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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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889207 No.889207 [Reply] [Original]

>Private banking is dependent upon money created by the Federal Reserve board from thin air and issued as a loan for between 0% and 1% interest rate
>They can virtually always get these loans as long as they aren't totally insolvent
>They loan this money out as consumer loans ONLY when the signatory has enough collateral to pay the loan if the bank has to repossess the property
>Their position as creditor is assured via government fiat with regard to bankruptcy laws and laws that govern credit
>Banks invest money woven out of thin air in secrecy under conditions of artificially controlled "low" risk, high-profit credit
>When anything upsets this (major boom-bust in the housing market for instance) the entire system is at risk of going tits up and taking the rest of the economy with it
>Deregulation has only worsened the situation, and "restructuring" after the 2008 crisis has failed to address the core issue of a core sector of the economy being based on a tenuous set of artificial conditions

If you think that this system is sustainable then you are a fucking fool.

>> No.889208

I remember being 12 once too

>> No.889209


>I have no argument but your reasoning defies orthodoxy so I am going to make fallacious arguments against it in the hopes that it will sway people reading this

Stay classy.

>> No.889212

> Still being 12 years old trying to use big words to sound smart

You are wrong yet again because you should know logic does not persuade people but using logical fallacies do. Checkmate

>> No.889213


Actually it's rhetoric that persuades people. Obvious logical fallacies tend to make for poor rhetoric, especially when you get called out on them in a clear and concise fashion.

>> No.889230

too long; didn't read

>> No.889266


>going tits up

>> No.889718

>still no stripper pics

>> No.889746

If you think "created out of thin air" is actually whats happening or that modern society should have an m2 money supply that can expand and contract swiftly then you are not only a tool but also on the wrong board

This is /biz/ we understand econ 101 here

Youre looking for /pol/

>> No.889749


>he brought out the magic fallacy/redundant word
>automatically assumes it makes his argument any more intelligent

Go back to Tumblr you stupid whore.

>> No.889755

The money is created out of thin air but if the economy grows then it will accommodate the bigger money supply. People don't use the gold standard anymore so a static money supply would be detrimental. You use the same argument as those fractional banking is evil nutters.

>> No.889756

Here bro ill take pity necause i know alex jones fat titties can be very convincing to the unweary



I know! I know , reading on a friday. But if youre a good boy and do your homework you can come back and speak like an adult with the rest of /biz/ later

>> No.889807

>we understand econ 101 here
Understand econ 101 = deal with the fiat scam to appear more "mature".

>> No.889946


There won't be. She's finishing law school while I finish med school.

>> No.891280
File: 38 KB, 1016x932, IiQ8Pll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes, basically this. Anymore questions goyim?

>> No.891777

>Deregulation has only worsened the situation

Bullshit. Deregulation is irrelevant. The fact is, central banking systems are fundementally unsustainable. If the Government actually wanted a sustainable, efficient and moral system, they would have an open market in currency, allowing people to decide for themselves what they want to trade in and not forcing people to throw all their eggs in one sinking basket.

>> No.891829
File: 84 KB, 720x720, kc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl looks like pic related

Should I tap bros?

>> No.891851

>muh shiny rock is not fiat

>> No.891863

I'm with you m8. I don't care if the happening comes today, tomorrow, next year, or when I'm 65. The happening will come. The west itself is already in collapse anyway socially. Next the very laws and institutions holding our society will be replaced with probably some sharia bullshit. Anyways, best of luck. Remember to look for the four of clubs card after the collapse.

>> No.891885

>If you think that this system is sustainable then you are a fucking fool.
Well it's sustained itself for several centuries already.

>> No.891908

She looks 100 and has a shell. I would say yes.

>> No.891911

It's pretty much the definition of not fiat. It's not by any authority that people value gold, they just know that you can't make more of it so it's inherently limited and it doesn't decay so it makes it a great arbiter of exchange.