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8857836 No.8857836 [Reply] [Original]

Hi, insider here. The Rockefellers slowly accumulating Bitcoin Cash, Stellar, Ethereum and Ethereum Classic. There are few more in discussion (DASH, Bitcoin, Bitcoin Private). Tron, Verge, Link, EOS, VeChain and NEO are out of the question.

>> No.8857844
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>> No.8857858
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You may have heard of bitcoin and it’s younger faster brother Ethereum, well the way ethereum works is that anyone can publish “contracts” which are little pieces of code that control other pieces of code on the blockchain; that “record of everything that has happened” that is constantly updated by nodes all around the world. These other pieces of code represent tokens or amounts of cryptocurrency. This is all currently working fine and allows for some interesting applications such as automatic execution remotely without the need for a trusted third party like a bank.

That being said, the blockchain is limited in what it “knows” it can’t know the time, it can’t know if something in the real world really happened or not. It can only rely on a centralised third party to supply information such as the weather, stock prices, map data. This means that the “contracts” on the blockchain can only ever be trustless if they are self referential and only trust on-chain data which severely limits what they can do. This is known as the “ORACLE PROBLEM”.

>> No.8857863

what about XRP. Or do they already own all of it?

>> No.8857869
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What about Chainlink?

>> No.8857873

You never know who is posting here. Have to take every post seriously except for linkies

>> No.8857881

Insider here, Bogs just acquired most of the Rockefellers assets. Bogs are pumping LINK, REQ, EOS, and NEO. Also other things in my portfolio, as luck may have it. BTC, Stellar, ETH, ETH Cash all getting dumped hard. Prepare yourself.

>> No.8857882

They aren't buying the low IQ bags up sorry. Your time will be up soon

>> No.8857887
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in 2013, shortly before the theory behind ethereum was developed, a man called Sergey Nazarov quietly purchased the domain name “smartcontract.com”, from another man called Nick Szabo, otherwise known as Satoshi Nakamoto - the creator of Bitcoin. Sergey had a plan to solve the oracle problem.

The problem was as developers begin to implement their chosen smart contract, they encounter the connectivity problem; their smart contract is unable to connect with key external resources like off-chain data and APIs. This lack of external connectivity is due to the method by which consensus is reached around a blockchain's transaction data. The solution was secure blockchain middleware that allows smart contracts on various networks to connect with the critical resources they need to become useful for 90% of use cases.

Thusly Chainlink was born, The LINK Network is the first decentralized oracle network; allowing anyone to securely provide smart contracts with access to key external data, off-chain payments and any other API capabilities. Anyone who has a data feed, useful off-chain service such as local payments, or any other API, can now provide them directly to smart contracts in exchange for LINK tokens.

>> No.8857894

Bcash? LMFAO

>> No.8857898
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you're not even trying

>> No.8857935

No plans for XRP for the "first wave".

>> No.8857945
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>insider here

>> No.8858029

Im a "lower floor" employee given an unofficial greenlight for going into public forums and social platforms. You do not have to listen to me.

>> No.8858340

wow anon, sounds like BTC is like digital gold, while ethereum is more like a global distributed computer? amazing

>> No.8858390

Lol what. who gave you the greenlight to post investment strategies on 4chan.

>> No.8858422

Thank you!! Rockefeller insider! From taking time out of your day to travel to the world of 4chan! We appreciate everything you do, and the secrecy you had to go through in order to ensure that this information got here safely and reliably!!! We love you Oniichan :)

>> No.8858439

Alright fine I'll buy fucking link god damn can you all shut the fuck up now???

>> No.8858613

The best decision in your life. Remember do not sell when it hits $50.

>> No.8858648

lol fuck you dude really

>> No.8859232
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>> No.8859270

>tfw your portfolio is Rockefeller-compliant FeelsGoodMan