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File: 72 KB, 540x304, home-security-guard-neet-container-box-barricade-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
886990 No.886990 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best way to finance the neet life?

>> No.886993


Pick 1

>> No.886995

Okay, I'll pose the question like so.

What is the best way to stave off absolute destitute while being a neet.

>> No.886997

Get a job

>> No.887032

I don't think you understand what neet means, friend.

>> No.887040


NEET since 2001


>> No.887049

Why do all of you fucking wageslaves hate NEETs so much? Have fun being servants your entire life.

>> No.887072


>> No.887078

It's a bit frustrating that our taxes we work hard to pay go to sustaining human parasites like yourself that would otherwise have to work.

>> No.887082

You neets get so angry when you see pictures of people with a nice car, house or boat etc. sure if you're a wage slave making $7/hr then maybe neet life is better.. But if you actually went to college and got a six figure job out the door, then neet life looks like garbage.

>> top tier university
>> physics & comp sci
>> 180k starting salary
>> set my own hours / work from home 2-3 days a week
>> 28k bonus soon
>> average 20-25 hours a week unless big project then a couple busy weeks
>> live in city
>> studio apartment
>> amex platnium
>> cleaning service
>> eat out / takeout (no cooking)
>> no debt no student loans
>> vacation once a month
>> hot girlfriend whos in law school
>> season tickets to pro sports
>> voulenteer at local soup kitchen + donate money
>> six figures investment account(s)
>> dont look like dbag with daddymoney (trust fund kids / dan bilzerian)
>> millionaire by 30
>> mercedes glk300 (need suv for snow)
>> bmw m3 convertible 2010 (summer fun)
>> preordered mercedes cla amg 2016 should get sometime this fall, almost 100% paid for
>> my only real bills are my studio apartment (buying one soon) and food so i basically have 130k of play money every year.
Please show me a neet who lives a better life. I'm 24/male

>> No.887090

Enjoy you're unnecessary status symbols, I hope it fills the space your soul left when you sold it to the corporate world.

I've got everything I need to be happy without slaving away everyday.

>> No.887092
File: 81 KB, 595x418, nigel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i have developed trading systems that average 20% per month
>mfw i started with 500$ with a bucket shop and closed my account with 20k after 6 months
>mfw i keep separate accounts with different leverage/ risk per trade
>mfw the most overleveraged one made me 4k in 12 days
>mfw i'm just 23 and i already have over 230k in equity
>mfw i have already extinguished my student loan
>mfw now this thread will be flooded with asshurt value investing meme boys averaging their pathetic 12% PA trying to convince me that i'm wrong and they are right
>mfw i'm literally paid for clicking a buy/sell button

>> No.887093
File: 380 KB, 618x390, deniro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i'll be richer than the guy you are so butthurt about in a few years while doing literally nothing except clicking

>> No.887098

tell me about it

>> No.887099

Haven't been able to figure it out myself so I'm a voluntary NEET I have the education, experience and training but I just fucking hate working so I work a job for a year then slow my performance to a bare minimal so I can get fired and collect unemployment for 6-12 months. The best way would probably be selling cocaine or weed maybe shrooms.

>> No.887103

I'm talking about the fat (sometimes skinny) losers who exist on /g/ and /r9k/, and live off of welfare as previously mentioned in this thread.

If you can trade well enough to not need to work, all the power to you.

>> No.887105

Portfolio with a time stamp or it didn't happen.

>> No.887106

Pretend to have autism/severe social disabilities preventing you from getting a job. Use the meager amount to live in a $400/month efficiency apartment leaving only to go to the grocery store, spend the rest on anime/alcohol.

>> No.887108

>What is the best way to finance the neet life?
Trust fund. If you weren't born with it then you are fucked because it takes a lifetime to accumulate one using non-extraordinary methods.

>> No.887112
File: 170 KB, 658x839, 1440061474950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always dreamed about having money. I mean, a lot of it. Not for the money in itself, but for the freedom that comes from being rich and not having to worry about a thing.

There is also the nice sensation that comes from realizing that there is not a single being who can tell me what i can and cannot do. No boss i have to slave for, no bitching coworkers. Perfect, limitless, absolute freedom.

But i had to pay for it. It took me basically two years of hard work, analyzing price datas, sifting through the tons of pure bullshit, shilling and useless stuff that usually comes with every google search about trading. But i felt the opportunity was definitely there.
In conclusion, you have to crave that kind of freedom, you have to put your own brain and analytical thinking to good use, and you need to have the balls. A lot of them.You need to be brutally honest with yourself, all the time, you need to develop the kind of superhuman discipline necessary to get the job done. You will get to the breaking point more than once. At times you will think you are losing your mind. It's going to be the hardest thing you will ever do.

But maybe i'm just being overdramatic. A lot of people i know have done far better than i did while hardly breaking a sweat. Guess it's subjective.
I am not selling anything. I'm not trying to convince anybody of anything. I ain't gotta post shit, fuccboi. Feel free to be in disbelief about me. It's an excellent mental exercise as well
>also mfw portfolio

>> No.887113

Good read but unless you post some
Sort of proof then you're full of shit faggot

>> No.887119

Nah. Besides it adds the extra flavour of doubt to the already tasty online butthurt. I'm just here to laugh. May or may not give good advice as well according to my mood.

>> No.887128
File: 139 KB, 992x1592, wage slave logic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.887146
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>> No.887149



>> No.887161


Why do you sound like a pretentious prick?

O wait, you are one.

>> No.887176

But there's far more wasteful spending that none of you seem to care about.

>> No.887198

>180k starting salary

please don't make yourself a meme dude

>> No.887276

shoplifting / autismbux / parents / panhandling /

>> No.887350

Is your system an automated trading program, where the computer is doing all the analysis and trades for you? Or is it a system where you're running the numbers by hand/spreadsheet and you make the trades yourself?

Also it sounds like you taught yourself through books and being able to use Google. Any specific resources you recommend?

>> No.887361

Probably money. If you can't finance it with money, you need to trade something for money. Have you considered having a lot of oil or gold? Those things trade for money real easy. I guess if you don't want to have a lot of money, or at least gold/oil, then you should consider having a lot of something else, but expect it to take longer.

Bottom line: i recommend you start having lots of money. That's the easy way!

>> No.887368

"i'll take (things that never happened) for 500 alex"

>> No.887373

A bit of the two. It's automated, but i have to take the chart patterns manually, since i need fundamental analysis as well.
As for the resources, Market Wizards,Encyclopedia of Candlestick Patterns by Thomas Bulkowski, Bollinger on Bollinger Bands. Also Quantpedia to get an idea of risk management models, automated systems (if you like them).

There are some courses online as well, and they can drastically reduce your learning time. Make sure the guy selling you the course has an audited track record if you go that way. keep in mind i never took a single paid course.

Trade with the long term trend, but fade the short term trend. That's how you make money. I'm also boasting huge returns since, like i said, i tend to overleverage the fuck out of my accounts, since i know how much my risk of ruin is with my style, so i can "play" with it. Demo trade is a must, at lest 6 months before you even consider using real money.
Good luck

>> No.887386

How to finance the neet lifestyle.

Write down on 3x5 flash cards the things and conditions you really want.

Do not be afraid of wanting too much. Go the limit in writing down your wants.

Remember to write in the PRESENT TENSE (example - I have a girlfriend, I own a Honda Civic 2016)

Change the list daily, adding to or taking from it, until you have it about right. Do not be discouraged on account of changes, as this is natural. There will always be changes and additions with accomplishments and increasing desires.

Three Positive Rules of Accomplishment
1. Read the list of what you want three times each day: morning, noon and night.
2. Think of what you want as often as possible.
3. Do not talk to anyone about your plan except to the Great Power within you which will unfold to your Objective Mind the method of

It is obvious that you can not acquire faith at the start. Some of your desires, from all practical reasoning, may seem positively unattainable; but, nevertheless, write them down on your list in their proper place of importance to you.

There is no need to analyze how this Power within you is going to accomplish your desires. Such a procedure is as unnecessary as trying to
figure out why a grain of corn placed in fertile soil shoots up a green stalk, blossoms and produces an ear of corn containing hundreds of
grains, each capable of doing what the one grain did.

If you will follow this definite plan and carry out the three simple rules, the method of accomplishment will unfold quite as mysteriously as the ear of corn appears on the stalk, and in most cases much sooner than you expect.

>> No.887391

What are you losers going to do when mommy and daddy kick you out or hopefully pass away?

>> No.887468


Because I live in America where the NEET like is much harder to do than in Yurop.

>> No.887474

own your own home
go on welfare

>> No.887523

I'm actually going to try this

>> No.887687

Think and Grow Rich (in a nutshell) ?

>> No.887709
File: 141 KB, 992x1856, 1371850644232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not posting the real version

Wizard, plz

>> No.887714

Welfare, sell plasma

>> No.887722

>be me
>started 5 online businesses
>make 45k a month average (can make more depending on sales)
>work when I want since this shit is automated
>buy whatever I want in cash

>> No.887820

What areas are you business in?

>> No.888984

Does the guy on the left represent entrepreneurs, the homeless, people that still live with their parents, or what?

>> No.888993


Earl Nightengale go home