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8848071 No.8848071 [Reply] [Original]

If everyone on Earth decided at the same time to "stop being lazy, work hard, go to college, invest in stock portfolios, and fulfill their potential". Who would clean our toilets?

>> No.8848093

Robots ideally.

>> No.8848149

Robots ideally.

>> No.8848150

The Mexicans

>> No.8848158

You made this thread yesterday

>> No.8848160

Mexicans and poor people

>> No.8848169

You after you lose everything margin trading

>> No.8848174

Because it's literally a shit job the supply of workers would be low, and the demand for the job would be high, thus making it a higher paying job.

>> No.8848184

this, there's people whose full potentiall is cleaning toilets

>> No.8848220


> the rich would drown in their own crap

>> No.8848229


What if every Mexican decided to "stop being lazy and go to college". Who would clean our toilets then?

>> No.8848231

They'll just move to robot shells and never shit again

>> No.8848237

not gonna happen be they're not whites

>> No.8848650

Ideally? Robots.

>> No.8848770

The same people with degrees that make my coffee

>> No.8848793

>Who would clean our toilets?
Self cleaning toilets. So... robots.

>> No.8848804


If there's no jobs in the future how are people supposed to get income?

>> No.8848805

Liberal arts majors, aka baristas.

>> No.8849167

>Implying the liberal arts majors aren't the kids of the rich

>> No.8849190

We'll either kill a bunch of poor people or have UBI, probably UBI because most people are squeamish, though we could get around that by just ignoring it on the news.

>> No.8849271
File: 386 KB, 828x667, 1521085046006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why am I even responding to this shitty thread. If everyone were equally motivated, it would come down to who is more capable, which would be based on upbringing and innate ability. But right now, there really are a bunch if lazy fucks out there, including myself

>> No.8849337


But according to the faggots everyone is equally capable of doing everything. The only thing holding some of us back is a lack of "motivation".

>> No.8849349


If technology and society get far enough to support everyone for free, why shouldn't it?

>> No.8849417

There will always be hard working people with low IQ.
If you are gifted with intelligence. Work hard and don't buy into ponzi coins

>> No.8849462


According to the faggots there's no such thing as IQ and every single man has the same exact potential to be attractive to women and make money.

>> No.8849473

College-educated Mexicans

>> No.8849766

The job will be payed so well because no one would want to do it, so many people would wanna do it.

>> No.8849825

Behaviour is 100% genetic.
If everyone would decide to do that, it would imply a worldwide genocide of subhumans and multigenerational artificial selection for good people.

It would not be an utopia born out of empty words, but careful and merciless application of artificial selection resulting in a new baseline for civilisation.
Japan-tier statistics would be seen as the worst possible country, with the top dog being multiplanetary powers.

Of course, this is not possible without an individual drinking from the Well of Eternity.
The Great Filter is still in front of us, and the probability that we will successfully slaughter the subhumans and ward off for a significant time subhumanisation is dubious at best.

>> No.8849856


But then wealth would concentrate in their hands and we'd be powerless at the feet of the loo cleaner cartel.

>> No.8849946

>Who would clean our toilets?

Robots, next fucking question.

>> No.8849983

No one is equal
No one truly fufills their potention
The man with the slight edge, a slightly better discipline, one rank higher than the next doctor will have that well educated doctor scrubbing his toilets.

>> No.8850176


>> No.8850183

I vote for you, and I have terrible aim.

>> No.8850431

can you imagine how many solutions would be found for problems like this if most people were productive instead of fat walmart shoppers

>> No.8851465


What the fuck is so hard about cleaning toilet yourself? I will never understand people that leave enormous shitstain.

>> No.8851534

I always laugh when politicians push for more jobs in America. JOBS? FOR LAZY ASS AMERICANS LOL??

>> No.8851805

Jobs are being lost when companies are being shut down left and right. They're closing down Wal-Marts and Toys R'Us went out of business. What benefits come from Amazon and RedBox also hurt other companies. The construction work is needed and roads need new pavement, but that never happens. Society is being taught how to be lazy, so we're lazy. Technology is taking over and is overpriced because of the materials needed to make it. It's blood money. The stock market will fall for being propped up for so long with artificial inflation.