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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8892850 No.8892850 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.8892869

Wonder if Russia is gonna respond with something. It all depends on what they will do.

Hopefully this doesn't fuck with crypto. But if there is war, world economy is fucked.

>> No.8892872

Is this a buy signal?

>> No.8892879

>>8892869 i was in my office making goo.

>> No.8892880

For BTC? YEES. Biggest bull run in human history soon.

>> No.8892882

Opened shorts and all on tvix

>> No.8892887

I was balls deep in your sister's pussy making goo

>> No.8892890

im all in on BNB yessssssssssssssssssssss

>> No.8892892

jacking off in my room

>> No.8892894

How do I short Humanity now that WW3 is in full effect? Preferable with 100x leverage.

>> No.8892906

>Trump waits until friday market close to announce fucking missle strikes on syria
the market's done on monday man, open shorts or just run.

>> No.8892915

Just like last time, nothing will happen. USA told Russia about it and they were fine with it.

>> No.8892916

"who cares that he's killing thousands of innocent civilians, he triggers the evil sjw boogieman so I like him"
- /pol/

>> No.8892922

good or bad for crypto? can a /pol/tard provide input?

>> No.8892924

please take this to /pol/

>> No.8892935

>innocent civilians
>syrian shitskins
choose one

>> No.8892938

Bitcoins pumping on this news

>> No.8892979
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>> No.8892992

It's still hard for Obama beta cucks to understand how a real Chad President acts.

>> No.8893007

how do i make money from this?
>inb4 kneepads

>> No.8893073
File: 9 KB, 275x275, 16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they refuse to listen

-13-Apr-2018 is the line you just crossed
-You will be lost in the meme forever
-The rest will be fully insured and ready for the future
-Your bags are the heaviest but are actually comprised of nothing


>> No.8893074


there's gotta be a good investment opportunity here

>> No.8893100

>le edgey shitskin comment

We know they are, but largely still innocent, who don't need to suffer, burn, cry and die because of narcissistic US politicians and their kike puppeteers.

>> No.8893102
File: 318 KB, 540x540, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MFW the joobilation faggot predicted WW3

>> No.8893119

Buying lockheed martin stock for that Tony Stark blood money.

>> No.8893130

>le edgey leddit response, upboat pleeez
then glass them, it will be painless. then gas the kikes and race war now

>> No.8893146


>> No.8893160

Normie stocks is fucked, big investors might look into a security place to lock in their investments. And there is bitcoin

>> No.8893186

buying raytheon stock

>> No.8893206

Even if the ME was nuked/bombed to dust, the Jewnited States would quickly set it's eyes on spreading (((democracy))) to China, Russia, and everyone untainted - don't you think China has too few Blacks?!

Best solution would be to nuke the US, which is the host body to the Zionist virus, alongside a plethora of Marxist political and academic viruses.

It would be a quicker death than the one already set into motion: rapidly increasing miscegenation into an even more laughable version of Brazil.

Chinese troops will land on US soil eventually, because all they would be fighting against is ugly monkeys with sticks.

>> No.8893222

Shoot your goo my dude

>> No.8893236

Which coin is "WW3"

>> No.8893257

ww3 will destory USD and stock market and bitcoin will rise good news for crypto

>> No.8893299

Bitcoin may survive, but my link is fucked. Most crypto is US based, so that's shit too.

Req would be okay, it's in the east.

>> No.8893316

>Economy is fucked
Um sweetie, America goes to war to make money.

>> No.8893345
File: 85 KB, 908x756, mfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw it's actually happening

>> No.8893351
File: 27 KB, 539x404, susan-wojcicki-youtube-ceo-harvard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We'd be fighting Israel's enemies no matter who was in office, that's the truly sad part.

>> No.8893373

So Trumps election was to just bait 4chan to meme ww3. I guess things really are too good to be true.

>> No.8893397

Why is Trump such a kike?
Is it because he’s an amerimutt mixture of 20 different European countries?
Is it because he’s a boomer?

>> No.8893424

Right here. Thanks for waiting till I got off work, Trump.

>> No.8893450

>I'm invested in Alacer Gold
>Alacer gold has a gold mine in Turkey (next to Syria)

Is price going to drop on Monday?

>> No.8893458

>imply there will be a monday

>> No.8893536

He did the same thing at the beginning of last year. Why w9uld that news crash the economy now? Stop with the panicking and overreacting on this board.