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File: 60 KB, 473x599, 473px-Donald_Trump_official_portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8893205 No.8893205 [Reply] [Original]

Is WW3 good for crypto?
(((Trump))) bombing Syria is just the beginning

>> No.8893211

Didn't he do this last year and nothing happened?

>> No.8893221

Apparently he's been hitting them with missiles for like an hour now. Seems to be massive this time

Fuck him, he lost my vote

>> No.8893227

No I mean he bombed them last year and nothing happened

>> No.8893229

Last time he had missiles targeted at an airfield, this time it's a decapitation operation directly against Al-Assad's government.

If you think "nothing will happen" you are in for a hell of a show.

>> No.8893245
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>cruise missile attack 3 AM CET time
>btc pumps

>> No.8893258

is there an ulterior motive to the bombing other than "save the women and children"? I doubt he fucking cares about shitskin people

>> No.8893263

Yeah what's the real motive here?

>> No.8893266

Comparing then to now the tensions are higher, Trump's on rockier ground back home, and the markets are way more volatile.

>> No.8893270


>> No.8893279

what about israel?

>> No.8893283
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can a non brainlet explain if this is good or bad for our shitcoins?

>> No.8893286

yeah explain it for us pol-lets

>> No.8893303

The typical motive is for Israel's neighbors to be destabilized so it has less worries. Israel also wants full claim to the Golan Heights which has a massive oil field owned by Bush and Obama era ex-cabinet members. Standard procedure says Trump is assfucking Assad for Israel, the reality is he's probably doing it as a trade to get the GOP to grow some fucking balls and push a real issue.

>President: Hey I want 25 billion for the wall
>"No way! Not unless you kill some beloved rando in the middle east"
>President: I have never given less of a shit.

>> No.8893302


>> No.8893343

you /pol/ fags are so retarded or underage. Where were idiots when bush was president? This shit is mild. Its literally nothing. Trump is like bush jr. this is baby shit.

>> No.8893346

yeah this is obvious. it's always the jooz. destabilizing syria provides access to the oil supply route and that's been established as fact. the question is "is this good for crypto?", can you evaluate our situation holding shitcoins regarding the bombings? sorry i get the politics, just not the economics

>> No.8893359

but why is israel so important to the us?

>> No.8893385

>destablizing syria provides access to the oil supply route
oh ok i see but why help them so much? whats in it for the us?

>> No.8893414
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It's not. Israel is important to Israelis who are voted into office in the USA or appointed by bribed people who are. Every Congressman and Senator on this list has Israeli citizenship. Most are more subtle and are lobbied to by Israel, which is the biggest lobbying party in the USA.

>> No.8893429

Nothing is in it for us. This is a demand made by Israelis and Israeli-agents who are in office in our government. Trump did this to get them to do something for him (like vote for something pro-American for once). They have the same control over France and just last year were busted bribing and blackmailing UK ministers if anyone remembers.

>> No.8893452

International relations breaking down is good for crypto if crypto servers can remain secure. Countries impose more tariffs and bans between currency exchanges and foreign purchases during times of trouble. Crypto ignores those (for now).

>> No.8893470

Israel willingly gave up Golan Heights

>> No.8893474

I should point out that people will question Bernie Sanders being on the list. He vehemently denies being an Israeli citizen himself but spent months living in Israel on a Jewish-only communal farm.

>> No.8893482

Don't FOMO buy, this shit is all priced in.

Only faggots, shills, and bag holders will urge you to buy and hold their bags.

>> No.8893484
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Enabling oil route from Saud to EU would put immense pressure on Russia, they'd lose geopolitical power across the board as well as their main GDP export. In turn they have to take it up the ass from Murrica, let go of Ukraine's ports. That would further destabilise military power. And this is barely scratching the surface..

>> No.8893490

oh i see

>> No.8893491

War is never good for the financial markets you fucking retard.

>> No.8893497

>Al Jazeera. 4 February 2010. Retrieved 8 April 2011.
>In 2010, Israeli foreign minister Avigdor Lieberman said: "We must make Syria recognise that just as it relinquished its dream of a greater Syria that controls Lebanon ... it will have to relinquish its ultimate demand regarding the Golan Heights."

>> No.8893521

see: >>8893303 & >>8893414

Not to mention that there is now a Shia crescent stretching from Iran through Iraq to Syria and Lebanon. Part of the reason why Isis was defeated in Syria was because of the efforts of Hezbollah in Syria. A Hezbollah that is now more battle ready and with greater access to munitions and territory along with greater influence in the Lebanese government.

>> No.8893527

so let me get this straight. lots of congressmen are jewish or hold dual citizenship and in order for trump to do what he wants he has to listen to his jewish congressmen. the congressmen get bribed from israel to take action so they sockpuppet trump?

>> No.8893546

its because of chemical weapons....

>> No.8893548

ok so more perspectives on these actions. all about strategy i see

>> No.8893554

Oy vey be a good Christian and kill those worthless Arabs
You don’t like Islam right goy?

>> No.8893566

its all a fucking game to these leaders. all about money and power unironically

>> No.8893579

There is influence coming in from other areas outside of the government such as think tanks like Project for New American Century which a neo-con strategic think tank headed by pro-Israeli Jews. The head and co-founder of this institute, Robert Kagan was a key influence in American intervention in Iraq over the course of the Bush years. Of course it doesnt answer the fundamental why question but it does provide examples of influence that is heavily pro-Israel.

>> No.8893584



>> No.8893585

Taking orders straight outta Tel Aviv. It’s sad what we’ve become

>> No.8893607

its just fascinating how israelis are able to infiltrate and influence on so many levels. but it does also make sense for countries to fight each other for strategy etc

>> No.8893623
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They do this to every President. Remember how McCain was horribly against trannies in the military and Obamacare? He had Congress vote to get rid of both, he had 50 R Senators vote to get rid of both. All he had to do was vote for what he demanded for 8 years. He voted to keep both. He's one of the many politicians whose purpose is to block the current administration, no matter who it is or what they want to do, unless they do what Israel wants.

>Assad finally pushes back ISIS, Al-Nusra, the FSA, and the other factions publicly armed by Israel
>USA says it's pulling out
>Finally his country is freed from foreign invaders and domestic instigators
>Time to gas civilians so the West can unite against him
Check the comments section of even NBC for articles like this, for the first time in my life even normies don't buy it.

>Crypto effects?
Normies getting scared can push more Western money into our pockets, but the main player is India. India actually has major conflicts in Kashmir and they're a much closer neighbor to Iran who funds Assad and is on Trump's shit list. Look in the coming months/years to see if India is pulled more into this, they have a ton of normie wealth thanks to the castes. They're like China in that 10% of their population is like rich coastal snobs at the expense of the bottom 70%. If the shit hits the fan in India they'll be pulling strings to immigrate en masse and the rupee will die, they'll jump on crypto like nobody's business.

>> No.8893680
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I'd argue he's trying to fight Russian hegemony in the middle east. (But it's probably a dick measureing stunt to prove he's not a bitch to the world)

>> No.8893681

Yes, and when you look into how complex the machinations of government and political power truly is it makes it very difficult to keep a grasp on what is reality and what is not. I can sort of understand where people can come in say its all a giant plot by the Jews to destroy the white man, they push multiculturalism in white countries but want ethnonationalism for themselves it is in their nature to be subversive etc etc. But within that there arises more questions and more complications, why is it that characters such as George Soros is attempting to undermine Israel and push for the same goals he has for western countries? it seems like its a more or less a tangle of tangent lines of thoughts and evidence that cross over because of common themes and occurrences but not all match up or tend to the same direction or origin. It is easier to think and accept ideas such as the universal Jew and so forth as it fills in the gaps with gut feeling and instinct just as it is easier to presume that they are just another tribal group who are shrewd enough to cozy up to the current global power that is at least culturally similar for the sake of their own existence, its just harder to accept that there is no fundamental truth of the world particularly one which is conspiratorial in nature.

>> No.8893689
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Would probably make no difference unless Russia tries to pop off in a standoff or war (highly unlikely)

>> No.8893695

I thought India shut down all of its trading?

>> No.8893699

just crazy how they manipulate
well it will prove he has balls which is more than what can be said about obama
unrelated question why are the jews trying to incite a race war in the U.S? How are they benefiting from it?

>> No.8893710

>what about israel?
were you born last night nigger

>> No.8893714
File: 82 KB, 1334x743, mad-max-2-1001x565-(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would Bitcoin be a viable currency in a nuclear wasteland?

>in b4 the internet wouldn't be functional
the internet was literally designed to survive nuclear brainlet

>> No.8893728

my iq is too low to comprehend what you wrote. it really does boggle my mind how intricate the way people govern and it seems like they dont want us to know why

>> No.8893730
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I'm not saying he's trying to prove something to imply he's a punk I'm saying that he's doing it because Putin told him not too and everyone pressuredoes him
And Ive got no idea about what you're talking about with the race war.

>> No.8893732

incase you havent noticed idiot, we take orders straight out of TelAviv. Every problem in the ME can be traced back to Israel, Here watch this and you might finally open your eyes:

>> No.8893734

The Bank of India said they won't accept transfers of funds to Crypto, the Government didn't because they're actually not that authoritarian, especially as far as non-Western countries go. There are other banks in India that people can transfer to in order to buy crypto with.

>> No.8893735

Nuclear weapons release EMPs that would wipe out all electronics within its radius. Although the Internet as a whole would survive, no one close to where nukes landed would be able to access it. I don't think money would be useful in a wasteland at all, digital or otherwise. We'd likely end up with a barter economy.

>> No.8893740

cash, commodities, food, water

>> No.8893746

>unrelated question why are the jews trying to incite a race war in the U.S? How are they benefiting from it?

That is a question that confuses a lot of people who subscribe to the whole ZOG and Jews run the world sort of ideas. Some say that the Jews that are not in America are more liberal and push for it because they can either benefit financially from it as it keeps them in power while keeps other groups that outnumber them disparate and/or it causes so much chaos that it causes Jews to flee to Israel (which is happening in France.). This last line of thinking was questioned by Arthur Kemp who posed the question of why would Jewish people do that in the first place? Support for Israel and for Jewish people is by and large a white phenomenon other coloured races do not care about Israel or are outright hostile.

>> No.8893749


>> No.8893751

Why did Jewish bankers fund Hitler? Does this answer your question? Good luck getting the US to cough up any compensation money if shit hits the fan.

>> No.8893756


>> No.8893758

>Nuclear weapons release EMPs that would wipe out all electronics within its radius
EMPs aren't global range and faraday shielding exists.

>> No.8893763

yea someone already explained it to me. current affairs never appealed to me, im more interested in sports and whatnot. but im slowly changing and starting to see why sports are retarded and reading more news

>> No.8893773

to get rid of the inferior jews, the holocaust was a huge eugenics project

>> No.8893779

> Support for Israel and for Jewish people is by and large a white phenomenon

i wonder why


>> No.8893787

32 NFL teams 28 owners are Jewish
30 NBA teams 24 Jewish owners
Hockey is basically all Jewish owners
its a way to keep you occupied, while they have Niggers in the NFL killing each others while they make money

>> No.8893799

more or less shit is so complicated when you look into it and there are so many different sources of information to be found regarding 'Jewish tricks' but not all of them match up or seem to have a coherent goal in mind. It is because of this that attempts at any holistic theory about Jews running the world is an idea people conjure up and participate in not on rational principles but arise out of gut feelings and intuition because they need some certainty in their world and something to push and fight against because they know shit isn't right and that they have discerned enough to realise that most of it is out of their control. The other option is continued uncertainty and living with those gut feelings and intuitions which is arguably more torturous, notice that for many who subscribe to conspiracy or fringe theories are usually agnostic or atheist. Though there are a large portion who are religious and their religion accommodate these ideas.

>> No.8893800

got damn this is spot on

>> No.8893816

they're less than 2% of the population and they run the whole country
the most powerful entity in the country is the supreme court, its 9 judges and four of them are Jewish. How can 2% of the pop have 45% of the power?
the second most powerful entity is the fed and its basically a bar mitzah in there

>> No.8893821

It will make it hard to trade when electricity is a thing of the past.

>> No.8893830

Yep and white guilt that is pushed in Europe where Christian Zionism isnt a phenomenon. It locks Europeans who are mostly left wing which are ardent supporters of Palestine into ultimately accepting Israel while their right wing parties are pro-zionist.

ah okay that clears things up, thanks for the heads up on the India situation.

>> No.8893834
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>> No.8893857

but anon, Trump is Putin's puppet cause Putin won the election for Trump

>> No.8893871

Christian Zionism started because of the (((schofield))) bible written 1902
Jews have been hated and kicked out of 73 countires throughout history til the release of the (((schofield))) bible written by a Jew who evangilicals follow today
there are 90 million evangilical Americans and they are the most brainwashed idiots in the whole world. Most of them are in southern states

>> No.8893889

oh fuck off, we shitted on obama for droning syria, trump gets same response.

>> No.8893898

The southern states where they will wear a confederate flag patch on their jacket and on the back of their truck while on the way to vote for the party of Lincoln.

>> No.8893917

doesnt mean they cant be brainwahed
have you ever seen an evangilical sermon? its basically Israel first, bomb arabs second and America is not a priority and thats a fact

>> No.8893918


Of course it is good for crypto as long the internet works you can buy with crypto.

>> No.8893921
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>> No.8893924

oh and dont worry they're already removing the flags and everything that has to do with it

>> No.8893938

Diminish Russia and Iran's hold on the region

>> No.8893947

My point was in complete agreement that they can be brainwashed, Abraham Lincoln was a republican and yet it seems that by and large the supporters of confederate identity do not see the irony in voting republican.

I havent seen any besides a few ramblings on Megachurch TV that we get here in Australia. And that video where they release an Eagle inside a mega church and everyone chants USA sending the eagle into hysterics.

>> No.8893954

>internet stops working
>can't cash out
The meme is real

>> No.8893966

No it's not you fucking moron. Only retards believe in the "le digital gold" meme after observing crypto dumping in tandem with the markets, just harder. From the way crypto moves, it's digital penny stocks but only in an extremely niche market.

>> No.8893967

Yes, ww3 is good for crypto, lots and lots of btc will be locked forever.

>> No.8893972

He blew up some science facilities to appease the jewmedia. He's not going to war. Go back to sg Iranfag

>> No.8893982

(((they've))) raped this country and polluted it.
Keeping the orange clown busy with Stormy Daniels and the peeing tape......... hes the best gift that ever happened to them, they'll never find a more insecure idiot to take advantage of and anyone a /pol thats pro Trump can suck my dick

>> No.8893984

its almost as if jewish people shared a brain like they all know what to do next even in completely unrelated fields and somehow it benefits them. it sounds like a conspiracy but i guess there is some truth to it

>> No.8893993


>> No.8894016

thanks will watch

>> No.8894025

good question OP just about to ask. looks like a digit asset that you can send across borders is still valuable. do you think people will start bombing mining fields? i did not even realize if this shit gets serious countries will just bomb someones else mining field wow. is btc dead now if you can just tomahawk it?

>> No.8894032

You sound like some shitskin Muslim. Enjoy your bombs faggot.

>> No.8894051

right on faggot

>> No.8894069

That would probably be because they have high in group preference. A Crypto example of this would be that Charlie shrem, a Syrian Jew living in NYC, who was more or less a NEET coder sitting in his mums Basement. After the first bitcoin crash in 2011 he made Bitinstant and had a tiny shitty stall at a NYC tech start up convention and there other Syrian Jews who recognised that he was the same group as they because of his name took him up on his idea for a crypto-currency exchange despite his poor pitch and shoddy table.

When you have a small group of people who have a culture that emphasises the preserving of that culture through the practices and beliefs that form the identity of its individuals who make it up because of eschatological religious reasons (and perhaps biological impulse) then you will find that they will form a strong bond with those in their own group, sometimes exhibiting great selflessness and charity but will often act in the opposite to others outside of that group and perhaps to that groups detriment. it is more complicated than that but that is more or less

>> No.8894085

With new sanctions showing that Russian stocks can be raped in the oblivion by a single Drumpf’s tweet I now have more faith in magic internet money than in ruble.

t. rusfag

>> No.8894098

and every single coin that hes involved in is a fucking scam. TNB,VIBRATE, CND

>> No.8894107

Watch how they all applaud Netanyahu like lapdogs and maybe it will finally click for you. You could also watch the documentary on the "USS Liberty".

>> No.8894108


>> No.8894112

yep. our coins will moon and we all be dead. gonna be GREAT

>> No.8894122

But the Internet is designed to work even during a nuclear war.

>> No.8894152

Yeah and you cant blame them for it, Syrian Jews would be less likely to help Jews from other areas i'd imagine. The Israeli state recognises Ethiopian Jews as being descended from the original 12 tribes yet when a group of them recently returned there were reports of outright hostility from other Jewish ethnic groups and allegedly the women being unknowingly sterilised by doctors. Apparently Russian Jews are the outspoken and rude ones.

>> No.8894172

>ethiopian jews
are those the really aggressive black jews that shout obscenities at everyone on city sidewalks?

>> No.8894235

how when u get hit by a nuke

>> No.8894263

No, I do not know much about Ethiopians in general though from what I have heard from people that know them and from what I know about their country that it would be unseemly for them to make a ruckus in Public. Partly because they are usually very family orientated and have an identity within a long established culture which they can see and read about, particularly the Jewish ones as they are verified by the Israeli state and religious authorities.

Those Black Jews are American. Now there are actual black american Jews that are within the mainstream of Judaism and are members of the main lines of though be it liberal or orthodox and everything in between that is accepted within the established tradition.

The black Jews from that video where the DAS RITE meme came from is one of those peculiar fringe black american groups that believe they are the authentic inheritors of some particular religion, history and culture. It seems it comes out of the same sort of era and thinking as the whole KANGZ phenomena which I think itself is derived from ideas that are in or gravitate around those that come out of the Nation of Islam thinking that believes the white man was a failed scientific experiment during the golden era of a black global empire.

Basically its black Americans who are probably some what intelligent with some sort of literary interests but cannot handle the lack of history and meaning it and their contemporary society gives them or is taken as the norm for blacks around them (Gangster life style and ghetto debauchery) so they adopt what is more or less identity theft which ultimately is nothing but a bunch of lies heaped onto themselves.

>> No.8894302

a good (((christian))) detected
im surprised you know how to operate a computer

>> No.8894322

Considering how Russia didn't do anything as they promised, and is just wagging its finger right now.
No, WW3 isn't happening.

>> No.8894344


>> No.8894355

thanks smart anon. i noticed u used "mum" are u a britbong?

>> No.8894374

Israel staged the false flag to get us into war with Iran and Russia.

>> No.8894375

Anytime. Close, Australian.
Good luck with the trades.

>> No.8894395
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>> No.8894408

Goddamn I know fuck-all about geopolitical strategy

>> No.8894412

Is this /pol/ ?

nonetheless... very enlightening discussion bizraelis

>> No.8894419

you too

>> No.8894440
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buy bonds
the government needs our help to beat the bad guys

>> No.8894456


Most people would say yes

I would think no

>> No.8894478


Unironically, it's about an oil pipeline. If Assad stays in power Russia will get it.

As long as region is destabilized, nobody gets to have the oil.

When US installs puppet gov, they get the oil.

Look up CaspianReport and check his geopolitical stuff on the region

>> No.8894693

You dont need wrinkled brain to survive jungle this is all too excessive for it. You need it to survive the bloodthirsty anthropoid that came out the jungle and knew what you were thinking and knew that you knew him knowing and did the same exact gestures with its facial muscles mimicking every emotion. The armsrace is endless and its time to kill again. Whites, reds it doesnt matter for killing sharpens out senses. Words were made for deceit first, then to spread information. Then again we could be the protectors of life. We just need to kill the evil ones first. So hurry to kill.

>> No.8894929

>we need the govt to produce memectricity
Have you heard of sun cells? Turbines? Potatos?

>> No.8895022

They raided his lawyer's office and found some files containing personal secrets so damning he'd do anything to keep them from getting out in the public sphere. Now they own him. First command, bomb Syria. He is finished

>> No.8895072

Assad is propped up by Iran, Israel and Iran are arch enemies. Iran is now good with Iraq. A stable, friendly Syria gives them an overland route all the way to Beirut. Israel will do what it takes to prevent this. The U.S is in Israels pocket.

also helps Trump deflect from the Russian collusion angle

also gas pipeline

>> No.8895104

Alex Jones is having a full blown melt down but Vox Day says to be calm and wait and see. I'll split the difference and be mildly perturbed.

>> No.8895118

Obongo bombing sandniggers is literally the only good thing he's done.

Crank it up to 11 Mr Trump.

>> No.8895135

here's the wiki for the iranian pipeline


>> No.8895188

Yes it is
I'm going to make a Chemical coin
ticker : Chem
Fuck wit my ICO, we finna be rich

>> No.8895501
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1. Use the momentum of whatever antiwar outcry there is.
2. Create protest movement where you take money out of banks and use it to buy crypto or precious metals.
3. Profit.

>> No.8895600
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>> No.8895912

I know Vitalik Buterin is really into Jews and brought them up on multiple occasions. Most notably, he mentioned that he was inspired to create ethereum after he visited Isreal.

>> No.8896019

This. Don't you guys remember when Ted Cruz said that his religion comes first (Evangelical) and country comes second?

>> No.8896107

>kill big miners
>little miners pick up slack
But the biggest question is
are you pretending to be retarded or not?

>> No.8896281

Trumpism vs Putin

>> No.8896489

Syria today, Serbia 10 years ago. Same scenario... USA defends himan rights of 3% population by bombing the shit out of country, changes the government, provides "cheap" reconstruction loans, country reamains financially enslaved for years... + if there is some oil close by (oil well, oil route, etc...) democracy comes on a shiny Tomahawk even faster. This world is going nowhere nice.

>> No.8896542
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>we think maybe 40 foreigners died somehow
>spend $100,000,000 to avenge them
>put it on our credit card

Anything which decreases faith in our institutions is good for cryptocurrency.

>> No.8896560
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>Ameritards going full-apeshit again..
>muh grand chessboard
>muh oil
>muh human rights


>> No.8896686
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