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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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8869141 No.8869141 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else seeing this? According to fork.lol

BCH hashrate down 0.6 and BTC spiking to ATH at 37.7

BCH 1.3 blocks/hr BTC 9 blocks/hr

BTC retarget in 1.5 days with a projected 12% spike (could go higher if this hashrate keeps up)

What is going on?

>> No.8869171

Intelligent miners and traders played the altcoin Niggers. Welcome to the coin monarchy

>> No.8869172
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>drops in satoshi when BTC shits its pants
>doesnt recover equally when BTC recovers or goes sideways
>just does some random artificial pumps now and then which you have to predict

Surely a good investment and hold.

>> No.8869184
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>What is going on?
Flippening to BCH.
One BTC costs now about ~$3k to mine. Next adjustment makes it $3.3k. After, $3.63k.

In about two months, mining will become so unprofitable, that we approach miners switching to BCH, effectivelly killing BTC in the process.

>> No.8869196


>> No.8869201

muh dragonslayer

>> No.8869206
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tfw there are STILL believers in dragongaying

>> No.8869208

>Accumulating bitcoin becomes more expensive
>Lesser circulating supply
>Price must go down

>> No.8869211

When will you give up that shitcoin?
you guys have been just spouting flippening for like 6 months now.
"Just you wait until next difficulty adjustment"
"not this one, the next one"
there is a difficulty adjustment every 2 weeks, so it's happened about 12 times now?
And in any case, it was only "dangerous" before. Now BCH difficulty adjusts so quickly that if miners move there, it immediately becomes unprofitable. Unless roger is buying more BCH to increase price like crazy. But it seems like he really ran out of BTC to trade.
He's probably down like 80% from his portfolio 6 months ago

>> No.8869212

uhh BCH mining difficulty theoretically should be proportional to market share. So if BCH is 100% then it would have the same mining efficiency of BTC.

I'm posting this because BCH is ~10% price of BTC but current hash ratio is ~2%. Something weird is going on.

Is Bitmain full on BTC mining to jump difficulty for an attack come Friday?

>> No.8869216

probably some pajeet who still have to post a certain amount before roger pays him.

>> No.8869252

I actually am not even holding BTC or BCH right now nor was I aware that it is called "dragonslaying".

But looking at the costs of mining, it starts to reach dangerous levels. In January, we had half the difficulty. And 10% every two weeks can lead to a fucked blockchain.

Argue with me with what you think. Accusing me of "shilling" something does not bring you anything.

>> No.8869259


>> No.8869264

>it starts to reach dangerous levels
Do you even know what you're talking about?
are you new here?

>> No.8869273
File: 11 KB, 226x223, yaaaay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>are you new here?

>> No.8869275

>I don't know Jack Shit but I *do* know Jack Shit
mate ... just fuck off back to 9gag

>> No.8869280
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It's also no coincidence BTC shorts are at an ATH, even more than when it was 20k. Something special is coming for the corecucks

>> No.8869282

yeah he's talking about hiking up the difficulty to the point where the profit margins for BTC are tiny. Then Bitmain switches their hash, orphaning the BTC with high difficulty and 1 block/day. Then CSW dumps the genisis block for BCH.


>> No.8869285

Then you should know that mining price and difficulty go hand in hand and balance themselves out.
As they've been doing for 9 years.
If it's too expensive to mine, Jihan turns off the miners. Then it's cheaper to mine.

>> No.8869286

As someone all-in btc this is giving me raging D

>> No.8869303

>As they've been doing for 9 years.
Was the difficulty every so high in relation to the price?
Also: Jewhan stops mining --> hashrate drops --> new / old players who stopped using miners get back in --> situation the same.

Just last week a mining company in Norway stopped operating. If mining becomes profitable for them again, their miners go online again.

>> No.8869313
File: 85 KB, 1374x704, bchlong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8869317
File: 150 KB, 1372x1492, flippening.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8869350


>> No.8869351
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>mfw you realise blockstream pays for pajeets to shill their bcore shitcoin, not the other way around

>> No.8869362


>> No.8869468
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>> No.8869595

fucking reddit idiots are here. fuck reddit and fuck you for coming here faggot