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File: 161 KB, 274x301, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8856980 No.8856980 [Reply] [Original]

3 days until my life changes forever.

>> No.8856988

Why is that, Anon?

>> No.8856989

ah fuck what did this clown say

are we going to 10$?

>> No.8857012



technically 1 more week but hes been saying it will happen no later than april 18th.

He's already been 95.45% accurate

>> No.8857040

Agreed, Marius knows his shit. Crazy to think LTC will pop off 10x in a few days but he is very seldom wrong with projections.

>> No.8857084
File: 472 KB, 715x1185, LTCMarius.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like a week faggot. I told my kids that they are finally getting a PS4

>> No.8857109
File: 77 KB, 748x703, BullRunTomorrow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>very seldom wrong with projection
not "seldom", it is more like "never"

>> No.8857114

every time i've heard from him, he's been wrong lol

>> No.8857119

That ass clown is always wrong and not a chance ltc will hit $1400 within 10 days lmao

>> No.8857127

>He's already been 95.45% accurate
This fool has been saying we're in reversal since February

>> No.8857128

What does it say?

>> No.8857162
File: 44 KB, 613x507, LTCMoonSoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he extended the dateline anon

>> No.8857165

is he really mentally disadvantaged?

>> No.8857168

holy shit. This moron is posting a wyckoff accumulation phase when we're still in distribution and you idiots subscribe to his sub-par analysis. LMAO how lazy are you fucking idiots to not go learn this stuff for free....literally, morons who deserve to lose their money.

>> No.8857208


Hes just being conservative. thanks to his predictions I bought about $10,000 USD of LTC when it was around $170, but it wont matter since my LTC will be worth over $100,000 very soon.

I plan on buying a 2018 porsche. had to use some of my student loan money but my parents wont know

>> No.8857227

Do you have a 95.45% accuracy rate? I will gladly pay someone for a newsletter with that amount of precision.

>> No.8857243

Dollar cost average of my LTC is $68. Should I buy more? I don't want to miss the SUN-train to $100k

>> No.8857266

Anyone can have a 95.45% accuracy rate when they keep changing their target dates.

>> No.8857291


yeah man. its a steal, $115 and a guaranteed 10x minimum.

If capital one didnt block crypto on credit card Id do my max limit

>> No.8857310

Man you gotta be really mental to think Litecoin is gonna do anything like that. The only way LTC 10xs here is if the whole market suddenly 10xs to a 2 trillion market cap. That's possible, but pretty unlikely in the short term and even still you'd be better off in so many other coins. Litecoin seriously has nothing going for it. It's just a currency and it's completely outclassed by so many other options at this point in time.

>> No.8857314

Only altcoin worth investing in. Marius is an idiot though.

>> No.8857368
File: 13 KB, 200x200, 0-mfXISUGpT295ynF6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's Marius an idiot?? Do you have a 95 percent precision???

>> No.8857395

>boomer trying to predict crypto prices

>> No.8857429

Do you have 95.45% technical precision?

>> No.8857470

Do you truly believe that LTC will 10x in a week

Every time I "truly believe", whatever I'm believing in goes DOWN 10x in a week

>> No.8857475

I can see LTC at $25k next year without a doubt. Abra collaboration with the Litecoin Foundation alone will take LTC to at least $2k by EOY.

>> No.8857486

It won’t happen that soon but it will happen this year.

>> No.8857492

i'm all in on the master coin.

>> No.8857496

>95.45% precision

You know this retard just deletes tweets when he is wrong right?

>> No.8857503

That's plausible, I can dig it

>> No.8857513
File: 181 KB, 743x1199, CD687F2D-B0CC-4D05-A9E5-38693557E2F8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better get onboard, the LTC train is about to leave.

>> No.8857577
File: 193 KB, 900x740, 1515702101451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats right, im back!

>> No.8857774

Oh shit, crypto whale has returned!

>> No.8857904

if litecoin actually shoots up over $1000 i would make a lot of money
but i'll believe it when i see it

>> No.8858011
File: 29 KB, 475x368, 1515703571192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8858043

Just bought 20. Here's hoping.

>> No.8858086


>> No.8858106

Is this a meme or are you guys retarded? What is the catalyst that will 10x LTC in a week?

>> No.8858135

just did some googling and i found some stuff
>Litecoin Falters Even After Abra Adoption

Abra, the financial and technology company that produces peer-to-peer mobile payment announced a major commitment to Litecoin. Abra’s CEO Bill Barhydt released in a press conference that Litecoin would become the “primary asset class” for Abra for the next few weeks.

>Days ago, Alliant Partners announced an official partnership with Litecoin foundation. The goal of this partnership, is for Alliant Partners to advance the Litecoin Vision by developing and processing state of the art blockchain technology for Litecoin.

>This partnership serves the future interest of Litecoin, as Alliant Partners, a 15-year veteran in the payment industry would be bringing a well of experience to the Foundation. Alliant Partners become the first company to complete Litecoin’s registration process, making the company Litecoin’s first official payment processor.

>Litecoin has a planned launch of Smart Contracts on the platform. To spice things up more, newest Litecoin partners, Abra would be the first to make use of smart contracts for transactions on Litecoin. The long awaited launch of smart contracts on Litecoin is scheduled for April 13, if there is no further change in date.

>> No.8858143

also this

>> No.8858210

litecoin isn't going to 10x in a week but it is about to pop. litecoin always erupts in short bursts and its one of the few powerhouse coins that hasn't lately

>> No.8858243

20k XLM.

>> No.8858244

Unironically, yes. If there is one coin you can count on to perform, it's LTC.

>> No.8858546
File: 35 KB, 749x351, MasterCoin2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Master of all coin

>> No.8858574

the marius redpill

>> No.8858619
File: 134 KB, 1104x942, BitcoinIceBear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is absolutely nothing going on right now WhaleBro. Go back to your hibernation mode.

>> No.8858647
File: 61 KB, 529x391, LTCLife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sell everything for LTC. Don't miss the SUNning

>> No.8858673


yes, i put all my faith behind a coin whose own creator dumped it at ATH. #LITECOINFAM

>> No.8858685
File: 431 KB, 768x624, disbelief and euphoria bull run.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8858747
File: 498 KB, 2048x993, BTCShorts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are going down BearBro

>> No.8859090
File: 981 KB, 200x200, tRbwa39.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8859103

April 18th is my birthday please let this be true

>> No.8859154

aren't we? BTC lowest point was on february.

>> No.8859292
File: 64 KB, 1063x669, SuicideR9KLTC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 525 LTC anon. You can have all of them if it is worth $1,428 by then

>> No.8859322

Hi im the guy that made that. Its not happening kek, its a funnay joke

>> No.8859367

I know, good meme anon.

>> No.8859400
File: 54 KB, 736x1250, st7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was about to re enter with 10k worth of btc or eth, should I buy a ton of lite instead?

>> No.8859505
File: 914 KB, 900x907, #litecoinfam#paywithlitecoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marius is always right, for the little guy. Litecoin is the best coin there is bar none. Why don't you retards understand this?

Litecoin will surpass Shitcoin and all other coins to claim it's rightful place as the master coin. Litecoin will be worth $100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.99 EOY. Screecap this.

>> No.8859534

80% LTC
20% BTC

>> No.8859551

Say it with me.


>> No.8860602

I'll hold you to it

>> No.8860963

I would for the biggest percentage gains.

>> No.8861042

This is what a lot of people miss. BTC, eth, and LTC are all going up when the time is right but LTC is the cheapest right now, percentage wise it'll have the best return

>> No.8861528

Yes buy China man Twitter coin! This has to be a joke! It was fine when me pool was over 100k..now it's useless as nano

>> No.8862334

What are his top 20 alts?

>> No.8862700

just added 20+ to my stack... been buying since $68. when LTC goes it really goes anons

>> No.8862897

>It's another "I can't tell if this is a plebbit circle jerk or a pile of pajeets shilling each other" episode.

>> No.8862921

I really can't either. I took a leveraged long on LTC a few days back (never held it before) because I cann't tell what BTC is doing right now and LTC has really strong support. This thread is fucking with me

>> No.8862967

Fuck dude, I'm a normiebase hodler holding 40% of my stack in LTC and I've been rolling my eyes this entire thread. There is such a thing as laying it on too thick.

>> No.8863378

Buy when there's blood in the streets.

>> No.8863412

I’m up 300% following Marius. He’s a goody gumdrop

>> No.8863620

I'm ready.

>> No.8864250

I'm 95% in LTC, it's going to be epic when it moonshots. I'm confident it's going over $1000 this summer. Next year will look like what BTC did last year.

>> No.8864927

This is my thoughts exactly anon. It's following BTC's historical graphs.

>> No.8864956
File: 62 KB, 822x479, 7aab5cfd-2030-4cc3-9b25-b084a009e3e9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People listen to this braindead moron?

>> No.8865049

If you believe in fractals and cyclical bull/bearish periods (roughly every quarter +-2 weeks), then you would see that LTC went roughly 10x from its low of $37 during the September Chinese FUD dip, going to $370 in Dec.

The current low is around $110, and with the amount of time passing similar to the time period from Sep-Dec, that would bring LTC to $1,110.

>> No.8865074

Time line tangled by manipulation new target end of May/ beginning of June

>> No.8865242

95.45% accuracy date