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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8877541 No.8877541 [Reply] [Original]

Usually when everyone believes something is going to make them super rich it does the opposite. I don't want anyone to prove me wrong just read and leave and use your brain. If this many people believe it's the key to blockchain going full mainstream it probably isn't.

>> No.8877566

>this many
>some NEETs on /biz/

Go back to /r/Stellar

>> No.8877577

>If this many people believe it's the key to blockchain going full mainstream it probably isn't.
you missed the part where only 20k wallets exist and everyone outside /biz/ either thinks its a "4chan scam" or has never heard of it

>> No.8877595

This is the best indication in the sports betting world.
Fade the public.

Crypto analyst and sports handicapping are extremely similar.
I found out about and bought BTC in 2014 because the online books would encourage deposits and give bigger bonuses.

But yeah when the public agrees strongly
It’s wise to fade away.

>> No.8877646

This. Could not agree more 100% correct.

>> No.8877679

What should I buy that everyone hates then?

>> No.8877706


>> No.8877778

like eth a year ago?

>> No.8877904


While I agree with the post. I want to clarify that LINK is not on the public’s radar yet.
BIZ is a really small group.

>> No.8877928

you don't realize that 4chan is hardly the public we represent less than 1% of crypto traders, and we've memed it to the point atleast 50% of this board thinks its a scam coin.

>> No.8877932

this. even ethereum barely is

>> No.8877940

Nobody thought eth would go to 1k USD are you fucking kidding me? I realistically thought $100 was MAYBE possible. Again nobody expected ETH to moon. EVERYONE expects LINK to moon. Everyone here has become complacent after ETH/ANS. They're not seeing the truth for the wind.

>> No.8877944

if you made a poll on biz alone there would be a consensus that less than 50% of the people here own link and atleast 10% of the people here that select "yes" would actually own 0 link but pressed yes for the memes.

>> No.8877997
File: 112 KB, 1200x1200, IMG_0473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey guys, sports betting analyst here

>> No.8878047

>when everyone believes something
An bunch of neets on some racist anime board is like 0,00001% of the population.

Go walk outside, take an train or an bus or just walk through the city..You think anyone around you has ever heard of link?

>> No.8878062

Verge, Tron.
Hell even Bitconnect.
Go buy the shit out of those.

>> No.8878108

most people dont even know wtf smart contracts are. they are fucking clueless.

>> No.8878116

Lmfao. Way to reverse engineer my statement that's true 99.9% of the time.

>> No.8878125

What’s your sport anon?
Burger here...never ever parlay.
2 team 6pt nfl tease is my most exotic bet
90% of my wagers are ATS.
Primary home dog player
College football is my best sport.
I focus on smaller conferences
And local SoCal teams.
NFL is a losing proposition unless your ultra disciplined and play a game or 2 per nfl Sunday and avoid island games by any means necessary.

>> No.8878146

Check the digits!
We a secret club now

>> No.8878174
File: 37 KB, 586x578, 1519936284835.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


heres some math for you

(People who shill link)
------------------------------- x100
[(world population) - (third world countries)]

this is the percent of people who support link currently. How can you consider that >the public

>> No.8878190

Your cleaning lady knows about Bitcoin. She sure as shit doesn't know about Chainlink.

>> No.8878210

What is that truth o Oracle?

>> No.8878246
File: 192 KB, 1874x794, sounds like link.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people get so tribal in crypto - like, I understand holders shill their coins, but expending so much hate on something you don't hold is just weird.

I mean - with Link it clearly has a huge following. You could literally spend $30 and grab 100 Link.

Best case scenario - $100,000 EOY
Realistic scenario - $100 EOY
Worst case scenario - you lose $30 (oh no!)

Don't end up like all those Bitcoin/Litcoin/Ethereum haters that ended up eternal pink wojaks

>> No.8878270

Ive just joined biz and I decided to buy 100 Link today because i dont want to miss out incase it moons.
I was hoping to make some friends but my username keeps changing every time i post?

>> No.8878442

You have register your email

>> No.8878485

Kek Unironically this.

>> No.8878498


>> No.8878562

Except for /biz is nowhere near the "public". See how many upvotes or comments a chainlink post get on reddit. I agree with your theory except Chainlink is not popular at all with the general public.

>> No.8878608

/biz/ is not public
/biz/ is a bunch of autistic NEETs that know more than anyone else about the tech
outside of 4chan there's nobody invested in ChainLink yet
And don't forget that everyone here used to think that ETH would make them rich at $5 and NEO at $3

>> No.8878624

This is good fud and makes sense. I’m fucking sick of my barista trying to shill Link to me and the McDonalds employee saying shit like, “I hope I can serve Sergey a Big Mac before he turns me into a billionaire...maybe then we’ll share one!”

Just sold this shitcoin.

>> No.8878671


>> No.8878679

Best decision you've ever made. Now get out new fren.

>> No.8878706

You don't join; you accidentally stumble across it and find you can't leave. And when you think you have, you'll look over your shoulder and see it right behind you.

>> No.8878769
File: 977 KB, 1080x977, 750706a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to realize, we think LINK is being shilled everywhere because it comes up along on 4chan...but the amount of people who browse 4chan vs total people in the crypto space is INSANELY small.

Dont kid yourself into thinking we represent the entirety of crypto. We are all in on it early, and when it's being shilled by the big subreddits and crypto blogs...it'll be too late.

>> No.8878790

This. The only valid answer.

>> No.8878811
File: 267 KB, 627x450, CFF32594-74B8-4D8E-BE4E-F7EADD5938D7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve been betting on sports on/off since I could put money into online accounts. And I agree 100 percent in fading the public. But 4chan is nowhere near the “public”. In which case your theory supports the decision to buy it. $1000 EOY

>> No.8878814

Your Id says no pink wojacks with BNB and Ripple.

>> No.8878939

Just went 100% in on these.
Don't know what they do or what they're for, but I admire the shilling.
Also it hasn't gotten the pump yet that most other coins have.
Now watch them fly.

>> No.8878943

so already late for REQ?

>> No.8878969

t. Eth fudder from 2015

>> No.8878977

Why does nobody ever talk about a partnership with Valve?
They literally mention Steam by name in the white paper.

>> No.8879075

Because that was a basic, easily understood example, and a 'partnership' with valve for the described use is as consequential as an insect's fart in the wind of a hurricane.

>> No.8879146
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Hey (you) answer this
Idk personally if it's to late for req. it sure doesn't seem like it. But definitely bigger community than LINK. I think that's because of the way ChainLink is running their operation which I tend to like more anyway not giving updates every 5 min on twitter. (1) I don't have twitter, Facebook, or anything else because I think they dumb. Who'd want to update someone about everything they're doing it makes no sense to me. (2) didn't have a second thought just popped addy and thought I would.

Super attracted to pic related as well. I hope I make it.

>> No.8879204

sorry for posting previous pic. i realize it might be a bit much for blue board.

>> No.8879233


>> No.8879271

The best fud is that it just won't ever be adopted because crypto was all "just a craze" and the mainnet had serious security or scaling problems that never got fixed and now it will slowly bleed out for years before the final last bagholder gives up and the company goes under

>> No.8879698
File: 72 KB, 323x323, 1519162833750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The LINK audience is 4chan>BIZ>LINK fans

The number of people that believe LINK is a good crypto is very very small. I would estimate under 1000 people.

>> No.8879805

so i am actually retarded for putting 10k+ into this...fck