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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 107 KB, 450x337, 65253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
889022 No.889022 [Reply] [Original]

ITT, we laugh at the 99%, spot their bad financial decisions and their self-delusions. And then we laugh again.


>> No.889028

I want to see them post a spreadsheet of their budget, which they 99%(le le 99% xdd) won't have.

I think we would all be able to immediately spot their mistakes and mis-spending of funds.

>> No.889040

>borrow money to buy depreciating assets
>borrow money to make worthless investments (liberal arts degrees)
>borrow money to buy houses they can't really afford
>point fingers at people who loaned them the money when they can't pay it back

>> No.889043
File: 127 KB, 620x310, Cost of time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its great to laugh at delusions of others while you are trapped away in your mother basement hidden away from the real challenges of the world. But hey! Each year just keep on laughing! When you finally do surface please dont be surprised that you are just as worthless as the people on that tumblr.

Who the fuck takes time out of their day to shitpost these retarded threads? Seriously are you that fucking poor and meaningless that you have to create free entertainment out of retards instead of actually earning money? If you need a good laugh just look at your own life, i am sure others will be more then glad join in on laughing at your own existence.

Pic very related.

>> No.889046
File: 272 KB, 1442x1005, 1441862840370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jimmies remain unrustled.
Nice projecting though, 99 percenter

>> No.889049

>Posting about rustled jimmies
>Literally writes out 2 paragraphs whining and crying about how hard life is for him and how only losers make fun of poorfaggot degenerates

>> No.889057
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>> No.889080
File: 286 KB, 640x431, Let it flow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many posts does it take to derail a thread? IDK ASK THE 3 TARDS THAT TOOK BAIT.

Enough jimmies rustled to attract more sperm specialists here, but hey I am not one to judge how a guys gets their money, in the ass or in the mouth all goes out the same way at the end of the day.

>> No.889088
File: 61 KB, 500x403, tumblr_lsgynxqRYI1r25y9yo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.889093

So if we tax corporations, what makes these people think that we'll use the funds for gibsmedat? Chances are in favor of military spending.

Why can't people just not be autistic? It's pretty fucking apparent that using government to prop up poor people doesnt actually help them, so what's the point?

>> No.889144

>Haha! You fools! I was only pretending to be retarded! i trol u!11

>> No.889154


I bet she sucks good dick tho

>> No.889161



Also, I dont know about you guys, but a poor man has never given me a job.

>> No.889164


tumblr-gurls are the biggest slut tbh, most of them are hot as fuck too but just misguided and they desperately need a father-figure.

>> No.889434

It's funny how all these college educated fools call themselves the "99%" when just 10 years ago college graduates made up 1% of the population.

Right now it's ~7% because of asia yet the fools going to college can't make sound financial decisions and will drown themselves in debt just to get a piece of paper. You'd think people would be more careful of loans that can't be discharged and provide no tangible asset...it seems college is the perfect scam. 20k/year for a piece of paper with little value being diminished further by those around you. College will become the new *stay poor* meme soon.

>> No.889448

WTF? It was always around 20%.

>> No.889449

WORLD population not US population.

>> No.889452

Average college student loan is 30k.
I saw it. Asia inflated those numbers. I believe there are more boomer college grads than Gen Y in the US.

>> No.889454

I personally don't care about the 99%, they only exist so I can exploit them.

>> No.889461

Agreed. 99% of anything is crap. That applies to humans too.

>> No.889530
File: 303 KB, 515x382, Screen Shot 2015-09-11 at 9.12.16 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you should get rid of your dreads...

>> No.889666

>guy gets laid off, goes on unemployment
>buys $15k truck on credit
>can't afford payment
>buys $15k quad on credit
>decides to go to school, gets $4k student loan
>buys $700 cat
>creditors still looking for truck/quad
Actual person I know

There will always be people who are terrible with money which is why this whole 99%/fight for $15 shit pisses me off. It doesn't matter how much these people make it will never be enough because they will spend as much of other people's money as they are able to.

>> No.889681

That's what I said as well. Raising the minimum wage isn't going to change anything. They're going to continue their spending habits.

>> No.889684

Kid I used to work with now cuts deli meat at a market and leased a $41,000 truck...some people just cannot

>> No.889698

> hurr our society is too consumerist/materialistic
> hurr we need mo money for dem programs tax whitey

I don't understand this doublethink.
Why not preach for people to spend less?

>> No.889699

Idiots like these belong in a debtors prison

>> No.889700


>implying the 99% did anything wrong or different

stop assuming they're all liberal arts majors and realize how close you are to being them

>> No.889714

Ah, the ill effects of keynesian economics.

Spend, spend, SPEND!!

>> No.889720

>you'd have money problems too if you were a financially illiterate consumerist moron , so show some compassion

Great argument.

>> No.889776

Also known as sociopathic pathological liar syndrome.

>> No.889838


Oh God, that picture.

>Implying that corporate income taxes aren't regressive as fuck and end up landing primarily on laborers through lower wages

>> No.889926

So I'm assuming everyone here has a net worth of $8M or more, because otherwise you're in the 99% too.

>> No.889979


If that were so, we'd have the highest wages where corporate taxes are lowest: Ireland, for example.

Surprise surprise, it's not. Companies will pay workers as little as possible, regardless of their tax rate.

>> No.890025

Well, in my country, I am in the top 1%.

>> No.890034

>fired for "surgery" (probably to chop his dick off)
>fired again somehow within another month (guess he didn't that surgery).

>> No.890057

they're obviously talking about the 99% in terms of the US population and it's just the the people who are not the 1% richest, college education doesn't matter all plebs are included in the 99%

>> No.890061

>College will become the new *stay poor* meme soon
it has already been for quite a while if you're not a complete pleb who just wants to be a mediocre worker bee

>> No.890103

You don't understand Keynes. Fuck off back to your Austrian 'economics'.

>> No.890105

The high corporate tax rate combined with a convoluted tax code advantages larger firms over smaller firms, since larger ones generally pay a smaller percentage in taxes with the use of more breaks and loopholes. That's why GE can get away without paying taxes at all while a small company struggles with a 30% burden. This is a huge boon to large firms that helps them balloon in size and control ever more market share. It's a main factor in income inequality in the United States

>> No.890112

The problem is that higher education is an 'industry' and runs on a business model.

I feel bad for some people though, throughout school no one would say going to college is the wrong choice, but imagine if I said I'm gonna take out a 50k loan and do heroin for the next 4 years, people would say you're mad, but with some degrees the end result is pretty much the same.

>> No.890140

> - Now I'm probably going to offend certain people but around 80 percent of people are idiots, at least when it comes to dealing with money.
>The finance sector is about moving money from the 80 percent of humanity who are financial idiots to the 20 percent who have ideas, explained Nordea's chairman Björn Wahlroos at an appearance in Denmark.

>> No.890151


BPD = Bisexual Personality Disorder

Eating disorder = Sluts with low self image

>> No.890178
File: 126 KB, 308x302, 1389151603859.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That smug expression jesus christ

>> No.890180

>I blame others for my misfortune.

>> No.890183

Apparently I'm in the 1%. There must be some mistake.

>> No.890185

Do you make more than 250k a year?

>> No.890194

No, I don't make a penny.

>> No.890218

>fired from Whole Foods because I needed to have surgery and they did not want to give me the time off
Absolute bullshit. My mom is on paid leave from Whole Foods so she can take care of this woman that isn't even related.

>> No.890220

>chances are in favor of military spending
OR how about our fucking deficit?

>> No.890790

As far as decision makers go, deficit is a sunk cost. It's also a reflection of the general balance between imports and exports, so domestic consumption habits would have to change drastically, and no one wants to be told "you need to stop buying shit you can't afford."

Think about it this way: if you're taking out 100k student loans for an MBA, you think "oh man there's no way I'm paying that off, fuck it I'm eating out tonight." You just don't think about it. If you instead only take out like 5k student loans, well shit man, time to buckle down and stop paying for ubers everywhere you go.

>> No.891620

I have a Soldier who had to get financial assistance because he was going to miss his rent. This was back in Jan 2015. In Aug 2015, bought a 2015 Chevy 1500 4x4. Dude doesn't have a penny to his name to include owning any of the 4 vehicles he pays a note on, rents his house and doesn't have a single investment to include any retirement accounts. Dude says that he will live the high life off his 20 year military pension. hahahahahaha.

>> No.891627


got to love this privates Anon.

>> No.891628


Thank goodness you can go obtain a MBA at no cost...to yourself anyway.

>> No.891630


Privates? I'm talking about a mother fucking Staff Sergeant. The junior NCO's are some of the worst I've seen. I've got fucking Privates

>> No.891631


I've got fucking Privates and Specialists who actually routinely put hundreds of dollars away that give a fuck about their retirement. The few have became smart enough to realize that a military pension and social security won't be shit when we need it in 35 years.

>> No.891653
File: 709 KB, 627x719, need feminism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we took out student loans with no idea how to pay them back.
>we live paycheck to paycheck because we refuse to live within our means.
>we don't have any long term investments.
>none of this is my fault.

How do these people live?

>> No.891669

>how do these live?
Paycheck to paycheck and feeling like life shit on them and they are unlucky/oppressed.
I used to think like this before learning about finance. Financial literacy is shit in the U.S., I really wish my parents taught me to manage money but their generation bought into the consumer/oppressed mindset as well.

>> No.891695

Its not just military folk. Its also professional folk as well. People with professional degrees do the same fucking shit. Financial literacy is a rare thing in the world. There are people making six figures and don't save shit. The boomers are an example of this stupid mentality.
The few people who realized end up living like "bums" according to everyone. They save up money and put it away in retirement accounts. By 40 they have mid six figures saved up in a retirement account. Some are millionaires by 40 because they put it away in retirement accounts.

>> No.891696

I hate people like htis because they have no common sense. Its not hard to save up your money and live within your means.

>> No.891719

>blaming people for liking things

>> No.892943

It is everyone's problem that I am a mental and psychological mess. Get to work bitch to afford your placebo

>> No.893328

Yeah it's definitely a comparison to US wealth. But they're fuckers. In poor countries they say rich countries are to blame for everything including hurricanes and they want free money because one blew over their tent. USA today ran an article about this recently and it's just laughable, literally everything is becoming the USA's fault according to them.

What the fuckers don't see is that while they accuse the 1% US population, the rest of the world accuses them of being the 1%:

>> No.893345

This is the most amazing picture I've ever seen
First of all, every one of the millions of employees pays more taxes than her
And she actually thinks she pays more taxes than a company worth 12 figures
GE probably pays billions of dollars a year in taxes but "I'm more important because I'm the 99%"

>> No.893672

Net worth, not income

>> No.893689

teach me how to be a member of the 1% /biz/

>> No.893745

your talking net wealth here not net worth.

net wealth =assets - liabilities
net worth = assets + liabilities
b/c it assumes you'll liquidate these (-)(-) = (+)
however most people spent that shit on cheeseborgers so nothing to liquidate.