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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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885302 No.885302 [Reply] [Original]

Why arent you rich as fuck, yet? Whats the matter?

>> No.885304


>> No.885307

I am though

>> No.885314 [DELETED] 

Why aren't you?

>> No.885325


Dan can't even get real pussy.

All his women are paid prostitutes.

>> No.885329


Are we talking properly rich as in money you made yourself or "rich" as in "shamefully inherited it from daddy"?

>> No.885354

How to become rich.

Write down on 3x5 flash cards the things and conditions you really want.

Do not be afraid of wanting too much. Go the limit in writing down your wants.

Remember to write in the PRESENT TENSE (example - I have a girlfriend, I own a Honda Civic 2016)

Change the cards daily, adding to or taking from it, until you have it about right. Do not be discouraged on account of changes, as this is natural. There will always be changes and additions with accomplishments and increasing desires.

Three Positive Rules of Accomplishment
1. Read the cards of what you want three times each day: morning, noon and night.
2. Think of what you want as often as possible.
3. Do not talk to anyone about your plan except to the Great Power within you which will unfold to your Objective Mind the method of accomplishment.

It is obvious that you can not acquire faith at the start. Some of your desires, from all practical reasoning, may seem positively unattainable; but, nevertheless, write them down on your list in their proper place of importance to you.

There is no need to analyze how this Power within you is going to accomplish your desires. Such a procedure is as unnecessary as trying to figure out why a grain of corn placed in fertile soil shoots up a green stalk, blossoms and produces an ear of corn containing hundreds of grains, each capable of doing what the one grain did.

If you will follow this definite plan and carry out the three simple rules, the method of accomplishment will unfold quite as mysteriously as the ear of corn appears on the stalk, and in most cases much sooner than you expect.

>> No.885357 [DELETED] 

Thank you tai Lopez. This is great advice, soon we will all be Warren Buffets.

"The more you scam, the more you earn." - Tai Lopez

>> No.885358

having a girlfriend or wife is just "legal" prostitution actual prostitutes are honest with themselves.

>> No.885372


>> No.885403

Pls Oprah no one cares about ur ugly lezbian ass

>> No.885420

great KNAWLIDGE right there

>> No.885477

tips fedora

>> No.885483

prostitue detected

>> No.885596

>muh trust fund

>> No.885598

Think Rich Grow Rich, huh? great book. a proper mindset is everything

>> No.885612

Book sucks. The more I look back, the more I realize how wrong the book is.

>> No.885621 [DELETED] 

>Think Rich Grow Rich, huh? great book. a proper mindset is everything

Shit-tier book fam

>> No.885634

how so?

>> No.885635

>mamma needs d'at fity cents!

It is all like that. That if you put your mind to it you can create miracles. Total bullshit.

>> No.885647

heheh, i remember that part. i think theres some merit to it, it's more about getting in the mindset to actually get shit done. the entire book just kinda hypes you into thinking it's true, and i know it motivated me to get off my ass and start a career.

>> No.885669

I'm with you. Getting in the mindset is half of it.

People shit on kawasaki here too, but I've found great things came from refusing to accept that I can't afford something. All in the mindset

Got a boat out of it too, so in delighted

>> No.885756

Doing mental gymnastics to justify only being able to fuck hookers

>> No.885766

because I'm not a trust fund baby like Dan...


>> No.885785

B-but all my flashcards are 3.5x4.5

>tfw never going to make it

>> No.885788

Because the authenticity of something is linked to the effort involved in attaining it?

See also:

>People who work out in a gym have "fake" muscles. You need to be a lumberjack or surer or something to have real muscle

>You won the lottery? Pah, it's not real money because you didn't really earn it.

>I'm on a diet, but this dessert doesn't count if somebody buys it for me, tee hee XD

>> No.885794

>three girls blowing at the same time

Literally $500. Is this what rich is? I make that in a day.

>> No.885798

Dealing with one woman is painful enough, I can't imagine why this guy chooses to constantly hang around with a bunch of hotties AFTER they've serviced him sexually.
Imagine all the pointless crap and bitching they would do...
The best part about hookers is that you pay them and they go away.

>> No.885827


If all your girlfriends are wearing matching bikinis, they're not really your girlfriends.

>> No.885830

I always cringe when adults bring up High School like this.

>> No.885844

Easiest way to tell someone never made it past high school

>> No.885846

Dan. Lizerian is a terrible way to make someone envious. We need a better rich playboy meme , someone selfmade like oh idk

Fucking hugh hefner maybe?

>> No.885874



>> No.885889

This guy on /biz/ said my girlfriends aren't real girlfriends and he may be right, but I doubt he's had 3 girls blow him at the same time.

>> No.885914

Been there done that.. though they were literally crackwhores..

>> No.885915

How about trump?

>> No.885917

He lives the life of a king but that beard looks like a lot of insecurities

>> No.885919

Oh look
Another fuckboy who got slightly lucky enough to advertise his alpha macho attitude and become an idol to people who glorify money and bitches

Literal white equivalent of all the ghetto rappers who made (or come off like they made) a few bucks In the game

>> No.885922

the candyman:


>> No.886012


>> No.886018

This guy didn't work for his money though. He is trust fund baby

>> No.886026

I am rich as fuck, problem is the commie asshole circus is withholding my inheritance by sucking dick and getting assblasted until they die.

Good thing they die cause they're damned.

>> No.886207
File: 97 KB, 550x468, autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When he said it's not real pussy he obviously didn't mean it's actually pisically not real like a waifu or something.

He was talking about the merit of it.

The impressive thing about having a lot of women is how hard it is to get them "normally" by having them be attracted to you.
If you pay for them you take out what's impressive about them, so they're nothing special anymore.

Pic related: It's you.

>> No.886226

Doing things soley for money and material gain makes me feel dead inside.

>> No.886227

Underrated post.

>> No.886229


Roman Abramovich


>> No.886230

>who glorify money and bitches

Is there anything else in life? Lemme guess... Love? Family? Friends? "Happiness"?

Go ahead anon, answer the question.

>> No.886237

>I AM rich as fuck
>I'm just waiting on my daddy's money

I don't really get jealous of or bitter toward trust fund babbies, it's not like I would turn down free money myself, but most of you really are coddled little fucks. Your wealth is your business, but this entitled bitching makes you look no better than a ranting NEET on foodstamps.

Your daddy's money shouldn't be the make or break in whether you're "rich as fuck". Become competent and self sufficient instead of relying on others to spoonfeed you.

>> No.886245

My point exactly. Why does the "impressiveness" matter? Are you suggesting he'll enjoy the pussy less because he didn't romantically woo each of those girls and turn up at their doorstep with a bunch of posies to ask their father's permission to date them? Oh come on, the guys literally rolling in pussy and he's loving it. If he wants a meaningful and deep relationship I expect he'd do that instead. But stop being a damn crab and kidding yourself he's not "truly happy" or whatever. Leave that tall poppy bullshit for the hippies.

>> No.886246

Yes, yes, yes, yes. Gaining intellectual knowledge, abstract knowledge, having satisfaction in life, understanding the way of the universe.


>> No.886252

The problem isn't so much that there are trust fund babies - it's that so few of them manage to leverage it into anything worthwhile despite literally having every door open to them. When money is no object, yeah, you can fuck hookers three at a time but you can also spend your days doing important shit; study what you want, pay to go to the best schools i.e. actually apply yourself. Learn to fucking paint if that's what you want to do instead of getting a PhD from some Ivy.

>> No.886278
File: 190 KB, 747x1000, 1435362007498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lolok to each his own I guess. Dan Bilzerian could probably buy your family and friends 10x over

I would rather have none of that and get mad money bitches. Health though. Thats my vice. I dont want to have something wrong physically that I cant enjoy my money and bitches.

>> No.886281

If you cant score women on your own personality, you can't attract them on a personal level, and they're not there for you but for your money, well, who gives a fuck if you have them? You may as well buy expensive food and go "so proud of my plate lol" as if you cooked it or something.
Having 30 prostitutes is you just going "look im rich"
Has nothing to do with being a cool guy who scores bitches

>> No.886288

>Dan Bilzerian's Dad could probably buy your family and friends 10x over


>> No.886297

He may buy people out
But that doesn't mean anyone respects him :')
If all you are is a slave to your primitive sexual desires (literally cucked by your dick) and you just chase after money like a good goy like your idols tell you to do, well, you're just another generic Tyrone


>> No.886471

lol trust fund babbies are commies 2 me im on another level of entitlement here

>> No.886495

Wow, some use of internet language you are using there.

>> No.886871


they give the best head.

>> No.886893

His daddy was rich?

>> No.887574
File: 33 KB, 600x292, JP7UVb0K.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't say he is not enjoying them. I just said that it's nothing that deserves respect.

If he's happy being surrounded with prostitutes and gold diggers, than good for him. I just said that having all those women is nothing remarkable when he pays for them.

>> No.887599

>not dissenting the unnatural norm which is monogami
>not acknowledging the fact that sleeping with prostitutes is the most manly thing you can do

>> No.887779

>sleeping with prostitutes
What you do with your money, is your business, I suppose.

>> No.887783

He looks weird without the beard.
I would kill my family to get his life but I've read that most people he knows hates him and hangs out with him just for money. Don't know if that's true tho

>> No.887805

Of course its true. Just look at him.

>> No.887873

That's overcompensating. What the picture portrays is "That's not what I said,listen carefully."

>> No.887880

>amount to anything
What has he amounted to? Didn't he get all his money from his dad?

>> No.887905

kek, whatever helps you sleep alone at night

>> No.889236

only one of these girls is even hot. cheerleader effect in full swing.

>> No.889244



I'm not hating on Dan for being rich. I'm not hating on Dan for drowning in pussy.

I'm hating on Dan because he has to boast to the public on a daily basis about how great he is, when really he's a weak faggot who has won absolutely nothing.

Also, fake love does indeed get old eventually.

>> No.889252


>> No.889256

I hate him cause of his jaw.

I have the same issue with Tony Robbins.

>> No.889273

>People shit on kawasaki here too
And for good reason, because the only thing that guy has ever done to earn real money is write a book about his fantasies about what it's like to earn real money.

>> No.889359

His brother is also far smarter than him.

>> No.890578

>That's overcompensating. What the picture portrays is "That's not what I said,listen carefully."


"That's not what I said,listen carefully." was exactly the point of me posting that picture, since I said one thing (that it's not remarkable), and he responded to me talking about another separate issue (doesn't mean he doesn't enjoy them).

It's also clear if you read the first line of my post:
>I didn't say he is not enjoying them. I just said that it's nothing that deserves respect.

>> No.890604

having a skill and having novel, enriching experiences.

$400,000 spent traveling the world is far more enriching and valuable and fulfilling than having an expensive piece of tin sitting in your garage 360 days per year... that's hollow. empty.

and actually having a talent that you can't buy is worth far more than just having a bunch of zeroes in your bank account. only hard work can earn a valuable skill, but anyone can win the lottery.

when a woman hooks up with a musician, it's because they value him as an individual person, for his actual self. you cannot separate the talent from his fingertips and hand it to someone else.

when a woman hooks up with a rich guy who purchases her through prostitution, she is having sex with his money- something completely detached from him as a person. tomorrow he could lose his wealth and be worth nothing to them, the entire romance and interaction is completely fake.

but a musician worth very little economically, yet ripe with talent that is hardwired to his actual self might hook up with beautiful women all over the 'States or globe because of who he actually his. their lust for him is actually genuine.
The difference is between actually being a highly valuable person, and being a person who carries a high value item in his pocketbook.

>I'm awesome and valuable and all the girls want me for who and what I am
>my money is awesome and valuable and all the girls want it

I feel really sorry for anyone who'd prefer the latter.

>> No.890633

Disgusting hippy hedonist detected.

>> No.890636

I was my father was a convicted fraudster who routed most of his money through me as 'poker winnings' to avoid the feds seizing it

>> No.890638

I'm not sure how exploring cultures and making friends all over the world is more hedonistic than ordering hookers, but I'll take your word for it, soulless man.

>> No.890639

You don’t need money to get all that pussy. I’m a bartender. I don’t make much at all because I don’t work more than three days a week. But there’s new girls all the time and it’s relatively easy to get laid with sufficient practice at seducing girls. It doesn’t hurt that they’re getting loaded. Now is that the end all be all of existence? No. Accomplishing goals in life and experiencing things is what it’s all about, and everyone has to find their own meaning. But as a man I derive a great amount of pleasure from getting with new girls on the regular. As for Dan, it doesn’t hurt to have a rich dad who can finance your lifestyle. But I’d be lying if I said I didn’t envy his lifestyle on some level. Sure it’s largely artifice, but you know that guy doesn’t have to take shit from anyone and probably isn’t checking his bank account to see if there’s enough money to pay rent.

>> No.890691

I only know this idiot because he injured some paid prositute when he tried to throw her into a pool.

>> No.890758
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>> No.890761

Holy fuck you sound like a poor delusional retard

Yeah, and if she was attracted to him purely through his musical ability/persona, and if he lost that then she'd leave him too. People are just attracted to high worth/status people and that can be in many different ways. A rich man is the male equivalent of a beautiful woman.

No one thinks "all the girls want my money" unless they're hiring prostitutes or tryna fuck sluts. It's like you've watched all these hollywood movies and actually believe the bullshit stereotypes and tropes they propagate.

I love how you project about the guy hooking up with beautiful women, because it shows just how shallow your world view is and the qualities you find attractive in a mate. Hint: If you were a female you'd be talking about a powerful, rich man

>> No.890767


Remember kids. The height meme is only a meme.

>> No.890772


>"but you still payin' right? Then she a hoe."

>> No.890805

I would rather have both. This whole feel good bullshit, is just that, feel good bullshit.

With enough money I could fuck the musician's guy life and he will never play again.

>confirmed for never going to make it

If you do things solely just because it feels good, you will be pleb forever.

>> No.890813


Sounds fucking retarded, faggot.

You think anyone that's rich now fucking sat around dick in hand with some flash cards? Get fucking real.