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8853350 No.8853350 [Reply] [Original]

>get rich
>no one from my past cares

>> No.8853367

Find someone who will care about you in the future then you absolute and total clown.

>> No.8853399

Booooooo hoooooooo
Build a future. So many possibilities. 7.6 billion people on Earth.

>> No.8853407
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I care OP.
Swiss Private banker here.
People only notice with tangible wealth I find. We can get you to a point where you can rub it in their face and they'll have to take notice.


>> No.8853446

I care OP.

Swiss private banker here.
People only take notice of the tangible wealth I find. I help entrepreneurs and crypto guys mainly, its who I enjoy speaking with most.
Give me a way to get in touch and we can see what we can do.


>> No.8853455

I care OP.

Swiss private banker here.
People only take notice of the tangible wealth I find. I help entrepreneurs and crypto guys mainly, its who I enjoy speaking with most.
Give me a way to get in touch and we can see what we can do.


>> No.8853459

when captcha posts me twice...fml

>> No.8853471

when captcha posts me twice...fml

>> No.8853518

The problem is not with them, it is with you my friend. You are obviously living in the past though it is but an unchangeable illusion.

>> No.8853557

There are only three possibilities, you either aren't as rich as you think you are, you're a huge tightwad or you're such a repulsive human being that people don't want to be around you despite the benefits of having a rich person in their life.

>> No.8853605
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I am still up seven figures in crypto even after the crash (got in early, bought dips and held, that’s my secret), I have an opportunity to buy a piece of undeveloped land that is the other half of a developed neighborhood that a kid who bullied me in high school currently lives in. If I develop the neighborhood, I could have the street built to make it more convenient to access his house, meaning he’d drive on it and direct other people to his house by it, but doing this, I would get to name the street. So I have spent my time trying to find the perfect name to fuck with him, but not to offend the general sensibilities of the community, which would affect the value of my investment (ie I can’t just call it Hitler St.) Last week I discovered that his prom date cheated on him, now that I have that info my interest in naming the street he would have to drive on for her is pretty high

>> No.8853629

Would be better if you fucked her too, get on that

>> No.8853634

Are you a rapist or just a good Anon?
Swiss FTW, german friendship for ever

>> No.8853641

This might be the most teenage post I've ever read.

>> No.8853653

So people from your past completely own you in the present. That’s an extremely sad way to live OP. Instead of trying to prove something to people who aren’t even relevant in your life today, why not focus on building a life you actually want, not some half baked ego fantasy. You need to really examine why you’re doing this and stop it. Were you picked on or bullied by these people? Called stupid? Once you examine this and let it go you’ll be free to do whatever the hell you want with your life and this newly built wealth.

>> No.8853656

Unironically sounds like a great plan. Do it.

>> No.8853659

This is so sad dude lmfao

>> No.8853666
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That's a pajeet scammer, bro.

>> No.8853682

Why would they care.

Success is pure luck. So now they have to wagecuck all day while you are rich.

Shit I would immediately stop having contact if one of my friends would get rich. He can live the life I live, has higher status than me, and every time I am around him I would feel how fucking unfair life is.

If you are rich you should at least be feel miserable. You dont deserve to be lucky in everything.

>> No.8853684
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Oh, is see.
Everybody is a scammer here °°

>> No.8853695

Also if you would try to make me feel miserable on purpose I would stab you and take everything from you

>> No.8853714

>pure luck

>> No.8853728
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t, low iq brainlet who doesnt understand life

>> No.8853747

Wie hier alle neiden und hassen. So kann man keine Gewinnoptimierung mit biz erzieheln
>german and means this shit is retard

>> No.8853760

Luck is when opportunity meets>>8853714

Sorry if you think "it's all random" because then you'll never have the second half of the equation

>> No.8853776

Natürlich ist Neid und ganz normal. Das Leben is mt eine Bürde und reiche Leute sind die einzigen, die nicht vom Leben gefickt werden. Glaubst du ich sitze mit Suizidgedanken auf der Arbeit und denke oh ich freu mich so, dass du Millionen geerbt hast während ich nur Pech im Leben hatte

>> No.8853783
File: 75 KB, 645x729, IMG_5274.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, you're right, there really is a swiss banker who just so happens to specialize in crypto wealth who is spamming this thread because he just really wants to help OP get back at the people from his past. OP should totally send him his crypto so that he can he help him "manage" his wealth.

>> No.8853819

Serious question, are you from a second or third world country? I'm genuinely curious because I find that people with this mindset are usually born into difficult circumstances and this shapes their view on luck.

>> No.8853820

Für mich sind beerbte Menschen=H4ler
Ich habe knapp 180K € i Crypto und werde erst bei 5Mille aufhören da ich ein einfacher student bin und von 100€ im Monat Kindergeld lebe. Das meiste Geld werden meine Eltern in Form von Mietwohnungen für die Rente bekommen.

Ich wünschte es gäbe Möglichkeiten hier geziehlt Leute zu erreichen um mit diesen zu arbeiten. Ist leider gegen die Regeln und so verliert man leistungsfähige Menschen für Gruppenarbeiten immer aus den Augen.

Trotz 90% Retardnes hier ist es eine gute Quelle

Bring dich nicht um, es kommt der Tag an dem du über ANDERE lachen wirst :3

>> No.8853840

Very first world country. Much richer than America.

>> No.8853844
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Im doing asomething like this in RL. Getting Money from rich peps and working with it in Crypto and got 50% from the winns. Theyre happy and Im too. But this wouldnt work in a Scammer board

>> No.8853897

I care OP.

Swiss private banker here.
People only take notice of the tangible wealth I find. I help entrepreneurs and crypto guys mainly, its who I enjoy speaking with most.
Give me a way to get in touch and we can see what we can do.


>> No.8853948
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>But this wouldnt work in a Scammer board
Precisely my point.

>> No.8853974

I would love to get some peps to write in in Telegram but i got a fucking BAN last time.

Funny ;)

>> No.8854016
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India very good sir, much richer much stronger than America sir.

>> No.8854035

The best possible outcome you faggot

Being poor and people care - worst
Poor / dont care - sucks
Rich / people care - annoying and disturbing your further gains

>> No.8854078

Don't listen to them anon, that's a great plan.
You're making money and fucking over some nerd. Bullies that grow into losers are double losers.

>> No.8854091
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>Success is pure luck.

this is what wagecucks actually believe

>> No.8854101

you are such a pathetic faggot

>> No.8854108

this. Success is a matter of organisation, IQ and the own mind in generall

>> No.8854421

matter of organisation: character trait --> genetic and environmnetal influences
IQ--> genetic and environmental influences
mind in general--> genetic and environmental influences

tell me more about how success is not luck.
I know most of you are just above average intelligence, but if you really try hard you can see the truth.
How many really rich people are there? not too many kek how many people failed trying get rich? billions

>> No.8854449
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>> No.8854490

Don’t listen to these loser faggots that came here from reddit in January. Fucking do it man. What’s the point of having fuck you money if you can’t say fuck you every now and then.

>> No.8854536

Dr. Mengele? Speaking about Genetics and success is overrated.

>> No.8854546

No one knows, retard. Unless you buy an expensive flashy car. Anyone can buy an iPhone or eat at a fancy place ..

>> No.8854573

>something is part random
>therefore it's all random
Looks like some environmental influences have left you a bit behind in the reasoning department
Opportunities are abundant
Just admit that people are lazy/dumb and constantly make excuses for not making it
>if it's such a good idea why didn't someone make it before?
>it's hard, some people have it easier therefore I won't even try
>ok, but X already exists...
>I already work full time for mr Shlomo... don't have time for anything

If you really really want another perspective, read both Rich Dad Poor Dad and The Millionaire Fastlane (I know I know, corny title, whatever, just pirate it), none of them should be taken wholesale but they give you a new perspective, especially if you have 'poor' mentality (which by your posts you surely do).
Unless "it's hard, don't have time, books don't work otherwise everyone would be a millionaire...".

>> No.8854703

I thought my life was sad. God speed on your evil plan, man.

>> No.8854725

You are either
1. Not rich enough compared to the people around and their cost of living
2. An ugly and/or social inept loser
3. A combination of the above

>> No.8854741

This is the most petty shit ever lmao

>> No.8854755

Isn't that the best possible situation? Usually they care way too much and become parasites. Happened to me and I had to filter a few of those cunts out of my life permanently no matter how close we were.

>> No.8854773

You're fucking pathetic

Please an hero

>> No.8854784

>different ID


>> No.8854819

A good anon
I'm a Britbong in Zurich, but love this place, southern Germany is full of great lads and good beers, I was up in Reutlingen the other day.

>> No.8854897


I work out of Zug and Zurich currently but travel a bit. In my job I don't touch it, I just consult on the tax efficient solutions for it, put you in touch with a few key providers here, never touches my hands. My role is advisory, not discretionary.

Linked in is the best way to reach me, I trust you can find me.

>> No.8854917

Norway, Switzerland, Lichtenstein, Luxembourg, Austria, San Marino, Monaco, Andorra?

>> No.8854925

I care OP.

Swiss private banker here.
People only take notice of the tangible wealth I find. I help entrepreneurs and crypto guys mainly, its who I enjoy speaking with most.
Give me a way to get in touch and we can see what we can do.


>> No.8854954

you dont get rich to impress others. you get rich to live the life!

>> No.8854969


>> No.8854981

Lol at succes being pure luck. Of course there’s some luck, but it’s by no means pure luck.

>> No.8854999

>southern Germany
Lol, just some km away from me. Black Forest Anon here.

>> No.8855023

Stop with SOY

>> No.8855066

you have to constantly be flying around the world in a way they can't - and then post every trip up on Instagram. women will love you, as well, for having the time, money, and will to travel the world. that's what millennial women want btw, just be able to fly them around and you can have any1 of them

also, buy a black sportscar and post yourself with it on Instagram as well

>> No.8855100

this would be hilarious, you have to do this.

>> No.8855116

>pure luck
I always hear this excuse from low IQ people whom couldn't see the value in this incoming.

>> No.8855122

Its cracking, couple of steins were had in Tubingen and Reutlingen, the uni students there are a laugh on a sunday

>> No.8855126
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>he lives on a Age Of Empires map

>> No.8855141

Retarded. It shows you care too much, whereas he probably doesnt even remember you. Don't do yourself like this, man. If you want revenge just fuck his wife or something.

>> No.8855170

Ironically this is how all your family and friends will see your success, luck. Literally every single person from my past I mention my wealth to attributes it to luck. Doesn't matter whether I mention my 6 figure income or 7 figure crypto... it's all because I tripped and fell into it or because God.

>> No.8855176

no anon austria is not that rich

>> No.8855195

>the uni students there are a laugh on a sunday
I study somewhere else but the students are "weak".
Try to get some days to Rothenburg o.d. Tauber (possible not in BW)
Kind of, without a joke

>> No.8855216

ITT two people whom haven't been to Vienna

>> No.8855269

I care OP.

Swiss private banker here.
People only take notice of the tangible wealth I find. I help entrepreneurs and crypto guys mainly, its who I enjoy speaking with most.
Give me a way to get in touch and we can see what we can do.


>> No.8855325

you definitely have never been to Vienna...its incredible. Zurich and Vienna go back and forth for highest quality of life.

>> No.8855336


>> No.8855361

>get rich
>cares about people in the past

>> No.8855401

this is bull shit

i hit 6 digits for the first time last august and literally everyone in my life started to care
hit almost 7 digits on the january run, but held because im a true believer.
if, (when), i hit a million for the first time, i know they are going to care again.

>> No.8855635

I'm from Vienna you retard. It's nice, but much richer than US? In the same ballpark as Switzerland, Luxembourg, Norway? I don't think so.

>> No.8855649
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back to /pol you country nazi

>> No.8855653

Based. Fuck everyone in your past, OP. What did they ever do for you?