation to deal with the problems.

The boomers are a fucking perfect example of how to fuck the planet in one generation.

Anyway getting back on track Veganism might sound like a good idea but for a lot of people it doesn’t work and can cause a ton of health problems.
I could look up some fucking Harvard article to prove my point but there’s always a counter argument so what’s the fucking point.

YouTube durian rider, it’s a classic example of what can happen to someone who stops eating meat. You can turn into an absolute oxygen thieving faggot

>> No.8899450

Can you tell me which articles were biased and why? Like were they paid for by vegan organizations or peta?

>> No.8899466

>ignores the part of my post that compared the amount of land needed to feed someone the equivalent calories on a vegan diet compared to a meat based one.

Re-read, it uses 18x less land. The problem isn’t humans it’s how we use our resources.

>> No.8899474
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Boys, let's please stop arguing about veganism.

The writing is on the wall - vegan/plant based diet is superior. It's better for your health, it's better for the environment, it's less wasteful in terms of caloric loss, and it avoids the systematic raising and slaughtering of animals in terrible conditions.

Fuck all of that thought - Millennials are becoming vegans. Once all the boomers die, like 20% of the population will be vegan.

They'll be buying fucking garbonzo beans and shit --- HOW DO WE BENEFIT FROM THIS FINANCIALLY?

Any good vegan/plant based stocks/investments?

I've looked but it seems really limited - all the sucessful brands get bought by a conglomerate like Danone.

>> No.8899478

keto and paleo diets all the way. This is the only true answer here. Cut out all the over-processed garbage first then later restrict your calories. 50% Fat (olive oil, butter, fatty meats and certain vegetables), 20% protein (meat), 30% vitamins (vegetables). Only exception is if you're really want noodles, wheat you can only have stone ground, unbleached and have to make your own pasta from it. Oh and use intermittent fasting and/or fasting for extra health benefits.

>> No.8899481

Also Durian Rider’s a faggot. Why are you picking a single person as an example?

Look I can do it too. Look up Patrick Baboumian, the strongest man in Germany.

>> No.8899569

Don’t understand why /biz/ of all boards are arguing against this.


>> No.8899585
File: 62 KB, 640x480, 1522850010987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's compare
>b-but my studies!
Stfu with your fad. You can look up countless articles on how malnourished people get from being vegan or vegetarian. I can't find one article of babies dying from a keto diet btw...

>> No.8899613

Just finished an online store for a retailer selling vegan foods for a bunch of cash + 5% of the revenue in recurring payments. Feels good desu.

>> No.8899620

>using single examples to provide a claim for or against anything

You’re the biggest retard.

So you realize that more people that eat meat each year die of heart attacks and strokes than people that die from malnourishment on a vegan diet

I could use this in arguments as I’m sure you would if you were vegan, but I don’t because it’s fucking stupid.

>> No.8899625

Are you a baby? Because it sounds like it.

>> No.8899634

All the babies from prehistoric times must've died then when meat was not available.

Lmaoing @ bloodmouth coping...

>> No.8899642

Vegan food is for FAGGOTS just eat healthy you frail piece of shit

>> No.8899678
File: 906 KB, 500x349, 1521978019920.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that if babies can't be fed this shit why even start? What you gonna feed your kids if society accepts veganism as a norm? The answer is death. Fyi more people die from red meat mixed with carbs and sugar. Keto isn't part of your study. Keto is the way. Believe it!

>> No.8899693
File: 897 KB, 834x459, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah homies
eat plants
shit will actually change your life man

I've had milk chocolate before in a few chocolates here and there, but pretty much never went back.

everyone will grow at their own rate. you have my infinite love and support, regardless of what you eat.
You are loved
We are one

>> No.8899694


Look I can find random junk articles to support my view as well.

Learn how to argue jesus christ.

>> No.8899705
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Nasim approved.

>> No.8899708
File: 328 KB, 500x483, 1522935560554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you even know anything about keto?

>> No.8899717

>Eats the same shit that everyone else.
>Thinks he's an edgy countercultural intellectual for being against veganism
>Posts Tyler Durden from Fight Club

Yeah ok dude...