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8860227 No.8860227 [Reply] [Original]

With the recent Facebook case, would Oyster (PRL) not solve a lot of those problems?

It would completely remove any need for advertisements while still making a profit, in fact, if someone created a competitor to Facebook running Oyster for revenue, would it not be insanely successful?

Am I missing something?

>> No.8860431
File: 167 KB, 1280x720, aoi17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bump, I can't be the only one curious about this... it would make PRL one of the most undervalued projects.

>> No.8860630

Stop posting your perverted Cartoons if you want replies.

>> No.8860783
File: 1.10 MB, 909x879, aoi31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're the pervert here.

>> No.8860807
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>> No.8860810

how would an adless platform prevent the sale of user data?

>> No.8860847

ah doy. you could run oyster on any platform and make revenue

>> No.8860851

First of all, I would be remiss if I did not remind you of how stupid you clearly are. You are a fucking retard that would like people to spoonfeed him information. You are probably an unmotivated failure in your life and you should do the world a favor and kill yourself. Keep in mind that bleach is a relatively inexpensive household product. Now that we have the formalities out of the way, I was molested when I was a kid by a man in a liar costume so now I can't lie: Oyster PRL is not going to replace Facebook because one of its biggest selling points is eliminating the need for advertisements in websites by using the visitor's computer to mine cryptocurrency. It is interesting to note that this is a grey area since it could be argued that using computational power from visitors is bad, but is it really bad if they agree beforehand? Do you truly appreciate what they are relinquishing? Recently Egypt was caught using their citizen's computers to mine Monero look it up. All that being said, if there is a cryptocurrency that will dethrone Facebook it will have to be geared toward social media. A good example that comes to mind is Steemit (created by Dan Larimer, the genius behind Bitshares and EOS) and the future becomes even more optimistic when you realize that they have a decentralized Youtube they call "dtube". Now take into account the controversy surrounding Facebook's handling of private data and the shooting that took place recently in Youtube's HQ in California. In a decade or two the technological revolution that Bitcoin started will allow us to control our data in unprecedented ways and someone WILL replace Facebook. Who that will be remains to be seen.

>> No.8860875
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>> No.8860900


Sure, but the real question is - do you look like her?

Also, Oyster would solve those problems but as long as advertisers want to advertise, companies will take the millions and run ads anyway.

>> No.8861094
File: 249 KB, 738x738, aoi25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Facebook's case they have a monopoly, but if there was a competitor that didn't run direct ads, users would be drawn to that model, wouldn't they?

If a competitor is drawing enough revenue away from Facebook, suddenly they have to either rework their own ad model or lose out.

There would be no advertising company to "sell" that data to.

Seems like you don't know how Oyster works and need some lessons in constructing an argument.

>> No.8861545


It depends how much people value having 0 ads in their experience. A competitor would have to offer far more than "no ads" in order to trump against monopolies. Also there might be a slight stigma against PRL as a "miner", even though it uses little to no CPU power compared to an actual miner.

Sooo, you ever tried cosplaying as this chick that you always post?

>> No.8861546
File: 327 KB, 400x573, 1521141983185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>advertisers are the only ones buying data

>> No.8861782
File: 795 KB, 777x989, aoi5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enlighten me please.

I personally think Facebook's UI is really bad for a site of it's level, so there's definitely a lot to take from them and improve on.

My hair is too long & I'm too shy to cosplay something, people coming up to me & talking to me about it... scary.

>> No.8861807

go shit on a pigeons car you autistic avatarfag

>> No.8861871
File: 262 KB, 400x400, smith.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he didn't all in on pikciochain (facebook on blockchain)