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File: 168 KB, 1807x944, 93dc6b33ab74cf200d31035c244a8409.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8864347 No.8864347 [Reply] [Original]

We just bounced off the trendline again, load up the shorts we'll h be hitting 6.7k in the next hour or two.

>> No.8864357
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What is this shit tier TA

>> No.8864358
File: 7 KB, 240x240, 666.66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whales are accumulating

>> No.8864365

Snore, keep drawing those meme lines, and you'll keep seeing the graphs doing everything but follow them

>> No.8864377

I don't like the color of your lines. Can you make them look prettier please? Thanks.

>> No.8864387

point taken, will look to improve

>> No.8864388

We have a decending triangle in formation. Great time to set up a short.

>> No.8864408

Whales have been accumulating for months its no meme.

Not sure when bitcoin will pop off though so im just trading the short-term trends for now.

>> No.8864470

yeah load up the shorts boys yeah do it yeah

>> No.8864479
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>Whales are accumulating is not a meme

>> No.8864488
File: 26 KB, 981x298, retard alert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doing TA on this
does that level of autism hurt or are you oblivious to how retarded you are? Do you need the graph to literally spell out "MANIPULATION" until you realize your meme lines dont mean shit?

>> No.8864532

okay well i was right so those that took my adivce would be ahead faggot.

>> No.8865461
File: 127 KB, 2668x516, Screen Shot 2018-04-11 at 7.20.26 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so glad i shorted this epic drop

>> No.8865554

here to confirm this shit is not breaking 7k short now!!!

>> No.8865579

>bart formations are manipulation
i wonder what it's like having an 80 iq

>> No.8865592

Ignore this guy, guys. Wait for confirmation from the next 4 hour candle body closes.

Listening t othese fucktards is a coin flip. However, if we close a 4 hour candle below 6700 or above 6950, go in that direction. We should have a good idea of where we're headed short term by tomorrow.

>> No.8865598
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I wonder who might be preventing it from going down

>> No.8865905

think about it logically. we need about 2k btc to be bought on bitfinex alone in order to break 7k. which is prob around 5k total btc needed to break in 1 push. this is equivalent to a volume needed thats 3x larger then what we currently have. IT IS LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE TO BREAK 7K BRAINLETS

>> No.8866062


7k was broken yesterday.

When a resistance gets broken, 'real' orders are eaten, and weaken the resistance for future attempts. Whales can then replace the orderbook with their own buy walls, to make it *look* like the resistance is strong again, and then pull them at the last minute when they want to pump it.

This isn't 100% certain but it is something to be considered before just looking at the orderbook and saying "yeah that's hard".

>> No.8866091

lol you still exist? under this username?

>> No.8866133


Shorts about to reach the ATH they were at yesterday again too. I don't think we will stop at 7k because:
1) Market maker will not allow normies to get rich just pressing the short button mindlessly
2) Every short that gets liq'd creates a buy order that will act as jet fuel to the pump.

>> No.8866158

or the whales will let normies make money creating confidence in shorting and fomo while later pumping it once shorts reach 45k or so

>> No.8866225


Shorts are already overbought tho at 39k. There was a normie bragging about 'reverse buying' bitcoin on facebook yesterday. Market maker will not have this.

>> No.8866254

market makers also allowed normies to pump tron to 2k sats. dont be an idiot. this shit is going to dump trade sideways while normies fomo into shorting then get liquidated with a pump to 10k

>> No.8866278


>> No.8866599

This is exactly what is going to happen. They got us to HODL like idiots for 3 months because of the confidence they created pumping to 20k. Our confidence is shattered now, they can't continue to stomp out every little bit of hope every time it appears or there will be none of us left soon.

>> No.8866756

exactly they are just waiting for the slight downtrend bounce off resistance before dumping mark my words it will be dumped very soon

>> No.8867201

give proof of short or fk off

>> No.8867235
File: 22 KB, 225x225, 15234947811134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If I post plush pepe, it means I'm right

>> No.8868022

Bow down to me

>> No.8868059

Ok, but when will REQ moon, though?

>> No.8868069
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>> No.8868073

omegamaker was right once again baka

>> No.8868099

You’re always wrong though, this is literally the only time you’ve ever been right

>> No.8868101
File: 61 KB, 598x687, 1523339915621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>says 7k impossible to break
>literally happened yesterday
Behold the power of TA

>> No.8868106
File: 234 KB, 689x350, 1489375761719.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good call. What indicators?

>> No.8868119
File: 110 KB, 540x540, 1509775449097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>money shamanism
good call op

>> No.8868122

thats exactly what the whales want you to think. hence why you didnt listen to omega again and lost out on money because you stay with the memes bro

>> No.8868152

You called it.

>> No.8868206
File: 358 KB, 492x482, B7B53092-14E0-48B2-A3B1-F418FB700D8E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get liqd scum bags

>> No.8868208

z abandon dead prophet orkle for omga

>> No.8868211

called it

>> No.8868220

Theres going to be a really nice short squeeze here after this quick fake out

>> No.8868222
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you're in the screen cap

>> No.8868273


We still going down? Time to tether up eh?

>> No.8868306
File: 49 KB, 640x480, 543DDB94-DA85-485E-9F60-8DA250C97ED4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Price is literally climbing. You mad pajeet?

>> No.8868369


This is awesome, every manipulation dump we can just pick more and more of it up.

>> No.8868374
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>> No.8868492
File: 977 KB, 500x281, A45EC02E-D3A8-49D6-95F7-D8B9ACFDAE68.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf, he got it wrong faggot. Op confirmed TArd.

>> No.8868726

Pay your respects bitches
