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8850273 No.8850273 [Reply] [Original]

Mfw I’m half Indian and half white but larp as a white supremacist on 4chan even though those are actually my true feelings

>> No.8850676

I think Shiva is basically a white supremacist. Maybe he is an old fag.

>> No.8850705

I'm half Mexican and white but I don't look white. The inferiority complex is real bros

>> No.8850744

/pol/ is unironically the most culturally and ethnically diverse worldwide white supremacist group.

>Inb4 this is /biz/.
Everything in 4chin is tainted/spawned from /pol/

>> No.8850752
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Half pajeet is basically full pajeet


>> No.8850770


>half Indian and half white

No you're full Indian, perhaps a higher caste but still just another useless shitskin

>> No.8850798

>Thinking a literal containment board spawned 4chan

>> No.8850826

>No you're full Indian
>can't into chromosomes

>> No.8850875

>thinking /pol/ can be even vaguely considered contained
Nah those faggots are everywhere if you look.

>> No.8850887

It's ok, those subhumans that pledge allegiance to the White race will be spared in the cleansing.

>> No.8850892

So you use designated shitting streets, and then call yourself a disgusting poo-in-the-loo pajeet before sieg heiling?

>> No.8850901


same here

im mexican/russian/german and i larp like a faggot for the smarter guys

>> No.8850915

I can't even imagine what type of beta would be self-hating enough to do this. I understand you though OP, I hate Indians too. They're smelly, ugly, gross, have shitty accents, are ugly.

>> No.8850916

You're whiter than most of the USA lol

>> No.8850943

Thank you sir. That means a lot to me.

>> No.8851533


>> No.8851567

This. Might even be worse cause neither group wants a shit stained mulatto

>> No.8851571

Aryan or Dravidian?

>> No.8851598

How would I know?

>> No.8851617

old b is pol, faggot. You would know that if you were here longer than 10 years.

>> No.8851659

>Being a reddit refugee
Sucks being a faggot, doesn't it?

>> No.8851663

Probably Dravidian then.

>> No.8851681

How would an aryan one know?

>> No.8851690
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how new r u

>> No.8851704

Dravidians are dark brown or black, Aryans are pale, ruddy, tan.

>> No.8851711
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even worse,
>TFW when muslim arab and larp as muslim hating supremaccist
> tfw muslim and have fun on 4chins
> tfw when muslim and never reveal my powerlvl to supremacists because i feel they are bros

>> No.8851800

You’re not white faggot, you’re a poo nigger

>> No.8851829

Yeh I know, I’m only half white

>> No.8851870

But apparently 72% of Indians are Aryan but less than that number have paler skin

>> No.8851880
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>doesn't know how to use tfw
you are simple goat herder

>> No.8851892

you know that tfw mean that feel when right? not my face when

>> No.8852032

>moha Id
Mohammed, he is referring to when you said tfw when

>> No.8852237

it's true though, the original ruling elite in india were aryans, hence the rise of hinduism and a way of looking at the world that puts the metaphysical in focus instead of the immediate and the material. OP is now a bit closer to the elite and definitely higher caste than his indian parent, albeit still a dirty poo

>> No.8852442


You should kill half yourself.

>> No.8852471

This is nothing out of the ordinary. I have met many people in real life, who are half-breed, but act like they are full white. Some of them were skin heads (a group who worships Hitler and white supremacy).
I think it's some kind of inferiority complex. People reject their pajeet half and glorify their white half.

>> No.8852511

Half north Spaniard half south american shitskin and full time white supremacist reporting in faggot waddup

>> No.8852519
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>old b is pol

>> No.8852524

You don't really see 6'3" blonde haired, blue eyed Brad Pitt look alikes associate with /pol/tards. I wonder why that is.

>> No.8852595
File: 24 KB, 317x432, business pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurr kekistanis and their leader sargon of cuckkad are /pol/
how new r u

>> No.8852620


Ah yes I forgot that the denizens of /b/ were all extremely attractive, well groomed, high test men.

>> No.8852648

Even your ID is chocko. You truly are cursed.