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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 154 KB, 2240x972, GaiGang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8895065 No.8895065 [Reply] [Original]

Which one of you niglets is responsible for shilling this piece of absolute garbage to me?
80% of my portfolio is in this shit and it's down fucking 97% from ATH when I bought it on the recommendation of a literal pajeet from this board.
How do you think it feels when everything else is mooning and I need 3000% just to break even.
After three thousand fucking percent growth, I still wouldn't even have made a profit on this crap.
Should I just cut my losses now or is there any way scamcoin this is ever going back to ATH?
Fuck this shit, I've forgotten what the stupid token was even supposed to do in the first place, some sort of insurance bullshit?
So whoever shilled this, you better show yourself now and be ready to take your medicine because you are going to fucking get it when I find your IP.
Bloody pajeets.

>> No.8895087

I only vaguely remember those shills. Didnt they have like an airdrop or free coin referrals or something.

>> No.8895088

Why would you buy it
90% of biz is exactly to make you fall for shit like this; but i thought everyone knew it

I never even heard of that coin

>> No.8895100
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>> No.8895105

why the fuck would you buy a coin with such a retarded name

Horrible name shows the team has no professionalism

>> No.8895108
File: 1.66 MB, 1280x720, Sayori_After_Story_2018-03-07_15-27-18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol you bought a Kucoin shitcoin at the height of the bubble
Time to hang out with Sayori!

>> No.8895110

Now I remember. They had a referral program through their app but the app was like buggy and broken. I just checked it again and it has like main buttons that dont work and wants me to pay them money to 'insure my phone battery'.

>> No.8895117

This isnt for you, cash out and go do something else

>> No.8895131

>and then he looked in the mirror...the disfigured and desperate reflection whispered:

Don’t be such a rube, you fucking wot?

>> No.8895159

I remember this coin being shilled a few months back, almost brought some but after checking out the coin website I was turned off. What the fuck does the blockchain have to do with insurance for your cellphone????? Cut your loses OP

>> No.8895284

Is there any way I can get my money back, like if I said the tokens weren't delivered as advertised or something?
Surely there's some sort of consumer protection watchdog that prevents scammers like Aigang from stealing my money?

>> No.8895293

>holding to a 97% loss

>> No.8895585
File: 398 KB, 684x438, Bitconnect2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>asking for protection by regulation in an unregulated market

Pic related
Get a number and wait in line.
You are crypto complainant #92731207893

>> No.8895648
File: 24 KB, 384x248, 1516404621002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Surely there's some sort of consumer protection watchdog that prevents scammers like Aigang from stealing my money?

>> No.8895743

Can’t tell if you’re baiting OP about you got chinked and should see it all, looks like it pumped today kek

>> No.8895879

Never buy coins that hit exchanges for first time
They get dumped for huge profits and if profits aren't enough they get pumped then dumped
Wait until they reach their ICO price a month or 2 later
Check icodrops.com for info on new coins and what their ICO prices were

>> No.8895933

You're a good person Anon

>> No.8895934

>down fucking 97% from ATH
ahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha my condolences
Why would you buy this crap, just look at the website it's clearly a shitcoin
> Aigang is DAO Insurance Protocol
> Crowd-sourced insurance pools discovery
> Earn rewards from prediction markets powered by DAO Smart contracts


>> No.8895942

You need the medicine dipshit. Listening to random pajeets on 4chan for investement advice is way dumber than almost anything else I’ve heard in awhile. How about you take responsibilry for your decisions and DYOR? Novel concept I know.

>> No.8895985

>Is there any way I can get my money back

I also bought shit around ATH, not much (something like 1000$) and I'm now to 200$.
I don't want to sell, I dont' know when butI think the market will go up... I'm not an economic expert but don't sell anon, you aren't in loss until you sell at loss

>> No.8896004
File: 50 KB, 550x543, 1521299981818.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Another thing anon

> get rekt by pajeets
> ask advices to pajeets

>> No.8896220

"who is responsible?" - you are 100% at fault for being a lazy retard who blindly follows others advice. In future do your own research, don't ever buy at ATH and stop asking for advice on a board filled with other idiot bag holders.