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8856030 No.8856030[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]




>> No.8856062


>> No.8856095

If you can't argue, shoot the messenger. Classic.

>> No.8856101

His heart is in the right place i guess but he's too dumb for the job. Plus he's comprised (((they))) have so much dirt on him that he's basically giving (((them))) everything they want. He's a spoiled brat that never had to work a hard day in his life, and (((they))) were able to help him get elected because there will never be a dumber president that can help (((them))) fleece the country.
Go read every EO he's signed so far, he's privatizing everything and selling the country to the highest bidder, all the shit he's signing today will be felt 15 years from now when the country will no longer be able to be saved.

>> No.8856113

It's almost like he's a republican capitalist or something, like he advertised!

>> No.8856118


>> No.8856120
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it's not even /pol/ so i feel bad for bumping this, but anon it's already too late. the west is losing it's grip on the world.

>> No.8856126

One person can’t ruin an entire country. America is and always will be the best place to live in the world. Regardless of whose dumb ass is in the whitehouse. Enjoy your shit 3rd world country. If you’re a euro fag you don’t even know how to brush your teeth, pajeet you smell like shit, chinks can’t even see past their nose and I don’t even need to bring up latin countries cause come on... let’s be real

>> No.8856134

He has in his whole life never shown he has any convictions about anything except himself. It's as if you admire his honesty about how much he fucks over other people and himself.

But you still think 'his heart is in the right place'.

>> No.8856138


>vote trump for lower taxes
>trump starts ww3

>> No.8856144
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its almost like the west shouldn't have a grip on the world

its almost like a mutt propagated jewish abomination of a commie nation state that masquerades itself as free and capitalistic shouldn't have the influence and control it currently does have

>> No.8856157

yeah we should have shilled hillary with her syrian airspace narrative

>> No.8856166
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Israel #1

>> No.8856169

Privatization is good you commie fuck. He's saving us from (((leftists))) like you.

>> No.8856178

(((()))) (((())))
Am I cool and enlightened free thinker yet?

>> No.8856198

Voted for Trump to prevent the next world war. Hillary would be on WW6 by now.

>> No.8856201

"I said his heart is in the right place i guess"
Like i think he ran for the right reasons, as he has the country's best interest at heart but he's way too dumb. I truly believe he cannot count from 0-20 on his own, i really really believe that.
His ego is out of this world, and truthfully for nothing, he's just used to YES men around him all his life for his money, but by the time he's dead his money will be the (((tribe's))) money.
Follow this, in order to be on of (((them))) the mother has to be one. His two older sons are married to (((them))) so their children are the tribe's children now. Ivanka married and converted and his younger daughter is already dating one of (((them))) you can check it out on IG. By the time this orange clown is dead all his money will be the (((tribe's))) money.

>> No.8856208

Thank God I'm too old for conscription.

>> No.8856217

>privatization is good

Sure, in some areas, but wholesale is as dumb as arguing everything should be socialized

>> No.8856218


Hillary would have just been another obama and wouldn't have done shit

>> No.8856226

>America is the best place in the world to live
>America will always be the best place to live in the world
The chinks are coming for you

>> No.8856227

Is this the butt hurt Ronnie Moas Jew again?

>> No.8856235
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Jew spotted

>> No.8856244

Hillary, Jeb, Kasich, and Cruz would have signed TPP into law. Bernie is an actual communist. Of the people on the ballot, Trump was the best.

>> No.8856256

Part of the MAGA philosophy is that expats move overseas because they are traitors or whatever, something like that, and that they should move back and patriotically serve their country.

>The days of retained earnings in offshore corporations are officially over. No longer can those of us living and working abroad hold profits in excess of the Foreign Earned Income Exclusion inside of our corporations tax-deferred.
>While multinationals were converted to a territorial tax system, and no longer pay US tax on foreign-sourced profits of their international divisions, the small to medium sized expat entrepreneur got the shaft.
>If you’re an American expat operating a business abroad, you’ll want to sit down before reading this post. “Trump has cut the legs out from under the American expat in favor of the Apples and Googles of the world.”
>US expat business owners have traditionally held profits in excess of the FEIE inside their foreign corporations as retained earnings. This allowed them to defer US tax on these profits until they took them out as dividends.
>Then Trump’s tax plan came along and smashed American expat entrepreneurs. We expats apparently didn’t donate as much as the multinationals, so we’re the big losers.
>To put that into English, The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act hits expats on two fronts:
>We must repatriate foreign retained earnings from prior years and pay US tax at 15.5% on those profits.
>The ability of expats to retain profits in a foreign corporation is eliminated.
>So, an American expat will pay US tax no matter where they live. The ONLY exception and the only place on the planet where Trump’s tax plan can’t reach is the US territory of Puerto Rico.
>I should also note here that US tax breaks for “pass-through entities,” such as domestic LLCs and S-Corporations are not available to expats. We got all of the bad and none of the good from Trump’s tax plan.

>> No.8856260



The west has been destroying human society in return for materialism.

Pathetic to see all these white supremacists now autistic screeching about MUH FAMILY VALUES when these retarded monkeys didn't give a shit about family values and traditions of themselves nor all the other nations they oppressed. Wow, it's gotten you guys so far! 60% divorce rate and your women fucking niggers.

>> No.8856261


>> No.8856267

His heart is covered in cheese burger grease. He cares only about attention. He only ran to get attention and his entire presidency has been about forcing both the left and right to watch his every move as he flails around like a retard. Even when he happens to do something positive it’s not thought through at all and he is completely unprepared for the consequences. It’s just a cult of personality supporting him at this point and he even made fun of them during the election by pointing out that they will stick with him even if he is out murdering civilians in cold blood.

>> No.8856276

You're an idiot, he's not just privatizing, he's privatizing government lands, national parks and all the bills he's sigining is got too much shady shit in the middle of them that no one is reading or will ever read. (((Cohn))) fleeced him with the tax bill for his (((buddies))) and got the fuck out once the bill went through. He now has (((Kudlow))) as his economic adviser, and removed McMaster and brought (((Bolton))) who's willing to let every young American die so Israel can steal an extra inch of lands. By the time this orange clown is gone from the office this country will be a complete mess, but Israel will prosper further....... Just like Obama, just like Bush and just like every president, but this time this orange clown is too stupid to even notice these things and when they ask for an inch he'll give them a mile.

>> No.8856280

Leftie faggot inside of /biz. Reddit fag......you have to go back...........and go delete your Facebook account you cunty fuck.

>> No.8856292

Well at least his campaign promises were in the right place. Defending the alt-right at Charlottesville is still a big plus. Basically what he does as president mostly sucks but what he says is really powerful. We need to break as many normies out of their comfort zone as possible before it’s too late, and for that we needed a disruptor.

>> No.8856323

Literally this

>> No.8856542

I'm in Ontario right north of you burgers. Here we just sold one of our biggest hydro utilities, for pennies again. Thats after selling a private highway for pennies twenty years back which paid itself off in five years. Privatization of essential services destroys nation states and gives rise to oligarchies, Trump just happily goes along.

>> No.8856983

diddily this

>> No.8857002

Western Jew York here, shit is so fucked in this state. Interstate 90 is still tolled even though it was supposed to be temporary. Gas is consistently 30 cents above neighboring states thanks to taxes. And I am a felon because I exercised my 2nd amendment right to own an AR-15

>> No.8857045

Discussions of government policy must be strictly limited to economic policies (fiscal and monetary). Discussions of a political nature should be posted on >>>/pol/. Global Rule 3 is also obviously in effect.

>> No.8857095

>this is what happens when memes go too far

>> No.8857240

get a grip on grammar first before worrying about the west's waning grip on the world you LARPING faggot

>> No.8857515

can we please conscript Trump so he fucking dies?

>> No.8857586
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And that's a good thing

>> No.8857595

Implying that Hillary would handle the current fucked up world situation better.. or even handle in any way.

>> No.8857680

You guys realize that the news don’t spin it ‘Tyrant Trump wants to make a war!!11!!1’ like they always did?
They suddenly FUCKING agree with him.
RIP to all anon conscripts from 16-21 years, you’re the first wave.

>> No.8857703

If (((They))) wanted him to get elected, why was Hillary shilled by MSM, Hollywood, Senators, past Presidents etc etc

>> No.8857708

>trusting a kike to run the country

>> No.8857747

She was Secretary of State you dunce. Literally a monkey would have done a better job than Trump right now, because a monkey wouldn't do anything.

>> No.8857755

>unironically defending Hillary’s work as Secretary of State

>> No.8857768



>> No.8857779

>moving the goalposts
The issue here is if either Hillary or Trump was better. And the answer is: Trump is so bad at doing his job that doing nothing would be a better job.
So I choose Hillary.

I would have voted for Sanders by the way, Hillary rigged that election.

>> No.8857798

>Go read every EO he's signed so far, he's privatizing eve
Good. this is not a problem

>> No.8857807

>Moving the goalpost
You said that she was Secretary of State. I said, yeah but did a bad job.
And then you unironically shill Mcfucking feelthebern and Hillary.

>> No.8857824

nice brainwashed msm narrative.
>ripple holder

>> No.8857832

The original post was
>Implying that Hillary would handle the current fucked up world situation better.. or even handle in any way.
And I vote for Hillary in that regard.
Fuckoff /pol/.

>> No.8857843

i like what you did there

>> No.8857846

There's no way REAL PEOPLE actually voted for this mongoloid. Everyone with half a brain understands that he's in office b/c of a political conspiracy with the goal of re-aligning people to more traditionally left/right values and keep the sheeple in line. "Oh, you want a change? Here you go - the biggest fucking retard on the planet, enjoy". Meanwhile, they knew they couldn't put someone with actual intellect in office who represented change because that would disturb the political atmosphere and ruin the republican and democratic agendas. Trump is the governments way of keeping EVERY person here cucked by creating an example of the retards (Trump "supporters") & simultaneously not letting the country's best get what they know is actually best for the country. He's a fucking meme meant to destroy any hopes we all have of breaking out of our 2 party system which is broken and corrupt as fuck. If you can't see this you are probably a Trump "supporter" which means you're on the low-IQ-getting-100%-used-probably-didn't-even-go-to-the-polls side of the spectrum.

>> No.8857847

How am I /pol/ by saying that Hillary would’ve done the worst job of the three?

>> No.8857874

>The west has been destroying human society in return for...
SJW leftism... aka a flow towards marxism/communism

>> No.8857890

This, the election was a fucking shitshow, like it always was.
1776 will commence again.

>> No.8857895

They played both sides as usual so (((they))) win regardless. As much as i hate Hillary i never thought the country would vote this clown in, i look back now and it makes sense, they'll never find someone as dumb as he is this is a once in a lifetime opportunity for (((them))).
US warplanes are parked close to Syria, ready to bomb the shit out of them so they get to steal more lands and resources and thats really the whole purtpose of whats going on there:

If Hillary was a president we wouldn't be in this situation today. He's not even two years in and he already passed a tax law that benefit (((them))) and about to unleash hell in the ME again for (((them))).
I know Hillary would've eventually gave them what (((they))) want but with Trump its too easy. I bet you they have like 500 scandals on him, see how he's against foreign aid and America first, only exception is Israel and the last spending bill "Ominous bill" had another 4 billion for Israel, thats beside everything they already get and everything that they already steal. We have a Natenyahu in the office for the next 2.5 years, enjoy.

>> No.8857918

THIS 100%

>> No.8857932

What's the best then?

>> No.8857979

Switzerland, if you were born in Switzerland, or BaWü.

>> No.8857982


>> No.8858006 [DELETED] 

Why if you were born?
The other one sounds like some typical underdeveloped shithole

>> No.8858026

Californian here, still waiting for the civil war.

>> No.8858056

probably New Zealand, almost no shitskins or jews and doesn't look like a post industrial shit hole.

>> No.8858074

>Privatization is good
t. 21year old

>> No.8858111

Bullshit. Lived there for a year and it's where you go to fucking die. If the entire country sinks into the ocean, nothing of value would be lost.

>> No.8858115

Never gonna make it.
Oh and because of born: The South German dialects.
If you can speak Schwäbisch or Badisch, you’re ready to go to move to Switzerland. They may hate you, but not as much as Northern Germans.
And you will have many things in common, I mean you’re a member of the Allemanic tribe.
Of course the best option is being able to hold a conversation in Schweizerisch.

>> No.8858146

Their attitude towards immigrants isn't likely to help you move there, though

>> No.8858179

Fake Propecia hair
Fake teeth
Fake tan
Very small and tiny hands and you know what that means
This clown is more insecure than anyone i've seen in my life, only reason he gets a pass is because he's born rich.
I am willing to bet they have the video where he gets peed on.
Willing to bet Melania will write a best selling book as soon as this shit show is over they will drive this clown to suicide
Willing to bet she'll divorce once the presidency is over
Said it in 16, running and winning will be the biggest mistake he made in his life. He's lived in NY all his life and (((they)))'ve been plotting to take him down with his money all his life and he just handed it to them

>> No.8858202

Because Hillary was Secretary of State for some time and WW3 certainly didn't happen
You are just mimicking /pol/'s brainlet logic, that's why I called you a /pol/tard.

>> No.8858205

Remember no matter what happens it's "the Jews". if things go bad in hindsight, definitely the Jews. If things go good... It magic!

>> No.8858216

Not an argument.

>> No.8858234
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Privatization is not good in fields and sectors that always gravitate towards natural monopolies due to game theory.

Therefor sectors that are subject to the natural monopoly phenomenon should ALWAYS be government owned if you want to maintain pure capitalism. Otherwise the "pure capitalism" will slowly decay to corporatism/cronyism which will reduce profitability in the long term as it disrupts the free market.

I don't expect you to understand anything what I say though, but that doesn't matter. I'm writing this post for the people that actually have some brain cells and want to know the objective reason for why total privatization of the market is bad for the free market.

>> No.8858251

Shalom faggot

>> No.8858257

Strong response tool

>> No.8858268
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jidf please gol.

>> No.8858274

Its ok in 15 years when he/she is old enough they'll realize just how horrible electing that orange clown was. Problem is by that time both parties will blame each others like if its a DEM president repubs will blame him for the mess and vice versa, exactly why this clown was elected to keep this shit show going

>> No.8858315

ok i am willing to have an honest convo with you then as long as we both remain completely honest. Whats your issue with what i said?

>> No.8858380

Maybe I hate all lazy fat faggots who blame their utter loser status on "the man". Leftists wahhh patriarchy/white privilege/eat the rich. You faggots wahhhh jooz/women/niggers. The reality is life ain't fair, you and fatfuck tumblrina are opposite sides of the same uggobus coin, and your you dumb to actually do anything other than whine and try to siphon a life off the backs of others. You wanted Bernie to win right?

>> No.8858476

That everyone blames this monolith for all thigs in all places at all times. It's lazy thinking. If we believe in the Jooz control all theory, then Hillary was their bitch. And she lost. So now in hindsight it's trump was their bitch all along, Hillary was just a ... What ...? The shilling for her, the undermining of an actual socialist globalist kike (Sanders), the constant shitting in Trump. All an elaborate and orchestrated ruse.... For shits and giggles? I won't deny there is an entrenched structure to fuck all of us in to the dirt. But it isn't this "da Jooz" lazy idea. It's people on power. Lots of them are kikes. And kikes have always been the public fall guys for the people actually fucking you/an easy to stir hate toward group

(Sorry posting in phone so can't do great job)

>> No.8858514

The ‘there is no hope left goyim you can do nothing har har oh btw check out Navy CIS to see how bad bad goyim get arrested, so don’t be bad and want something like change haha.’ is probably pushed by boomers the most.

>> No.8858599

That's not what I said