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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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888644 No.888644 [Reply] [Original]

Did you pay attention in highschool /biz/ ?

>> No.888656


It was overrated btw. I learned much more after school, with self-education.

>> No.888659

no and that's why I'm here

>> No.888661



A highschool education doesn't mean jack shit. It's just a place where they teach you civility.

>> No.888662


nope, but I wish I did. because I could have gone to a really nice school.

>> No.888664

That's a redundant question child. As long as you get good enough grades to graduate in the top 10 percentile to get guaranteed acceptance in most if not all public schools, then you're good. You don't even need to pay attention at University. As long as you have a >3.0 GPA and got related experience and references by the time you graduate, you're good to go into a life of normality.

>> No.888667 [DELETED] 
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I skipped nearly every class, smoked weed, played videogaymes all day and eventually dropped out.

Yes I do regret it. Fuck man i'll never get all those years back, I don't feel as though it was entirely my fault though. Having to switch schools every year or two because parents kept deciding to move houses made it hard to make friends and stay interested in school. As soon as I made some friends we'd move and I'd have to start over ;-; eventually just stop trying anymore

>> No.888669

I learned more in detention at the library in middleschool than I did going to highschool.

School makes people stupid thses days, more you conform to it the more parroting you will be.

>> No.888730 [DELETED] 

>Le highschool doesn't matter meme

how is mcdonalds treating you?

>> No.888732

Lol fuck no. I'm only in second year of college though, so idk what the repercussions are. So far I'm living the dream though.

>> No.888744

I had a 9 average grade in high school and a 4 average grade in college.

Guess which one employers actually give a shit about?

>> No.888768

No. Highschool is the time when you should be getting girls and enjoying life with friends (if you're lucky enough to meet someone worthwhile). You will never have that perfect balance of young/adult ever again.

I'm not Amerifat, mind you.

>> No.888772 [DELETED] 

>No. Highschool is the time when you should be getting girls and enjoying life with friends (if you're lucky enough to meet someone worthwhile)

>tfw u never experienced this, nor paid attention in school

fuck man why did this have to happen to me? I didn't get either of them...

>> No.888777

Sucks, but you're not alone. Just move on. Life is never the same for everyone.

>> No.888780 [DELETED] 

I never learned the social skills needed to do these ones.

I learned all my social skills from the internet and movies

>> No.888785

You never learnt probably because you never tried, fearing failure.

It's fine to fail and learn from mistakes, it's only natural.

>> No.888791

No, high school doesn't really matter.

I almost never did my homework, but I had the best marks easily (didn't even care about the marks). My parents, and books I was reading myself, taught me a lot of things before school did; they also taught me things school never taught.

Even university is overrated. I skipped all the lectures, learned everything with textbooks at home, then passed the exams and got good marks without problem. Yes, it was in a top university.

Anyway, knowledge isn't limited to what you learn at school or college; that's just an introduction. Most of what I know, I learned it by myself, not because I sat in a room with a bunch of chads.

>tl;dr le cool story bro meme


>> No.888807

>Calling people Chads
I guess you still have some learning to do

>> No.888810


I dropped out and afterwards finished, slept through app 20% of all classes

> 35$/h factory worker now, life is good

>> No.888817

no, not really

eat shit chad

>> No.888846

>tfw the owner of the company I work for has a son named Chad Wellington and he is the biggest douchiest Chad I have ever met. He flunked his way through college, did nothing but dick around at his frat, is dumb as a rock, and now is in position to take over the company when daddy retires/dies


>> No.888849 [DELETED] 

>Being this jelly of an alpha

lol go back to /r9cuck/

>> No.888853
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>mcqueen 4chan can't go a single thread without saying cuck

>> No.888858

that guy looks like he has been fired a lot

>> No.888859

No, but i'm incredibly intelligent so it doesn't matter

>> No.888862

yeah, but he keeps getting rehired, so he is doing something right

>> No.888864

I wouldn't say he is an alpha
He is a pretty big idiot who I wouldn't trust to run a lemonade stand let alone a full fledged corporation

>> No.888878 [DELETED] 

>He is a pretty big idiot who I wouldn't trust to run a lemonade stand let alone a full fledged corporation

And yet /r9cucks/ keep complaining about "Chad" and seething with jealousy.

Not sure why people harbor destructive feelings of jealousy instead of mimicking success.

>> No.888888 [DELETED] 
File: 115 KB, 1000x1494, Suit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was too busy stealing post numbers in the name of the Far-Superior Chan from this site to be paying attention and doing homework...
So BTFO and give us the goods!

>> No.888890
File: 458 KB, 500x707, 04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys like Miku?

>> No.888894

chad pls go

>> No.888896


>> No.888897


>> No.888899
File: 1.27 MB, 1395x770, wade all star.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.888900

lmao kiddo

>> No.888903

Great job!

>> No.888907 [DELETED] 

What, did a bunch of "Chads" beat you up every lunch at school and then gangbang your "qt pt crush"?

>> No.888908

nah, I joined the football team freshman year and all the bullying magically stopped

>> No.888946


>> No.888962

シ_ _)シ

I, for one, welcome our new overlords.

>> No.888966

Bawwww this pic is so cute :3

>> No.889370


I make 4k/month sitting at home watching TV and posting on 4chan, dranking and popping morphine.

My lifes easy....and in about a year Im going to move to India/SE Asia for a year or so....just relax on the beach, tossing back cocktails. Just party, sleep, beach...and women...from all over the world! I cant wait!! Eeeee! After that I might take the trans-siberia railway up China through Russia and check out eastern europe, idk...

What will YOU be doing in a year?

>> No.889410


Only during 9th Grade. After that I realized High School was and still is a joke. I didn't study worth shit and put in the bare minimum effort. got mostly B+s in my class and maybe 1 or 2 C's.

>> No.889420
File: 405 KB, 1024x768, CERN-2155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next year I'm going to CERN for a temporary position, where I'll be able to see Europe and contribute to mankind's progress in the the largest single machine in human history.

And I still get to do business because I own some stocks and shit. Suck it, pleb.

>> No.889440


So...."Working". Heh....feels bad man. :,(

Ive been on vacation since 2013. It ends when I die. Suck it, wage slave.

>> No.889447

I paid attention in HS
A lot of good it did me
But its best to just do it because college you will be doing more work or at least some thing like in high school

In HS i was getting 70-80 grades mostly because I hate doing homework (Its a silly concept if you pass the test especially in HS)
But in college its better to do the homework especially in stem
I am in my 3rd year in college and my gpa just dropped to 1.9 after taking 9 credits worth of D's (Due to several factors caused and not caused by school). So I fucked up a bit
High school looks like even a bigger cake walk now

Take it seriously in college

>> No.889451

I still don't pay attention in graduate school.

My careers chances are fucked with this stupid Master of Science.

I'm just going to become a drain on your welfare and take your tax money.

That's what you get for voting for socialists, /biz/

>> No.889466

How did you get a job at CERN?

>> No.889611
File: 81 KB, 600x600, anonymous-ayy_lmao@May_28_01.20.13_2015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ayy lmao owned nigs