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8855779 No.8855779 [Reply] [Original]

How do I find a purpose in life /biz/, my parents are wealthy and I don't have to work, but I'm just incredibly empty inside. I don't know what I should be doing with my life, I'll turn 19 soon, I could enroll in a University but there's nothing I'm interested in studying, my parents have pressured me into dating or at least trying to make friends but I'm not sure how to talk to guys. The lifestyle has probably made me socially retarded as most of my life was spent without a close friend, my closest "friend" was my tutor and even then they were just doing a job.

I can't remember the last time I was genuinely happy. I've been on a lot of trips & seen a lot of animals in captivity, I'd like to do something to help them... that's about the only thing I can think of...

Sorry for the long rambling post, my first time on this board.

>> No.8855789

kill yourself faggot

>> No.8855820

Buy a mansion in a wealthy neighborhood and turn in into a soup kitchen.

>> No.8855824

Tell your parents not to give you any money until you're 30.

Enjoy the struggle and your newly found meaning in life.

But you're probably too much of a pussy to do that.

>> No.8855903

Just go to uni to make friends. Nearly no one has figured out what they're supposed to do at 19, but college gives you a space to explore different options. Just do something generic like business major + compsci minor, will give you some marketable skills and you'll definitely meet cool people if you're not a total tard. To make guy friends, just invite people to smoke weed with you. It's really not hard.

>> No.8855912
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Can you explain what exactly is the purpose in this? I don't see how working a low tier job wouldn't feel equally as purposeless, if not more purposeless than what I'm doing now.

>> No.8855936

this sounds funny enough that I want to actually do it now

>> No.8855958

Go do volunteering somewhere. Somewhere you have never gone to, 3rd world or not but culturally rich. Go learn stuff about the world in all its diversity. Go eat in southeast asia (thailand, indonesia, laos, malaysia, japan, taiwan, AVOID philippines, india) or south america (mexico, colombia, peru, chile, argentina, AVOID brazil, panama, obviously venezuela).

If after that you still have no idea what this world needs that you want to do for a living, then just probably kill yourself. But in all honesty, use that money to buy yourself some new experiences.

>> No.8855965

Buy a plot of land and farm your own food. Also get some chickens for some eggs. Make your own wine from the grapes you make. Sell extra produce at a farmers market.

Live at one with nature in a sustainable way.

>> No.8855970

he's kind of right. basically the best thing to do would just be to appreciate your situation. but if you go out and have to live with no financial support for 10 years it will be so hellish that youll be happy when its over. btw OP you will be unhappy a third of the time, happy a third of the time, and what you do with the third in between is up to you. this is how binary concepts work. you can't appreciate what would give normal people happiness because you haven't been exposed to the lows

>> No.8855971

This is actually a really great idea
Thanks anon

>> No.8855980

You need a purpose, that is right. You can do a lot of good in the world or you can try to further your family's wealth. There are myriads of options, your first goal is to find an ultimate goal for yourself. If you can't do it, you don't deserve your wealth and you'll probably be the start of the bloodline that ends your family's status.

>> No.8855996


>Says from rich family, no purpose in life, doesnt have to wageslave like 95% people have to.
>Gets offered to wageslave to have purpose.
>Says wageslave doesnt have purpose.
>So if 95% people have no purpose and if you are rich and dont have purpose = KYS.

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight nice try at LARP btw.

>> No.8855998

take a deep breath and jump a cliff you dumb fuckin fuck, your are the trashest person i saw in this fuckin website, tell your parent to give you the biggest slap of your life but your father is most certainly a pussy

>> No.8856011

Survival is a purpose.

>> No.8856016

What orange anon said is that with struggle in your life you might understand the feeling of accomplishing something by yourself and all that. And it works, when your parents are (kinda) rich but shit and you escape your house to work by yourself, maybe with some friends, eventually pay your own career, and make your life all by yourself, which is what i did. But I doubt it works if you always have the option to just call your parents and be back home in your comfort zone.

>> No.8856020

Cool story bro

>> No.8856076

Also, don't fall for the "YOU HAVE TO HAVE YOUR ENTIRE LIFE FIGURED OUT BY 18" meme, you don't. No one does.

>> No.8856086

Go fucking travel. Push your comfort zones and don’t be a Norman

>> No.8856132
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I've been to Japan, South Korea, Iceland, London, Spain, and Indonesia already. I had the best experience in South Korea, but it didn't give me any feeling of what I want to do... I sort of envied them though.

Whenever I read about Thailand it seems like it's just sex tourism for men. Why avoid Brazil but not Mexico? Thanks.

Thanks, this makes some sense. Basically I should just go apply for some minimum wage job, see how terrible it is, and then I'll be happy returning to my old life?

My drifting lifestyle isn't purposeful, conversely, me working at McDonald's is not purposeful. The job has no purpose beyond making money for someone else. I'm not opposed to the idea, but I wanted more explanation on that type of thinking.

>> No.8856181

at that age it's very natural to feel that way and i don't even think that wealth plays a huge part in it. just make sure to be productive with your time.

>> No.8856210

become batman

>> No.8856311
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Here you have some purpose now, see pic related;

learning and mastering each overarching concept and all it entails will take probably 3-6 months each, so you have 5-10 years of self improvement journey ahead of you, all in just one diagram.

>> No.8856375

>my parents have pressured me into dating or at least trying to make friends but I'm not sure how to talk to guys.

>> No.8856398
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> my parents are wealthy and I don't have to work

Work for UPS as a Preloader. It's like the military without the commitment and you'll make all sorts of weird friends and get a new perspective to figure your life out there. I and plenty others don't work there for the money as they don't pay shit.

> get out of work at 9 am and have the whole day ahead of you, feeling great and horny af
> free motivation to work out and get up early
> impossible to get fired if you show up on time
> get pension, health insurance, and a backup guaranteed career in the future for working 10-20 hours a week
> work in gym shorts, don't have to shower, no drug tests, no requirements
> the union will constantly harass you and make you feel like you're their brother and you and them are fighting for something important
> women love the men in brown

I actually work with a couple rich kids who work here as their parents required they do something. One kid loved this job, wanted to be a driver, would work 16 hours straight. He'd show up in his new BMW and fly out to California and snort crack off 10/10 girl's asses on the weekends. Good friend of mine, your age. He hung himself on Easter, nobody knows why, I assume his parents weren't like yours. How much he loved working at UPS was a main staple at the wake.

> seen a lot of animals in captivity, I'd like to do something to help them.

Yeah that's a bullshit rich kid delusion for sure right there. You want to help them? Get a STEM degree.

>> No.8856429

Try to get away with killing poors like vermin they are

>> No.8856520
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What is this? I don't like the idea of drug use.

This doesn't seem like the type of job to hire women just due to physical requirements. What's the heaviest amount you have to lift?

Also, how does a STEM degree translate into helping captive animals?

>> No.8856601


Well it is a map, for example put your finger onto it, go to "super foods" -> research all you can find about that topic for like 3 months (and obviously then apply your findings);

then you move your finger to the adjacent position on the map -> "conventional nutritional supplements" and then you repeat your steps for research/application/integration and so on.

You do not need to use drugs, but of course LSD for example can help you to gain new insights + ideas (maybe try that above age of 25 and not now, because your brain is not yet fully developed at your age).

>> No.8856610


Man.../biz/ has the best chicks haha.

>> No.8856646

>get killed by your neighbours for decreasing the value of their surrounding houses

>> No.8856657
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If you're a woman they'll promote you or give you an easy job. It may be the easiest career in the world if you're female. Off hand, about 190 men work my shift, and 10 women. Of those 13 women, 5 are supervisors, 3 are old angry black ladies. Of the remaining 5; 5 started recently.

The attractive girls literally get promoted and transferred in 2-4 weeks

>how does a STEM degree translate into helping captive animals?

How does a non-STEM degree apply in helping any issue in 2018? What do you think, you're going to fix the world's economy by screaming or petting puppies?

>> No.8856677
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> and 13* women

I initially forgot about the old angry black ladies.

>> No.8856705

fpbp, alternatively >>>/adv/

>> No.8856761

>Tell parents you want to set out with no money and no direction
>Try to make it using your own will power and struggle
>try to afford rent, utilities, insurance, bills all on your own
>either make it without help and feel proud or give up and return home after your quest and come to appreciate the effort your parents put in to making your life better
>learn from your new experiences and apply them by investing into yourself with the help of your parents monetary aid
>become self-sufficient after they give you your boost and make it your goal to not need them until they one day die proud of what you've accomplished and give you their fortune

>> No.8856831

whoa. you didn't know it, but this is for me. thanks anon.

>> No.8856847

who are you? Heidi?

>> No.8856867

literally perfect. you got anymore pictures?

>> No.8856887

- Start a charity to improve the world or help the less fortunate
- Express yourself through art
- Shoot up a school

>> No.8856949
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Thanks for the info.

I don't think animals in captivity is an economy issue, but it also doesn't seem like a STEM issue. If anything it would only be solved by reforming the way zoos, parks, etc operate which is political.

Thanks, I'll look through all of them but with LSD or drugs in general I feel like there are a few successful people that tried them, later became successful, and cited drugs in an interview and people take that as an excuse to use drugs as some sort of enlightening experience.

I had a tutor visit three times a week to help with anything I didn't understand, mostly later stages of math.

>> No.8857042

First world problems haha

>> No.8857092

Well shit I'll be your friend, anon. What state do you live in?

>> No.8857134
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>seen a lot of animals in captivity, I'd like to do something to help them

Then do that. What is stopping you? Just do it. listen to your intuition.

>> No.8857143
File: 157 KB, 1024x683, 29838B40-3A04-4085-A71F-BBE35BA19538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, how.

>> No.8857146

for me, i have these ambitions that, the second i start out or even try to conceptualize how to get started i'm paralyzed and start doing something easier.

basically i'm a pussy

>> No.8857260
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your helicopter parents slowly eating your motivation.
>just move out and start from ground up

>> No.8857382

Read the richest man on Babylon, there is a story related for people like you who have wealth but don't have satisfaction because it wasn't made by you. Thank me later

>> No.8857397

Btw It seems like you understand Spanish, if so pic related.

>> No.8857405


>disgusting white roasties instead of qt azn girls

>> No.8857412

>but with LSD or drugs in general I feel like there are a few successful people that tried them, later became successful, and cited drugs in an interview and people take that as an excuse to use drugs as some sort of enlightening experience.
worry not anon, you're young.

>> No.8857417
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>pic related

>> No.8857431

use some money to help make poor kids happy. or help with people with disabilities, or go to shitty countries and help build housing, install wells etc. just helping can give purpose, and there's never a lack of need my man

or volunteer at an animal shelter, sounds like you have a heart for our furry friends

>> No.8857440
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Ayeeeee bro

>> No.8857458

wait is OP a girl?

>> No.8857469

>I've been on a lot of trips & seen a lot of animals in captivity, I'd like to do something to help them...

Good starting point. try some sort of Conservation degree and a career looking after endangered animals and Environmental research?

>> No.8857471

Post tits or gtfo

>> No.8857489
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clap clap

>> No.8857501

>it seems like it's just sex tourism for men.
Its not. Thailand is cool.

>> No.8857514



>> No.8857523

ok but are there any anons that successfully overcame this?

>> No.8857524

going to read this. thanks anon

>> No.8857545

meditation helps tremendously my fren

>> No.8857547
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like am i the only one?? xd

>> No.8857555

> I don't think animals in captivity is an economy issue, but it also doesn't seem like a STEM issue.

So you never analyzed anything. You just want to go out there, pet animals, and magically fix the world.

You think I don't like animals? Like I haven't wasted half my life for dogs, birds, and cats. I love animals. What are you? Just some retard monster that witnesses an animal in captivity on one of his million-dollar excursions and suddenly thinks he's the animal rights club/

I tried to reach out to you but at this point you'd best check yourself or wreck yourself. Of course we'd love you helping animals but it's more than money. You could do a shitload for animals once you realize that effort is required. They need you.

>> No.8857588

Are you a male? If so lvcVI@protonmail.com

>> No.8857591
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I just started treatment for high-functioning depression, so hopefully me one day heheh

>> No.8857594
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i do 30 minutes every morning anon, the hard part is applying that mindfulness in everything i do

>> No.8857600


>> No.8857622
File: 26 KB, 409x203, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it seems to be real homemadesex

>> No.8857627

compelling argument anon

if you really cared about animals you'd try harder to convince him

>> No.8857730


I don't actually care that much. I just know I've saved far more animals than the average bird. There's really only so much that one can do. Another thing, Half-Chihuahuas should count as 5 pets, she is like a human child.

Beautiful animals are killed every week, on Tuesday, at the local shelther. I'm over capacity. They're over capacity. There's plenty of convincing written on the wall.

>> No.8857738

how long you been doing it? it's like compound interest thqh - but making it an unbreakable habit will benefit the most - it literally changes your brain over time

also i'd do at least 20 mins before bed too - begin and end your day with being totally still - better sleep, lets your mind settle from the day, wake up more clear and relaxed

ALSO, during the day just notice your breath more often, and how slow it is, and how the world (minus humans) is mostly pretty quiet and still - that can help with mindfulness. i really try to just FEEL as much and as often as possible, even if it's uncomfortable. too much thinking is what got us this miserable - best of luck anon!!

>> No.8857761
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Sí entiendo, thanks for this.

I live in NYC. Why do you want to be my friend?

Sorry, I'm not.

Where are you creating this view of me from?

And money is not the issue with captivity no matter how you spin it. No one person has the amount of money capable of freeing them all or changing the reason for their captivity. It's business for the zoos, parks, etc, they make money off of the animals, and the only way to change that is through regulation or reform, not through spending.

That actually sounds interesting, thanks!

This sounds like just being afraid of failure rather than being a perfectionist.

>> No.8857781

Oldest result seems to be from a 2010 post on motherless by a user who no longer exists.

>> No.8857792

>Why do you want to be my friend?

Because I don't have many friends either. I'm just north of Albany.

>> No.8857827

a little over a year, started when i got sober. appreciate the perspective anon.

>> No.8857900

reconsider doing drugs you stuff won't feel meaning less anymore
stick to psychedelics and marijuana

>> No.8857923


Well, anyway, I'm 27 and I've saved/taken 50 pets from the pound over my lifetime as they weren't wanted. 30 pit bulls. 50 pains in my ass.

8 years ago the city sought to ban dogs from the parks.
As many dog owners chose not to clean up. We fought back, but we lost, as no gives a shit about dogs. Regardless, to this day I walk my dogs in those parks, in front of police.

And money is not the issue with captivity no matter how you spin it. No one person has the amount of money capable of freeing them all or changing the reason for their captivity.

My point exactly.

>> No.8857925

Posts like this make genuely angry, you're literally worthless and I'm not even trolling.

>> No.8857973

> posts like this make hulk angry

>> No.8858554

take iboga